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Will the new graphics be "Acceptable?"


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It will look a lot nicer than the low and high detail modes which will be just enough to get someone to try runescape for being a MMO and be impressed by the gameplay and the other detail modes for when they are using a worse computer.




I havent been online for months but I will be coming back because of the graphic improvements && because of the full screen. I was quitting because it was becoming too complicated of a game for such a small screen in the browser. Full screen makes room for all the new things that have been added to runescape lately and it makes it seem like a complicated MMO but runescape style which is what I will love. :D

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I think it will be more so but would still be critized ;/.

"To do all that one is able to do, is to be a man; to do all that one would like to do, is to be a god." - Napoleon I

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I also dont think it will necessarily change anything as far as players go. I do know however, that a few players may return. I got bored of runescape around a year ago and gave away my account (yeah I know, against the rules) but I will most likely return once they come into effect. By the way, does anyone know the date planned for the release? I haven't been able to find it.

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I couldn't care less. I play in low-detail as it is, even though I have more than adequate specs for the new detail level, and I'm almost certainly going to try out the new level for a day or two, then switch back. I don't play this game for the scenery.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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It's not the graphics that will bring new people in. It is the ability to play in full screen.




This game is about simplicity. The reason why so many people are trying it out is because there is no downloads needed, there is no E-mail activation required, and you don't have to have any knowledge of a computer to even start the game. If the full screen mode alters with the simplicity, and makes you have to download a client it will not effect the game at all. MMO lovers will not come crowding to start playing this game, and the younger generation will still come crowding because it is easy to start up with.

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Most people don't like RuneScape because of it's gameplay, and then go off to play Adventure Quest and claim it's better. ->-


I think some people who are a bit arragant and didn't play before because of nobody else playing, might play now because more people might like it, if you get my drift. X}

Achieved 99 Woodcutting on 12/06/08

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No No no..! This update is nothing good for rs. At least for me, I always like the sort of 2d over the top look of rs2. The simplicity is what made it professional and now the full screen 3d mode looks so bluntly like an amateur game scrapped in some 3d game maker and rather poorly.




Java will NEVER catch up to graphical capabilities of games such as GW, WoW, AoC w.e else. Runescape is popular because the content is so rich and original and you can play it on a website. Crappy looking 3d graphics are a big turn off for me over the simple 3d we currently have.

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I have to agree with what I've read so far, many people do judge a game by how good the graphics. I remember when Runescape Classic was like RS2, I still enjoyed it although skills were quite annoying especially woodcutting and fishing.




However, I enjoyed it and enjoy the current graphics as I go for substance over style. I do think Runescape will lose out in terms of graphics whatever MMO's coming. I've seen MMO's with better graphics and. tried it but the substance is terrible, very little to do except kill monsters( come on, we're not that violent!).

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u are right ,




alot of wow nerds tell me to play it , because runescape has "bad graphics"


well , now they are gonna see this , they will never say it annymore lol \'



Signature by Littleboy

Runescape and impatient people are like ying and yang, they exist as one, they need each other
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For me the key to a good game is playability does it have the content that will see you enjoy doing what all games are meant for - to be played. Does it have enough depth and variety to keep you hooked and wanting to play more, the graphics for me just have to be passable does a boat look like a boat and so on I am not that bothered beyond that.




Given the platform that RS is based on I think the graphic update is looking very good from the few screenshots I have seen but the update itself does not excite me would rather have seen some more new things in game.

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I still love the graphics of the SNES! Sorry Link is so cool in ALttP and I like him a lot!




Same with Super Mario World and the Donkey Kong games! the graphics rock!!!




Sorry I'm just weird.




I think I'll love the new graphics but there'll probably be some stupid thing they missed that's really important and people will rant and quit because the 'new graphics suck'.

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I don't really care what other peoples opinions are on Runescape. It's just a game I play to have fun and waste time. The graphics to me are acceptable now, so I'm sure the new ones will be even better.

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Personally I think it's going to knock WoW right out of the park \'




I know graphics aren't everything, but after playing Twilight Princess (six times o.o) I noticed that they really do "enhance the gaming experience" :P




Maybe my avatar might finally have eyes =O


Currently P2P


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I really don't think I'll use the New one. I'm stuck on Low Detail, What I usually play. I'm not sure, but I just don't feel that there is a need to actually go and get the requirements for the New Detail, and play It. It's the same old Runescape No-Matter what.




I really don't think I'm going to use it. :shame:


By: MrShinyredplanet


Is Mature Enough? : By Crowned Duck


Is being mature enough;

Life seeming kind of rough;

Is fun a game to play at times;

Is mature Just fine?;


A war starting again?;

Will you endourse yourself In sin?;

Is being Mature Enough?;

Hey, This war Is tough.

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I know some MMOs with worse graphics than the new detail mode that are 'acceptable'.




And judging a game by its graphics isn't the same as judging a book by its cover. Graphics can dramatically enhance the gameplay.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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No No no..! This update is nothing good for rs. At least for me, I always like the sort of 2d over the top look of rs2. The simplicity is what made it professional and now the full screen 3d mode looks so bluntly like an amateur game scrapped in some 3d game maker and rather poorly.




Java will NEVER catch up to graphical capabilities of games such as GW, WoW, AoC w.e else. Runescape is popular because the content is so rich and original and you can play it on a website. Crappy looking 3d graphics are a big turn off for me over the simple 3d we currently have.




You have no idea what you're talking about. The reason why the graphics of RS are so 'turned down' is because Jagex wants it to. They want to keep it a browser game, meaning that they have to minimize downloading time. If they started with downloadable-clients then they can easily compare to those games, if not surpass.

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I don't see enhanced graphics with much of a downfall. They most likely won't be up to speed with the graphic legends of the day, but they'll probably excite current RuneScape fans who are used to plain scenery. Plus, I think the more simplistic graphics can help draw less avid gamers in and introduce them to the genre a bit. In RuneScape's own way, the graphics are acceptable because they give it a defined look.

I only care about cabbage.

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It'll have some impact on how the game is viewed from outside parties, that's a fact. But, the people that only judge a game by its graphics will still write off RS as sub-par to other MMO's out there such as Age of Conan and WoW. That being said, RS will still probably see an influx of new players because of the improved graphics.




I mean, there's only so much that you can do with a web-based game, while still making it accessible to players with slower computers. Graphics will never be the deciding factor as to whether or not RS is a good game. That factor lies solely on the gameplay and community. The graphics will be "Acceptable" to the current players, but new players looking for a game with spectacular graphics will be disappointed.

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In my honest opinion, the graphics change is a dramatic change, but it's not dramatic enough for people of other MMORPGs to consider the graphics "acceptable", but maybe it will be considered a bit lower than average, as a possibility. When I've tried to explain people that the graphics on RuneScape are substandard to those of several other MMORPGs because it's Java, they really don't care. Why? Because the graphics are still substandard, people won't think first to their heads "Oh, this game is made by Java, so it's good.", they will think, "The graphics are terrible!". No matter how many times one says that RuneScape is made by Java as a reason to why RuneScape's graphics are substandard, people will still think RuneScape's graphics are substandard.


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The graphics are currently "acceptable". Even from the screenshots I've seen of RSClassic are "acceptable enough" (raised on SNES ftw). Possibly the alure of better graphics will bring in new players, look a the MMO "Eve", its graphics are so AWESOME that I am compelled to look into it. So when this new detail comes out watch out F2Pers for a thousand or more new players coming into RS.

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There is no limit what you can do with Java - I don't know why people keep bringing this up.




The graphics, even with the update, are outdated by a long time - 5 years, maybe. Bragging about dynamic shadows? Oh, wow. -_-




They're missing out on a huge market, by being browser based - in an ideal world, I want them to take the route of Guild Wars. They'd earn money off everyone, in that case - and there would be no limitation in what they can do graphically.




Obviously, they don't want to aim for next-gen graphics - because no one will buy it. I personally, would love to seen Runescape with WoW or Doom 3 styled graphics. The graphics in Doom, are 5 years old - and they're still quite pretty.




I expected the specs to be a lot higher too - 1.5 ghz processor? Please tell me that's not the average PC of a Runescape player.

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