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Runescape-less and less original


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I disagree. Most good games have these features. Duel Arena is basically player vs. player. Commonly seen throughout most popular games including Halo, Shattered Galaxy, etc. It's in almost every good game out there. Alright, the assist system I can't really say too much about, but I am pretty sure this is their update in order to stop those annoying people who say "Free Gem Cutting" and run away once they obtain what they wanted. Same with the GE. The GE will massively reduce scamming and help to create a new era of trading and help to organize price values through numbers rather than merchanters. And lastly, summoning was originally going to be in the game. As posted in the Development Diary, it was meant to come out long ago. I highly doubt they had decided to "steal" ideas from WoW in order to better their own game back then.




Overall, I think you are just overlooking some coincidences. There will always be similarities between games, however, I do not think that Runescape is ripping it's game off of WoW.

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This isin't about "who copied who" its about how Runescape is just becomming andother one of those old fashion games. READ MY WHOLE POST.








You all are failing to understand the basis for this thread.




This isn't about whether or not we copied from WoW, this is about how runescape is become just another old-fashioned fantasy game. Next time, read the whole post.


Okay. That's one problem solved. Clearly you believe that Runescape is becoming "just another fantasy game." Part of your problem is that your are only looking at what is the same. If we do that, allow me to list how this is the same to, for example, Harry Potter:




    There are wizards
    There is magic
    There are also people who can't cast magic (NPCs)
    There are basilisks
    There are zombies (those things at the end of book 6)
    There are wands
    There is a wizard training school
    There are evil wizards
    There are goblins
    There are giants
    There are dragons
    There are fan sites for it
    There are humans
    They contain fictional elements




Really it doesn't matter what is the same, what matters is how much is different. For example, (I've never played WoW) I'm guessing WoW doesn't have:




    Numerous different skill which you can change between at any point
    All items able to be used by all players, given sufficient levels.
    A solid F2P system that is more than a free trial, regardless of what people say
    An island ruled by penguins trying to fly so they can conquer the world
    A tree village where gnomes live in a massive tree, train war turtles, and brew tails
    Castle Wars
    Pest Control
    Sudoku (okay, maybe it does, I doubt it though)
    An island ruled by monkeys
    A wise bank-robbing old man
    Hunting (at least not hunting as it is in Runescape)
    The same magic system
    The same combat system at all for that matter
    Massive numbers of autoers who exist to cut yews (Okay, maybe that's a bad one, but still
    Origami balloons (THAT BURN!!!!)
    Me (Obligatory)
    The Underground Pass (GAH!)
    Quests that have the same plots
    The plague city


I'm not saying which is better, that's not the argument. The argument is that if you only look for similarities, of course the games will look similar. Their the same genre made in the same style (Fantasy plus MMORPG).




That is all. Have a nice day. Yes, I do realize I also made grammar mistakes in my post, but I firmly believe it to be more comprehensible in any case.

P2P forever!... Or at least 'til <insert excuse here> happens


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Ever read Lord of the Rings? (or watched the movie, since you do seem to be slightly intellectually challenged)




How about played Diablo?




How can you expect every game to be completely unique? They are pulling these ideas/utilizing similar themes because they believe them to be good. Following this logic, a new car company: Should they make their car not out of metal? Should they leave out a seatbelt? Tires? Oil?

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


-Genghis Khan

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This isin't about "who copied who" its about how Runescape is just becomming andother one of those old fashion games. READ MY WHOLE POST.




Actually... I think you're the one missing the point. You're comparing material from WOW, claiming Runescape is becoming unorigional... yet the material you see coming out has been in concept FOR YEARS.




Your arguement has absolutely nothing to it. They've planned on bringing these things out. The concepts are common in all major MMPORPGS.




You're starting to sound like a real troll.


R.I.P Shiva

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this topic reminds me of qeltars, except qeltar actually has something to backup his concepts and does research before he posts.




What many people said here is true. like...


WoW got ideas from somewhere else, modified it and used it to benefit their needs and the needs of their players. Someone else had the idea before the idea that WoW it from. Runescape got the modified idea from WoW who got it from someone else who got it from someone else, etc....




123neopet probably hit it on the nose the best using a Harry Potter reference.




In the end, it seems that if pantim ran things there would only be 1 MMORPG in existence and I don't think it would be Runescape.


Long Live RSC!

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I'll agree that its impossible to make a completely "oringinal" game but do you honestly believe that they have been working on summoning for 4 years? Or the grand exchange? It took about 3 hours for a bug to appear which is a pretty sure sign imo that these haven't been in production that long. If they had really been working on stuff like this for 4 years it better be golden.

If you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.

^^^At least I'm not the only crazy one

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Are you absolutely stupid? WoW was not the first to do any of what you said. Your claims are like accusing the Medal of Honor game series of copying the Call of Duty games, they're the same general thing but the differences between them add up substantially.




You honestly think one game company would purposefully copy another one? Originality and variety is what gets Jagex and all other companies business. Think before you talk next time :|



There's cake through here, apparently.
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WoW in itself is a copy of other mmorpgs that existed before it. Blizzard didn't invent everything that eixsts in mmorpgs you know. -.-




Pretty much all mmorpgs are copies. But once in a while a company will come up with a new element, or a new concept that wasn't there before.

2480+ total

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How about some of you people play OTHER games MMORPGs BESIDES WoW and Runescape... -.-




Part of it is that people generally don't get references to games they haven't played. So even though I haven't played WoW and HAVE played several other MMOs, nobody here really knows about them. (Or at least they don't know them as well.

P2P forever!... Or at least 'til <insert excuse here> happens


98% of people have signatures with made up statistics in them. If you're one of the 2% that doesn't, copy this and add it to your signature.

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I'll agree that its impossible to make a completely "oringinal" game but do you honestly believe that they have been working on summoning for 4 years? Or the grand exchange? It took about 3 hours for a bug to appear which is a pretty sure sign imo that these haven't been in production that long. If they had really been working on stuff like this for 4 years it better be golden.




I'm going to assume that this was mainly directed at me. And I never said that Summoning was in production for at least 4 years. I'm pretty sure the Developement Diary suggests otherwise anyways. What I did say was the material was in CONCEPT since 04. Which the Developement Diary actually does help prove that, but has been a fact for years. It was actually a concept long before that, since they did origionally want Summoning and POH/Construction is RSC. So these ideas have been in concept for even longer then I origionally stated.




You seem extremely ignorant about programming. While I'm not a programmer myself, I actually took time to understand, comprehend, and appreciate the phases in which games go through. If you've ever Beta tested you'd know that a lot of things will slip through because coding things where only a select few can test, then moving to a wider range of players will alter things or make things more apparent then what they origionally would have been. For instance... placing a tree on the ground could look perfectly normal to the individual programming it, but once it hits the core game, it could end up "floating". To say that if something being worked on in 4 years should be golden is absolutely foolish by any stretch of the imagination. Bugs and glitches are going to get through, even if they test and retest. I think people need to get that through their thick skulls.


R.I.P Shiva

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Let's say that RuneScape is a red cube, and WoW is a green sphere. The effects of these "WoWifying" updates are the equivalent of sanding the corners of the cube slightly, and splashing a few drops of blue-green paint onto it.




They're still completely different games, and these new features are different than the ones in WoW that you are referring to.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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I agree. RuneScape invented fantasy MMORPGS and since RuneScape is actually older than WoW, WoW must be copying everything from RuneScape.




Lol? Fantasy MMORPGs have existed since the '90s, and RuneScape was released in 2001.




Most people who worked for Blizzard when they were developing WoW probably didn't know much about RS other than it's full name is "Run and Escape".

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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As a lot of people have mentioned the genre of MMORPGs contain alot of similarities. However, despite these similarities they all have unique traits that no other game has.




The similarities in most MMORPGs are in the following areas :




1) PvP - all MMORPGs have some form of PvP whether it be something like the Wilderness or Duel Arena




2) Monster killing - all MMORPGs have some form of monster killing. In fact some of them are purely combat based (either PvP or monsters)




3) Trading house - all MMORPGs have some form of trading house, RS is just a bit slow in getting one :lol:




4) Quests/Missions - all MMORPGs have some sort of questing/missions. However, IMO, the RS Questing system is the best as it has a lot more variation.




There are probably other generic similarities between MMORPGs but the above were all I could come up with at the moment.




IMO the things that make RS unique from othe MMORPGs are :




1) It is browser based - all other MMORPGs that I have come across require a multi MB download to start (which means you have to have a lot of free disc space on your PC), require high quality video cards, and a fairly high spec PC to run on. RS being browser based has none of these requirements.




2) Membership is the cheapest around - ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3.20 per month compared with around ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã15 per month for the other game I play (EVE Online). I can't compare with WOW as I have never played that.




3) You can play for free FOREVER - all other MMORPGs allow you to play free for a limited period of time then insist that you start paying membership. For example EVE Online has a 14 day trial period.




4) Lots of unique quests - other MMORPGs have quests/missions, but they are not normally as involved as RS ones. Again EVE Online has missions, but the variety is very small compared to RS quests.




There are probably other things that make RS unique but I cannot think of them at the moment.

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