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Man I hate people (my weekend story)


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I couldn't agree more. 90% of humanity needs to be wiped out.


You see, when stated without anecdotal justification, saying this just makes you look like an arrogant jack**s.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Just going to be blunt about this. You had a [cabbage] weekend, build a bridge and get over it, you'll have more down along the line but there'll still be amazing ones as well.




Make your local senator or whatever aware of the 911 respondent, 4 hours for a Ambulance is pure [cabbage] and in some cases playing with lives, the fact that 4 hours into it he finally got a seizure and that's what made them come is just dangerous.




Couple of cans with close friends > a party full of randomers.


Totally agree, get that place checked out man.




You were pretty calm for someone in that situation, well, not calm maybe, but level enough and in-touch with yourself. Bravo man.




This weekend kind of sucks, but only because I really have nothing to do. First weekend of summer vacation.

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The frothing of the mouth wasn't seizure it came from drinking home brew. Anybody who drinks that stuff is just silly - If it isn't mixed properly or you aren't aware of it's strength it's very easy to get alcohol poisoning. I hope he learns his lesson in a hurry.




Coming from personal experience I had 2 glasses of the stuff and ended up in hospital, feeling very sorry for myself for a while there. I had no idea how powerful home brew actually was and it was actually a parent who offered it to me!! It was in a jim beam bottle and I poured what I thought were 2 standard drinks.




Know what you're drinking and it also pays to know first aid. If you make it yourself, warn others of it's strength and consequences. If you know people who are drinking it, also warn them incase they don't know.




If you knew first aid and rolled him on to his side with his head on his arm, he wouldn't have any risk of choking. If he needed to throw up it would go beside him.




Pays to know those 2 things.




1. The guy could have been educated about what he was drinking and he wouldn't have ended up in that mess




2. Four hours for the ambulance is pretty disgusting you should try ringing someone about it.




Home brew in large quantities can kill you so be warned, educate your friends. I had 2 glasses and it was enough for a trip to the hospital.




I don't drink at all now :lol: haven't had a drink in nearly a year.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Cheers for the replies, I'm glad I gave you an interesting read.




I ended up going out last night too, it was just a small gathering and turned out alright. and few things beat hot friends with benefits




Only real issue was one seedy guy the host regretted inviting because he was hitting on her 13 year old sister.




Just going to be blunt about this. You had a [cabbage] weekend, build a bridge and get over it, you'll have more down along the line but there'll still be amazing ones as well.


I'm not sure where you are going with this, I just posted a story... I have been in a number of hectic party situations but I felt like writing about this one.




Goddess: It was really just a few of us, most of the people there was friends we met who were tagging along, along with a few car loads of randoms just wanting a party. I think David was the only person who had too much to drink. I do make it a point to take turns with driving, theres a few of us with cars so nobody is being used for a ride. I did only agree to take the girls to maccas because it was 5 minutes from where I was staying. Since we thought we were going to a party all we really drank were roadies, I only had 6 ted's and everyone was pretty much sober when the incident happened.




Reflecting back in a better mood it's probably a good thing I was there, Chris couldn't have held him down by himself and the guy would probably have hurt himself pretty bad. He was also going on about how he had no respect for himself, and said he wanted to walk to the train tracks, admit ably he probably wouldn't have made it.




I have heard about bad experiences with improperly brewed alcohol so I stay away from it unless I trust the source. I have only ever drank 2 bottles of brewed burbon and it turned out fine, it actually turned out to have less alcohol in there than if I were to buy it. Oh, and one glass of tooheys new a few years back.




I'm starting to get over the whole open party ordeal. More than half of them turn out to be a waste of time, just 2 weeks ago I was at an open house and it didn't turn out so well. A girl almost got raped, one guy had his head split open, another got bottled and ended up permanently blind in 1 eye, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.




Word of advise to the people only just beginning to go to parties: I wouldn't advise open house parties, more often then not pretty bad stuff happens. Invite only usually turn out to be good because everyone generally behaves, the house doesn't get wrecked and there are usually no fights.

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Can I get a tl;dr on that please?




He went out with some mates. There were no parties so they ended up in a carpark. Drunk Maori dislocated his shoulder trying to climb a wall, he helped him and called the ambos and they told him to keep him on the ground. The kiwi was drunk and kept fighting and hitting them, blacking out every now and then. This went on for 4 hours.






And as a few people have said, a few quite drinks with mates are better than partying hard.


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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The kiwi was drunk and kept fighting and hitting them, blacking out every now and then. This went on for 4 hours.




Ah, us kiwis sure do know how to have a good time eh? ;)




You sure do, bro. :D


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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Can I get a tl;dr on that please?


Go be an [wagon] somewhere else.




Your weekend sounds fuuuuuuuuun.


Yeah go say that to a mod =D>

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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Can I get a tl;dr on that please?


Go be an [wagon] somewhere else.




Your weekend sounds fuuuuuuuuun.


Yeah go say that to a mod =D>




The fact that he is a mod he shouldn't be bringing 4chan rudeness here. If you want to be arrogant, go to 4chan, cause guess what, it's ANONYMOUS!




If you want one liner topic starters, you became the mod of the wrong forums mate.




I mean, hey, I'm all for being rude, thats why I frequent 4chan, but keep them seperate aye?

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Go be an [wagon] somewhere else.




Your weekend sounds fuuuuuuuuun.


Yeah go say that to a mod =D>




The fact that he is a mod he shouldn't be bringing 4chan rudeness here. If you want to be arrogant, go to 4chan, cause guess what, it's ANONYMOUS!




If you want one liner topic starters, you became the mod of the wrong forums mate.




I mean, hey, I'm all for being rude, thats why I frequent 4chan, but keep them seperate aye?


Oh because I'm the only one who EVER did anything like that on here.

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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Yeah go say that to a mod =D>




The fact that he is a mod he shouldn't be bringing 4chan rudeness here. If you want to be arrogant, go to 4chan, cause guess what, it's ANONYMOUS!




If you want one liner topic starters, you became the mod of the wrong forums mate.




I mean, hey, I'm all for being rude, thats why I frequent 4chan, but keep them seperate aye?


Oh because I'm the only one who EVER did anything like that on here.




Possibly not, but you're the first one I saw. :thumbup:

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I couldn't agree more. 90% of humanity needs to be wiped out.


You see, when stated without anecdotal justification, saying this just makes you look like an arrogant jack**s.




You need to realize that while there ARE good people in the world, they are alarmingly few.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Damn, all I did during my weekend was go bowling.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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ah drunks are fun.....




my worst ever weekend started normally going to a party having a good time not getting to drunk, then it gets interesting.....


i only lived 2 streets over (2 or 3 km i live in the rural parts of brisbane out morayfield and burpengary way) so myself and 2 girlfriends and their boyfriends (who hadnt had anything to drink) decide to make the pilgramige to my house. so we were walking and a carload of 14 - 15 yr olds drunk out of their heads comes screaming up clipping laura and well we sorta go [cabbage] call the ambulance (turns out she had a broken leg and a concussion).


then the car load of kids come back and they get out and mark and jack (the boyfriends) instantly know this will not end well so they arm themselfs with branches and rocks.


well lets say this two 24 year old muscle junkies against five 14-15 year old beanpoles, the beanpoles got flattened. so they jumped in the car and drove off, so now we are starting panic about the ambualnce. guessing that the stupid pupblic health system had failed again. mark and i (both did cadets hoo rah :ugeek:) rigged up a streacher and all of us wlaked to the hospital a 1 hr walk, we get there and the ambos are all having coffee and the ER is empty. so mark and luke are pretty angry and give the ambos an ear full, laura is on the road to recovery and wana now what happened to holly? (the other girl) she went back to the party :evil: yea that happened from 10 pm to 2 am




that was my worst ever weekend


You do not deserve the vital organs you possess. I hope you die a slow, painful inversed-exploded-tumor related death.
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I couldn't agree more. 90% of humanity needs to be wiped out.


You see, when stated without anecdotal justification, saying this just makes you look like an arrogant jack**s.




You need to realize that while there ARE good people in the world, they are alarmingly few.


Hey, I'm a pessimist too man, but going that far is amazingly arrogant and foolish, and, albeit, typical for a recluse. Don't get my wrong, I'd be the first to say humans are stupid, but to both generalize the human race and to assume you are in the top 10% morally and intellectually [unless you wish to be a victim of this mass murder which you so disturbingly desire] are not wise things to do my friend.




There's a phrase I remember hearing once or twice, what was it.... ah, yes, "high horse". Get off it.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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You see, when stated without anecdotal justification, saying this just makes you look like an arrogant jack**s.




You need to realize that while there ARE good people in the world, they are alarmingly few.


Hey, I'm a pessimist too man, but going that far is amazingly arrogant and foolish, and, albeit, typical for a recluse. Don't get my wrong, I'd be the first to say humans are stupid, but to both generalize the human race and to assume you are in the top 10% morally and intellectually [unless you wish to be a victim of this mass murder which you so disturbingly desire] are not wise things to do my friend.




There's a phrase I remember hearing once or twice, what was it.... ah, yes, "high horse". Get off it.




Haha, kudos. I was thinking the exact same thing. "I wish for the 90% of the population to be wiped out, I'm a really good guy too".

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Well, first off, :lol: at

"Somebody rings up the ambulance for the 5th or so time, and I tell myself that if we get told the ambulance is on its way, then I am ditching this idiot, driving up to the station and killing everybody."
I must find a way to add that to my signature without it getting deleted for having too much text.




Sorry to hear about your weekend, but at least you had the patience to wait for the ambulance...Had it been me, we would have dragged that sorry bastard to the hospital, and then proceed to murder every one of the drivers for that hospital, plus the dispatchers, most likely with the blacking out, seizuring corpse of your buddy...




I've seen drunk...I've seen big people drunk...I've never seen or heard of something that bad. Why didn't you just tell him there was free booze at the hospital...or just kick him in the temple....that should slow him down (permanently).




At least you were being the good citizen and helping the person in need. I must say you are a better person that I.

[hide=Funny Quotes]

So you sucker punched a kid in the back of the head? Good job.
What scares me is that you're like 10 years old.
-.- im not that freaking young
You were a couple years ago.
It's not racist if its true.
Hmm... I wonder how one goes about throwing someone out a window in a mystic fashion :-k


The mental image for that is freaking awesome.


- I dont need to "get a life." I'm a gamer - I have LOTS of lives!

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Wow. :( Sounds like you had a terrible weekend. But, it was extremely EXTREMELY good of you to help that guy. Even though you didn't know him, you did the right thing. You really proved yourself to be a great person. ^_^

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My weekend:




The day started as usual I went for a shower, I used a new shampoo that my mum bought on sale (Saving money ftw). Well about 10 minutes after I got dressed my head started itching and my face became swollen, It turned out that I had a allergic reaction too the shampoo. Poff, too the hospital and got number 380 something? the current number was 365... So after 3 hours it's finally my turn, I had a conversation on a whole 2-3 minutes with the doctor, got a receipt and that was it. 3 hours to talk with the doctor for 2-3 minutes... :wall:




Isn't even close to beat your weekend though :|.

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My typical weekend:


Wake up at 630 on Saturday,to catch TET Au event.


Go for some French classes,then eat lunch,usually being insulted within that time period.


Go home,with people doing inconsiderate things on the train.


Get pissed at humanity,and run some rounds.Get into an argument on the track and nearly beat some old guy.


At night I go to work and end up either angling the pyrotechs wrong so that it goes kaboom too early or accidentally lighting it soit goes kaboom in my face.


Get drunk because I hated the band that played and my face hurts,come home with $50 dollars less than I would have had.(I don't pay for drinks,so there's no reason why I would lose it)


Wake up the next day at 1 with a major hangover and go out.


Walk to the beach,and get sand in my underwear,probably pass some "bad neighbourhood" and have new sores on the way back.




Definetly though,yours is worse.






Oh and you waited 4 hours for an ambulance!?I mean I'm used to seeing drunk people,and helping them while a little tipsy myself,but 4 hours is rediculous!(If you haven't got it by now I work in a bar)


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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