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Has Construction been left in the Sawdust?


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It would help if they added more uses to it, to justify the high leveling cost. It has a couple of nice uses, but most of it is just to make the house look better, and has a useless use or no use at all.




Yup. We've got teleportation down with the portals and mounted glory.


We've got fighting glory down with the mounted heads.




We need the farming patches they promised us in the march 04 bts.




I'd also like to see a few more rooms dedicated to other skills. I'm not saying runite mines, but I'd like to have some reason to go into my house other than making construction items and cooking cakes with my lardur.




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I wouldn't think it too strange if they decided to give us some sort of summoning based room. Afterall, we can have our own personal prayer alters, and we know that summoning points will be rechargable at some sort of 'obelisk'. It would make some degree of sence that we might be able to constuct our own summoning obelisks in our player owned houses. Although, of course, this is all pure speculation.


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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I can see other skills needing some updates before Construction: Mining, Farming, Hunter (probably improve once Summoning comes out) and the combat skills.




As other have said, Construction has too many things.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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construction can be updated if you just think outside the box. A quest that as a reward allows you to pay less for planks. Indeed Jagex has implemented things like this already with the likes of the crystal saw. They could place more portals, or a way that allows you to access your home from any of the portals. Prehaps, as my biggest idea of all (i make them all up as i sit here and type) to allow friends houses to be placed next to each other, like a road! So you can visit all your friends houses without exiting house mode. then you can have street parties! and an increase in the number of house portals available because your friends will have different ones to you. Another update, that would be even better if my street idea comes to fruition, is to have outdoor christmas lights for your house! This could be 2008 christmas special with all the fun of falling off ladders and getting electricuted by a giant inflatable singing santa!




im soo putting this in the suggestions boxin RSOF

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I can't agree, sorry.




When mining gets some much needed updates i can sympathies with other skills.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

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construction can be updated if you just think outside the box. A quest that as a reward allows you to pay less for planks. Indeed Jagex has implemented things like this already with the likes of the crystal saw. They could place more portals, or a way that allows you to access your home from any of the portals. Prehaps, as my biggest idea of all (i make them all up as i sit here and type) to allow friends houses to be placed next to each other, like a road! So you can visit all your friends houses without exiting house mode. then you can have street parties! and an increase in the number of house portals available because your friends will have different ones to you. Another update, that would be even better if my street idea comes to fruition, is to have outdoor christmas lights for your house! This could be 2008 christmas special with all the fun of falling off ladders and getting electricuted by a giant inflatable singing santa!




im soo putting this in the suggestions boxin RSOF




Awesome idea man, i would really like to see more spots for items in the costume room, such as a spot for villager clothes and maybe some expensive quest weapons like Keris and crystal shield and such.

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All the people saying construction is a well fleshed out skill I really wonder if you have a half decent construction level.




Unlike skills like herblore with construction you're gaining most of the exp using up your resources just to gain exp, with skills like herblore you're at least getting potions back, when it's costing you millions per level and the only thing you have to look forward to within five levels is the ability to build another room onto your house, a steel dragon or hellhounds, marble spiral staircases, marble wardrobes, magical cape racks or a demonic throne.




Well, you can get flatpacks built for the wardrobe and cape rack, I decided to build a crystal throne and only have two floors so spiral staircases are a waste for me, so all I'm left with is two new monsters and an increased room cap. It becomes very very hard to justify the skill, and when you're not super rich and have to work hard for your cash to get between levels there's just not many incentives.




As it stands you can make any potion or mix at 85 herblore, what do you get for 14 more levels of construction?




I'm not saying herblore doesn't need an update, but either construction should be easier to level or they should be giving more incentives to level it (mainly at the higher levels).

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All the people saying construction is a well fleshed out skill I really wonder if you have a half decent construction level.




I'm going to assume this doesn't really apply for me.




Unlike skills like herblore with construction you're gaining most of the exp using up your resources just to gain exp, with skills like herblore you're at least getting potions back, when it's costing you millions per level and the only thing you have to look forward to within five levels is the ability to build another room onto your house, a steel dragon or hellhounds, marble spiral staircases, marble wardrobes, magical cape racks or a demonic throne.




Building an entire dungeon as well as the absolutely awesome looking throne of all times AND get one of the rarest skillcapes? That's good enough incentive. Oh and skills with no return are not uncommon. Firemaking has no return, Ranging with chinchompas has no r






If you don't think those things are worth paying millions for then this isn't a good skill for you.



Well, you can get flatpacks built for the wardrobe and cape rack, I decided to build a crystal throne and only have two floors so spiral staircases are a waste for me, so all I'm left with is two new monsters and an increased room cap. It becomes very very hard to justify the skill, and when you're not super rich and have to work hard for your cash to get between levels there's just not many incentives.




For you maybe not but for others obviously there are.




As it stands you can make any potion or mix at 85 herblore, what do you get for 14 more levels of construction?




The most impressive parts of your house.




I'm not saying herblore doesn't need an update, but either construction should be easier to level or they should be giving more incentives to level it (mainly at the higher levels).




Sounds to me like construction isn't the right skill for you but you want them to change it to make it so. I beg to differ. Of course it's hard to get high construction! Those items that you get are tokens of vaste wealth. If you suddenly make the skill easier, those items stop being special and you will have LESS incentive to go get high levels.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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That title is corny.




OT:The only thing construction is lacking is monsters in the dungeon that's all altho a new type of Balence beam wouldn't go a miss lol



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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Construction has had some updates. But what about Farming and Herblore?




Farming hasnt had an update since Big Arms patch, and the minor patch on Braindead Island.




Herblore hasnt had an update since.. Fill x, but that really isnt a content update. To be honest, I hope to see some new Herbs, and Herbs seeds for summoning to expand both these skills.




herblore had barbarian potions, forgot what they called. Was it roe?


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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Construction, when it was released, was very well planned (except for the whole pking in fally deal) and was a huge skill with many many features. If you compare the amount of things you can do with constuction to the things you can do with hunter it isn't a fair fight.




I think Hunter was a weak skill to come out with not very much thought or effort put into it. Construction was well planned and i don't know about you but I use my poh a lot when ever I play. I can't say that about all my other skills.




As far as what "more" to put into construction I don't think they need to touch it. I like the way it is now and they should focus (like they are doing) on better more important things.



Dragon Drops:2 Chains, 4 Meds, 1 2H, 2 Left Halves, 2 Legs, 1 Skirt

Rate My Bank!

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But how is the vast amount of money for Construction going to come into the game now? Staking, and PKing, are pretty much gone, and the High Alch has become much less profitable, i.e. you lose more money now then before.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Construction is already really full. There's something new to build at almost every level. I can't even think of anything else they could/should add.




Thats something i love about construction, acheivements every level.


Every skill should be like that. So yeah update mining or some old skill.


Kiss me, i'm part Irish!

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Construction is already a HUGE skill. I really don't think we need any more things for it lol. I can't even think of a possible other room/piece of furniture we could have :-k


How about something as simple as a jewlery box in your bedroom? Would be nice to finally have some place to store all those assorted rings, ammys, bracelets, necklaces, etc....

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Personally, I like the way you have to pay bucket loads of money to train it. It forces people in diversity which is only a helpful thing for the RS economy as a whole. It also ensures there is one skill that measures how much wealth you've accumulated over time, which is an achievement in itself.




I would like to see more furniture falt-packable though. I want to be able to hang other people's Slayer trophies etc. in their house for them by lending them my assistance. Why can't I be allowed that?




It shouldn't be on Jagex priority list, however. It's fairly simple and easy to train, and has enough content.

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Construction was a long and well thought out skill, jagex put loads of things so not everyone house would be the exact same. Maybe they might put in a new room for summoning, possiable summoning arena where u can have your monsters fight with your friends, But construction is already a great skill so i think alot of the older skils need updating. Or new ones like hunter ;) but that comes soon enough :thumbsup:

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All the people saying construction is a well fleshed out skill I really wonder if you have a half decent construction level.




I'm going to assume this doesn't really apply for me.




Unlike skills like herblore with construction you're gaining most of the exp using up your resources just to gain exp, with skills like herblore you're at least getting potions back, when it's costing you millions per level and the only thing you have to look forward to within five levels is the ability to build another room onto your house, a steel dragon or hellhounds, marble spiral staircases, marble wardrobes, magical cape racks or a demonic throne.




Building an entire dungeon as well as the absolutely awesome looking throne of all times AND get one of the rarest skillcapes? That's good enough incentive. Oh and skills with no return are not uncommon. Firemaking has no return, Ranging with chinchompas has no r






If you don't think those things are worth paying millions for then this isn't a good skill for you.



Well, you can get flatpacks built for the wardrobe and cape rack, I decided to build a crystal throne and only have two floors so spiral staircases are a waste for me, so all I'm left with is two new monsters and an increased room cap. It becomes very very hard to justify the skill, and when you're not super rich and have to work hard for your cash to get between levels there's just not many incentives.




For you maybe not but for others obviously there are.




As it stands you can make any potion or mix at 85 herblore, what do you get for 14 more levels of construction?




The most impressive parts of your house.




I'm not saying herblore doesn't need an update, but either construction should be easier to level or they should be giving more incentives to level it (mainly at the higher levels).




Sounds to me like construction isn't the right skill for you but you want them to change it to make it so. I beg to differ. Of course it's hard to get high construction! Those items that you get are tokens of vaste wealth. If you suddenly make the skill easier, those items stop being special and you will have LESS incentive to go get high levels.




The fact is using planks is the only realistic way to level your construction, you can easily train ranged whilst getting hides and bones.




Personally, I'm going to keep my crystal thrones rather than upgrade to demonic, apart from a steel dragon and some hellhounds I have the most impressive parts of my house there's very little for me to carry on and the main incentive is the extra rooms, there's really nothing useful at the higher levels. If Jagex made something in the 90's that was really useful or only useful for the owner of the house that could be a huge incentive, how about a potions lab with the utensils to allows you to make four dose potions from a single herb and ingredient.




There's so much potential in construction that I feel is wasted, now that I have to grind several thousand planks between levels I'm finding it hard to justify, and it's that that makes the skillcape so rare.




PS: Don't be surprised if there's some sort of construction aid introduced with summoning.

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But how is the vast amount of money for Construction going to come into the game now? Staking, and PKing, are pretty much gone, and the High Alch has become much less profitable, i.e. you lose more money now then before.




PK'ing and Staking didn't introduce money into the economy, although it does mean there are less super rich players who can level it 99 without emptying much of their bank.




However, with the introduction of the GE, skillers who can't merchant can now easily get an income, with them being skills by nature they should use this on skills like con rather than saving up for things like a godblade.

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The fact is using planks is the only realistic way to level your construction, you can easily train ranged whilst getting hides and bones.




That's very interesting but I don't really care.




Personally, I'm going to keep my crystal thrones rather than upgrade to demonic, apart from a steel dragon and some hellhounds I have the most impressive parts of my house there's very little for me to carry on and the main incentive is the extra rooms, there's really nothing useful at the higher levels.




How about the demonic throne, steel dragon and hellhounds?




If Jagex made something in the 90's that was really useful or only useful for the owner of the house that could be a huge incentive, how about a potions lab with the utensils to allows you to make four dose potions from a single herb and ingredient.




There's so much potential in construction that I feel is wasted, now that I have to grind several thousand planks between levels I'm finding it hard to justify, and it's that that makes the skillcape so rare.





It's not the fact that the skill is "hard to justify" which makes the skillcape rare. It's that few people who have the money choose to spend it on construction. What kind of things were you expecting to get at level 90+? would you rather that there was nothing like many of the other skills?




PS: Don't be surprised if there's some sort of construction aid introduced with summoning.




I would actually be surprised but in a good way. I don't dislike of construction updates I simply think they aren't really really needed.

76th to reach 99 Construction on 6th of February 2007

379th to reach 99 Runecrafting on 4th of November 2007



Finally the secrets of goal achieving are revealed! (give my guide a read :^_^: )

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Don't complain about Construction. they need to focus on OLDER skills that they haven't updated. (Mining, Woodcutting, Agility, Runecrafting)




Agility got the penguin course, mithril grapples and the Dorgesh-Kaan course.


Runecrafting got the ZMI altar.




Mining and woodcut can't really be udpdated, well it could, knowing Jagex, but could you imagine that...




To kickstart June we thought we would give you a grand update to the woodcutting skill, gather those hatchets up and head down to Witchaven where you will find the new powercutting minigame! Will you get all the logs required to advance into the deeper zones, where you have underground trees, roots of oaks, or will you descend deep into the 5th layer where a brand new tree, requiring level 90 woodcutting, will be awaiting your hatchet? Find out in the new WoodChop minigame!








hehe true




and great idea :)


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

slayer specific: 103 whips, 38 dark bows and 250+ dragon boots dropped to date.

Dragon drops: 5 Half shields, 21 drag legs, 8 dragon skirts, and 9 drag meds dropped to date.

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I want to be able to storage more items in my house. Although it is nowadays not so necessary because they added more bankspace, it is still an issue that shouldn't be forgotten.




Why can't I put my naval outfits in costume room? Or some other minigame-obtained items like penance items, chompy bird hats, villager costumes?




Why can't I keep my ordinary armour and weapons in my house? They should definitely add new room for this purpose. Space for each full barrows set. Space for every weapon I would have and space for different metal armours, from bronze to dragon. Also space for bows and ordinary dragonhide armour sets. etc.




Why can't I put most of my quest-obtained items in Quest hall (or somewhere)? It would be great if they added a chest where you could put items like Barrelchest anchor, dwarven helm, neitiznot helm, Ava's accumulator, water tiara, ancient mace, holy wrench, anti-dragon shield, klank's gauntlets, Gadderhammer, Bonesack, 10th squad sigil, etc.




Whatabout slayer room? So that I could store different things bought from slayer masters there.




Jester costume? Vyrewatch costume?




There are endless possibilities for developing construction skill.




And whatif you could train farming in your own house garden? Maybe even have some own animals there and live like real farmer :D




And, what would you like you own furnace and anvil in your house? In some cases, they would appear to be very useful.

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Why can't I keep my ordinary armour and weapons in my house? They should definitely add new room for this purpose. Space for each full barrows set. Space for every weapon I would have and space for different metal armours, from bronze to dragon. Also space for bows and ordinary dragonhide armour sets. etc.




Why can't I put most of my quest-obtained items in Quest hall (or somewhere)? It would be great if they added a chest where you could put items like Barrelchest anchor, dwarven helm, neitiznot helm, Ava's accumulator, water tiara, ancient mace, holy wrench, anti-dragon shield, klank's gauntlets, Gadderhammer, Bonesack, 10th squad sigil, etc.




Whatabout slayer room? So that I could store different things bought from slayer masters there.


Are you willing to pay the extra money Jagex would have to charge all its paying members, just to pay for this increased use of memory?




Personally, I would be. It's not good enough to yell, "We want more space" when Jagex have already given plenty of concessions in the past couple of years (even to F2P players) without ever increasing the amount we have to pay for the game.




In fact, when I write it like that, the call sounds pretty audacious and cheeky.

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