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Officers told her 'rights' were 'only in the movies'


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Deloriagod, I believe the child has suffered more harm than good, after this incident. What about next time the kid bumps his head? He won't tell anyone because of what happeend, and in theory the state will have killed the child.




I do have to agree, but I would personally put blame on the parents for refusing medical treatment. Head injuries are serious business. I would never trust a bag of ice at home as the only treatment for a head injury. The gov't had justification to get the child proper treatment and as I said, the story seems blown out of proportion. I refuse to believe half the crap that was said. What I didn't see in the article was what the SWAT members had to say about the incident.




What is going on here ??? It was a bump on the head, anyone can tell difference between a bump on the head, or when a child is acting abnormally from internal bleedings, especially his own mother!


I've never had a bump on my head mixed up with a serious internal injury, even when I was 5 I could tell if something was wrong with me. And if I didn't know, my mother sure did.




The cops acted like the Gestapo. Even if the kid needed looking after the way they acted is sickening, downright disgusting if you ask me, and I'm a father with military first aid certificates perfectly capable of taking care of my daughter. To be honest I'd never trust a cop again.




The judge who ordered this action is the one who needs medical care, and the copes who deemed it responsible to contain the children in TORTURE POSITION (knee to back is a stress position) should be jailed.




The swat members were probably told to shut up, as nothing they could say, if honestly said, could help them most likely. Or maybe they are still high off the drugs they must have taken.




Are you really that brainwashed? You know down well they didn't act the way the victim said. There's no way in hell anyone who takes their job seriously would burst into a house, slam people (including children) around, and point guns the their faces.




I reread the arcticle again and I can't stop laughing at the part where the SWAT officer "kneed the 18 year old in the back". If you know anything about police procedures, he didn't knee her in the back. He put his knee on her back to keep her there and he wouldn't have to do that unless there was resistance.




Honestly, this story is 90% [cabbage].

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Guess you've never been arrested, deloriagod. Not all cops are the ones that come into schools and give lectures.




As in any profession there are good employee's and bad, unruly employee's.




If anything you're brainwashed.




I'm not american, so I'll leave this debate inthe knowledge that most americans that posted believe this to be standard procedure and accept these methods generally.




You haven't seen anything in life, if you believe all authority figures practice what is preached. So get real and take a reality check before defending a system that you will regret trusting.

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Not to take sides with the cops or anything, but Worldnetdaily isn't exactly a bastion of quality journalism and well-informed opinions.
And as it was posted by cryztalwing the credibility of the thread is also not that great.




Thank god i'm not the only one doubting the accuracy of this article.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Guess you've never been arrested, deloriagod. Not all cops are the ones that come into schools and give lectures.




As in any profession there are good employee's and bad, unruly employee's.




If anything you're brainwashed.




I'm not american, so I'll leave this debate inthe knowledge that most americans that posted believe this to be standard procedure and accept these methods generally.




You haven't seen anything in life, if you believe all authority figures practice what is preached. So get real and take a reality check before defending a system that you will regret trusting.




I've never been arrested, but I've dealt with cops before. A couple of them tried to do the good cop/bad cop thing on me to hit me with something worse than failure to maintain control (after my car accident). I know an excop who used to "waffle face" any suspect who have him hell on the way to the station. I know there's good and bad people out there and I know the entire system can't be trusted. But what are the chances and entire SWAT team was made up of bad employees? You can call me brainwashed if you want but I'd think you'd be old enough to know what kind of [cabbage] the media will try to sell you.

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Mmmm...cherry Kool-Aid. Your favorite, I assume?




Look, Colorado law and US law in this case is all about reckless endangerment of a child. The government could have pulled in the damn Army if they wanted to, because they had warrant, they had the right, and they exercised it. The women wouldn't take her child to healthcare, which is not a sound and logical choice. Their was no details as to how bad the child was hurt at the time, and for all the SWAT team knew, he could have been bleeding out of the eyes. Special Forces always prepare for the WORST possible situation when they have MINIMAL intel, which was the case.




The SWAT team was justified, so go deal with it.

So your telling me a misinformed, poorly judged choice is justified?


Let me add something else:




Its like me going up to someone and shooting them and assuming they have commited a crime. My justification is that someone told me you commited a crime, i have no real proof or heard nothing real convincing but hey if someone said it, ill shoot you! :thumbsup:

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In this case, it was unneeded. We KNOW that the head 'injury' was not sever, and a simple iceing was all that was needed. Thus the swat team over reacted and a social worker should of been sent in first to try and deal with the mother and family in order to obtain the child.






The police did not try to NON VIOLENTLY obtain the child first, which is a HUGE NO NO. I'm sure if a social worker had been sent in and described what kind of things could of happened, things would of been handled peacefully and there would of been no conflict at all.




Now had the mother not responded to that, sure send in either normal cops or a swat team, but not at the rate they did.




If anyone here says that "they could of had a gun and could not of been trusted", you better have some damn good security, because you just said that you trust no one in the world and that you think every single person has a gun.




They did. They said before. They had the chance to do it freely and get him cleared but they didn't.

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I've heard people many a time refer to things like this in totalitarian regimes as 'barbaric'. And who has won all throughout history? the barbarians. In Rome, everywhere the Mongols stepped foot.




The same is happening here.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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I've heard people many a time refer to things like this in totalitarian regimes as 'barbaric'. And who has won all throughout history? the barbarians. In Rome, everywhere the Mongols stepped foot.




The same is happening here.




I feel this is because of human beings' nature, our nature is to be barbaric. Something modern day society tries its best to prevent; but riots, protests are all shows of how a majority of humans are still barbaric on the inside.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

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Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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I've heard people many a time refer to things like this in totalitarian regimes as 'barbaric'. And who has won all throughout history? the barbarians. In Rome, everywhere the Mongols stepped foot.




The same is happening here.




I feel this is because of human beings' nature, our nature is to be barbaric. Something modern day society tries its best to prevent; but riots, protests are all shows of how a majority of humans are still barbaric on the inside.




How is standing up for things you think are important "barbaric"? :lol: It gives the politicians a message that the people care about a certain issue... Sometimes, people take the power which belongs to them by force or violent riots (or even coups, replacing an entire system of power)




The United States itself is a protest against British rule and having to pay taxes overseas. I guess the colonial people should've just been "civilized" and continue paying homage to some king they've barely even heard of.

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What a [beep].


When your arrested you only have 3 rights.


And that this was 100% legal. They don't know what they're going in to? for all they know the woman could be a gun wielding mad man. This will teach her that if your kid sustains a head injury they MUST go to hospital/doctors.




I agree. This is all standard procedure for a SWAT team. They can't just change their entire plans based on the situation. They have to approach them the same. They didn't know if those people were armed and dangerous. They can't just calmly stroll into a house and say "Excuse me, would you all mind obeying our orders and laying down on the floor please? We'd really appreciate it." That's just stupid.




I'm willing to bet any amount of money that this lady is completely over exaggerating about the kids being "thrown and slammed". And even if they were, it was probably because they didn't follow orders the first time. As far as the kids being "traumatized", give me a freaking break. This will be a distant memory for all of these kids soon. It's really not that big of a deal.




Lol, a kid bumps his head and the SWAT team is called in to evacuate him? This is beyond idiotic. Maybe if his head was open then yes take him to the hospital, alot of parents rather not have their kids there.


Dont give me [cabbage] about not being traumatized a close person to me had constant police searches done in the night when they were 7 till today they still wake up in the night after a bad dream that it happened again and cry. Just becuase your a macho man whos likes to think hes/shes invinciable, it dosent go for everyone else. Im pretty shure youd think otherwise if you were shoved into the floor and handcuffed. It may have all been a lie, but that seems what alot of people here jump to first, no pics no proof. I rather put some trust in people, i guess its a good and bad thing.


Honestly though, SWAT team? For a child? LOL? Idiots. >.<

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I've gotten a 3' cut on my leg when I was twelve because I tripped with a pocket knife, and I din't go to the doctor. My friend bodychecked my head into a concrete wall, causing my vision to go black, my legs to collapse on me, and my head to go numb and I didn't see the doctor. Did I ever get attacked by SWAT? noope. so obviously this is either extreme injustice or extreme bs.

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I don't know and don't care what's going on in their heads because there's nothing I can do about it anyway. You also don't even know what happened because you weren't there, correct? So how do you know if this woman is completely blowing this whole thing way out of proportion? You don't so stop speaking like you know what actually happened there.


So then why are you talking as if you do? I'm sorry, but saying, as you did, that the children were not traumatized is assuming that you know what was going on just as much as assuming they were traumatized. This statement is simply the pure embodiment of hypocrisy... How, exactly, do you know she wasn't blowing it out of proportion? If you're going to attack someone for stating something as if they were there, please don't state things as if you were there.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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As far as the kids being "traumatized", give me a freaking break. This will be a distant memory for all of these kids soon. It's really not that big of a deal.




$1,000 dollars says that if this ever happened to you, you'd soil yourself in under 1 minute.

In Soviet Russia, glass eats OTers.


Alansson Alansson, woo woo woo!

Pink owns yes, just like you!


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Mmmm...cherry Kool-Aid. Your favorite, I assume?




Look, Colorado law and US law in this case is all about reckless endangerment of a child. The government could have pulled in the damn Army if they wanted to, because they had warrant, they had the right, and they exercised it. The women wouldn't take her child to healthcare, which is not a sound and logical choice. Their was no details as to how bad the child was hurt at the time, and for all the SWAT team knew, he could have been bleeding out of the eyes. Special Forces always prepare for the WORST possible situation when they have MINIMAL intel, which was the case.




The SWAT team was justified, so go deal with it.

So your telling me a misinformed, poorly judged choice is justified?


Let me add something else:




Its like me going up to someone and shooting them and assuming they have commited a crime. My justification is that someone told me you commited a crime, i have no real proof or heard nothing real convincing but hey if someone said it, ill shoot you! :thumbsup:




OK, first off let me state: You're ARDTARDED. Second off, they didn't hurt nor kill anybody. This was not a crime.




But because you trolls can't tell the difference between morality and actuality, I'll bring up another argument. This isn't even real. I live in Colorado, I haven't heard an iota of this, and I've been scanning a number of local and statewide newspapers. I've found it on a few websites....but websites? Pfft. They lie. A lot.




So, stop bashing me because you know that I'm right.




And Sworddude, I don't think that the inability to reproduce is unnatural, I think it's counterproductive to nature. Way big difference. And furthermore, infertility is not a choice. Being gay is.




Back on track...








The kid COULD have had a serious problem. They didn't want to be weak and nice if he did. So they were cautious. They were SAFE. They had NO. absolute NO [bleep]ING INTEL on the kid's condition. He could have been bleeding out of the damn eyes for all they knew. All that they did know is that the paramedics, HIGHLY TRAINED PROFESSIONAL doctors thought he could have a SERIOUS head trauma issue. A MOTHER does NOT know the difference between a bruise and severe internal bleeding unless they too, are trained. And this women clearly is not.

Drug her across
no TRAINED paramedic would use that kind of bad grammar.




The SWAT team didn't need to read any 'right's' because guess what, NOBODY was being arrested! The SWAT team was doing normal, procedural and cautious moves by keeping all people under wraps. They were told that the mother could be endangering their children and being reckless (which she was) so for all they knew, all their kids could have had AK's under their beds. They assumed the worst could and would happen, and they acted appropriately.




In the REAL world, not in your land of being nice, it is better to save a boys life and keep SWAT team members out of the hospital than to go in 'nicely' and get serious wounded and possibly killed officers.




Stop drinking Kool-Aid and wake up.

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eh swat team storms a house because a kid hurt his head, and this is the only place i hear about it. This seems a bit far fetched, i don't think im ready to believe it.




as for raven, according to your logic, if i call the police and say some kid hit me on the head and i think it hurts a little, the swat team should fly in with a chopper and sniper cover? Possibly a gunship for the worst case scenario?




I wouldn't care if a cop came in to investigate, but since when does the swat team come in because of minor head injuries? are they afraid that the parents cut their kids head open and planted a bomb in? Doesn't make sense to me.

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So they busted the door in, forced to the ground, using guns, and handcuffed a family because they didn't want to spend 3 hours at the hospital to be told to ice it? And the to person that said that the kids would forget about it, that would tramatize any person! Being forced to the ground at gunpoint and cuffed by people wearing masks would, and probably is, going to give the kids(the younger ones anyway) nightmares for a while. It sure would scare me :ohnoes:

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There is more to the story than what's being said.




HELLO people, I can't believe you missed the key words "social services".




Social services don't really get involved unless police or medical staff question whether the kids are domestic violence victims at home.




The fact that he had such a bad head injury and the parents aren't willing to seek the best advice sounds fishy. It's suspicious like proper examination while the bruising is still fresh could tell them if it was a fall or he had been struck with an object.




Her story about the fall sounds made up. It's very lengthy and descriptive, just as people unconsciously do when they're lying and trying too hard to show that it's not a lie. To the trained eye, this is an alarm bell.




On the other hand a SWAT team was not [bleep]ing necessary. Sure, an officer at the door with a warrant "Excuse me mam I'm sorry if we offend you but we've been informed we need to take your son for proper examination" while reading her rights, would be called for.




A SWAT TEAM THOUGH!???? Even if the parents are violent brutes, it's going to damage a kid psychologically that they were jumped on by scary men in masks, screamed at with weapons to their faces.




If I were them, I would take my child to a psychologist, get a report, file a law suit claiming distress. The question remains though whether they're child abusers or just not very smart parents.




The SWAT team didn't need to read any 'right's' because guess what, NOBODY was being arrested!




SWAT don't need rights, they get ordered by the magistrates. Any police officer who laid a finger on the children would be held accountable to read their rights.




When SWAT is involved, you're not entitled to a phone call. I believe because the girl was young, telling her it's only in movies is his way of making it easier for her to understand that she couldn't do it.




I think the mother has blown it out of proportion or the media, however SWAT, really wasn't necessary.




Poor parenting and poor justice.




As far as the kids being "traumatized", give me a freaking break.




LetÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s get this straight trying to put you in a 7 year old boyÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s position. So youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re watching Bob the builder in your safe home when all of a sudden a bunch of scary people in black masks and suits come smashing through your safe environment. You have no idea who they are; youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re first thought is theyÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re probably robbers or burglars. There is a high chance the 7 year old doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t know about what SWAT means yet alone what they look like. Then the scary robbers in masks start to scream at you and order you to do things. A 7 year old mind is not trained to listen and respond to orders under such immense pressure. A 7 year old mind is not trained to control his bladder either once he soils himself from fear with a gun pointed to his face. Are these bad people trying to kill me? as you start to either scream or cry from the pressure. As you struggle in fear to break free from the robbers grip and cry for your mummy, the men in suits become angrier and more forceful. You lay on the floor, bound, soiled, in a helpless mess.




Does post traumatic stress mean anything to you, hero of the day??



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Guys I got the full story, and I'm now leaning towards a, 'drop it and leave it alone' kind of things.




Apparantly, it was his father that refused paramedic treatment, though they did get a look at the boy. The father was a Vietnam medic, and was treating his boy just fine. However, the paramedics went to social services and reported a 'seriously potentially threatening' head injury. The POLICE, not the SWAT, got a search warrant and went to the house immediately. They did NOT manhandle any of the members of the family, and they took the boy away to hospital and did not allow his father in (This is the worst part, in my opinion.) He was released shortly after with the instructions to keep under cold pressure and apply Aspirin when...needed.




At any rate, similiar story, only a little less extreme but a little more...weird. The father was a Vietnam Army Medic, so he was clearly trained...so it was an unncessary procedure. However, the Police did have a search warrant so it was legal. No rights were needed to be read, since there wasn't arresting involved.




All in all, I say a good day. You can choose to believe or not to believe this story, but that's the buzz around my school, my parents, and a few local newspapers I found. O:)




Good luck all.




Edit: Pffft. Forgot an 'n't' at the end of Was before Arrest.

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You people amaze me. Honestly this isn't that big of a deal. They were following standard procedure. That's not going to change for anyone. You're acting like he witnessed a damn murder or something. He was ordered to the ground and a bunch of people were yelling, big deal. I mean seriously, you're all acting like this is the worst thing to happen to man in the last 10 years. Like I said, if it's that serious, then she can go to court for it. Otherwise it's just another crappy story.

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ok so no swat team? the first article just took sensationalistic journalism to a whole new low?




link please?




You people amaze me. Honestly this isn't that big of a deal. They were following standard procedure. That's not going to change for anyone. You're acting like he witnessed a damn murder or something. He was ordered to the ground and a bunch of people were yelling, big deal. I mean seriously, you're all acting like this is the worst thing to happen to man in the last 10 years. Like I said, if it's that serious, then she can go to court for it. Otherwise it's just another crappy story.
a swat team breaking into your house with your kids and rest of your family inside, in the middle of your regular day equipped with fully automatic weapons ready to fire, pulling everyone to the ground, going through everything in the house while they hold you at gun point is not something you will laugh at the next day during your dinner.
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Actually, the dispatchers often supply the SWAT team members with colorful "disinformation"


to kind of rev them up. It's entirely possible, even likely, that the members of that SWAT


team were told the child was a kidnapping victim or worse.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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You people amaze me. Honestly this isn't that big of a deal. They were following standard procedure. That's not going to change for anyone. You're acting like he witnessed a damn murder or something. He was ordered to the ground and a bunch of people were yelling, big deal. I mean seriously, you're all acting like this is the worst thing to happen to man in the last 10 years. Like I said, if it's that serious, then she can go to court for it. Otherwise it's just another crappy story.




Yes SWAT followed standard procedure. The point I did make though was that the children can be traumatised, regardless of your grand theory. You're better off trying to tell a pilot how to fly a plane. You're incorrect and I will certainly bring it to your hubris attention, especially when it comes to children's well-being.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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