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Travis Barker - Awsome Drummer


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The other day while i was browsing You-Tube, i came across a travis barker remix of Soulja Boy's song "Crank Dat"




Now originally, Crank dat was an ok song the first few times but after hearing it about a million times it's not that good.




This video is sick and he makes the song intense, heres a link:










So tell me what you think of this remix.

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I'll give him props on making the song more interesting but is he playing the drums over the song or did they remove some parts of the beat or somethin cause sometimes you hear the original beat and sometimes you don't....saw this awhile ago and it's been eating at me whether or not he just played over the song or not lol




I hate soulja boy tho but the beat he made is so addictive to listen to lol

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He's definitely one sick drummer...imo, 2nd only to the legendary Bill Stevenson (Black Flag, Descendents, Only Crime)




Dude...as much as I love Black Flag, and The Descendents, he's nothing special.




And Travis is horrendous for the credit he gets. He's just an average drummer, at best.




Saying he's good, is like saying Phil Rudd could pwn Steve Gadd or Vinnie C.




threadstarter, i saw nothing amazing in that video, except how bad Barker's technique is. Do you see how far up his arms go? Those poor, poor cymbals.


Siggy By...me! ^^

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If that's average, I'd love to see you do better.




Anyway, I think he's great at what he does. That song isn't too bad either.




average for a drummer, NOT a person!




EDIT: after watching the video:




Not really that amazing.


Not all that impressive.




Maybe hes a better drummer than he comes across, but hes not really all that great by the looks of it




There isnt anything special about this video.. any drummer could really do that



1980 Berlinetta with a 350, bored, mild cam, intake carb, headers, exhaust

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He's really not as amazing as everyone makes out, all he's playing in that vid is 4/4 beats, pretty much anyone whos been drumming for a month or two can do that. He's just another overrated celeb...try checking out Mike Portnoy if you want to see an awesome drummer.

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What's up with the "my favorite drummer 0wnz your favorite drummer" mentality on this thread.




It sounds nice and I doubt that there is one of you all saying "I could do that" could actually do it. But I kind of heard it after 30 seconds.


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If that's average, I'd love to see you do better.




Anyway, I think he's great at what he does. That song isn't too bad either.






As it's been mentioned, his nothing spectacular, and I am sure I could.




I will--however--give him credit for showmanship. His technique(or lack of it) is what makes him bearable to watch. He can put up a good show. I'm still sticking to what i said, though.




He's an alright drummer, when it comes to his marching background, but that's it.




Here, let me(sorry if this isn't kosher with you, threadstarter, but you should check it out too) show you a drummer, who, while being an *AMAZING* showman, can play things that astound me.




Here's a vid of one of my fav. drummer's, right up there with Stanton Moore(Bosphorus Cymbals > all..ever) and Vinnie C; Jojo mayer.







I recommend you look into the drummer's I mentioned in this post, or, heck, look around the net, Drummerworld.com has a sick lineup, with tons of vids.


Siggy By...me! ^^

If you've got any tips on sig making, photoshop in general, or a recommendation on a good DSLR to get me started, pm me =]

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to the horrorcore version....I was sorta disturbed by it in a way but also kind of expected a lil bit more screaming to make it cooler like WOOOOOAH CRANK THAT SOULJA BOY, maybe a bit professionism also but meh, whatever. The discussion was opened about the remix of the song and not how one drummer is better then the other although judging by HOW he opened the discussion I can see how you all thought it would be fine and dandy to take it upon yourself to try to jack the thread. Jacking a thread can get a thread locked....so chill on the bullshaista

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to the horrorcore version....I was sorta disturbed by it in a way but also kind of expected a lil bit more screaming to make it cooler like WOOOOOAH CRANK THAT SOULJA BOY, maybe a bit professionism also but meh, whatever. The discussion was opened about the remix of the song and not how one drummer is better then the other although judging by HOW he opened the discussion I can see how you all thought it would be fine and dandy to take it upon yourself to try to jack the thread. Jacking a thread can get a thread locked....so chill on the [cabbage]









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