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the Veterans Disarmament Act and the G.A.P. Act


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I like all the 'tards saying we don't need guns and that they should be banned.




Just wait. We will need them someday, and you'd be slapping your forehead. The world isn't safe and harmonious just because you're safe on a daily basis.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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I like all the 'tards saying we don't need guns and that they should be banned.




Just wait. We will need them someday, and you'd be slapping your forehead. The world isn't safe and harmonious just because you're safe on a daily basis.

why would a civilian need a gun?

A friend to all is a friend to none.

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I like all the 'tards saying we don't need guns and that they should be banned.




Just wait. We will need them someday, and you'd be slapping your forehead. The world isn't safe and harmonious just because you're safe on a daily basis.




That's what a military is for. If the safety of a country rests in the hands of gun toting civilians, then we're all screwed.

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I like all the 'tards saying we don't need guns and that they should be banned.




Just wait. We will need them someday, and you'd be slapping your forehead. The world isn't safe and harmonious just because you're safe on a daily basis.




That's what a military is for. If the safety of a country rests in the hands of gun toting civilians, then we're all screwed.




I think one idea behind the 2nd? ammandment is that the public has the means to defend itself against the state, if it has to. or am i wrong with that?






anyway.. what i wanted to write is this: lol! americans and their guns.






I've hardly ever seen a real gun, save for those police men are carryin around.




Personally i want to have as little tools or devices in my house as possible. That's why i don't have a microwave for example. I don't really know what i'd need a gun for. I could use it to kill somebody, but besides that i can't really find a purpose it could fulfill.






What i don't like about these two laws is that they exclude people from a civil right, based on their records. So some people are denied their "right to bear arms", whilst some redneck sucker with a pea sized brain and lots of anger in his chest still is legally allowed to own an uzi.




oh well..

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I like all the 'tards saying we don't need guns and that they should be banned.




Just wait. We will need them someday, and you'd be slapping your forehead. The world isn't safe and harmonious just because you're safe on a daily basis.




That's what a military is for. If the safety of a country rests in the hands of gun toting civilians, then we're all screwed.




I think one idea behind the 2nd? ammandment is that the public has the means to defend itself against the state, if it has to. or am i wrong with that?






anyway.. what i wanted to write is this: lol! americans and their guns.






I've hardly ever seen a real gun, save for those police men are carryin around.




Personally i want to have as little tools or devices in my house as possible. That's why i don't have a microwave for example. I don't really know what i'd need a gun for. I could use it to kill somebody, but besides that i can't really find a purpose it could fulfill.






What i don't like about these two laws is that they exclude people from a civil right, based on their records. So some people are denied their "right to bear arms", whilst some redneck sucker with a pea sized brain and lots of anger in his chest still is legally allowed to own an uzi.




oh well..




how the hell do you live without a microwave?




anyways the right to bear arms was written in to defend against the british since there was no unified army at the time




"Amendment II




A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."




And no, there will be no time where we will have to defend ourselves against the government.

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The point of the second amendment is so that we can protect ourselves period. From anything we find as a threat. That includes our own government and others.




Our second amendment rights are the only thing that make America safe from invasion. Anyone invading our country on foot would instantly be wiped out. If they defeated our military, they would have to deal with the civilians...And some civilians are just as well armed. I personally don't use guns, but even I have a couple. A shotgun and a .22 pistol. My friend is a gun fan and he has military issue Barrett weapons. The .50 cal sniper rifle and the M4 machine gun, for example. He's better armed than some of our soldiers, lol.




Anyone who calls for the banning of any right in the constitution, in my mind, is stupid first and a enemy second. Stupid, because they don't know why it's important, and if they DO know why it's important, then they're obviously an enemy to the constiution.




Our own President has said that there should be limits on our first amendment rights, and I personally consider him an enemy to our freedom, not a freedom fighter as he'd like to be seen as.




If you think that our fore-fathers had the present in mind when they were writing the documents, you're VERY wrong. The were thinking about the future as well. Do some research and you'll see that if they were all still alive, America would be the greatest country in the world and we wouldn't have all these problems. Politicians today are running the country into the ground, and our fore-fathers are screaming and crying in their graves, because they actually fought for our freedom, whereas the politicians today are being given everything and taking it away from the rest of us.




If it keeps going, we'll have to fight again. And the government *never* wins against the people. Laws are mere pencil on paper that mean nothing when everyone in your country is pissed off.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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And no, there will be no time where we will have to defend ourselves against the government.




How can you be so sure? Currently, our government is doing exactly the opposite of what the majority desires it to do for a LOT of different things. In some things, they're not even consulting us and doing it behind our backs.




We can hope it won't happen, but it's likely that some day we will have to fight again.




You can call me paranoid, but I'll just call you oblivious.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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The point of the second amendment is so that we can protect ourselves period. From anything we find as a threat. That includes our own government and others.




Anyone who calls for the banning of any right in the constitution, in my mind, is stupid first and a enemy second. Stupid, because they don't know why it's important, and if they DO know why it's important, then they're obviously an enemy to the constiution.




If it keeps going, we'll have to fight again. And the government *never* wins against the people.




The Gang Abatement Act would take guns away from those whose "threats" are the rival gangs.




Constitutional rights are important, but the Constitution and its Amendments were made to create "Domestic tranquility" and protect our rights to life and liberty. If someone has proven themselves to attack the rights of others, then the individual attacking the rights of the public should lose one of his (right to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment as dictated by the Gang Abatement Act) to protect the rights of everyone else.

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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The thought of revolution in the USA makes me laugh. Significant revolutions come about when people have very little to lose. Look at the French revolution, russian revolution, chinese revolution ect. The fact is when places get to be like the USA, reform from above always will prevent revolution from below. The citizens of the the United States have to much to lose, to think they're all going to take up arms when the system screws around a bit with their liberties is a nice romantic view but not very realistic.


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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America has one of the largest (if not THE largest) military budgets in the world.




I think we're safe :roll:




In the meantime over 11,000 people are shot every year in this country.




Guns ftw.

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America has one of the largest (if not THE largest) military budgets in the world.




I think we're safe :roll:




In the meantime over 11,000 people are shot every year in this country.




Guns ftw.




And yet we cannot control mud-hut dwelling insurgents in Iraq, we can't fund our troops properly, etc...




Clearly your budget has little to do with your success.




I'm not saying America will ever be attacked...I'm fairly sure it will not be, but until then, we'd like to keep our guns just in case. There are many safe-guards to keep people from having guns, and *gasp* they work.




Also, how many of the 11,000 are due to people getting guns when they weren't supposed to have them? Probably most. And do you know what? That'd happen ever if guns were illegal.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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America has one of the largest (if not THE largest) military budgets in the world.




I think we're safe :roll:




In the meantime over 11,000 people are shot every year in this country.




Guns ftw.




And yet we cannot control mud-hut dwelling insurgents in Iraq, we can't fund our troops properly, etc...




Clearly your budget has little to do with your success.




I'm not saying America will ever be attacked...I'm fairly sure it will not be, but until then, we'd like to keep our guns just in case. There are many safe-guards to keep people from having guns, and *gasp* they work.




Also, how many of the 11,000 are due to people getting guns when they weren't supposed to have them? Probably most. And do you know what? That'd happen ever if guns were illegal.




By 2002/03, Australia's rate of 0.27 firearm-related homicides per 100,000 population had dropped to one-fifteenth that of the United States.




Country with no firearms, compared to country with firearms. I'm aware that this is a selective statistic, but it's a telling one nonetheless. Also, I find your argument of a few posts ago ... barely worth mentioning. You mention the forefather's, and somehow you - and not everyone else - were given an all-encompassing ability to know the ins and outs of their minds. Also, you ascribed to them almost omniscient qualities. I have trouble taking you seriously.




Your comment on how the government never wins against the people.




All I can say is: The government ARE the people.

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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We don't need guns in our houses it's not the flipping colonial times anymore. That "right to bear arms" was written when you actually needed a gun for protection or for food. All guns should be banned and destroyed.








Call me crazy, but I don't think that most of the people who own guns will ever need to use them in 'self defence', and if they do, it will be a situation that a person without guns could have resolved also.




Guns = bad.




Hippies = gud? \'

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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how the hell do you live without a microwave?




Pretty good actually. I live without TV to. There was a time when i didn't have warm water and although a hot shower is something nice, i feel it made me soft. There's nothing like washing yourself with cold water outdoors at 5ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâðC. Afterwards you feel.. well good. It's just that i wouldn't take a cold shower, when a hot shower is available =/ Ah well.. luxury.. it's diabolic.

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The point of the second amendment is so that we can protect ourselves period. From anything we find as a threat. That includes our own government and others.




Our second amendment rights are the only thing that make America safe from invasion. Anyone invading our country on foot would instantly be wiped out. If they defeated our military, they would have to deal with the civilians...And some civilians are just as well armed. I personally don't use guns, but even I have a couple. A shotgun and a .22 pistol. My friend is a gun fan and he has military issue Barrett weapons. The .50 cal sniper rifle and the M4 machine gun, for example. He's better armed than some of our soldiers, lol.




Anyone who calls for the banning of any right in the constitution, in my mind, is stupid first and a enemy second. Stupid, because they don't know why it's important, and if they DO know why it's important, then they're obviously an enemy to the constiution.




Our own President has said that there should be limits on our first amendment rights, and I personally consider him an enemy to our freedom, not a freedom fighter as he'd like to be seen as.




If you think that our fore-fathers had the present in mind when they were writing the documents, you're VERY wrong. The were thinking about the future as well. Do some research and you'll see that if they were all still alive, America would be the greatest country in the world and we wouldn't have all these problems. Politicians today are running the country into the ground, and our fore-fathers are screaming and crying in their graves, because they actually fought for our freedom, whereas the politicians today are being given everything and taking it away from the rest of us.




If it keeps going, we'll have to fight again. And the government *never* wins against the people. Laws are mere pencil on paper that mean nothing when everyone in your country is pissed off.




Wow, you really are as arrogant as ever.




Have you ever really thought about the ever side of the argument? Or do you like your lethal weapons too much? What on earth would you ever have to defend yourself from? Stop living in your action film world where you'll be invaded by China tomorrow and need to take to the streets in your Hummer's with your military issue weapons. The world doesn't work like that, America least of all. Your government has way too many failsafes for you to ever have to defend yourselves from some kind of tyrannical President, there's no way that could happen. This isn't the frontier days anymore.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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"The point of the second amendment is so that we can protect ourselves period. From anything we find as a threat. That includes our own government and others."






I agree...




Again I say, What if that threat is someone threating to not buy my car by just giving me the money. The 2nd Amendment obviously gives me the right to "bear arms" to relieve my threat of his money and protect my "get a car" fund.

Cowards can't block Warriors.
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because the war on terror is now seen to be a preplaned invasion and not a moral war less americans are enlisting so the goverment are scraping the barrel. and taking anyone thats fit to fight .the goverment are signing up gang bangers that one day will return to the streets. in advance the goverment want to disarm these people before they return .


american police forces are now being trained by blackwater.so.


in future you will have blackwater people in high places within the police forse.


police brutalty is on the rise divisions between blacks and whites are being made and justice is not beiong seen to be served correctly


halburton are building holding camps within america for who .




the american people scare the goverment more than any other world power. and one day the people will wake up


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The point of the second amendment is so that we can protect ourselves period. From anything we find as a threat. That includes our own government and others.




Our second amendment rights are the only thing that make America safe from invasion. Anyone invading our country on foot would instantly be wiped out. If they defeated our military, they would have to deal with the civilians...And some civilians are just as well armed. I personally don't use guns, but even I have a couple. A shotgun and a .22 pistol. My friend is a gun fan and he has military issue Barrett weapons. The .50 cal sniper rifle and the M4 machine gun, for example. He's better armed than some of our soldiers, lol.




Anyone who calls for the banning of any right in the constitution, in my mind, is stupid first and a enemy second. Stupid, because they don't know why it's important, and if they DO know why it's important, then they're obviously an enemy to the constiution.




Our own President has said that there should be limits on our first amendment rights, and I personally consider him an enemy to our freedom, not a freedom fighter as he'd like to be seen as.




If you think that our fore-fathers had the present in mind when they were writing the documents, you're VERY wrong. The were thinking about the future as well. Do some research and you'll see that if they were all still alive, America would be the greatest country in the world and we wouldn't have all these problems. Politicians today are running the country into the ground, and our fore-fathers are screaming and crying in their graves, because they actually fought for our freedom, whereas the politicians today are being given everything and taking it away from the rest of us.




If it keeps going, we'll have to fight again. And the government *never* wins against the people. Laws are mere pencil on paper that mean nothing when everyone in your country is pissed off.




Wow, you really are as arrogant as ever.




Have you ever really thought about the ever side of the argument? Or do you like your lethal weapons too much? What on earth would you ever have to defend yourself from? Stop living in your action film world where you'll be invaded by China tomorrow and need to take to the streets in your Hummer's with your military issue weapons. The world doesn't work like that, America least of all. Your government has way too many failsafes for you to ever have to defend yourselves from some kind of tyrannical President, there's no way that could happen. This isn't the frontier days anymore.




You know...It's cute how whenever you defend gun ownership, you're automatically a gun-toting redneck imbecile who has an arsenal comparable to the U.S. government.




...I have two guns. I have never fired either of them, nor any other gun. Ever. I don't care about them. At all. I'm not some pro-gun activist.




But you people are talking about taking all guns away and trashing them. Know who that leaves with guns, then? OTHER COUNTRIES THAT DISLIKE US, and CRIMINALS.




Good idea, guys. Perfect plan. Take away the guns to stop crime, only fail to realize that owning a gun would then be a crime...And criminals...Don't care about committing crimes...




Well, you guy got me beat.

"If I did break into a hotel room to steal my trophies, this is how it happened."
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You know, I probably wouldn't be against gun ownership if it came with some sort of general safety exam you'd have to take before you'd be able to buy one. Just a brief written exam at a local gun club on how to store your weapon away from your children, how to clean/maintain it, when it can be legally used... it'd probably go quite a long way in preventing deaths from accidents or irresponsible use.

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But you people are talking about taking all guns away and trashing them. Know who that leaves with guns, then? OTHER COUNTRIES THAT DISLIKE US, and CRIMINALS.
Yes, because the police - trained professionals - and your own military - trained professionals - would obviously not have guns.
Good idea, guys. Perfect plan. Take away the guns to stop crime, only fail to realize that owning a gun would then be a crime...And criminals...Don't care about committing crimes...
Would a petty thief looking to steal a handbag bother with getting a gun? The easier it is to get one, the more crimes they'll be used in.






And I'm sort of curious as to where people get the idea that being armed is which makes a soldier a soldier, and a group of soldiers an army rather than mob with weapons? Unorganized and untrained civilians can be armed to the teeth, this doesn't mean they couldn't be defeated by a organized, trained soldiers. Oh sure, you can pick off the occasional soldier, blow up the occasional convoy, but actually defeat a modern war machine? How?

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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