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Erm...why would you take 120k fires to iron dragons :?




i take all buy one, i never really bank them i take alchs on all tasks, so waste of time taking out specific runes, and fires are cheap as cabbage.

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How is that an requirement? if it is, should'nt it be mentioned in the guide?




It has said that on every melee level up I got. :P




It's a glitch as mentioned above. :P


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88 def, 103 combat and a free bj pl0x?






Congratulations. ::'




[hide=What I did today]69smithoz5.png







Master of Attack ~ August 29th, 2010

Proud to have served the awesome Tip.It Crew <3





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triple win <3:













Sig made by Dragon100177/Hatebringer.

Triplewich's Blog

Solo Drops: Saradomin Hilt: 1xBando Hilt:1x Bando Tasset:2x Bando Plate:1x Godsword Shards:3x Saradomin Sword:5x

Team Drops(CS): 1x Saradomin Hilt: 2x Saradomin Sword

Team Drops(LS): 1x Saradomin Hilt

Metal Dragon Maging/Ranging/Meleeing Guide by Triplewich

11,026th to 99 mage!!!51,536 to 99 Str!!!30,960 to 99 Range!!!47,435 to 99 HP!!!2,048 to 99 COnstruction!!!72,957 to 99 Att!!!

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triple win <3:



















Drops, 3 SS, +Probably 500k in the 19k cash drops <3:


Sig made by Dragon100177/Hatebringer.

Triplewich's Blog

Solo Drops: Saradomin Hilt: 1xBando Hilt:1x Bando Tasset:2x Bando Plate:1x Godsword Shards:3x Saradomin Sword:5x

Team Drops(CS): 1x Saradomin Hilt: 2x Saradomin Sword

Team Drops(LS): 1x Saradomin Hilt

Metal Dragon Maging/Ranging/Meleeing Guide by Triplewich

11,026th to 99 mage!!!51,536 to 99 Str!!!30,960 to 99 Range!!!47,435 to 99 HP!!!2,048 to 99 COnstruction!!!72,957 to 99 Att!!!

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