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"I want a girlfriend/boyfriend", and other such relationship advice


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Ah crap. Anybody notice how older women are starting to look younger?




Well, I've been reading that book I posted earlier, and I've decided to throw off whatever anxiety I had approaching women by "sarging" (means hitting on) every woman I don't know and see in a day. Well, I saw a girl at Walgreens today, and I thought, "Huh, do I know her?" She looked about my age. Well, I approached her, and followed a, uh, method I learned in the book. I was a little nervous, but I just thought of it as a video game. So I got her number. And I asked where she went to school.




She goes to Texas Tech.




So I asked her when she graduated.




A month.




I hauled [wagon] outta there.




So, assuming she's 23, I got the number of a girl almost ten years older than me. She's all that good looking (I mean, I was confusing her for a 15-year old), and I was just doing it to get more confidence. But now I'm in a pickle. She doesn't know my real name. She doesn't know my number or anything. I'm just some guy she thought might be cute.




What should I do? I expect I just won't call her. I have a feeling I won't run into her again, but still ... Ah, I just don't think I'll call her. Just forget about it, ya know? I think everybody else would agree with me ...




On a lighter note, this was a fun day. I recommend you guys do it sometime. You'll feel ridiculous the first few times, but then you get used to it and s'all good.




:lol: :lol: :lol:


You call that a problem? If you're really uncomfortable about it all, just don't call her and dno't th8ink about her again. At 23 she should hopefully know that these things happen and think nothing of it. But dude, Texas tech girls are supposedly good looking, and she's 10 years your senior. She probably knows everything. I'd keep the number and get an awesome hook up sometime in the future. Experience is everything...just imagine...






On an unrealted update, I saw a topic that got locked about "friends with benefits". What is the general opinion on this manner? I've been fighting with my long time girl friend for a while now, and I think it could be an okay solution.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Ah crap. Anybody notice how older women are starting to look younger?




Well, I've been reading that book I posted earlier, and I've decided to throw off whatever anxiety I had approaching women by "sarging" (means hitting on) every woman I don't know and see in a day. Well, I saw a girl at Walgreens today, and I thought, "Huh, do I know her?" She looked about my age. Well, I approached her, and followed a, uh, method I learned in the book. I was a little nervous, but I just thought of it as a video game. So I got her number. And I asked where she went to school.




She goes to Texas Tech.




So I asked her when she graduated.




A month.




I hauled [wagon] outta there.




So, assuming she's 23, I got the number of a girl almost ten years older than me. She's all that good looking (I mean, I was confusing her for a 15-year old), and I was just doing it to get more confidence. But now I'm in a pickle. She doesn't know my real name. She doesn't know my number or anything. I'm just some guy she thought might be cute.




What should I do? I expect I just won't call her. I have a feeling I won't run into her again, but still ... Ah, I just don't think I'll call her. Just forget about it, ya know? I think everybody else would agree with me ...




On a lighter note, this was a fun day. I recommend you guys do it sometime. You'll feel ridiculous the first few times, but then you get used to it and s'all good.




Haha, thats some major skill in picking up their. Guess it must be helpful you look older too.




I applaud you good sir. =D>.




Though you left yourself a bit of a situation, you could completely ignore her, or you can tell the truth.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Ah crap. Anybody notice how older women are starting to look younger?




Well, I've been reading that book I posted earlier, and I've decided to throw off whatever anxiety I had approaching women by "sarging" (means hitting on) every woman I don't know and see in a day. Well, I saw a girl at Walgreens today, and I thought, "Huh, do I know her?" She looked about my age. Well, I approached her, and followed a, uh, method I learned in the book. I was a little nervous, but I just thought of it as a video game. So I got her number. And I asked where she went to school.




She goes to Texas Tech.




So I asked her when she graduated.




A month.




I hauled [wagon] outta there.




So, assuming she's 23, I got the number of a girl almost ten years older than me. She's all that good looking (I mean, I was confusing her for a 15-year old), and I was just doing it to get more confidence. But now I'm in a pickle. She doesn't know my real name. She doesn't know my number or anything. I'm just some guy she thought might be cute.




What should I do? I expect I just won't call her. I have a feeling I won't run into her again, but still ... Ah, I just don't think I'll call her. Just forget about it, ya know? I think everybody else would agree with me ...




On a lighter note, this was a fun day. I recommend you guys do it sometime. You'll feel ridiculous the first few times, but then you get used to it and s'all good.




May I ask which method? :D After I read your post a while back about the book I went out and bought it, so far it's definitely worth it. Very interesting read if nothing else.


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Ah crap. Anybody notice how older women are starting to look younger?




Well, I've been reading that book I posted earlier, and I've decided to throw off whatever anxiety I had approaching women by "sarging" (means hitting on) every woman I don't know and see in a day. Well, I saw a girl at Walgreens today, and I thought, "Huh, do I know her?" She looked about my age. Well, I approached her, and followed a, uh, method I learned in the book. I was a little nervous, but I just thought of it as a video game. So I got her number. And I asked where she went to school.




She goes to Texas Tech.




So I asked her when she graduated.




A month.




I hauled [wagon] outta there.




So, assuming she's 23, I got the number of a girl almost ten years older than me. She's all that good looking (I mean, I was confusing her for a 15-year old), and I was just doing it to get more confidence. But now I'm in a pickle. She doesn't know my real name. She doesn't know my number or anything. I'm just some guy she thought might be cute.




What should I do? I expect I just won't call her. I have a feeling I won't run into her again, but still ... Ah, I just don't think I'll call her. Just forget about it, ya know? I think everybody else would agree with me ...




On a lighter note, this was a fun day. I recommend you guys do it sometime. You'll feel ridiculous the first few times, but then you get used to it and s'all good.




May I ask which method? :D After I read your post a while back about the book I went out and bought it, so far it's definitely worth it. Very interesting read if nothing else.


Maybe I should try a book... I always thought those were just rip-offs though.

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May I ask which method? :D After I read your post a while back about the book I went out and bought it, so far it's definitely worth it. Very interesting read if nothing else.


"Hey my brother's girlfriend found some pictures of him and his ex, and she burned them! What do you think about it?"




Ride her reaction and fluff a little while. Then back in with: "Hey, I wanna show you something." Went to take a seat. Then I did the cube routine Papa used on Paris Hilton. The girl said her cube was small, so I had to improvise. I said that meant she didn't have to be the center of the room for people to notice her. She said it wasn't see-through. She said it was brown, and the ladder was laying on the ground far away.




I was pretty mad. But guess I improvised good enough. Once you do something like that, you have her attention. I had to leave then, so I told her we should continue this another time. POW.




Maybe I should try a book... I always thought those were just rip-offs though.


If nothing else, this book will build your confidence. Sometimes I want to tell people not to read it all the way through though - the end is kinda depressing.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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So I ordered that book, seems a bit desperate, but I need a better method than getting drunk, talking out of my arse a bit and then making a move at a random time so that is worth a try. :thumbsup:

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May I ask which method? :D After I read your post a while back about the book I went out and bought it, so far it's definitely worth it. Very interesting read if nothing else.


"Hey my brother's girlfriend found some pictures of him and his ex, and she burned them! What do you think about it?"




Ride her reaction and fluff a little while. Then back in with: "Hey, I wanna show you something." Went to take a seat. Then I did the cube routine Papa used on Paris Hilton. The girl said her cube was small, so I had to improvise. I said that meant she didn't have to be the center of the room for people to notice her. She said it wasn't see-through. She said it was brown, and the ladder was laying on the ground far away.




I was pretty mad. But guess I improvised good enough. Once you do something like that, you have her attention. I had to leave then, so I told her we should continue this another time. POW.




Maybe I should try a book... I always thought those were just rip-offs though.


If nothing else, this book will build your confidence. Sometimes I want to tell people not to read it all the way through though - the end is kinda depressing.




Nice, thanks. It sucks that she was so much older though, sorry to hear that. And joe, it'll definitely change your views on interactions and other type things.


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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Well, I dont know why I'm coming to TIF for this...I've already talked to all my closest friends, but I'm curious to hear your advice.


My name is Jai, I am a canadian-born (east) indian 11th grader living in the states.


I'll try to keep this short so... Prom is next week, and I wasn't planning to go. However, there is this girl that was supposed to go in this group but she and her boyfriend were having issues and they broke up. I didn't know the guy nor why they broke up. So, even before she broke up with him, she was dropping these "hints." You know? The "you owe me a prom dance, you're smart and funny, let's go to the [insert school event]." So I felt kind of pressured to ask her to prom, so I did. I sort of like her. I mean, I'd go out with her but I'd also just be friends with her. I want there to be a clear difference between the two though. So after she said yes to go to prom, her best friend told me that the reason she broke up with her ex is because she likes this other guy (not me), and they will probably get together later. So she told me I am a friend date. I feel like a complete tool. I feel bad for her ex because it was the justified jealous feelings he had. And now I'm taking his spot in the prom group, and just to top it off, all the guys in the prom group are his best friends.




I am a tool.




EDIT: and it will cost 400 dollars for everything including tux and limo.

Zedar- undead warlock

Burning Blade

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Well, I dont know why I'm coming to TIF for this...I've already talked to all my closest friends, but I'm curious to hear your advice.


My name is Jai, I am a canadian-born (east) indian 11th grader living in the states.


I'll try to keep this short so... Prom is next week, and I wasn't planning to go. However, there is this girl that was supposed to go in this group but she and her boyfriend were having issues and they broke up. I didn't know the guy nor why they broke up. So, even before she broke up with him, she was dropping these "hints." You know? The "you owe me a prom dance, you're smart and funny, let's go to the [insert school event]." So I felt kind of pressured to ask her to prom, so I did. I sort of like her. I mean, I'd go out with her but I'd also just be friends with her. I want there to be a clear difference between the two though. So after she said yes to go to prom, her best friend told me that the reason she broke up with her ex is because she likes this other guy (not me), and they will probably get together later. So she told me I am a friend date. I feel like a complete tool. I feel bad for her ex because it was the justified jealous feelings he had. And now I'm taking his spot in the prom group, and just to top it off, all the guys in the prom group are his best friends.




I am a tool.




EDIT: and it will cost 400 dollars for everything including tux and limo.




I like to think of prom night as an advanced form of prostitution. Your paying a lot of money and you always get screwed in the end <3:




edit: in all seriousness, i have no idea what to tell you. prom is a big deal and people make it out to be an even bigger deal. people plan it out for months and months. you can back down or go with it, i don't know what else to tell you.

[size="5"][font="Georgia"][b]Staking:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#FFFF00"][/color][color="#00FF00"] 4+ mil[/color][/font]
[font="Georgia"][b]Current Status:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#0000FF"] Training defense [/color][/font][/size]
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Well, I dont know why I'm coming to TIF for this...I've already talked to all my closest friends, but I'm curious to hear your advice.


My name is Jai, I am a canadian-born (east) indian 11th grader living in the states.


I'll try to keep this short so... Prom is next week, and I wasn't planning to go. However, there is this girl that was supposed to go in this group but she and her boyfriend were having issues and they broke up. I didn't know the guy nor why they broke up. So, even before she broke up with him, she was dropping these "hints." You know? The "you owe me a prom dance, you're smart and funny, let's go to the [insert school event]." So I felt kind of pressured to ask her to prom, so I did. I sort of like her. I mean, I'd go out with her but I'd also just be friends with her. I want there to be a clear difference between the two though. So after she said yes to go to prom, her best friend told me that the reason she broke up with her ex is because she likes this other guy (not me), and they will probably get together later. So she told me I am a friend date. I feel like a complete tool. I feel bad for her ex because it was the justified jealous feelings he had. And now I'm taking his spot in the prom group, and just to top it off, all the guys in the prom group are his best friends.




I am a tool.




EDIT: and it will cost 400 dollars for everything including tux and limo.




I like to think of prom night as an advanced form of prostitution. Your paying a lot of money and you always get screwed in the end <3:




edit: in all seriousness, i have no idea what to tell you. prom is a big deal and people make it out to be an even bigger deal. people plan it out for months and months. you can back down or go with it, i don't know what else to tell you.




I can't back down. I am a tool, not a douchebag. I know prom means a lot to girls (personally, i dont even care).

Zedar- undead warlock

Burning Blade

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I've now also gotten that book Lent has been talking about.


I'll read it later - I want 88 Summoning by Monday.


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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Good, my children. Good. Now, Neil Strauss goes into more detail on methods and whatnot in one of his other books, but I think going that far to be a little too much. So I'm leaving it at this.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I'll try to save up the money, better be worth it. :P

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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I've now also gotten that book Lent has been talking about.


I'll read it later - I want 88 Summoning by Monday.




That will certainly impress the girls :lol:


nothing personal Da_Latios




Anyway, is it me or does every teenage girl seem to have histrionic disorder?




(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic ... y_disorder)




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Oh so when I talked about the mystery method ages ago in the old thread everyone shot me down and flamed me, but if neil strauss writes a best seller everyone jumps on the bandwagon :wall: :wall:




Don't buy the game if you want to learn how to attract women, it's really just a semi autobiography. If you buy any book, get the mystery method written by mystery, who is the guy who came up with this stuff in the first place. All neil is, is a bald writer who milked as much money as he could from this and brought media attention onto it so none of the original stuff works. We email each other occasionally, he's a cool guy and a great writer but I hate his book. Or at least the fact that it got so popular.




Don't use these lines you read, my group has been approached so many times with the spells or jealous girlfriend opener we just laugh at them until they leave. Understand the concepts behind them and come up with your own stuff.




Half the girls I talk to have already heard the cube and best friends test, magic tricks and cold reading are becoming corny again so dan has to come up with new routines because all the AFCs are using canned material as their only material :(




I have compacted all the important stuff from the MM and expanded on it, as well as wrote about the science behind it etc into a book I'm working on. It's only like 9-10k words atm and idk if I will try to get it published, at the moment it's just a means of collecting my thoughts. If anyone is interested give me a pm.

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Was the book's point really to use these techniques and lines, or just to be an example?

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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The Game.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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The book is just a semi autobiography, it doesn't have many routines and the ones it does have are pretty mainstream and known by most girls the go to clubs.




It doesn't teach anything, it doesn't go into detail, it's more a story about "hey look at me, I was a bald white writer and now I get laid lots." It has some dramas with [hide=spoilers]project hollywood, (a dirty overcrowded mansion filled with used condoms and guys leeching off the gurus) his routines becoming mainstream and mystery becoming mentally unstable from his oneitis[/hide] but that's about it.




As I said earlier, if you want a book for the purpose of getting better at attracting women get the mystery method or my book because it has the science behind it which will allow you to come up with your own stuff rather than just using lines spread around by the media that every AFC is using. (And opening wrong I might add. None of them use time constraints or roots, they talk nervously and have nothing else to say other than the best friends test.)




Ah crap. Anybody notice how older women are starting to look younger?




Well, I've been reading that book I posted earlier, and I've decided to throw off whatever anxiety I had approaching women by "sarging" (means hitting on) every woman I don't know and see in a day. Well, I saw a girl at Walgreens today, and I thought, "Huh, do I know her?" She looked about my age. Well, I approached her, and followed a, uh, method I learned in the book. I was a little nervous, but I just thought of it as a video game. So I got her number. And I asked where she went to school.




She goes to Texas Tech.




So I asked her when she graduated.




A month.




I hauled [wagon] outta there.




So, assuming she's 23, I got the number of a girl almost ten years older than me. She's all that good looking (I mean, I was confusing her for a 15-year old), and I was just doing it to get more confidence. But now I'm in a pickle. She doesn't know my real name. She doesn't know my number or anything. I'm just some guy she thought might be cute.




What should I do? I expect I just won't call her. I have a feeling I won't run into her again, but still ... Ah, I just don't think I'll call her. Just forget about it, ya know? I think everybody else would agree with me ...




On a lighter note, this was a fun day. I recommend you guys do it sometime. You'll feel ridiculous the first few times, but then you get used to it and s'all good.




Ask her out to coffee, who cares how old she is? It probably won't work out but at least it makes a good story.




If you don't mind, I can point out a mistake you made: Asking her where she goes to school. That's a question you save for when you're trying to build comfort. Build comfort before attraction and you get put in the lets just be friends column. Wait until she starts giving indicators of interest. Things like asking you your name, whether you are single etc. A cool thing you can do is tell her about the cube, then take her hand and lead her to a nearby seat or something. It's a compliance test, which will help you because she is getting familiar with you being an alpha male. You can also squeeze her hand, if she squeezes back it's an indicator of interest - then you can move onto comfort. If she doesn't you need to build more attraction so make the cube interpretations unrealistic and funny.

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True, true. I think a lotta the guys on here could use both, but The Game would definitely be a better introduction to how it is. Judging from past posts, a lot of guys act like they want to marry the first girl they lay. And I think that would not be good. I also didn't know it was a bestseller until a while after I started reading it, mine's a first edition or something. It still does help, though.




I've been thinking that a lotta stuff's probably been taken now since they started publishing, but I've just been using that pre-sliced bread to get comfortable with it. I used to be an AFC, used to get one-itis a lot. But that book probably helped build confidence and break views I had that probably didn't help me with girls.




Anyways, I'm looking for Mystery's book now. I'm pretty sure I have it at my house, my dad bought it as an e-book or something.




Also, thanks for the advice! It's just a little bit tougher to be a pickup artist when you can't even drive :lol: My brother's just started trying to help me avoid his high-school experience. I kinda have to change stuff up, since, while there are likely girls that would go to the same clubs and be picked up by guys like Mystery or Style here, most of them aren't really even good looking.




EDIT: Whoa, I have a folder that my dad gave me a while ago with a whole buncha stuff. A lot of Mystery Method and Juggler e-books or videos or something. I need to look into these. Is Mystery Method that good? Guess that's where I'm going first.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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