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Today, I got my ears pierced!


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Bubsa, you're braver than I am. I could NEVER get my nipples pierced. :S




Ah come on, it'll be fun. We can go together, and hold and squeeze hands in adjacent chairs. It'll be like giving birth, just a little less blood.




...I'm really selling this aren't I?




Oh yes, XD very much so.

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Just remember that you can't breastfeed with pierced nipples, should you want to :-w




*just remembered that the last girl he made out with had nine facial piercings, not counting the ears*

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Bubsa, you're braver than I am. I could NEVER get my nipples pierced. :S




Ah come on, it'll be fun. We can go together, and hold and squeeze hands in adjacent chairs. It'll be like giving birth, just a little less blood.




...I'm really selling this aren't I?




Oh yeah. I've changed my mind. :P :lol:

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Oo while we're talking about tattoos - Here is my first one unfinished (I lost my digi cam) it's since then got dream catcher netting and beading inside of it and the words "Peace. Love. Light" around the top.




It's meaning: "Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains"




I have a 2nd tattoo (hopefully I'll get another digi cam soon and take a photo of it) It's on my other shoulder blade with the shadow of a girl on the edge of a cliff in the sunset around it are the words Veni Vidi Vici and around it underneath are the words I came I saw I conquered.




Annnnnnnnnnd I'm getting another one soon, I'm a body art freak




I designed all of them myself



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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wth you're a girl?


Think romantic languages- if they're name ends with an 'a', the odds are much higher that the person's a female :wink: .




gaaah i usually associate people with avatars. completely missed the sig heheeee






I know one girl who doesn't have her ears pierced. Her last birthday i got her earrings and didn't know




boy was that awkward....

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Can you please tell me the rest of your life story too? I would love to hear.




-Sits down-




It hardly seems 26 years ago, that I was lying on a hospital bed in suicidal despair, depressed, discouraged, after the hot July afternoon when I took that dive into shallow water, a dive which resulted in a severe spinal cord injury, which left me paralyzed from the shoulders down, without use of my hands and my legs. Before that time, I didn't even know what you called people like me. Who are we? The physically challenged, the mobility impaired, the differently abled, handicapped. I knew we weren't crippled or invalid. But I just didn't have any contact with people who were hurting or in pain. That spinal cord injury changed all that. There I was lying in the hospital bed in the summer of 1967 desperately trying to make ends meet, desperately trying to turn my right side down emotions, right side up. In my pain and despair, I had begged I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I can say this cab is rare


But I thought 'Now forget it' 'Yo homes to Bel Air'. I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'. I looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air. I face a lot of limitations what with living in a wheelchair for over 26 years, but I have found limitless joy and peace in knowing the Lord Jesus. Knowing that I'm heading for heaven. My first priority is always my relationship with him. The things I talked about today are important. I want you to know I really care for you and your spiritual walk. God bless you on your spiritual journey.

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Niiice, i think i got a picture of a tatoo my sister did when my other sister passed away. *first time i mention it on tif*





I remember you said it once here at Tip.it long ago if Im correct, it happened in a car crash right? :(


Oh yeah, i remember now i made a topic aobut i.


(Maybe we should make a topic for posting pictures of tattoos and piercings, and keep the discussion in this topic?)




Can you please tell me the rest of your life story too? I would love to hear.




-Sits down-




It hardly seems 26 years ago, that I was lying on a hospital bed in suicidal despair, depressed, discouraged, after the hot July afternoon when I took that dive into shallow water, a dive which resulted in a severe spinal cord injury, which left me paralyzed from the shoulders down, without use of my hands and my legs. Before that time, I didn't even know what you called people like me. Who are we? The physically challenged, the mobility impaired, the differently abled, handicapped. I knew we weren't crippled or invalid. But I just didn't have any contact with people who were hurting or in pain. That spinal cord injury changed all that. There I was lying in the hospital bed in the summer of 1967 desperately trying to make ends meet, desperately trying to turn my right side down emotions, right side up. In my pain and despair, I had begged I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I can say this cab is rare


But I thought 'Now forget it' 'Yo homes to Bel Air'. I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'. I looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air. I face a lot of limitations what with living in a wheelchair for over 26 years, but I have found limitless joy and peace in knowing the Lord Jesus. Knowing that I'm heading for heaven. My first priority is always my relationship with him. The things I talked about today are important. I want you to know I really care for you and your spiritual walk. God bless you on your spiritual journey.


Wth Bubsa are you drunk?

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Can you please tell me the rest of your life story too? I would love to hear.




-Sits down-




It hardly seems 26 years ago, that I was lying on a hospital bed in suicidal despair, depressed, discouraged, after the hot July afternoon when I took that dive into shallow water, a dive which resulted in a severe spinal cord injury, which left me paralyzed from the shoulders down, without use of my hands and my legs. Before that time, I didn't even know what you called people like me. Who are we? The physically challenged, the mobility impaired, the differently abled, handicapped. I knew we weren't crippled or invalid. But I just didn't have any contact with people who were hurting or in pain. That spinal cord injury changed all that. There I was lying in the hospital bed in the summer of 1967 desperately trying to make ends meet, desperately trying to turn my right side down emotions, right side up. In my pain and despair, I had begged I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I can say this cab is rare


But I thought 'Now forget it' 'Yo homes to Bel Air'. I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 And I yelled to the cabbie 'Yo homes smell ya later'. I looked at my kingdom I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air. I face a lot of limitations what with living in a wheelchair for over 26 years, but I have found limitless joy and peace in knowing the Lord Jesus. Knowing that I'm heading for heaven. My first priority is always my relationship with him. The things I talked about today are important. I want you to know I really care for you and your spiritual walk. God bless you on your spiritual journey.





Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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I think earrings make girls look prettier most of the time. There are a lot of piercings I don't like, but it's just where you had it, I like em.

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717

And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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I don't really mind earrings on women. Most women in today's society have them anyway. Of course too many is a little off putting. :o




On men it used to be 'frowned upon', but nowadays more and more men have it added. Though normally just studs or plugs. I haven't anything against that to be honest. :)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Let me come back on this.












Bet I get flamed for having piercings like this. Thought. Taken out.

And you wouldn't go for stretching... somewhat disapointing :(
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no, you and nadril fail to see that it was a joke, i'm not stupid. Both you and nadril are [wagon]! Just because you've been here for a long time or got many posts it dosen't mean you're better than everyone else. I actually tought you guys were cool, but screw that.

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no, you and nadril fail to see that it was a joke, i'm not stupid. Both you and nadril are [wagon]! Just because you've been here for a long time or got many posts it dosen't mean you're better than everyone else. I actually tought you guys were cool, but screw that.




Jokes, generally, are funny. At least where I live they are.

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Woah, chillax, don't throw a little hissy fit just because you didn't get the internet meme in my (original) post.




I just got bel-aired :(




WoW OT got me used to it. There was a sick one about this pedophile describing his intercourse with a 13 year old...getting into detail. I cracked up at the end. Yeah, thread got deleted.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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