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3 December 2007 - Behind the Scenes - December


Which December update are you looking forward to the most?  

403 members have voted

  1. 1. Which December update are you looking forward to the most?

    • Clan Wars
    • Gravestones
    • Bounty Hunter
    • Letters/Gallery/Diary
    • Christmas Event
    • Wilderness monsters

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Where do you guys keep getting that since you will leave a gravestone when you die that you no longer drop loot? They mentioned nothing about not dropping loot anymore, yet you guys are jumping all over it... I highly doubt they would make the wild(that was the whole point behind the wild when they introduced it) to where you dont drop any loot..




You guys need some better common sense =/






I lost my common sense and higher opinions of Jagex when they eliminated dueling. Granted, this is a different scenario, but with the mentality they approach RWT with, I have to say I HOPE Jagex doesn't do this, not I KNOW Jagex will not do this.

No witty signatures for me :(

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Where do you guys keep getting that since you will leave a gravestone when you die that you no longer drop loot? They mentioned nothing about not dropping loot anymore, yet you guys are jumping all over it... I highly doubt they would make the wild(that was the whole point behind the wild when they introduced it) to where you dont drop any loot..




You guys need some better common sense =/






I lost my common sense and higher opinions of Jagex when they eliminated dueling. Granted, this is a different scenario, but with the mentality they approach RWT with, I have to say I HOPE Jagex doesn't do this, not I KNOW Jagex will not do this.




ahem.. jagex didn't elminate dueling , they just made it hounourable, or in other words, they filtered off noobs who wee in dueling 4 money.

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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Sounds okay, but not really my thing. I'm not much of a pvp-person, nor do I like the wild, for that very same reason. All of these updates are aimed at another kind of player than me. Not complaining though, I have plenty to get on with... The graves are a funny idea, I'm curious to see how that'll work out.




I hope that the new monster is not a slayer monster, though. I love slayer exactly because it doesn't get you into that kind of pvp situations. A tough slayer monster in the wild is a big big no-no. Also, I'll be irritated if it's 95 slayer, as someone suggested. I achieved 87 slayer or so when dark beasts got the dark bow drop (argh) and I'd have 93-94 slayer when they'd release the 95+ monster :D. But I highly doubt it, there's what, 1k 95+ slayers? They didn't want to release the dark bow before a minimum of players had achieved 90 slayer so... unlikely that enough players have achieved 95 by now.




Anyway, we'll see.




honestly? i think thatd be a perfect place for a good slayer monster :) i mean if people risk killing green dragons in wild why not kill something with better drops? :D




p.s if it turns out to not be a lvl95+ slayer monster...ill hunt u down :D lol, i know where u live!!!!!!!1 but seriously ive been thinking of quiting out of boredom lately and a new lvl95+ slayer monster would probally prevent that from happening :(

522 to 99 slayer


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I think members will get all the features this month.


I imagine this;


''Oh noes, you have died!''


''You must be on a members server to die and magically let a grave appear on the place you died''.



Evreyone has a weakness.

Some hate the light, some hate darkness.

My weakness?

People who start tickling me ><

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I can't wait for the christmas event, and I have never liked to die or to be in the wilderness. I can check out the letters and the diary sometimes, but I still look the most forward to the christmas event. So I voted for it :)



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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It's a tie for the clan wars and the christmas event for me. I just hope that clan wars will be F2P...




And, they said something about snowmen and snowballs in behind the scenes... Maybe the holiday item will be some sort of snowman clothing or item? Maybe a tophat? I wonder.... oh well, only time (or holding a Jagex member hostage) will tell! :)

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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Can you really blame anyone for being cautious about the updates?


The staking thing was a blow beneath the belt. It looked exciting from in the BTS, but when put into practice it was horrible.




A lot of these moves do seem designed to hamper RWT. The beasts coming from their graves in the wildy? Make em aggresive and watch the low levels flee. Of course these WOULD be in the higher wilderness...

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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I'm surprised not many people like Clan Wars -- isn't basically Castle Wars, except not having to worry about noobs on your team being frozen and losing your flag?


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Hm.. the updates sound deacent anough this mounth, bounty hunter sounds pretty fun, as long as it's safe. An Clan wars has great potnetial, especailly if it's not safe and you can have multi-clan wars. And for gravestones, they sound nice, I hope that the player who killed the dead guy will be able to dig up the guy's grave stone or something and can keep all the grave stones that he's dug up in his house as "trophies" to brag about how many differnt folk's he's pk'ed. <3:

Here's my signature--RUNESWORD 760

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We need another choice -None of the Above. Jagex needs to start fixing and updating old SKILLS AND AREAS (not graphics) before they make new content. I see NOWHERE people asking for anything like this. Don't even get me started about summoning.

Apors: Adult Player of RuneScape


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I wonder if you lose your items in the bountyhunter mini game.
I predict it to be a "safe" mini-game, like castle wars and the fight pits




I wouldn't bet on it, It says that you can take other people's loot... I wonder if only your assigned bounty hunter kills you, you lose your items... But if not, you keep them.... :-k

No witty signatures for me :(

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Personally i think that all of these updates have a chance to be fairly good. I'm not a mini game player really, but i enjoy something like pest control every now and then so the bounty hunter may be pretty good. Personally i see no way in which jagex could disallow ur items from dropping in the wilderness. I know that stakers said this would happen, but if they took that away from the wilderness i think about half of the people who play just might quit(myself not included). I mean who hasnt gone into the wilderness hoping for an amazingly lucky drop?


4031st person to 99 Thieving on 5/25/2008

If anyone plays NBA Live '08 online on the Wii please PM me. I'm up for anyone.

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