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Vote colbert!


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Powman3, it would help if you knew what you were talking about for a change, rather than just posting for the sake of kissing my heiny.


Whoa there! This really makes you come off as a conceited [wagon].




Just sayin.


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Powman3, it would help if you knew what you were talking about for a change, rather than just posting for the sake of kissing my heiny.


Whoa there! This really makes you come off as a conceited [wagon].




Just sayin.




I know mate, hence my hesitation in saying so, but to be honest, I'm sick of it after a number of cases.

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Powman3, it would help if you knew what you were talking about for a change, rather than just posting for the sake of kissing my heiny.


Whoa there! This really makes you come off as a conceited [wagon].




Just sayin.




I know mate, hence my hesitation in saying so, but to be honest, I'm sick of it after a number of cases.




Yeah, nothing against you or anything, but you surely you know people tend to make comments like that, not as a sign of devotion - let alone a desire to orally moisten a man's backside - but merely for the fun of it? I dunno. I just don't often see people react in such a paranoid manner to those kind of things, that's all. In fact, there usually ensues quite a bit of chuckling from all parts involved. Perhaps even a rough, yet friendly, pat on the back.


Maybe I just missed something.


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The claim that no man would want orally moisten my backside, having been exposed to it on so many occassions, is frankly offending.




Good day sir.




In order to further continue this debate (and a thrilling one at that), it would require an expert's opinion; someone suitable for this sort of subject -- namely backsides of the male sort. Where's Viktor when you so promptly need him?


Oh wait.




Good day indeed.


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I believe if Stephen Colbert (Steven? Stephen I think) ran for President he'd actually probably make it.




And that would be the beginning of the end for the American people.




They'd vote for him 'cause they'd think it was funny, then realize too late


that they'd elected a television joke-news anchor as their Commander in Chief.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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I believe if Stephen Colbert (Steven? Stephen I think) ran for President he'd actually probably make it.




And that would be the beginning of the end for the American people.




They'd vote for him 'cause they'd think it was funny, then realize too late


that they'd elected a television joke-news anchor as their Commander in Chief.




Is that really much worse than a politician?

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The claim that no man would want orally moisten my backside, having been exposed to it on so many occassions, is frankly offending.




Good day sir.




In order to further continue this debate (and a thrilling one at that), it would require an expert's opinion; someone suitable for this sort of subject -- namely backsides of the male sort. Where's Viktor when you so promptly need him?


Oh wait.




Good day indeed.




Hahahaha. You win threads ^_^

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Furhter proof of the declien of the American people, that they would vote for a comedian because he is funny instead of voting for a real politician... :wall:


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Furhter proof of the declien of the American people, that they would vote for a comedian because he is funny instead of voting for a real politician... :wall:


Well, Bush is equally as funny, just in a different, wrong, catastrophic way.

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Furhter proof of the declien of the American people, that they would vote for a comedian because he is funny instead of voting for a real politician... :wall:


That's absurd. I'm sure you already know that the entire thing is a joke on Colbert's part, and there is no way he could be president even people would vote for him; one state winning does not make, assuming he was allowed to run in the first place.




I'd do hate it when people use take obscure details as final proof of America's "demise". It's ironic in a way, seeing that America has remained stable for centuries whereas pretty much every other country has a new government every ten days.




Anyway, no. Like kashi said, things might get awry if people actually do vote for him. He would be another Ralph Nader.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071102/ap_ ... kmK7JxFb8C




I found it pretty interesting how the Democrats charge $2.500, yet the Republicans charge 14 times as much. Really shows where their loyalties lie.

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Furhter proof of the declien of the American people, that they would vote for a comedian because he is funny instead of voting for a real politician... :wall:


That's absurd. I'm sure you already know that the entire thing is a joke on Colbert's part, and there is no way he could be president even people would vote for him; one state winning does not make, assuming he was allowed to run in the first place.




I'd do hate it when people use take obscure details as final proof of America's "demise". It's ironic in a way, seeing that America has remained stable for centuries whereas pretty much every other country has a new government every ten days.




Anyway, no. Like kashi said, things might get awry if people actually do vote for him. He would be another Ralph Nader.


Actually, this is the first I've heard of it. Nobody else mentioned it being a joke, and with me having no prior knowledge, it didn't seem to unrealistic, especially with what Schwarzenegger did....


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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You'd have to be really daft if you're really serious about voting for him...




Didn't he get denied anyway when he tried to run in his home state or something?




I always find it weird when the general population will make such allegations as well.. People will laugh at Colbert running for president once, laugh at it twice, then they get serious and start mocking those who would seriously vote for him.




I'm not saying I'd vote for him.. I'm just saying: What's wrong with voting for Colbert as President? He could fare good in debates, he has intelligence...




What experience does being a "politician" give you for running a country? To go to a war with an oil-rich middle eastern nation, it takes a bunch of military and political advisors+lobbying from profiting parties in the conflict, not the man himself saying "Yes" or "No".




Just because Bush Jr. was the governor of Texas, doesn't mean he's qualified to run the country. His qualification comes from the number of votes, people believing he's fit to lead the country.




Let's be realistic though... To be succesfully elected you currently need to be endorsed by one of the 2 major parties, and have a campaign treasury of $300,000,000+ :lol:




it didn't seem to unrealistic, especially with what Schwarzenegger did....




Exactly... What qualification did Arnold Schwarzenegger have to become the governor of California state, over real politicians?




Well... He screamed and shot people and robots with chain guns. People thought it's funny and give the BS-talking politicians the middle finger by voting for a guy with most likely no idea on how to run a state.




If you get more states like California where people are sick of boring politicians that never keep their promises and can't act up when people really need help (example: New Orleans governor neglected plans to raise dams in the city due to 'financial costs'), it's just a matter of time before USA gets a president like Steven Colbert or Conan O'Brien. :)




Heck... In europe, Lordi won the Eurovision song contest and that's watched by hundreds of millions of people, and tens of millions of people vote... It's a pop contest that was won by a heavy metal band.




Dumb comparison, but to ignore the power of rebellion is foolish. It will happen when the time is ripe for it, and people are sick of the same old trash...

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Furhter proof of the declien of the American people, that they would vote for a comedian because he is funny instead of voting for a real politician... :wall:








Like I said, just like the governor of California.





PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:55 pm Post subject:


Poopingman wrote:


You'd have to be really daft if you're really serious about voting for him...




Didn't he get denied anyway when he tried to run in his home state or something?






I always find it weird when the general population will make such allegations as well.. People will laugh at Colbert running for president once, laugh at it twice, then they get serious and start mocking those who would seriously vote for him.




I'm not saying I'd vote for him.. I'm just saying: What's wrong with voting for Colbert as President? He could fare good in debates, he has intelligence...




What experience does being a "politician" give you for running a country? To go to a war with an oil-rich middle eastern nation, it takes a bunch of military and political advisors+lobbying from profiting parties in the conflict, not the man himself saying "Yes" or "No".




Just because Bush Jr. was the governor of Texas, doesn't mean he's qualified to run the country. His qualification comes from the number of votes, people believing he's fit to lead the country.




Let's be realistic though... To be succesfully elected you currently need to be endorsed by one of the 2 major parties, and have a campaign treasury of $300,000,000+ Laughing




Lenin64 wrote:


it didn't seem to unrealistic, especially with what Schwarzenegger did....






Exactly... What qualification did Arnold Schwarzenegger have to become the governor of California state, over real politicians?




Well... He screamed and shot people and robots with chain guns. People thought it's funny and give the BS-talking politicians the middle finger by voting for a guy with most likely no idea on how to run a state.




If you get more states like California where people are sick of boring politicians that never keep their promises and can't act up when people really need help (example: New Orleans governor neglected plans to raise dams in the city due to 'financial costs'), it's just a matter of time before USA gets a president like Steven Colbert or Conan O'Brien.




Well said, my friend. -.-


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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