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way too much


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this isnt spam its simply a word of advice and its open for argument ( not flames ) however feedback ( well thought out ) would be of help




i know that latley the f2p worlds have gone to the dogs due to recent events ill leave unnamed




however when a level 3 newbie fresh off the island follows me from lum to varrok ( without asking ) only to call a level 93 with a 1200+ total a noob because i was wearing camo with a runite pick ( fresh off powermining ) .. its a bit too far




is f2p that desperate for cannon fodder to take out their rage or am i just losing my mind




i mean yes my vision is going bad and i probably wont be scaping much longer but is this the road were headed down ?




that if a newbie saw a 126 in full wizzard with an air staff he would get trashed on ?




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Members and high-leveled players call me a noob all the time for the stupidest reasons. F2P alone isn't the problem... It's always gonna be like this so the best thing to do is just ignore it.

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The primary law of Internet gaming:






Anyone who is a higher level than you is a no-lifer.


Anyone who is a lower level than you is a n00b.




Unfortunately, you'll always be called a noob by someone. People are simply impolite over the Internet because they can get away with it, pure and simple. People who would never say something cruel in real life let their inner bully come out where nobody can hurt them, because sometimes people feel a deep-seated, human need to hurt somebody else, and the only way they can do that is by hurting their feelings over the internet. Often, it's best just to let them run down, even replying to their comments kindly, or (as I'm often likely to do) in an intelligent, sarcastic, scathing manner that nobody with an IQ under 120 understands, so that you and your intelligent friends can have a good laugh without the annoying person knowing what you're saying and having their feelings hurt in return. It makes the world a better place when you can let yourself injure other people without them knowing it, so you, your smart friends, and the annoying little idiot all get to let out your inner vindictiveness without anyone actually having their feelings hurt.




Trust me. It's a lot of fun.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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agreed, with all aspects of this post.




on the one hand, it is fairly annoying that people feel the need to call strangers noobs, but most of the time these people are the kids you hear about just trying to provoke a fight for their own amusement.




on the other hand, no, something like this shouldnt upset you, apart from being an annoyance.




i say just live with it and move on. i hear ya on the "its getting bad" factor but what can you do eh?

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I was fighting ice giants last night with my 115 + account. All my combat stats are even. A level 72 then made the statement "No offence mate, but you hit really low for your level"


I replied "LOL Im not offended its only a game!"


As we all know the individual hits are random but statistically my hits average will be higher as my combat increases. Had this player managed to unlock the secret to Runescape and hit higher than anyone else? No !!!


He showed an unfortunate lack of understanding of the game.


Dont ever be offended by any one elses comments regarding the game because they are just showing deep ignorance, stupidity or immaturity.

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The primary law of Internet gaming:






Anyone who is a higher level than you is a no-lifer.


Anyone who is a lower level than you is a n00b.




Unfortunately, you'll always be called a noob by someone. People are simply impolite over the Internet because they can get away with it, pure and simple. People who would never say something cruel in real life let their inner bully come out where nobody can hurt them, because sometimes people feel a deep-seated, human need to hurt somebody else, and the only way they can do that is by hurting their feelings over the internet. Often, it's best just to let them run down, even replying to their comments kindly, or (as I'm often likely to do) in an intelligent, sarcastic, scathing manner that nobody with an IQ under 120 understands, so that you and your intelligent friends can have a good laugh without the annoying person knowing what you're saying and having their feelings hurt in return. It makes the world a better place when you can let yourself injure other people without them knowing it, so you, your smart friends, and the annoying little idiot all get to let out your inner vindictiveness without anyone actually having their feelings hurt.




Trust me. It's a lot of fun.




You're totally correct in this. You feel so smart when you can pick on someone else, that little stupid, low-level person who you call a noob. You feel like you're the best person in the world when you can pick on someone who have a lower level than yourself.


But the truth is that it is no other than yourself who is the noob.



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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I get called a noob all the time for powermining. I think lower level players just get mad because they want to mine the rocks




I deliberately aim for other peoples rocks and try to outmine them in an attempt to discourage them and make them leave.. Some call it unfair gaming, I just mutter "dog eat dog" 8-)

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I get called a noob all the time for powermining. I think lower level players just get mad because they want to mine the rocks




I deliberately aim for other peoples rocks and try to outmine them in an attempt to discourage them and make them leave.. Some call it unfair gaming, I just mutter "dog eat dog" 8-)




::' Thats the spirit...




and i'm not being sarcastic-honestly :D




"Dog eat dog" ftw! but... if dog doesn't have to eat dog, don't bother. Eat chicken instead. :lol:


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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I get called a noob all the time for powermining. I think lower level players just get mad because they want to mine the rocks




I deliberately aim for other peoples rocks and try to outmine them in an attempt to discourage them and make them leave.. Some call it unfair gaming, I just mutter "dog eat dog" 8-)




::' Thats the spirit...




and i'm not being sarcastic-honestly :D




"Dog eat dog" ftw! but... if dog doesn't have to eat dog, don't bother. Eat chicken instead. :lol:




I'm lvl 117 with pretty high skill hehe .. in most cases it is "dog eat helpless baby child" :lol:




i cant take ppl seriously when they whine bout someone taking "their spot" lol.

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All i can say is




Welcome to RuneScape




What he said. :-k

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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All i can say is




Welcome to RuneScape




What he said. :-k




I agree.


Tut island shouldbe removed again.


And instead a video sequence of ur char being born. After birth , the doctor should hold u up by 1 leg, slap you on the [wagon] and say


"hello noob, welcome to Runescape, heres a sword, a wooden shield and a keyboard, your choice what to kill people with".

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Everyone get's it mate.




Today I went to the Grand Exchange to buy a rune scim, as soon as i walk away from the counter, some guy wants to buy my rune scim. I tell him no and he calls me a noob. WE WERE AT THE DAMN GE! :XD:

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Unfortunately, you'll always be called a noob by someone. People are simply impolite over the Internet because they can get away with it, pure and simple. People who would never say something cruel in real life let their inner bully come out where nobody can hurt them, because sometimes people feel a deep-seated, human need to hurt somebody else, and the only way they can do that is by hurting their feelings over the internet. Often, it's best just to let them run down, even replying to their comments kindly, or (as I'm often likely to do) in an intelligent, sarcastic, scathing manner that nobody with an IQ under 120 understands, so that you and your intelligent friends can have a good laugh without the annoying person knowing what you're saying and having their feelings hurt in return. It makes the world a better place when you can let yourself injure other people without them knowing it, so you, your smart friends, and the annoying little idiot all get to let out your inner vindictiveness without anyone actually having their feelings hurt.




Trust me. It's a lot of fun.




That's what I do, it really is pretty fun. :D

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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