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Newbs have it easy


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I started Runescape with the other vast majority a couple of years ago. I found it from my friends and at the same time thousands of newbs were coming from Miniclip (a free games website that everyone knows about) Ppl came from tutorial island many confused others already bored. I had poor knowledge of the game which includes the community and economy. On my first days i did many newbish things! I spent many hours training on men near the lumby tutor. Then i decided on being a miner and when i went to AlKharid i got destroyed by the scorpions *ends noobish stories*




So i wasted alot of time doing useless things in the beginning (and im sure u were too)




Then they made updates like lumby teleport. This was the first. This lets u teleport to lumby(the starting city) for free and u can use it every 30minutes. Well why couldnt they have released it earlier when i got lost in my newb days. I didnt know runescape and was scared of losing my place lol.




then they made all the skill tutors which r very helpful. not only that but they sometimes give them new supplies. I was about to quit the game after i lost my tinderbox lol.




Then the GE makes buying things so much easier and u can no longer get spammed for the price. i got scammed so many times lol




these r just the big ones...




so i am asking do u feel the same? Is Jagex making life easier for the newbs out there. Whether it is just knowledge of the game/free basic supplies/tips/fairness in trades/navigation/you name it! Do u like how jagex makes it easier for new players. I mean u wasted alot of time understanding the game and now a newer player can just start leveling and is practically up there near ur stats. share.

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same as mini_me, i came from tutorial island with no tutors, home spell etc. not even lumby guide. mind you i joined in RSC and after seeing player killing all over i didnt dare hit another player. regardless, i suppose they did this in the means to educate new players rather then have them follow more experianced players around asking for 3k, how to make money or where to chop/m,ine/fish etc this certian item.




and like Seothenoob said. my god that was annoying! (stupid jail guards)


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i started in august of '07. i had the tutors and didnt have any idea that they werent there before. well anyway, i dont think they're making it easy for the recent newbs, i think of it as.....spicing the game up a little



"The best of you comes from your heart, not the edge of your sword"


"After hearing that, i don't think bounty hunter is the perfect minigame for you.".



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Well I was lucky that my friend gave me some armor back then,but other than that I was on my own.I would constantly buy newcomer maps and not know where to go still.




They didn't list Rimmington,so I found it by fluke :lol:


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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well, imo, the only reason they added those things were for more kids to know what to do in the game so more would become p2p and more money for them. The only useful thing would probably be the bank and home tele.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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exactly! i feel the same way. Putting a bank in lumby! i mean this is rarely done and it just makes their lives easier.




I was on my own and it was hard. I wasted alot of time learning the game. Now all of that is done for u.

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Ye so its easier now for them that it was for us but im not bitter about it...




i really enjoyed discovering the world for myself, the tutors cheapen the experience of being a new player imo. i got all my help and advice from friends and random people it was awesome




you learn from your mistakes, these new players dont get to make any, there risk free which is kinda boring really

Theres a fine line between not listening and not caring,

I like to think I walk this line every day.

Pinning blame on Jagex is like trying to put pants on an old man.

You both know he needs them, but he'll just keep dancing around, avoiding them at all costs.

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Tbh arnt those things also helping you?


I use the free tele all the time, very helpfull for all levels of player.




Personally I wouldnt like to start the game as it is. The sence of adventure with all the additions is somewhat reduced.


The whole point of being a newbie is not knowing what to do, discovering new things with the occasional death. I find that it prepares you for the harder stuff to come. With the game now they are given it on a plate, free runes, arrows, a sword and shield. We had to work for them.


So i agree, but some of the updates were a very good thing imo.

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The Home Port spell is also useful for people who had their characters stuck in areas from glitches. After all, you don't bring teleport runes/tele tabs/teleport jewellery wherever you go.


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Yeah i am not going to lie on this i played Runescape 2 years ago and starting out was one of the hardest things i ever had to do. The most money i ever made was about 20k which wasn't even a lot for a newbie (Then again, i was self-sufficient making my own resources). Now today, thanks to the Grand Exchange i made 100k in a week..seriously where the hell did the challenge go? :roll:


Best character ever

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same as mini_me, i came from tutorial island with no tutors, home spell etc. not even lumby guide. mind you i joined in RSC and after seeing player killing all over i didnt dare hit another player. regardless, i suppose they did this in the means to educate new players rather then have them follow more experianced players around asking for 3k, how to make money or where to chop/m,ine/fish etc this certian item.




and like Seothenoob said. my god that was annoying! (stupid jail guards)


Why lie about when you started? Pk everywhere was removed before teutorial island was even added, and you could be a non pker and have no risk whatsoever.


When i started, there was no teutorial at all, every one could pk anywhere and had an option to switch it on or off, armour had no level requirements, the strongest monster in the game was a black knight.


I was killed by a very evil pker named wolf who ranged me from the lumbridge cabbage patch.

Designer Violence.

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I started over 7 years ago, and find myself torn between caring about the way players have it now compared to back then. One side of me wants to be angry that they have many luxuries we didn't; but that just came with the evolution of the game. Do I feel many players now (Even high level ones) are ignorant to the grand scope of things? Yes, but I know they can't help it.

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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Yeah looking back to when I started I used to make money by picking up knife respawns above the general store in varrock and going and selling them for 1gp in the store, when I started their was no help, you were on your own which gave the game a sense of adventure, but now the sense has been destroyed by tutors, maps, home tele, gravestones, there hardly is a risk in the game today.




You have made me realize how much I miss those days ::'

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same as mini_me, i came from tutorial island with no tutors, home spell etc. not even lumby guide. mind you i joined in RSC and after seeing player killing all over i didnt dare hit another player. regardless, i suppose they did this in the means to educate new players rather then have them follow more experianced players around asking for 3k, how to make money or where to chop/m,ine/fish etc this certian item.




and like Seothenoob said. my god that was annoying! (stupid jail guards)


Why lie about when you started? Pk everywhere was removed before teutorial island was even added, and you could be a non pker and have no risk whatsoever.


When i started, there was no teutorial at all, every one could pk anywhere and had an option to switch it on or off, armour had no level requirements, the strongest monster in the game was a black knight.


I was killed by a very evil pker named wolf who ranged me from the lumbridge cabbage patch.




What the hell are you talking about? PKing was removed X-Mas 2007, last year. Tutorial Island has been around ever since I can remember (5 Years of playing, only level 74. Never was a skiller). Now, if you're talking about random PKing, I never played Classic, but I have heard about Challenged PKing, where you challenge the person to fight, not attack...




So, why even talk if you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about?




Anyway, when I started, it was a pretty fun experience, I liked finding the areas myself, and getting the newcomer maps over and again. I liked learning from my mistakes. Sure, I hated being scammed, but I learned and told others not to fall for it. I got to help...It was fun being respected by newbs who needed help. When they implemented the tutors, the bank, etc. I thought it was a good edition and made a new account to see what it was like to be new again...And realized the entire experience was gone. Everything was given to you. Weapons. Arrows. Runes. I remember coming off of tutorial island with 30 gp, a bronze sword, a wooden shield, and a bronze dagger, with some runes, and a big good luck from my friends who welcomed me to the game...Who also helped me. Now? None of that experience is there...




I'm just thankful that I joined when the experience was alive. :) And I'll always miss those days. Thank you for allowing me to remember.

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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When I was plopped into Lumbridge after tutorial Island, I just did what I knew from the tutorial: Fished and cooked. Then I attacked stuff and ate the stuff I cooked.




Slowly I learned how to do other things.




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same as mini_me, i came from tutorial island with no tutors, home spell etc. not even lumby guide. mind you i joined in RSC and after seeing player killing all over i didnt dare hit another player. regardless, i suppose they did this in the means to educate new players rather then have them follow more experianced players around asking for 3k, how to make money or where to chop/m,ine/fish etc this certian item.




and like Seothenoob said. my god that was annoying! (stupid jail guards)


Why lie about when you started? Pk everywhere was removed before teutorial island was even added, and you could be a non pker and have no risk whatsoever.


When i started, there was no teutorial at all, every one could pk anywhere and had an option to switch it on or off, armour had no level requirements, the strongest monster in the game was a black knight.


I was killed by a very evil pker named wolf who ranged me from the lumbridge cabbage patch.




What the hell are you talking about? PKing was removed X-Mas 2007, last year. Tutorial Island has been around ever since I can remember (5 Years of playing, only level 74. Never was a skiller). Now, if you're talking about random PKing, I never played Classic, but I have heard about Challenged PKing, where you challenge the person to fight, not attack...




So, why even talk if you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about?




Anyway, when I started, it was a pretty fun experience, I liked finding the areas myself, and getting the newcomer maps over and again. I liked learning from my mistakes. Sure, I hated being scammed, but I learned and told others not to fall for it. I got to help...It was fun being respected by newbs who needed help. When they implemented the tutors, the bank, etc. I thought it was a good edition and made a new account to see what it was like to be new again...And realized the entire experience was gone. Everything was given to you. Weapons. Arrows. Runes. I remember coming off of tutorial island with 30 gp, a bronze sword, a wooden shield, and a bronze dagger, with some runes, and a big good luck from my friends who welcomed me to the game...Who also helped me. Now? None of that experience is there...




I'm just thankful that I joined when the experience was alive. :) And I'll always miss those days. Thank you for allowing me to remember.




There was a time before anywhere dueling where you could go any PK ANYONE at ANY place (except major cities I think) no matter what, however, this was removed.


99 Crafting :: 39,750th || 99 Attack :: 1,775th

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There was a time before anywhere dueling where you could go any PK ANYONE at ANY place (except major cities I think) no matter what, however, this was removed.


I believe lumbridge was the only exception, so people couldn't spawn kill.

Metal fans, check out my band!


Still the King....

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same as mini_me, i came from tutorial island with no tutors, home spell etc. not even lumby guide. mind you i joined in RSC and after seeing player killing all over i didnt dare hit another player. regardless, i suppose they did this in the means to educate new players rather then have them follow more experianced players around asking for 3k, how to make money or where to chop/m,ine/fish etc this certian item.




and like Seothenoob said. my god that was annoying! (stupid jail guards)


Why lie about when you started? Pk everywhere was removed before teutorial island was even added, and you could be a non pker and have no risk whatsoever.


When i started, there was no teutorial at all, every one could pk anywhere and had an option to switch it on or off, armour had no level requirements, the strongest monster in the game was a black knight.


I was killed by a very evil pker named wolf who ranged me from the lumbridge cabbage patch.




What the hell are you talking about? PKing was removed X-Mas 2007, last year. Tutorial Island has been around ever since I can remember (5 Years of playing, only level 74. Never was a skiller). Now, if you're talking about random PKing, I never played Classic, but I have heard about Challenged PKing, where you challenge the person to fight, not attack...




So, why even talk if you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about?






Heh. Heh heh.




I'll bet you never played RSC, huh?



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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Then they made updates like lumby teleport. This was the first. This lets u teleport to lumby(the starting city) for free and u can use it every 30minutes. Well why couldnt they have released it earlier when i got lost in my newb days. I didnt know runescape and was scared of losing my place lol.





On my first account I didn't realize what the Homeport spell was until I was around cb30 tbh.


Fire Cape - Aug 14, 08.



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I remember when I started. I was dropped off in Lumbridge and just wandered around killing goblins without a clue what to do, then I wandered in the wilderness and got pked. After that I left for a year, when I came back Tutorial island was a distant memory and I had to find everything out from scratch. I found it satisfying to find it all out on my own ;)



Woodcutting does not raise your combat level because most people do not play as yew trees.
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Why lie about when you started? Pk everywhere was removed before teutorial island was even added, and you could be a non pker and have no risk whatsoever.


When i started, there was no teutorial at all, every one could pk anywhere and had an option to switch it on or off, armour had no level requirements, the strongest monster in the game was a black knight.


I was killed by a very evil pker named wolf who ranged me from the lumbridge cabbage patch.




What the hell are you talking about? PKing was removed X-Mas 2007, last year. Tutorial Island has been around ever since I can remember (5 Years of playing, only level 74. Never was a skiller). Now, if you're talking about random PKing, I never played Classic, but I have heard about Challenged PKing, where you challenge the person to fight, not attack...




So, why even talk if you haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about?






Heh. Heh heh.




I'll bet you never played RSC, huh?




Congrats, genius! You win three million dollars! I even said I never played it in my own quote! Here, I'll bold/italicize it for you! In other related news, that was kinda funny that you didn't see that...

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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