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Well fellow tipiters, it seems a plague is upon us. A highly skilled and extremely bored team of uber ninja hackers is amongst us... :uhh: :roll:




A day doesn't go by that I have to listen to some sap lament about how he got "hacked" and lost it all...."I logged in and my bank was empty...ZOMG!"








Go into any bank and you get set upon by the latest "victim" who wails about how his level 58 character was "hacked"....as if. Now lets see, IF you actually could hack into Jagex (anything is possible, though most likely improbable)...whose account would you steal? Level 58....82....91....nooooooo, you would most likely take one of the top 500 and actually have something worthwhile.




I bet most of these "hacks" are complete BS or they just failed to protect their login info.....or possibly were dumb enough to trust their bestest friend and voluntarily gave their info away....."do that quest for me bro...get me that fire cape"...then surprise surprise omg...my Account was hacked!!!!!






Then there is the super sleuthy keyloggers....click here to get a free 4 million gp...click here to test out the new RS beta, just enter your login info.....click here to see me pking the number one player.... :XD:




how gullible and dumb can you be...




Amazing how I have never been "keylogged" or "hacked" in the 3 years I have been playing....what with this uber elite hacker team running around stealing accounts like you and I pop skittles.




so am I being unusally cynical...or do you think I am on to something? :oops: :shock: :ohnoes:


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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There is no uber elite hacker team, but there is a small team of script kiddies that send keyloggers to people on fansite forums and make fake websites.




They aren't highly skilled at all, there was a fake rs website a few months ago that was so badly written a view at the source, some other stuff and a few google searches gave me the guy behind it's address, phone number, full name, rsn and e-mail address.




It is impossible to hack into jagex's databases to steal accounts, anyone who says they were hacked gave out their account details one way or another whether it be installing a keylogger, telling a friend account details or entering their details on a fake website.

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There is no uber elite hacker team, but there is a small team of script kiddies that send keyloggers to people on fansite forums and make fake websites.




It is impossible to hack into jagex's databases to steal accounts, anyone who says they were hacked gave out their account details one way or another whether it be installing a keylogger, telling a friend account details or entering their details on a fake website.




:-k hmmmm there IS intelligent life out there :thumbsup:




I concur, I believe you nailed it :)


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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Well fellow tipiters, it seems a plague is upon us. A highly skilled and extremely bored team of uber ninja hackers is amongst us... :uhh: :roll:




Amazing how I have never been "keylogged" or "hacked" in the 3 years I have been playing....what with this uber elite hacker team running around stealing accounts like you and I pop skittles.











Ninja Hacker kitty is not amused.




Give us time.. We were only being nice, leaving your account alone..


j00 4r3 n3xt n00bz0rz! 4ll j00r 4ccz b3l0ng 2 us!






On a more serious note, I totally agree with lordkron. Really people, this has got to stop. From keyloggers to letting your friend borrow your password, your account can be stolen based on many variations of humand stupidity. But, please, please don't call it hacking. Better yet, don't even make a thread about it.. Personally I feel there should be a sticky for these..




Script kiddies? Oh, I've heard about those.. they're the idiots who make rs scam sites with addresses like this-


http://www.rsbeta3/rsscam.org <-Real ending, by the way. :XD:


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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hackers hasn't become more elite, but tip.iters have become more dumb to fall to scams that keylog their rs accounts. :|

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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There is no uber elite hacker team, but there is a small team of script kiddies that send keyloggers to people on fansite forums and make fake websites.




They aren't highly skilled at all, there was a fake rs website a few months ago that was so badly written a view at the source, some other stuff and a few google searches gave me the guy behind it's address, phone number, full name, rsn and e-mail address.




It is impossible to hack into jagex's databases to steal accounts, anyone who says they were hacked gave out their account details one way or another whether it be installing a keylogger, telling a friend account details or entering their details on a fake website.




Not impossible, improbable. A skilled hacker could breach their server firewalls, but honestly, what's the point? Anyone with the resources and talent would not waste their time.

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They're all just idiots. Or they're trying to scam you so they get free stuff.




But you cannot be "Hacked" on Runescape, Jagex protects all the IP's and whatnot very carefully I assume. The only way you get "hacked" is if you get a keylogger, and that's not straight on hacking. So it's their idiotic selves who lost all of their stuff. But I bet most of the people whining about it in public are people who just want free stuff. :?

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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one kid at my school was like "yah (insert my name here) i was gonna hack ya but i decided to be nice.


me: -.- how


him:if you send jagex an email it sends it back with the person you wanted password


me: *walks away*



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If I was a hacker, I wouldn't go for the top players. I'd go for those in the middle, as they're much less likely to be tracked by Jagex.




Does anyone else remember a year or so back when (the number 1 player) got his account stolen? Jagex was all over that in a heartbeat, locking the account and such.




I'd go after a player that wasn't on Jagex's immediate spectrum, but still wealthy enough that it'd be worthwhile. Maybe an abandoned staker from the duel arena update.




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interesting replies.....most I believe agree with me....and like a few said, possible, yes, probable..no.....If a hacker had that type of equipment and knowledge he/she would be doing more then trying to steal a RS account.






RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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one kid at my school was like "yah (insert my name here) i was gonna hack ya but i decided to be nice.


me: -.- how


him:if you send jagex an email it sends it back with the person you wanted password


me: *walks away*




Lmao, he was falling for a common variety of hacker scam!




They make you send an email to a spoofed address such as mod_andrew @_jagex .com


With a random subject, usually a variety of numbers to make it look authentic.




The body of the letter would contain more random number codes, including places to




Serves him right!! -.- :wall:


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Lol, some asshat was advertising an autoer which had a keylogger on it on the TIF Chat.


Cruiser got himself keylogged (on purpose) tracked it to keylogger account and stole it. His account had the same password as his email address and myspace where it just spread from there. Cruiser and I just ravaged him.




Poetic Justice.

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

This is the truth!

This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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They aren't highly skilled at all, there was a fake rs website a few months ago that was so badly written a view at the source, some other stuff and a few google searches gave me the guy behind it's address, phone number, full name, rsn and e-mail address.




What do you look for in the source?



Almost there :D ( doing it in f2p :( )

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Lol, some asshat was advertising an autoer which had a keylogger on it on the TIF Chat.


Cruiser got himself keylogged (on purpose) tracked it to keylogger account and stole it. His account had the same password as his email address and myspace where it just spread from there. Cruiser and I just ravaged him.




Poetic Justice.




LOL. \'

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Yeah, I've had several friends play the 'haxed' card on me.




They've always been under level 100, i'm not picky with whom I make friends with. Usually a month after knowing them, they got hacked. They need money. Wait- this wouldn't have anything to do with us hanging out and you wanting to borrow some certain equipment of mine, only days previous?




Only hackers out there, are those who rather throw their rl friends under the bus for 100,000 geepees, really sad people who think people want to play rs3. Or people who make up a situation to get them something they otherwise would of actually had to work for.




Funny how I'm completely willing to loan out items and money, how to aid people when their scammed. But people still think they have to lie- or complain night and day about how they got hacked and how they could use twice the amount of money I usually loan out.

I'm not uncool enough to have a stat sig.


I lied :-p

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interesting replies.....most I believe agree with me....and like a few said, possible, yes, probable..no.....If a hacker had that type of equipment and knowledge he/she would be doing more then trying to steal a RS account.








Like stealing the hundreds of thousands of credit card numbers Jagex has stored. ;)

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It is impossible to hack into jagex's databases to steal accounts, anyone who says they were hacked gave out their account details one way or another whether it be installing a keylogger, telling a friend account details or entering their details on a fake website.




That's where you're wrong. In fact, anybody with quite a large brain could hack it. All you would have to do is...






























































Make a password cracker (probably in C++) and then generate a password list. Find Jagex's webhost. Go to their cPanel. Password crack until you log in. Upon log in, find the MySQL databases. H4CKZ0RZ. No, I'm not suggesting you do this. You would also have to hack the game loader and change the objects etc. and upload the applet if you wanted free st00f. In fact, this has only ever happened at the great Falador massacre.




And you need a LOT of skill to hack JaGeX, in fact, you'd have to be a bit like Guy Fawkes... an expert in explosives? Blow up CAMBRIDGSHIRE!




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When people talk about hacking on Runescape; they mean phising, cracking, or telling somebody their password. No one is actually hacking the Runescape server.




And even if somebody was hacking the server, they wouldn't stole an account, they would simply send signals to the server to put partyhats in their bank, this is what people who hacked Jagex in the past have done.

2480+ total

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In fact, this has only ever happened at the great Falador massacre.




In fact your wrong. Thats not what happened. It was simply a House glitch. No one. And i mean NO ONE has actually hacked jagex. Not even the the Great Dupe was not really hacking. Just putting in packets.



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