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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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Just as a suggestion to you flyingjj, I would highly suggest you try hard to get over that other girl, before telling this new girl that you like her, as this could cause some major problems...


Yea, I know. And I am trying. And it's working. Sort of. I only have feelings for her when I think about having feelings for her, if that makes sense. And I don't really intend to start a relationship at the moment with this other girl, at least not in a formal way, if you know what I mean. We are doing a bunch of stuff together as friends that some would definitely consider dating. Such as the fact that I asked her to go to a dance on Friday. And keep in mind, this is college, not high school, so a dance isn't this whole epitome of social life that means everything.

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Just as a suggestion to you flyingjj, I would highly suggest you try hard to get over that other girl, before telling this new girl that you like her, as this could cause some major problems...


Yea, I know. And I am trying. And it's working. Sort of. I only have feelings for her when I think about having feelings for her, if that makes sense. And I don't really intend to start a relationship at the moment with this other girl, at least not in a formal way, if you know what I mean. We are doing a bunch of stuff together as friends that some would definitely consider dating. Such as the fact that I asked her to go to a dance on Friday. And keep in mind, this is college, not high school, so a dance isn't this whole epitome of social life that means everything.


You're always going to have feelings for her. That's not something you or I can change.


What can change, however, is the amount of attention you give to her. Getting over someone is not the same as forgetting them.


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You're always going to have feelings for her. That's not something you or I can change.


What can change, however, is the amount of attention you give to her. Getting over someone is not the same as forgetting them.


Wise words... I have been giving her less attention for a while now, so that's made it much easier. Also, somehow, in the past few days I have gotten over her much more than I would have expected, and certainly much faster.




Anyway, other girl update. So today we went to the dance thing, and had a great time. It was amazing! Just one thing. The whole evening, we both avoiding talking about the elephant in the room, though it was obvious to both of us that it was there, and just kept getting larger as we started holding hands more and more. I kept giving her opportunities to talk about it, because I didn't want to push it, but she didn't quite take them. Anyway, after the dance we were walking back to the college and the elephant was finally talked about, first by admitting that we were both chickens and then by first her and then I saying that we liked each other. So yeah. I am now in my first real relationship.

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Congratulations. :)

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Yay for the friend zone!


The problem with me is that I seem to push aside every opportunity for anything more than friendship.


I recently got friend zoned too :wall:


Somehow I am untroubled by that, especially since she admitted she likes this game, who lives 10 hours away, in the same city as her dad, and she hates going to her dad's place, as her step-mum hates her and even got her children to abuse the girl :cry:






Listening to: Metallica - Disposable Heroes

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OK, so i have been dating this girl for a few months, and we love to watch movies at her house instead of going to the movies ( so much more personal) and i am not sure what kind of movies to rent. Nothing too mushy and all, can be anything, just looking for some good ones.


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GWD Drops:: Sara Sword(2); Bandos Boots(2); Steam Staff Split(4)

Dragon:: Boots (16); Whips (2); Dragon (Skirt(2), Helmet(2), Left Half(3))

Dagganoth:: Axes(3) Berserker(3) Mud Staff(2) Seers(1)

No Barrows Drops

99's:: Fletching, Cooking, Attack, Firemaking, Defence,Hitpoints, Magic

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OK, so i have been dating this girl for a few months, and we love to watch movies at her house instead of going to the movies ( so much more personal) and i am not sure what kind of movies to rent. Nothing too mushy and all, can be anything, just looking for some good ones.




Depends on what types of movies you like.




Tell us some examples of what both you and she like, then we can make some reccomendations.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Im not exactly sure about what all she likes, but she has told me any movie is fine with her. I am mostly looking for a feel good movie that is not too mushy.


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GWD Drops:: Sara Sword(2); Bandos Boots(2); Steam Staff Split(4)

Dragon:: Boots (16); Whips (2); Dragon (Skirt(2), Helmet(2), Left Half(3))

Dagganoth:: Axes(3) Berserker(3) Mud Staff(2) Seers(1)

No Barrows Drops

99's:: Fletching, Cooking, Attack, Firemaking, Defence,Hitpoints, Magic

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Try finding some movies you think would be good to watch.




If they turn out bad, the good thing about it being at your/her house is you can just turn it off and put in another, or watch the whole thing making fun of it the whole time

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OK, one question. My parents absolutely hate my gf. what should I do?

Excuses are tools of incompetence that builds monuments of nothingness. Those who specialize in excuses never accomplish anything.
If the world does end on December 21, 2012, I want to be doing hot stuff with Megan Fox and/or playing Runescape :D
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OK, one question. My parents absolutely hate my gf. what should I do?




Why do you think they don't like her, or know why they don't like her. Most parents just want what is best for you, and sometimes they don't have the best judgment. I say, if you like her, and she likes you, then all is fine.


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GWD Drops:: Sara Sword(2); Bandos Boots(2); Steam Staff Split(4)

Dragon:: Boots (16); Whips (2); Dragon (Skirt(2), Helmet(2), Left Half(3))

Dagganoth:: Axes(3) Berserker(3) Mud Staff(2) Seers(1)

No Barrows Drops

99's:: Fletching, Cooking, Attack, Firemaking, Defence,Hitpoints, Magic

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Ah huh, you're lucky. My parents, actually, my over protective mum, won't let me have one. :roll:


It's annoying, all she cares about is studying. She goes "NO NO NO! ROAR! I IS HAIRY MONSTER! GIRLS = BAD MARKS! ROAR!", and she thinks holidays mean mores study, as well as weekend. My dad tells me to ignore her. :lol:




However, that doesn't stop me.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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OK, one question. My parents absolutely hate my gf. what should I do?




What don't they like about her? How old is she?




Answer those and I'd love to give you further advice :D




Before I went out with her, she cut herself. She has fixed her problem, but my parents dont think so. She is 14. Im 15. Ive already been going out with her for total a year now, but my parents didnt find out until recently.


what should I do?

Excuses are tools of incompetence that builds monuments of nothingness. Those who specialize in excuses never accomplish anything.
If the world does end on December 21, 2012, I want to be doing hot stuff with Megan Fox and/or playing Runescape :D
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Tell them to [bleep] off.




She got over it, and its none of their [bleep] business.



Excuses are tools of incompetence that builds monuments of nothingness. Those who specialize in excuses never accomplish anything.
If the world does end on December 21, 2012, I want to be doing hot stuff with Megan Fox and/or playing Runescape :D
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Honestly, theres little you can do.




While I'd normally say that since you are living under their roof, you have to follow their rules, as you are not a paying tennant, are you? But honestly, your parents are throwing it well out of proportion. Using their past against them is not a good thing to do, if they have dealt with the problem, even if she still cut herself, even more reason for you to be there, to help her.




I mean, are they thinking "Oh no! She cut herself, she's clinically insane! She'll harm our poor little boy!" (sorry, couldn't resist). Really, just continue to let them think like that, and ignore them. Your parents seem really unjustified in thinking this, so I will NOT support their view. Sure, if it was something like making you go to church, and you were an atheist. I'd say suck it up, and just deal with it, you don't have to pay attention to what is being said. But this is a different matter altogether.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Honestly, theres little you can do.




While I'd normally say that since you are living under their roof, you have to follow their rules, as you are not a paying tennant, are you? But honestly, your parents are throwing it well out of proportion. Using their past against them is not a good thing to do, if they have dealt with the problem, even if she still cut herself, even more reason for you to be there, to help her.




I mean, are they thinking "Oh no! She cut herself, she's clinically insane! She'll harm our poor little boy!" (sorry, couldn't resist). Really, just continue to let them think like that, and ignore them. Your parents seem really unjustified in thinking this, so I will NOT support their view. Sure, if it was something like making you go to church, and you were an atheist. I'd say suck it up, and just deal with it, you don't have to pay attention to what is being said. But this is a different matter altogether.


sworddude, you are my hero...



Excuses are tools of incompetence that builds monuments of nothingness. Those who specialize in excuses never accomplish anything.
If the world does end on December 21, 2012, I want to be doing hot stuff with Megan Fox and/or playing Runescape :D
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sworddude, you are my hero...




He's the messia to me, everyone bow down to his greatness! :pray:




EDIT: Aww [cabbage], double post.



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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Ah huh, you're lucky. My parents, actually, my over protective mum, won't let me have one. :roll:


It's annoying, all she cares about is studying. She goes "NO NO NO! ROAR! I IS HAIRY MONSTER! GIRLS = BAD MARKS! ROAR!", and she thinks holidays mean mores study, as well as weekend. My dad tells me to ignore her. :lol:




However, that doesn't stop me.


Holy [cabbage] that sounds like me (except she goes "NO NO NO! ROAR! I IS HAIRY MONSTER! BOYS = BAD MARKS! ROAR!"... and my dad agrees with her. :lol::|




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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So... This isn't really my problem but it's a strange one. My brother (he's 12 btw...) is apparently 'going out' with a girl in his grade. The thing is he didn't say anything about it although he's said before he knows she likes him.




This is pretty much one-sided, as I'm friends with the 'girlfriend' on facebook, but he's not on facebook... And now I can't remember if he's ever said his thoughts about the girl. (she's pretty much in love with him...)




Any thoughts on where to go with this? I'm probably going to let it slide, but do I ignore the girl or what?

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Hi I haven't posted on here before but I have reading this thread for a while and decide to ask you all to help.




Well today has sucked.




The first real girlfriend I have ever had is not with me anymore. We were 5 days short of our six month anniversary. Technically she broke up with me but the feeling was sort of mutual. We have had some friction in our relationship in the past. I still do not know why it had to happen today. Everything seemed ok. She said we needed a break. She wanted to wait until the semester was over but for some reason I dont know she says she can't take it anymore. I asked her why she was doing this but she gave the same answer. Then I said can you tell me what I am doing wrong so I can improve. She said there wasn't anything and that I was really a great person. I said then what am I not doing right for you. Same answer. She said I think were just not right for each other, we have lost our "connection". Another thing she said is that she feels she is too dumb for me and I need someone on my level. I told her that it didn't matter how smart she was and that I don't need that sort of thing. Also I said that I am only good at academics and that she was just as smart as me and everything else. She denied this too. She also says she is tired of the little arguments that we seem to have. I don't want to sound arrogant but I do not feel that its my fault. I have looked back on them and the only thing I could have done differently would be to ignore some of the comments she makes, but that isn't a good solution. It doesn't matter anyways since we are not together anymore. She said that we were too different. At first she said it was ok and like the old cliche "opposites attract." Now "different" is a problem. She said she initially wanted to be with me because someone finally took in a interest in her and that I was a nice guy. She does seem to have issues with her insecurities. What makes this situation worse is that we were going to prom together in 10 days. It was her prom. I would have to make sacrifices to do it. She lives an two hours away and her school has the day after prom off and I don't. I would be driving to her prom and getting back really late. I was willing to do that. Why couldn't she just wait till after that. Also my prom is may 9th and now we cant go to that one either. I told her I couldn't show up by myself and that I needed her to go. She said we could go but only as friends. I think that would be awkward. What should I do now?




Also she said we could keep talking to each other but only as friends. I don't feel it would be right to pretend like nothing happened and that we are good friends when everything is not ok. I'm frustrated and confused on how I feel. I know that we would eventually have to break up as college got closer but the timing of the break up is so bad. Again what should I do? =/




Help please




If you want anymore information just ask.


People who ask our advice almost never take it. Yet we should never refuse to give it, upon request, for it often helps us to see our own way more clearly.

--Brendan Francis

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