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Your Zombie Preparation Plans?


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(Note, I apologize to the creator of this thread (whose name I can't remember :? ), I just thought it should be brought back!)




So, what are your zombie preparation plans? We all know it's coming, even subconsciously.




My own personal one: I already have a pair of rifles in my room, one of which under my bed. I and my dog are light sleepers, and I do not allow any sort of noise in my room. I also am working on writing a script that forces my computer to search for any news headlines with "Zombie, Invasion" and other such terms. I have several melee weapons in my room, which is unfortunately on the second floor of my home. I'm working on a tripwire security system, and have a number of tight-fitting clothes, strips of leather, and other such necessities. My plans for escape, in certain scenarios:


[hide=Best Case Scenario]The invasion is in another country entirely, and well-controlled. Nothing needed! :P[/hide]


[hide=Okay Scenario]The zombies are in towns, but have not surrounded my home or any of my escape routes. I first grab my weapons, change into tight-fitting clothes, bunch and slick up my hair, grab necessities such as razors, first aid kits, etc. I then load my stocks of canned, boxed, and other foods that won't go bad within a month-3 months. I will also fill several canteens of vitamin water, with tiny amounts of coffee, sugar, and caffeine. I'll put my cyanide pellets in accessible locations (I'm not going down without a fight, but I'm not going down to be a zombie!)Hopefully I'll have enough time to round up/organize with my friends and family, raid a local wal-mart with them, and get to either A: One of the local high schools, B: One of the university's better campus buildings, C: The airport, or D: The local military base. From these locations we will secure all exits, provide fail-safes, and try to contact the government to organize possible extraction, as well as keep updated on developments. If the outbreak isn't terrible, we may go out during the day to find other survivors. If it is bad, and we have to leave, there are many small towns nearby (30 minutes- 1 hour drive) we could drive to. We also have plenty of bikes for traveling in smaller groups. If we don't need to/can't leave the city, we fortify our position, plant food in the garden, and start to breed the cows/pigs/whatever. Then we wait for it to end in safety.




We could also escape to my uncle's ranch near Oklahoma. Quite a tall building, plenty of horses and cows, hard to access (on a fairly tall and steep hill surrounding a flatland), good farming land. This would be the best.[/hide]




[hide=Worst-case Scenario]The zombies are near/in my house. I cannot contact anyone, and it's near-impossible to escape the house. I grab all the food and water I can, and escape with my family and weapons to the roof with a short-wave radio and several telephones, to try and reach rescuers. If worst comes to worst, I kill myself.[/hide]




So, please share.




(Again, whoever started this thread before the rollback, please don't be angry.)

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Take a backpack with the following in it: ipod, flashlight, swiss army knife, cell phone, my school lock (had it since grade 9 might be useful@), food, water, some deoderant (no smelly pls) etc etc. Prolly carry a baseball bat with me and call some friends, we could all get together and hide out somewhere...there's massive forests all over the place where I live.




O my friend chad pointed out some good things.




<+Chad`> u forgot a wendys handbook


<@Toast> ogod


<@Toast> how to make a baconator


<@Toast> in the wild


<+Chad`> gotta know how to make them m8


Come to #tip-it on Swift IRC, if you're cool

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O my friend chad pointed out some good things.




<+Chad`> u forgot a wendys handbook


<@Toast> ogod


<@Toast> how to make a baconator


<@Toast> in the wild


<+Chad`> gotta know how to make them m8






Personally, I'd probably just focus on getting a weapon and escaping more than supplies. In the event of a zombie catastrophe, there will be plenty of empty, abandoned stores to loot from. Food won't be that big of a problem, even in the middle of nowhere there tends to be a few gas stations/convenience stores that carry edibles, even if it's just chips and such. Also Toast, cellphones won't help much. It'd only be a matter of time for the battery to run out. Furthermore, most people won't remember to grab their phones so the list of people you could call would be limited.

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did the zombie plan come from rvb or was there an earlier reference that they got it from? if you wondering the rvb its this







OT:i like grif's idea seems praticle enough

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What would I need if Zombies invade some how....


First of all, I'd need food. I would get food if I had to loot gas stations/walmarts/my kitchen. Without food, I'd die before the zombies.


Next, I would require water...With me I'd bring water purificition tablets, like 3 water bottles, and some energy drink.


After food and water, I would grab my laptop and wireless internet card. If I'm getting surrounded on all sides, I'd need to be able to talk to someone about it..It should help.


I'd also need a weapon of some sort.


Also, I'd need medication for my self. Some medication I can take to kill my self incase the zombies get me.


My friends would have to be with me, cause I don't want to die alone.


Thats most likely all...

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My first concern would be weapons (easy enough :P ) and then stocking up on some food, depending on how much time I have.




I've got two possible locations I'd head to after that:




1) My family has a trailer in the middle of nowhere in Arizona, which is where a lot of the guns are kept. However, it's a good ways away, and in the middle of the desert, so I'd only be able to hold out for so long.




2) Catalina island is about 30 miles offshore from where I am, and I'm sure I could find an boat or plane to get there. The entire island has about 3500 people on it, with the majority of them in one town. Even if the virus managed to get to the island, it'd be easy enough to hide on the other side of it, or take the boat out a ways, and fish for food, only going on shore when needed.




I hope the zombies can't swim... :uhh:

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My first concern would be weapons (easy enough :P ) and then stocking up on some food, depending on how much time I have.




I've got two possible locations I'd head to after that:




1) My family has a trailer in the middle of nowhere in Arizona, which is where a lot of the guns are kept. However, it's a good ways away, and in the middle of the desert, so I'd only be able to hold out for so long.




2) Catalina island is about 30 miles offshore from where I am, and I'm sure I could find an boat or plane to get there. The entire island has about 3500 people on it, with the majority of them in one town. Even if the virus managed to get to the island, it'd be easy enough to hide on the other side of it, or take the boat out a ways, and fish for food, only going on shore when needed.




I hope the zombies can't swim... :uhh:


Zombies can walk underwater for quite some distance, but eventually will fall apart. This also happens in extreme heat, and even moreso in extreme cold.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Blow them all up with my death stare.... I'm immortal duhhh ;) :P I'll let brent know about this topic I have a funny feeling he'll sign back up to the forums (3 month roll back deletion) just to share it with you :lol:



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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oh [cabbage], let me see if i have that episode of RvB






A zombie plan? of course not. I have 37 zombie plans.












also, fight to the death with katana vs. zombies.










also, best part of that episode


Kaboose: Briannnnnnnnnnnnnn, I want Brian. Moaning, Moinnnning.

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Jump in my truck and drive over anything that moves unnaturally. Keep driving till I get somewhere... decent; and hope for the best :ohnoes:


I won't tell you people where this "decent" place in in case you go zombie on me and the location is comprimised :lol:

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(Note, I apologize to the creator of this thread (whose name I can't remember :? ), I just thought it should be brought back!)
Are you refering to the thread I created in december? There is a link to it in my sig if you want to check.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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I don't have a zombie plan. I suppose I would just go with my natural instinct and try to get somewhere safe with my family. And then ring Will Smith, because even though he dies in the end, he is darn good at killng zombies.

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i would camp on the 2nd floor of my house with 3 mates (1 for frount 1 for back 1 for stairs) and shoot anything that moves zombi or not :ugeek:


but the hard thing would be food and water as tesco is about a mile away and i cant drive stick



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Probably blind them with a crappy laser pen from a fair :thumbup:


Those with a little bit of knowledge are more dangerous than those with none.

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Use the only weapon in my house, a baseball bat (or one of the knives O_o) and make my way to the local sporting shop (which is full of shotguns/rifles). Arm up in there, find a big 4x4, and mow my way out of the city to the countryside, where it'll be nice a peaceful. Maybe a little bit of sunbathing will be in order. :mrgreen:




Or, if you can't beat them, join them. Might be better. :ohnoes:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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I'd be the coordinator of the zombie hordes when this happens, so I don't think I need a preparation plan. I shall be directing the destruction of the free world from my floating castle above Sahara Desert, for when the hero comes to foolishly try to defeat me.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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stole my idea teh_langzor -.- . Well somewhat anyway.




Well i'd have my own horde of zombies to control and send them after the people. I'd take over new york city as my base of operations, and then i'd have food, water, and guns (to combat teh_langzor's zombies.)




If i'm not controling the zombies my plan is simple, take over the zombies and repeat plan one.

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I'm going to first assume these are the deadrising/disease type zombies, where if your dead, your dead, but if you are infected you become a zombie, and zombiism is a disease or something caused by say, and evil bee like insect thingy in deadrising. Anway.


I live on the top of a mountain, in a town with about 500 people, and about 20 within a mile of me. Down the road is a convenient store and a grocery store, and I could get to them, I have a pretty big car.




Firstly, I see if any of my friends are still alive. Then, since my house is definitely the most isolated, and hard to get to (mountain, as i said) we all stay at my house.


My house has 4 entrances, a front door, a back door, a garage, and a glass door to my basement. The glass door is right under a deck about 20 feet off the ground, and my back door is connected to the deck (porchish thing) and if we collapse it, it would block the glass door and leave the back door 20 ft off the ground. Thats high enough that zombies can't get in, and that we can jump out of if need be. The front door we would just barricade with something or another, theres a wall 5 feet behind where the door opens so if we fill that area the door could not be forced unless the wall broke. As for the garage, it is a big metal door, then to get into my actual house you need to go through two other doors,so its easily blockable, but we probably want to keep it as unblocked as possible, so we can get in and out as easily as possible.




As for food, I have two freezers full, plus a cabinet filled with canned stuff and stuff like that so we're set temporarily, but we can always get to a gas station or something for food.




Weapon wise, I have a cabinet full of knives, a sledgehammer, a pickaxe, a chainsaw, a lawn mower, hedge clippers, and lots more randoms stuff, including a hunting crossbow.




Also, we have a generator, so we can atleast keep some things working.



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Top ten tips of surviving a zombie invasion:


1) Get texas chainsaw massacre on the ugly mugs...


2) NUKE!


3) Form a stonghold of survivers.


4) NUKE!


5) Foot + undead groin + run away


6) NUKE!


7) Sawnoff shotgun.


8) PRAY!


9) Hope bruce lee comes in.


10) nuke!!!




My real zombie survival plan would be to make a stonghold.


I love this sig.

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