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Na Bedman, stopped pickin up Golds since like level 75 which was way over a year ago lol.

2376/2376 total achieved - May 2009


Retired Dec 2009

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Wow i'm so on and off of RS i haven't even realized I actually have been muted 8 times LOL


In the past, minor offences didn't automatically lead to a (very short) mute. I have an expired minor offence too (for directing someone to the tip.it website to help him with his clue -.-) and it said I was muted too, but that never happened.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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After the Germans got their [wagon] handed to them in WW2 i doubt they will be doing PK'ing for a long time to come ROFL :lol:


Thanks for implying that all Germans believed in WWII, you should be given a medal. One would think that someone who lives in a country who has an absolute monarchy would know that the beliefs of the people and the government aren't the same thing.



After the Germans got their [wagon] handed to them in WW2 i doubt they will be doing PK'ing for a long time to come ROFL :lol:




At least make a good joke... And don't laugh too hard at your own jokes, makes it even more sad.




Wow, so now i know what its like when two girls get their nickers in a bunch.... Calm down ladies. #-o





So clearly some one has never studied history....but Germany defeated them selves we just came in and cleaned up the left overs...




In WW1 Germany was defeated because of the British blockade of food to the German people that caused them to starve and in the end the surrender of the Germans. In WW2 the Soviet march from Stalingrad to Berlin really defeated the German's however it was the Western Alliance second front that allowed the succesful march on the eastern front. You could argue that Germany defeated itself in WW2 by breaking the non-aggression pact with the USSR but thats not really a common argument is it? But it was really the Soviets who defeated the German's the American's who defeated the German's and the Brit's who held on long enough to allow Germany not too get too powerful and supplied the intelligence that toppled the German Navy, The Luftwaffe and the Japanese Air Force.

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After the Germans got their [wagon] handed to them in WW2 i doubt they will be doing PK'ing for a long time to come ROFL :lol:


Thanks for implying that all Germans believed in WWII, you should be given a medal. One would think that someone who lives in a country who has an absolute monarchy would know that the beliefs of the people and the government aren't the same thing.



After the Germans got their [wagon] handed to them in WW2 i doubt they will be doing PK'ing for a long time to come ROFL :lol:




At least make a good joke... And don't laugh too hard at your own jokes, makes it even more sad.




Wow, so now i know what its like when two girls get their nickers in a bunch.... Calm down ladies. #-o





So clearly some one has never studied history....but Germany defeated them selves we just came in and cleaned up the left overs...




In WW1 Germany was defeated because of the British blockade of food to the German people that caused them to starve and in the end the surrender of the Germans. In WW2 the Soviet march from Stalingrad to Berlin really defeated the German's however it was the Western Alliance second front that allowed the succesful march on the eastern front. You could argue that Germany defeated itself in WW2 by breaking the non-aggression pact with the USSR but thats not really a common argument is it? But it was really the Soviets who defeated the German's the American's who defeated the German's and the Brit's who held on long enough to allow Germany not too get too powerful and supplied the intelligence that toppled the German Navy, The Luftwaffe and the Japanese Air Force.

Long story short, Germans = Owned...



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

[hide=Slaytanicc's Achievments]|99Cooking achieved 24Dec 2008|99Strength achieved 17Feb 2009|99Hit Points achieved 8April 2009|

|99Defense achieved 29May 2009|99Attack achieved 2August 2009|99Ranged achieved 14August 2009|[/hide]

[hide=Guides by Slaytanicc]Aviansie Maging + Ranging Guide (Must Read!!)

Iron Mining + Banking Guide

Green Dragons Guide

Ankou Slaying Guide[/hide]

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im ownage no?


Ive seen alot of these type of puctures. Is thats RSC? How can you play it? Like do you need an existing account or what?



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

[hide=Slaytanicc's Achievments]|99Cooking achieved 24Dec 2008|99Strength achieved 17Feb 2009|99Hit Points achieved 8April 2009|

|99Defense achieved 29May 2009|99Attack achieved 2August 2009|99Ranged achieved 14August 2009|[/hide]

[hide=Guides by Slaytanicc]Aviansie Maging + Ranging Guide (Must Read!!)

Iron Mining + Banking Guide

Green Dragons Guide

Ankou Slaying Guide[/hide]

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Yes, you need to have an account made in RSC or else you can't log in.


Why do people still play it when that Graphix are so outdated etc?



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

[hide=Slaytanicc's Achievments]|99Cooking achieved 24Dec 2008|99Strength achieved 17Feb 2009|99Hit Points achieved 8April 2009|

|99Defense achieved 29May 2009|99Attack achieved 2August 2009|99Ranged achieved 14August 2009|[/hide]

[hide=Guides by Slaytanicc]Aviansie Maging + Ranging Guide (Must Read!!)

Iron Mining + Banking Guide

Green Dragons Guide

Ankou Slaying Guide[/hide]

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^ what he said, worst part is being level 4 i cant make it across whitewolf mountain.. + the wolfs look terrible hah




edit: they play because it was here before rs2, and they still enjoy playing it.

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Yes, you need to have an account made in RSC or else you can't log in.


Why do people still play it when that Graphix are so outdated etc?




Is it impossible for you to think...?


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what is funny is I have a level 3 account I logged into by chance when rsc was cleaned. People who really want to play can't get in but I have a useless account there

Check it out, huge amount of effort has gone into this massive mod!


[hide=old sig]



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Yes, you need to have an account made in RSC or else you can't log in.


Why do people still play it when that Graphix are so outdated etc?




graphics isn't the most important thing in a game ;)




Omigosh - someone has sense. <3: SMB <3: (the original) is one of the best games, I still play it, regardless of Graphics. Graphics don't make up the game, just look at FF7




To Un-Spam:




Got this a few days back, forgot to upload #-o






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