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Words Can Kill (Mods, Please Lock)


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BTW, Hell doesn't exist. When you're dead you're dead. The end. Nothing afterwards.




That might be what you believe but you can't speak for everyone. I don't want to start a debate about the afterlife because it is completely off-topic, but you can't disregard other peoples beliefs just because they aren't in synch with yours.




I really hope all of those ignorant morons who scam their friends of rares and money are reading this, the people on the receiving end might not commit suicide over it but that sort of betrayal has got to hurt. I think some people are too driven to be the "best" and forget that having fun and making friends is the entire point of the game.

Its simple, you cant prove there is a god, science can prove the world is several hundred million years older then the bible says it is, and that man was created far from the 7th day of existance.


Now are you going to trust a 2000 year old fiction novel, or sience which is fact.




I never said I believed in Heaven or Hell, I just think you shouldn't cut off peoples beliefs despite what you believe in. Well done on missing the bit where I said not to start a debate over it! =D> :roll:

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I don't think that online bullying is necessarily as serious as you say it is. It definitely shouldn't be done, but will it really cause every teenager to kill themselves? Probably not. That girl had serious problems, and they probably weren't addressed correctly.




You are quite wrong.




ALL bullying is serious. Whether physical, emotional or sexual. Whether perpetrated by one or many. Whether online or in real-life.




Thankfully, this country (UK), is finally waking up to the problems of "cyber-bullying" and is in the process of enacting laws to prevent, and punish it. Just as it outlawed "hazing" in the workplace some years ago.




many statements too asinine to iterate


Yes, obviously you neither care to, or desire to understand compassion for your fellow humans. As long as you're OK, Jack?




The connection is fairly obvious to those who actually bothered to read the story. It's not just Runescape, or Myspace that's at fault: it's the attitudes of people like you that ignore problems caused by others, when a voice speaking against them would do far more to help, than completely ignoring it.

Of those who say nothing, few are silent -=Thomas Neil =-

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This post is supposed to make an impact. Putting it on the RSOF will make a far greater impact than it will here.


I doubt the usual "The contents of this message has been hidden" And the "Topic Locked, belongs in another board" would have a mayor impact.




Besides, over half of runescapes population doesnt even know about RSOF. So that would still leave lots of immature people rolling about.




Very true article Qeltar, although most of this is nothing new for me.


But the parents of that girl sicken me, they are trying to be protective how? To get messages of people who might talk behind her back about her?




Since when did talking around someones back actually hurt the person who has been talked about. If you wanted to hurt the person you would've just said it in her face. Myself I have been talked about loads of times behind my back, and probably most of you people have been too, but it didnt harm me in any way at all.


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Well, here I go pissing off the masses.




Ok, I've got a very Darwinistic point of view on life. I feel if someone is so mentally unsound as to commit suicide, then they're not "fit to survive" and therefore, removal of their genes from the pool benefit soceity in general.




*Casts Stone Skin, Minor Flame Turning, and Mirror Image* [/D&D nerdom]




Anyway, that amount of anger put aside there, yeah I know, I sound like a [puncture] but I'm really not, it's just something I feel to be honest and yeah, that doesn't make it any less horrible than the whole ordeal already was.




What it SHOULD do however, and is doing is forcing people to adapt. By finding the flaws in things such as Myspace relationships it's forcing the parents and people to rethink and take steps back from such things.


A man who doesn't read, is no smarter than a man who can't read.

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This was a great read and it really did bring some valid points up but this is my view:




The Reason for commiting suicide is because your life is 'unbearable'.


Megan's view on unbearable just shows she is weak.




Commiting suicide shows you are weak-minded. Depression makes you weaker and weaker. Its only when you try and combat depression that you become stronger. I know this is difficult but it is true however that these people are very weak and their lives must totally suck.




Im sure we've all been verbally abused or gone through a time in our lives where friends have turned against us?




We get on with our lives though.




People who commit suicide live for the past. People who survive, live for the future.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

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That was a long article, and often when I see something as long as this on TIF, I just clicks the "back" button on my browser and clicks on another thread to read. As you probalby have noticed, I didn't do that this time. I actually read the whole thing through. And I did that because I really couldn't stop.


I was going to start write a essay about possible energysources in the future in Sweden, but I couldn't stop reading this. Well, anyway, enough about me and what I'm doing, this is a great article!


You point out a very big problem in the modern internet community today. Many people's, like this young girl, lives get a very bad end because of bad things that has happened to them over the internet. It can be for example be nasty messages over MySpace or MSN. But also in RS it's happening things that have these results. And it's making me worried that it's just a few people that is aware of this.


Let's say that someone (Let's call this someone Berlo1) scams someone (Called Polds93) in RS for 10M gp. Polds93 has worked really hard in the game, merchanting coal and iron ores in a F2P world at Fally east bank. And now he has finally achieved his goal. Since he's bored of merchanting, he wants to start skilling. But precisly when he is going to exit the bank, he sees how Berlo1 starts saying "Selling ultra-rare item just 10M!".


Polds93 runs to him and trades him first of all. Berlo1 accepts the trade and shows him polished buttons. Polds93 have never seen these before, and he offers all his coins for them. And so, they both accept the trade. Polds93 is happy, until he finds out that he has been scammed later on by a friend. He logs out from RS, and after have been merchanting for several months, he has now no gp at all. Maybe the owner of Polds93 returns the next day for a new try. But maybe he never returns again, and maybe he starts going on a bad road of life which ends with death at young age.


I'm sorry for my poor english here, but I think that you might be able to get what I try to say here.


It's not just pixels, so be nice both irl and on the web!



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There are hundreds of millions of children in the world living in unimaginable poverty in the third world, born with aids, been made orphans by aids or both. And this kid kills herself because of some hurtful comments on "My Space"




I'm lost for words.




Kids in the west really don't know how lucky they are. They just hype up a whole load of problems that don't even exist or matter and say they are depressed and suicidal, and this one actually did it, over nothing.




She's devastated her parents lives forever by comitting the most selfish act on the planet. Sympathy? I'm disgusted.




If you've never had depression or lived with someone who's had it, then it's easy to judge and to feel disgusted. This isn't something she chose to do or to feel like; it's a disease.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

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That's a banwish waiting to happen. The people on the RSOF are too ignorant to fully comprehend the gravity of both the Megan incident and the effects their behavior have on other people. They would most likely reply with "lol she got pwned" or "wot an idoit."




This post is supposed to make an impact. Putting it on the RSOF will make a far greater impact than it will here.




I'm still debating both if I should and if so, where to do it. Unfortunately, based on what the RSOF have become, I have a hard time convincing myself that posting it there will result in anything but aggravation and disappointment. Plus, it's critical of Jagex; even though it's only one small section and not the focus of the article, it will still likely get deep-sixed by one of their toadies anyway.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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Good, but saddening read. I always enjoying reading you're posts and threads, more truth in them than most.




OT: Its a saddening dose of reality, with new ways of contacting friends and meeting new people such as Rs, myspace/facebook etc, there are new ways to hurt people, particularly in western culture where "status" to teenagers means everything. I think it was shocking the way the "Josh Evans" parents tried to keep tabs on what Megan thought of their daughter. Surely they were aware of her past, suffering from depression etc, and that their method might affect her.




A sad but true glimpse into todays culture.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

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As sad as it is, I think that if your life revolves around text (internet) where true feelings are often misunderstood and people can pretend to be who they want, then you're leaving yourself open to get seriously hurt.




Her parents sound like [bleep]ing idiots to be honest. They should have understood what social networking sites like myspace/facebook etc. are all about, and not set-up an account for her on one of the biggest cesspools of humany stupidity, ignorance and inconsideration that is myspace.




Of course words can hurt, I personally am not hurt if some 16 year old boy on Runescape with a God complex swears at me, but I can still easily understand how certain kinds of people would be hurt by that.




The internet can be mask which is all too willingly worn by the socially inept who are probably so stupid they sexually abuse themselves, but online they can be as nasty as they want to whoever they like just because their identity is hidden. The best way to avoid this whole problem is to simply not live on the internet. :|


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This is what Brother (whats-his-name) at the tutorial island is for.


Whether people agree with me or not, I find that the people acting as "Josh Evans" can be considered sick, but im sure that they did not want Megan to die, so its hard to determine.




I dont understand why many teens nowadays think and talk about suicide, its not cool, its not good for your health and once u think about it too much, you tend to do it. Suicide is once, you do it and yes you're dead, but what about your loved ones? What about the ones who love you, they suffer way more than getting rejected and suiciding. And imo, the girl shouldnt suicide, she should seek help. I get bullied in school too, but instead, i usually think about them in my mind and me embarassing them back.(It works, trust me)




Off Topic: Yes I admit, I love talking about suicide and i think about it alot. Whenever i hear the word suicide, it reminds me of one man


















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I googled this story to see if it holds water, and combined with the original post im gladly willing to be the center of internet-hate, but I have to get this out of my cest.




Is this story real, or was it just made up on the internet to teach kids somek ind of a lesson? did you know that one of the leading causes of teenage deaths is suicide? People act upset and surprised over this girl, but what about 100's and 1000's of others dying? Life is cruel weather you like it or not and as you grow up you realise just how cruel it is. From my personal experience, when my grandmother passed away and I was left alone with a mortage higher than I make a months. Did I commit suicide? no - I found a better job.




Point im trying to make here is if you know your kid has low self esteem, why would you let that kid get involved iwth something that can be potentialy dangerous?




Now, here is my reasons as to why this story may not be true.




#1. How many of you have internet-friendly parents that are smart enoguh to create a myspace. Furthermore, how many of that parents would go that far as to get involved in the life of their daughter to find out if someone is talking badly about them. People trash talk people all the time, but come on, when you were little did your mother pretend to be someone to see what your friends say about you? I hoenstly can say Im glad mine didnt and I have never ever heard of anyones parents doing that.




Furthermore, im gonna show other flaws iwth this story. If Tina was so protective of her daughter and knew the problems she was having how did she allow this to happen. It was said that hse carefuly review who added her and who she interacted iwth. So when all this cruely started you honestly think she didnt notice?




And this next part is just unbelievable. Your troubled teengar daughter is upset and crying over some fictional boy being cruel to her so what do you do? Send her to her room and go about your buisness as if nothign ahppened, knowing full well how devastated she was and the fact that there has been talks of suicide?




And lastly, I dont know closets people have where she lived, but I can tell you right now, if an overweight girl tried to hang herself in one of the houses where I live, the closet support beam would break for 1 and for 2, she would have to be hanging with her knees bent.




Moving on ahead, if the parents deleted the fictional boy they made, how did people find otu? I mean unless parents were going around bragging about getting a 13 year old girl killed, how would anybody ever possibly find out?




And you know one last thing, if someone caused my death I can tell you this much, my mother wouldnt be putting up signs and lighting things in the window, she would revenge me by punishing those who would cause my demise... not that I am a suicide risk.




Yes, its true that a lot of teengars do commit suicide and its very very sad, but call me evil or whatever you want, but I honestly dont tink that this story is entirely true, if true at all. Too many things in it just do not make sense. A protective mother not catching on to what was happenign for so long and then very same protective mother neglecting her child when the need was more dire? Biggest reason though is the fact that I cant imagine someone hanging themselves in the closet, just doesnt seem physically posible.




Dont mean to sound like an [wagon], just expressing my feelings. And if this story is true then the blame lies with the parents, aka Tina. Allowing a 13 year old access to myspace, or runescpae, or anything else that can be potentialy harmless.




There is a trend nowadays to blame everyone but the parents for the things their children do. Oh well, just my thoughts, go ahead and think of me as evil if you want, but I think (and truely hope) that this story was just made up by someone and that poor girl is not really dead, because if she was then the parents of the other girl are truely sick, twisted people who deserve to be punished for what they have done.

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We have people in the world suffering from war and billions of people living on $1 USD a day. Should i feel pity for a girl who was on the internet and decided to suicide cos her internet BF was being mean? Hell i am happy and sad at the same time. Happy that she would just suicide and there would be one less [developmentally delayed] in this world and sad that 1st world citizens are becoming a bunch of spoon fed idiots.




People need to get real and stop whining about one death here and there because someone looks ugly or had pimples. Spoilt kids with emotional problems pathetic. Should ship people like her to Sudan and see how she likes it there.

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What a depressing thing to wake up and see...It was a bit depressing, but still a good read.




And to Ego (I won't bother quoting your whole post), I agree with you on some points, but disagree on others. Yes, there are 100s and 1000s of people commiting suicide, but this instance goes into detail and it actually relates partially to the game we all play. Also, when Tina sent Megan to her room, she probably wasn't hysterical, she had probably cooled down into what Tina interpreted as getting over it, in which case she thought it was safe to send Megan to her room, but what Megan was doing was thinking about suicide.


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im gladly willing to be the center of internet-hate




call me evil or whatever you want




Dont mean to sound like an [wagon]




go ahead and think of me as evil if you want





It's rather telling that you felt the need to pepper your comments with all of these disclaimers.




If you think the story isn't legitimate, then that just shows that you didn't bother to research it properly. There may be more that comes out about it in the future, as it gains more attention, but it wasn't just made up. It is utterly ridiculous for anyone to make such a claim with absolutely no evidence to back it up.





We have people in the world suffering from war and billions of people living on $1 USD a day. Should i feel pity for a girl who was on the internet and decided to suicide cos her internet BF was being mean? Hell i am happy and sad at the same time. Happy that she would just suicide and there would be one less [developmentally delayed] in this world and sad that 1st world citizens are becoming a bunch of spoon fed idiots.




Spoilt kids with emotional problems pathetic.



For better or worse, it is human nature to be more concerned about events that hit close to home than ones that affect people thousands of miles away. The fact that people are suffering elsewhere doesn't make this an unimportant issue.




Depression is an illness. It cannot be overcome by telling people to 'get over it', nor by berating them as being 'pathetic'.




I feel sorry for anyone like yourself, who is so incapable of feeling compassion for others. It will not serve you well in life.





Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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What a depressing thing to wake up and see...It was a bit depressing, but still a good read.




And to Ego (I won't bother quoting your whole post), I agree with you on some points, but disagree on others. Yes, there are 100s and 1000s of people commiting suicide, but this instance goes into detail and it actually relates partially to the game we all play. Also, when Tina sent Megan to her room, she probably wasn't hysterical, she had probably cooled down into what Tina interpreted as getting over it, in which case she thought it was safe to send Megan to her room, but what Megan was doing was thinking about suicide.




From what I remember there was either talks or attempts at suicide - that shoulda gave it away. And also, physically, would someone be able to hang themselves in your closet? because mine isnt high enough :ohnoes:

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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im gladly willing to be the center of internet-hate




call me evil or whatever you want




Dont mean to sound like an assgo ahead and think of me as evil if you want





It's rather telling that you felt the need to pepper your comments with all of these disclaimers.




If you think the story isn't legitimate, then that just shows that you didn't bother to research it properly. There may be more that comes out about it in the future, as it gains more attention, but it wasn't just made up. It is utterly ridiculous for anyone to make such a claim with absolutely no evidence to back it up.





Did you bother to read my reasons for saying its not legitimate? :boohoo: or are you just attempting to look righteous?

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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Did you bother to read my reasons for saying its not legitimate?




Briefly. They all boil down to "I personally find this hard to believe, so it never happened". They are all nonsense.




It was reported in a major newspaper, it's now been picked up by the Associated Press, printed in hundreds of other media outlets and covered by CNN and ABC.




If you want to convince yourself that it didn't happen then that's your choice, but it doesn't change anything.

Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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There are hundreds of millions of children in the world living in unimaginable poverty in the third world, born with aids, been made orphans by aids or both. And this kid kills herself because of some hurtful comments on "My Space"




I'm lost for words.




Kids in the west really don't know how lucky they are. They just hype up a whole load of problems that don't even exist or matter and say they are depressed and suicidal, and this one actually did it, over nothing.




She's devastated her parents lives forever by comitting the most selfish act on the planet. Sympathy? I'm disgusted.








+1 there are people with real problems out there and this idiot is getting headlines

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im gladly willing to be the center of internet-hate




call me evil or whatever you want




Dont mean to sound like an assgo ahead and think of me as evil if you want





It's rather telling that you felt the need to pepper your comments with all of these disclaimers.




If you think the story isn't legitimate, then that just shows that you didn't bother to research it properly. There may be more that comes out about it in the future, as it gains more attention, but it wasn't just made up. It is utterly ridiculous for anyone to make such a claim with absolutely no evidence to back it up.





Did you bother to read my reasons for saying its not legitimate? :boohoo: or are you just attempting to look righteous?






Okay, we understand that you feel that this may neot be legitimate, but let's operate on the basis that it is. Say this happeneed in your hometown and you know it's true. Now comment upon it.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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Now, here is my reasons as to why this story may not be true.





I didnt say it wasnt true, I think it may not be because of the many "flaws" - atleast, I see them as flaws.




And if it its, well, sure, its very sad, but its life, where is your bleeding heart for countless children dying in 3rd wolrd countries, not because of low self esteem but hunger.

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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im gladly willing to be the center of internet-hate




call me evil or whatever you want




Dont mean to sound like an assgo ahead and think of me as evil if you want





It's rather telling that you felt the need to pepper your comments with all of these disclaimers.




If you think the story isn't legitimate, then that just shows that you didn't bother to research it properly. There may be more that comes out about it in the future, as it gains more attention, but it wasn't just made up. It is utterly ridiculous for anyone to make such a claim with absolutely no evidence to back it up.





Did you bother to read my reasons for saying its not legitimate? :boohoo: or are you just attempting to look righteous?






Okay, we understand that you feel that this may neot be legitimate, but let's operate on the basis that it is. Say this happeneed in your hometown and you know it's true. Now comment upon it.




I did, read my post?

Game Name: Ego Scorpion

Party Hat Sets: 4

Bank Pictures: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=712645&start=0



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