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Small things that annoy you


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this applies to runescape, these forums, or anything related.




i just noticed that i hate it when people sign their names at the end of their post. i know who wrote it. your name is directly above your post. seems like people just want to be well-known.

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I have one! I have one!




When people have surgically removed senses of humor and demonstrate that by taking a fairly funny April fool's forum joke and going absolutely illogically ballistic about it!

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It doesn't bother me, but I do think it's kind of ironic that those people will do that AND put other things in their SIGNATURE.


Maxed total levels

Remaining for Completionist Cape: Livid Farm spell (Borrowed Power)

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When people quote the first post of a topic to respond to it. For god's sake, who the hell else would you be talking to?! The freaking Easter Bunny?!




I've seen people quote ones that take up my whole screen. -.-

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when people come and try to take your training spot, there was a lot less of this back in the day and now there are over 100 servers, just hop its just common courtesy






When people whine about "the good old days". It's the equivalent of your Grandpa talking about how a weeks groceries only cost a nickel "back in the good old days".


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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when people come and try to take your training spot, there was a lot less of this back in the day and now there are over 100 servers, just hop its just common courtesy






When people whine about "the good old days". It's the equivalent of your Grandpa talking about how a weeks groceries only cost a nickel "back in the good old days".




you are so right

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When people say "quitted"






Yes. your thread title drove me crazy cause quitted isin't a word. It's "I quit" "I'm quitting" "they quit" "we quit" "we will quit" not quitted.

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The dolts that start the quote chain of about 6 quotes, don't hide them, and then put one sentence of reply back. It's easy: just delete all quotes previous to the one you're replying to when you make your post. I want to colon punch these r-tards.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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In castlewars, I was on saradomin's team.




Saradomin: 4, Zamorak: 4.




I was waiting up in the room: Middle room, right under flag, and right above spawn point (people don't understand for some reason =D> )








Middle room*




Spawn room




So I have it caded and my bgs spec+ combat pot+ 15% prayers are ready to go.


The kid with flag runs up with karils on, he had less than half health.




He blasts a cade, i click to attack and my character gets caught on the corner of the small middle room near the stair case, not the cade, the room! and i'm stuck there.




But to my suprise I go up the stairs and he is blocked by cades and is stabbing with his flag.










Lets see some more. hmm...




-Higher levels (106+) always ask me where i borrowed my bgs, when I paid full price.


- Jagex pays absolutely no attention to their customers and drops them off with heavy bans and mutes, this annoys the bulk of runescape DAILY, their lack of care is astounding. They clearly need more staff, or if they can't afford it, BRING BACK PKING, then they'll get the money :].




- They think they have wiped out rWt by adding bH and removing Pking, I can get 5 of my friends to cover me in p2p BH while I get 3 ags's from a rwter (I DONT RWT THOUGH)


if i rwt'ed i'd have lots of 99s






Small things


- For some reason, I just used the tipit max hit calculator to calculate max hits with my best str gear and void melee. I would hit a 43 with void and 46 with my str gear. Void melee ftl? (I also saw someone advertising a 125+ world LOL)




2nd troll to 840+ post count.

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when people come and try to take your training spot, there was a lot less of this back in the day and now there are over 100 servers, just hop its just common courtesy






When people whine about "the good old days". It's the equivalent of your Grandpa talking about how a weeks groceries only cost a nickel "back in the good old days".




you are so right


not really the good old days were the good old days and I could play rs for so long without getting bored.

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when people come and try to take your training spot, there was a lot less of this back in the day and now there are over 100 servers, just hop its just common courtesy






When people whine about "the good old days". It's the equivalent of your Grandpa talking about how a weeks groceries only cost a nickel "back in the good old days".




you are so right




Sonny I wouldn't be complaining about old people, you're probably going to become one yourself with this new generation of 'rs3' players coming in. They won't know what the wilderness is or care how great it was. ;)


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Sonny I wouldn't be complaining about old people, you're probably going to become one yourself with this new generation of 'rs3' players coming in. They won't know what the wilderness is or care how great it was. ;)




I hated the wilderness :oops: The whole "Honor code" was the stupidest thing though of by Runescape players. I envy the new players that didn't have to see that. I get what you mean though.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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i hate when ppl on tif leak good secrets to there friends who then leak those secrets to the rsof. i remember when avans where EMPTY. could make up to like 600K/hour praying there. now im lucky to get 200k an hour with the ppl there :evil:

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-People signing their names. There's a signature for a reason


-People who think they're cool because they add y to the end of their words.


-People that don't know anything about computers trying to give advice. DVCOUGHCOUGHD


-People who use this emote: <3:


-People who used to quote multiple, multiple people. Learn to highlight and delete FFS.




I think that's about it. I'll be sure to find some other BS I can comlain about. :]




-People who think they're cool, if they started playing some game a few years before someone else. It doesn't make you look cooler, it should make you feel pretty pathetic when you realized those few years were probably your early teenage years that you wasted on some game.

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Agh, here's another one:




When somebody gets an achievement in Rate This, all their fans and buddies say the stupidest [cabbage] ever.




"z0mg gratz nub u r teh 1337 <3: "




This'll be hot hot topic in no time.

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