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"Jagex Endorses Satanism" ???


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I was browsing the RSOF and came across this post..I won't give the names of the mod or the user.





I am very very angry about what has been happening to RS recently. I have a member (since the first day I played) BECAUSE I wanted to spend more time interacting with my children ([account names removed by Mod **]) also members. I have 255 days of member credit remaining, UNFORTUNATELY.




Though the difficulties you have imposed upon the crafters has been unfortunate, and the ability to reward others for helping (using knowledge or going with them through a quest, etc), or even giving things away to those who need it (newbies or recently "killed" ) or even make runes for someone running essence for us has been seriously stunted, this is not the worst of it.




Nor is the unruly inflation the GE has created (315gp for a measly piece of seaweed - give me a break!! It costs more than a nat rune!)




The most serious attack you have launched against the family and society has been the introduction of demon possession and satanism with the "skill of summoning", even using the same words for the demonic possessor ( "familiar spirit" ) that the satan worshippers use. The attempt to make such things acceptable and even enjoyable is a dangerous and aggressively hostile move on Jagex's part against all that is good








I wrote this to Jagex and was told they would not respond to my complaint.




Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!






The eventual reply, after locking the thread and adding the message "I'll type up a reply shortly, please be patient - thanks :)" was









Firstly, I have edited the original post on this thread to remove several account names which the thread author says belongs to his/her children. This is in keeping with our forum-wide policy of not discussing other accounts that are not directly involved in the thread.




Secondly, I would like to make it completely clear that Jagex does not condone, endorse or participate in discrimination on any grounds whatsoever, including real-world religion. As a company, we are proud that our playing community is made up of such a diverse range of players from many different real-world backgrounds and cultures.




RuneScape is a fictional game set in a fictional world. All in-world references to religion, magical practices etc are fictional, and they are not intended to reflect real-world beliefs or practices in any way.




None of our content is a "serious attack against the family and society" nor a "dangerous and aggressively hostile move on Jagex's part against all that is good".




-Mod **




Edited to add: This was cross-posted in several forums. I have removed the others, because cross-posting is against the "no spamming" section under Rule 1 of the Forum Code of Conduct.





There are a few questions I'd like to put to you,




(1) Do YOU think Jagex endorses satanism with the release of the summoning skill


(2) Do you think that any aspect of the game might sway someones personal beliefs, example - if someone worships zammy in game, may this lead to them changing their real-life beliefs and becoming a satanist ?


(3) How do you think jagex (or rather that j mod) handled the very awkward statement ?




Personally, I don't think the summoning skill was meant to be compared to satanism itrw, and when you think about it there are alot of other things in the game that could "possibly" be objected against.




You could go as far as to say that killing things in the game could potentially lead to ppl going out and killing things itrw, same with thieving, this could potentially lead to ppl going out there and stealing from shops and eachother.




(Personally I don't believe a word of the above paragraph, but I know alot of ppl out there, not those who necessarily play runescape tho, DO believe in such things, hense the banning of certain games in certain countries etc)




Lastly, I think that everything the jmod said is correct, afterall this is a FICTIONAL GAME, nothing in it should be seriously compared to trw or should lead to anyone changing things in their life


( although due to the nature of this, and many other games, there ARE similarities to the real world.)



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i think this is a prime example of how sad and paranoid some people are in todays world. Nothing more. ITS A GAME.



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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Uh, I hope that bloody Christian fundamentalist gets hit by a science book. He needs to open his eyes! Summoning shall be released as planned. I have nothing against it, and don't see why the most fundamentalist Christian should have something against it, so why does this guy?




The person appears to be a tank and has 77 combat. Just for interest sake if anyone wanted to know ::'

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Honestly, if you get offended by a skill in a game, you should really rethink your priorities.




All in-world references to religion, magical practices etc are fictional




There are alot of real-world references in Runescape thou, they just use it as a kind of 'inside humor'. If (s)he finds Summonign offending, then what about killing 'animals' and 'humans'?




Games != Real Life.

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the one complaining has a point though...




Runescape = fiction


Religion = fiction




Runescape = Religion?

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
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Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
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Runescape's hardcore, right wing Christian population... Putting the fun back in fundamental extremism :P








(1) Definitely not... How can you have a problem with using "familiars", but no problem with casting magic at people and praying to multiple deities? I'd consider it if you recharged summoning by saying the lord's prayer backwards or something... But it's not like that (I hope).




(2) Probably not 99% of the time, but you never know where people will find their inspiration to do things like that. I'm not even going to use the word "Satanist" because it's just a brand for everything not Christian (real theistic Satanists are few and attention starved).




(3) I don't think the mod could have handled that post any better, he really did a good job there :)

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Topics like this remind me of how very much I hate religion.




How can you believe that, at all...?




People have brains, people have intelligence.


People have the cognition to realise it's a game and has no power to influence their lives.

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the one complaining has a point though...




Runescape = fiction


Religion = fiction




Runescape = Religion?




Runescape = A game


Religon = Faith.




Comparing religon to Runescape is absurd to be honest.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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Secondly, I would like to make it completely clear that Jagex does not condone, endorse or participate in discrimination on any grounds whatsoever, including real-world religion. As a company, we are proud that our playing community is made up of such a diverse range of players from many different real-world backgrounds and cultures.




RuneScape is a fictional game set in a fictional world. All in-world references to religion, magical practices etc are fictional, and they are not intended to reflect real-world beliefs or practices in any way.
















hmm, we pray to altars in runescape dont we? just saying.

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im not trying to steryo type here but most people who go so mad over this kind of thing take theri belifs to teh extreme and find most things evn remotly ofensive as the bigest evil in th world i mean look at the idots saying that harry potter is bad for kids as it undermines the church despite not one rfranc to gods in the whole 7 books the same happend with philp pullmans dark materials they did mention the church but as far as i rember they didnt even mention what god/religion they followed




me ( a catholic) have never been swayed in my belife by a work of fiction and have no quams(sp?) about how evil i am in a game in fact th main reason i usaly try make my self evil in rpgs is that it is the compleate opposite of me in real life.




also the mod did very well in his reply to the post by staying in the middle and stating how jagexs has no veiws on any religion at all

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Ah, here we go again. One crazy monkey, and everyone goes off the deep end.




I am referring to the illogical, idiotic and downright offensive slurs against religion posted by users of this forum. Yeah, the person who posted that on the RSOF is slightly off the deep end, but then many scientists are completely whack as well. Another point: A large percentage of murderers are atheists, does this mean that all atheists support murder? No. One example of craziness does not make the rest crazy.




And anyway, as someone who knows about Satanism (I used to volunteer in a rescue home that would help get people out of many bad situations, ranging from drugs to abusive relationships to cults) I can safely say that, from what I know of the summoning skill, it has absolutely nothing to do with Satanism. If you want to find references to demonology and 'unholy' things, here are far more obvious places to look.




That said, "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convince the world that he didn't exist"... :-k




P.S. as for my personal religion views, I am an evangelical Christian. But I'm also not a nut job. :wink:

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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This is about as stupid as that guy ranting about Crackers being racist.








but you're right, hence I stand by my statement that runescape = fiction and religion = fiction...




those insulted by it can pray to whatever gods they belive in to smite me down...






But lets ask (for the sake of argument) a christian is he belives on Buddah, or Allah, or Zeus for all I care... He will answer with a firm NO...




When this person understands that he is as atheistic as I am, because I believe in only 1 god fewer then he does, then we can talk again...

Former Leader of The Tal Shiar Alliance - An Original Tip.it Clan
Member of the Wilderness Guardians and Founder of the Silent Guardians
Founder of The Conclave - A Tip.it Clan institution
Tip.it Times author (click for all my articles) - When I use the wrong reasons to make the right statement, argue the reason, not the statement.
MSSW4 General - Did we kick your ass too?

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and who cares if they do




personally i think hardcore christians are as bad as the guys who blew up the WTC (but lets not get into that...)




Jagex has made it clear that they dont




Removing demonic symbol with some eye


that got removed to what it is now...

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