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Highschool musical star implodes


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ROFL wtf is that ^^^^^^






Well, this is a dream come true for thousands of boys in america. The day were they get to see all of their dream girl. :anxious:




And in that picture she does not look good at all. Its just like ew.... She looks better with her clothes and makeup on! Cant believe i just said that tbh lol. And if you quoted me to soo what i said, then you prolly thought i was saying how hot she looked. Shame on you :P

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Her posing nude will, without a doubt, make at least a few high school girls more welcoming to the idea of doing the same thing.




Hooray for Vannesa then \'




Hahahahaha :XD: I laughed for like 10mins from this :lol:

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Theres probably still some YTMND's and some on 4chan still.




You can still find the links of Digg. I can't believe you couldn't find them on Google. I would try searching on Google but I don't want the party van showing up in case they are actually underaged pics.



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How can anyone not think shes looking fine there?




Just because she isn't clean shaven, she's kept it trimmed. Its a good picture. :P




And i found them on the first page of google :roll:

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Haha. The newb got fired. That what she gets for posting those pictures.








You guys said that there were pictures everywhere. I didn't see a single picture in 20 pages of google.


Apparently Disney went on a rampage and forced everyone to take down the pictures before they got even more bad publicity then they already have.




They are still up, trust me :-w




On google? #-o




Probably not, google probably got a take down notice.




There will always be a copy of the photos somewhere, like of every other celebrity that has a nude picture.




Well I still cant find the image on dogpile and google, but I'm fairly certain that some blogs would still have the picture, since blogs are hard to navigate through google and hard to shut up.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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Does it nessicarily matter how to find them? If you found them, great. If you didn't and your still trying, just go buy a porno DVD because it isn't worth it. :?



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Lol. I'm gone for a day and there's like 10 new threads. . .




I'm thinking that predicting how many Disney stars will do this will become the new predicting how many NOW CD's there will be. . . Eventually no one will care any more :-w


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Shes beautiful. I don't understand what the big problem is.






I also don't understand how this could be "BREAKING NEWS" on TV. Jesus, how about the millions of people that are dying around the world. I guess that isn't a big deal.






She's 18, shes a big girl now, she can do what she pleases.






Although, I guess it can be an argument that she was a role-model; which she still can be. I hope that everyone just let's this blow over.

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Ha, Revegna's right...just buy a Playboy for god's sake... -.-




Buy porn? Why do that when you can get it free off the Internet?




And risk seeing old people on /s/? #-o

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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The reality has ruined the fantasy. :(



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I think the media is taking this way too seriously mainly because she was a DISNEY born star if you know what I mean. You could easily find nude picture sof Hillary Duff and other teen singer-actor counterparts if you try. I've seen the picture, and it's not that great. She really needs to shave.

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Wish it was Ashley Tisdale instead.


Indeed. But she'll probably jump on the newly-formed bandwagon....


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Is amazing the things we can learn from these forums!




If I am her lawyer, I would say that it was the weather among with the global warming... And that she got a serious spyware problem on her laptop.




Anyways, isn't great how we can rate the really moral and ethic level of an average Tip.it (and runescape) user :lol: .




For the end, I would add that I have never seen a movie or heard a complete song of this extrange show, and, that you must change the title to "A new Paris Hilton is born thanks to disney" because I wanted to see pictures of a explosion or a car crash or something.



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