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Another news thread: Train (lightly) damaged by snowman.


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MEGA FACEPALM for the kid who build that.




Yet, not so funny, considering people could have been injured.

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The more I think about a a train being stopped by a snowman of all things the more I just laugh :lol: Then there's the rock issue. So was this more of an 'innocent prank' or a genuine attempt to hurt others as well as vandalize the train?

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Don't worry, with our technology today, i'm sure they will find finger prints on the snow.




No one got hurt so its funny IMO :lol:




Besides, rocks can never hurt a train, you will need ALOT to do so.

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For those of you who have never built a snowman on a train track, it's fun as heck. We do it all the time on the tracks near my house, minus the rocks. When the train hits it they EXPLODE! We "tie" them down on train tracks like the old villians in the movies, have them with their arms up in an "OH NO!" pose, so on and so forth. The train drivers say they love our neighborhood the best on their route, so the rockless ones can actually make the train-drivers day better.

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Hope the people that done it are caught and done for attempted murder. That might sound harsh, but that could've been a major disaster. They clearly meant to cause a major accident when they packed it with rocks.




I'm pretty sure that if they 'clearly wanted to cause a major accident', then they would have found a better way then a rock snowmen.




It was some kids who didn't think their action through.




Hell, if someone had wanted to cause a major accident they would have filled it with explosives or something,

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ROFLMAO say what you want, but i can't help finding that funny.




A snowman in front of a train that is pure class :lol:




bahahahahaha that would have been funny, but the rocks in it spoilt it. :evil:




then it turns out to be just another stupid thing to do. <.<


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Rocks, that's hilarious. They must have been big rocks, or a big [wagon] snowman, because I'm not sure how a thing made of snow could damage a speeding, several hundred ton metal missile.




A coin on a rail can derail that "missile".

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Rocks, that's hilarious. They must have been big rocks, or a big [wagon] snowman, because I'm not sure how a thing made of snow could damage a speeding, several hundred ton metal missile.




A coin on a rail can derail that "missile".


Mythbusters should have a look at that, because i think it's an urban myth...


(But the coins can spring away in huge speeds tough)

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