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so yea i won my dds dm with targ, was poioned on 6 hp so decided to bank...




when i ran back the loot was gone, i was only gone a max of 20-30 secs.. WTF D:




I had something similar happen. I got a toothie half maging rex at DKS. I left it on the ground while I potted to get an invy space. After I dropped the vial, it was gone.




There used to be a bug that happened sometimes with different piles on a single spot. Say if there was a vial lying on the ground, and it was set to dissapear in 15 seconds, then more stuff was dropped onto that spot, all of it would dissapear in 15 seconds.





If thats true then #-o #-o #-o :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

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High hit durin a tds trip... hit a whole bunch more, couple 46,40's but I'm on a laptop so it's a real pain to hold 2 keys on the opposite side of keyboard at once to take a screenie so this is the only one I got

It's been a hell of a ride.





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This was a good week. :P


[hide=An awesome level]attack99.jpg[/hide]


[hide=A good Treasure Trail reward]goodttreward.jpg[/hide]


[hide=Saw a maxed player die]ollydead.jpg[/hide]


[hide=Time for some cool pets]summoning70.jpg[/hide]




2 left! :ohnoes:










Also a total coincidence. Saradomin, Zamorak and Guthix were smithing. :lol:






Why is it so dark in your first picture?

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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Jimmy's P2P Tour: August 2009




[hide=Fishing Trawler Suicide]p2ptour_006.png












(At this point, we were still being followed by a player who was 100% sure that Lady was Zezima... and was quite persistent in getting her to add him.)[/hide]




[hide=Wilderness Journey & Jimmy]p2ptour_002.png


We eventually found the right teleport :lol:










Poor Jimmy...








I wish I had taken more/better screenies. BUT THIS NIGHT WAS EPIC@@@




Off Topic: ^ Congrats, Crycry! <3: Wish I could have been there!




seems familiar...





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