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Your thoughts on the new Tif.


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Default skin from before pls. :ugeek:




Also yeah, I have been going on zybez a lot more now...planning on making an account on that. Don't like the skins or anything. Oh well.

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It isn't like the way it is now is set in stone, having read the Tip signature thread from the old forums it is clear that the Staff are pro-helping the users. I think it will feel more familiar with the new skins and I hope the new phpBB3 gives us opportunities to make it a better forum. I am disappointed I lost a lot of my blog, but I have the chance to start again and it isn't the worst thing in the world to lose. :)

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So far I like what I've seen. It will take some time to get used to it though. I can't wait for the new skins to be chosen :)


Feel free to HYT me in-game =)

~~3,483rd to 99 Thieving, Feb 22, 2008~~

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." - Calvin (& Hobbes)

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The new forums are so user friendly and flexible, I'm absolutely in love with them! It'll still take a bit to get used to though. Can't wait for the new skins. ^^

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I can get used to it, however my problem is the fact that for those of us who use a large resolution, pictures are simply... cut off. I'd much rather have to scroll over than not be able to see the right half of most large images.

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my honest thoughts are i feel i've been jerked around by tif. you took the forums down for a few days then back up. for no real good reason i can see. and i still see ppl's threads totally messed up. no new skins. stupid smilies.




i have to say something is wrong if the kind of people you had work for this site did what they did. either they were justifiably po'd by something you guys did OR they were totally lacking and should not have ever been considered for helping to manage the site.




tipit has been on the decline for awhile and honestly i'm looking into finding a better site/community if one exists. that has their act together and priorities right and doesnt play favorites and have some kind of agenda.

[hide=-this is my signature- guides i've written]full list is at the top of <!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=775754">viewtopic.php?f=180&t=775754</a><!-- l -->[/hide]

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my honest thoughts are i feel i've been jerked around by tif. you took the forums down for a few days then back up. for no real good reason i can see. and i still see ppl's threads totally messed up. no new skins. stupid smilies.




i have to say something is wrong if the kind of people you had work for this site did what they did. either they were justifiably po'd by something you guys did OR they were totally lacking and should not have ever been considered for helping to manage the site.




tipit has been on the decline for awhile and honestly i'm looking into finding a better site/community if one exists. that has their act together and priorities right and doesnt play favorites and have some kind of agenda.






Ok cya. bad things happen sometimes, you deal with them and move on, c'est la vie.



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my honest thoughts are i feel i've been jerked around by tif. you took the forums down for a few days then back up. for no real good reason i can see. and i still see ppl's threads totally messed up. no new skins. stupid smilies.





A LOT of work went on behind the scenes, things that the users don't see. Without the forum being down for those couple of days the forum would be nowhere as good as it is currently, there'd still be loads of bugs and just general chaos.

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New hides and color options = :wall: :cry: NOT USER FRIENDLY if you recovered you guide from your comp. Hate this one the hides are harder to open. Color you can't just put a color there. The smilys are stupid. No New Skin will change my opinion.

I Support TET!| If you want bunny PM Me.|Click For My DevArt


^ Cowboy is the Best ^


Hell yeah I do. Whats your msn?

That's how it all starts.


Next he's going to ask you what flavor of candy you enjoy and whats your favorite color van.

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The previous version of the forums was written in phpBB2, which tripsis explained is MUCH more vulnerable to hackers etc. This new forum is written in phpBB3 which includes many more security updates. So for those who demand the previous version of the forum, you are at the same time demanding lower security and in the long run more attacks. tip.it is just as prone, if not MORE prone to be attacked from someone on the outside rather than someone from the inside administration. So phpbb2 would be committing suicide at this point.




So why don't we go with the flow and give some positive input, instead of making oneself look like an idiot saying stuff like "tip.it doesn't care", "tip.it doesn't know how to do their job". Some people here have been fully engaged and working in this community since before alot of you complainers starting growing pubes. To suggest that they are wasting their time, just to waste time, makes your IQ drop 10 points seriously.




In this situation negative input will help NOTHING. What happened has happened, let the past go and help the tip.it crew design a new skin(s) that will eventually please everyone. Bear in mind that this is the 4th or 5th evolvation of tip.it forums since year 2001. Clear proof that nothing lasts forever, but also proof that situations like this (the hacking of tip.it) can definitely be turned 180 degrees for the better.




Just felt like posting something long-winded right now, as obviously alot of people haven't understood the full situation and have taken to blaiming tip.it as means of venting frustration.




P.s. make your own damned forum if you believe you can do a better job, see how things go, eh? I'm sure you wouldn't be the first newb to create an avidgamers forum ;)

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Fook I agree with you, but don't flame people. It is their opinion.

I Support TET!| If you want bunny PM Me.|Click For My DevArt


^ Cowboy is the Best ^


Hell yeah I do. Whats your msn?

That's how it all starts.


Next he's going to ask you what flavor of candy you enjoy and whats your favorite color van.

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Fook I agree with you, but don't flame people. It is their opinion.


I also posted my opinion to counter-work the people busy flaming tip.it as a whole for causing them grief. A wise old man sang a song once and in the song he sang "fight fire with fire". The wise old man was Tom Jones. :mrgreen:

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Completely agree with Fook-A-Ji, forums are hard to get back up when they go down, I've helped my clan get forums back up and running esp after a crash or something that was unexpected, that still took days and our forums are much smaller than these, I have to applaud the crew for getting them back up and updated as quickly as they did. This version of phpBB is much better than previous ones, the advantages certainly outweigh anything aesthetically wrong with them, and that can be fixed with skins anyway.

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my honest thoughts are i feel i've been jerked around by tif. you took the forums down for a few days then back up. for no real good reason i can see. and i still see ppl's threads totally messed up. no new skins. stupid smilies.




i have to say something is wrong if the kind of people you had work for this site did what they did. either they were justifiably po'd by something you guys did OR they were totally lacking and should not have ever been considered for helping to manage the site.




tipit has been on the decline for awhile and honestly i'm looking into finding a better site/community if one exists. that has their act together and priorities right and doesnt play favorites and have some kind of agenda.




i feel the same way too. it used to be good but now its declining. the community is just ugh. u cant post one thing without getting flammed... im also looking for another community out there. i hate these forums too. plz bring back the old forums

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