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Tshirt collection. Big update, and vote!


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Yeah just a CMS behind it, and some filtering stuff on the user-side. Right now there's no real need for filtering as pretty much everything is t-shirt designs, but I have a butload of other stuff to upload as well.


Perhaps even some colour-oriented filtering, like "show me all GREEN stuff", and then all the stuff I tagged with green show up.




Mainly PHP, yes. Perhaps some ajax stuff a mate is working on right now, gotta check that out.

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Haha yeah that'd be nuts indeed.




Nah they're halftones, done by a little trick.


What it comes down to is making gray shapes in the parts you want the halftones, rasterize, colour halftone filter, and live trace, to get em as vector.


Size of the dots varies by what numbers you use in the filter, and density of the dots depends on the gray tone used.






Thanks guys :D I subbed it, let's hope for a good score.

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Alright guys, it's voting time again!




This time, it's the Threadless Bestee Awards.


The yearly award show on threadless. The design the public can vote for is "Design of the year". Which has a nice prize of $20,000 attached to it.




So, I figured even though I had a really small chance, why not give it my best shot.






If you want to help me, follow the following instructions:




You need a threadless account. If you don't have one, register one, it's easy.




If you have an account, go to this link:






Scroll down a bit, and you'll see my 'Icebergs just wanna have fun' design.




That one.


Underneath it is a button, "Vote for this design". Click it. :D












Btw, if you happen to know any people who would take their time to vote for me, be sure to ask em! Cheers :D

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[bleep] YEAH SEAKING!!!!!!!






I'M IN THE TOP 20!! My design is now up against 19 other design for the grand prize of $20,000!!!






So now it's time to vote again, even more important that previously!




Seriously, I'd really appreciate if you could go and vote for my design.








To vote, go here:






And vote for my iceberg design!






Thanks so much!


It's a long shot, but hey, it's worth the shot.

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