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P2P skills you were most excited about pre-members


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Before you got members which skills were you most excited about training?




Personally i couldnt wait to train agility and slayer


agility because it was going to help me train ALL my other skills, and because it has such an isolated community, its like sprining, the only way to train agility is to train agility.




and slayer because of the opposite reasons as my reasons for agility, it is possible to train heaps of skills while training slayer, slayer plus att, str, prayer, def, mage, range, herblore and now of course summoning.




I honestly didnt understand what most of the skills were for




So what were your perceptions of the members skills, pre members, and which skills could you not wait to train?

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Guess this is questionaires,


anyways, I guess that would be Construction.


As I became member the training actually began to bore quite soon,


and I stopped at 70 (so much for all the excitement :mrgreen: )


Master of Firemaking since 10-11-2007 Yes, I QUIT! =]

Master of Woodcutting since Christmas 2007

Completed all quests - Completed all achievement diaries.

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Fletching, this was in the old days when you could make money off of it and everyone thought it was the best skill ever (start of 2005) :P I was also quite excited about Agility.

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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You could always get 99 agility with 145m of fishing experiance at the barbarian spot.




Once i got members first time, the skill i was most exited by was herblaw- it used to be a really prestigious and hard skill back then and you could make good money with it. Unfortunately it would be my lowest skill until rs2 was released.

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

First to 3766 Port Score on 20. March, 2014.

First to 4664 Port Score on 2. March, 2015.

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Was most excited about Fletching. Got to level 25 or so on the first day. Like level 43+ on the second day. Really loved the skill. Now I hate it, because of the string X option. :P

[01:24:34] CJ Hunnicutt: it takes skill to be that [bleep]ing stupid

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Herblaw, i wanted to make pots and i got killed by the wolf on the mountain due to 3 rounds of combat, not good, i remember the old mountain the 2 big wolfs were in this sort of tunnel bit in the mountain where you couldnt avoid them ouch lol, but herblaw was mine also i picked the miner class so i was looking forward to some p2p mining spots shame i never really got very high..




i remember thieving coming a year or so later and i wanted to train that my friend was making money on grey wolf fur i was dieng to do that skill

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I can't remember which ones I was most excited about. I think Slayer was one of them. Now, Slayer is still my favourite skill. :D I remember the first thing I did on P2P was that quest that lets you start Herblore. I remember going to train Agility as soon as I could too. :D

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Probably fletching. I started cutting my way to 15k willows to get to 75. Hit my goal and got distracted with a new update, and didn't notice my members running out. So here I am with 15k willows in my bank gathering dust. To be honest I'm thinking about burning them all since fletching isn't the moneymaker it used to be.



Wc'ing my way to 99 (Wish me luck)

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I was very excited about slayer, I didn't know much about it, just that you could make alot of cash from drops :D


I also thought it was going to be easier than what it actually is >_<

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Thieving. I guess I though that you could actually make good money from thieving, or that it would be at all exciting. Y'know, kinda like the house party break in toward the beginning of Rat Catchers, only with treasure instead of rats...

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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Probably thieving. I mean come on, seeing that elusive pickpocket option on lvl 2 men all the time......


Next would probably be slayer which I had always wondered about since it was the first new skill I had been around to see released. And then I was already a member when farming, construction, hunter, and summoning came out.

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Seeing as con, hunter, and summoning were not out when I became a member, i'll have to say agility, slayer, fletching, and thiving. I belive farming came before construction, that wasnt out either. So thats every one except herblore.

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