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More than half of my English class was convinced that pronouns were proper nouns. :wall: :wall: :wall: And the teacher had to call on like 5 people before someone knew what an adverb was.


I learnt all that stuff for the 3 years I had to take tests about it. When you stop having a teacher constantly reminding you about the different kinds of words, you will know what an useless knowledge it is and you will forget about it in no time. I mean, as long as you know how to create a proper sentence, there's no need in knowing what kind of word is each one of those.

Exactly. I never got the damn importance of these things. When you're building a lego house, you don't examine and test the quality of the brick, you just get the two by two yellow block and move the [bleep] on.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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More than half of my English class was convinced that pronouns were proper nouns. :wall: :wall: :wall: And the teacher had to call on like 5 people before someone knew what an adverb was.


I learnt all that stuff for the 3 years I had to take tests about it. When you stop having a teacher constantly reminding you about the different kinds of words, you will know what an useless knowledge it is and you will forget about it in no time. I mean, as long as you know how to create a proper sentence, there's no need in knowing what kind of word is each one of those.

Exactly. I never got the damn importance of these things. When you're building a lego house, you don't examine and test the quality of the brick, you just get the two by two yellow block and move the [bleep] on.

But if you're building a real house, you better pay attention to the type of block. There's a reason only kids and really cool people play with Legos.


the music distracts me like you wouldn't beleive.

My life.

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More than half of my English class was convinced that pronouns were proper nouns. :wall: :wall: :wall: And the teacher had to call on like 5 people before someone knew what an adverb was.


I learnt all that stuff for the 3 years I had to take tests about it. When you stop having a teacher constantly reminding you about the different kinds of words, you will know what an useless knowledge it is and you will forget about it in no time. I mean, as long as you know how to create a proper sentence, there's no need in knowing what kind of word is each one of those.

Exactly. I never got the damn importance of these things. When you're building a lego house, you don't examine and test the quality of the brick, you just get the two by two yellow block and move the [bleep] on.

But if you're building a real house, you better pay attention to the type of block. There's a reason only kids and really cool people play with Legos.


Again, building a real house would be writing a dictionary. Which then you would HAVE to know what part of speech it is.


Though for general writing, books, articles, I've never come across the importance of the part of speech. Poems and songs, if they're structured like that might have a use, but the majority do not.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Unfortunately, our freezers are full of food I won't eat, so I need to go out for groceries soon.

Tell us more.


Blake-incited edit: Like, what kind of foods are in there that you won't eat?



Bacon, Ham, Pork, Frozen Vegetables, various pre-made Stir Fry things... And frozen pizzas.


Second day in a row that my sister has been home, since her school is closed due to weather. It's been snowing like crazy (finally) and they had to cancel the city buses because they couldn't keep the roads clear enough. In fact, she likely won't be going tomorrow, either... Also, my uncle is in the hospital recovering from heart surgery and nobody can get there to see him because of the roads. This is a bad week.

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-15 this morning when I was walking to work. The snow is getting pretty old now, I wish it would just bugger off so we can go about our day without gearing up for an everest trek just to get into the shops.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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More than half of my English class was convinced that pronouns were proper nouns. :wall: :wall: :wall: And the teacher had to call on like 5 people before someone knew what an adverb was.


I learnt all that stuff for the 3 years I had to take tests about it. When you stop having a teacher constantly reminding you about the different kinds of words, you will know what an useless knowledge it is and you will forget about it in no time. I mean, as long as you know how to create a proper sentence, there's no need in knowing what kind of word is each one of those.

Exactly. I never got the damn importance of these things. When you're building a lego house, you don't examine and test the quality of the brick, you just get the two by two yellow block and move the [bleep] on.

But if you're building a real house, you better pay attention to the type of block. There's a reason only kids and really cool people play with Legos.


Again, building a real house would be writing a dictionary. Which then you would HAVE to know what part of speech it is.


Though for general writing, books, articles, I've never come across the importance of the part of speech. Poems and songs, if they're structured like that might have a use, but the majority do not.

On the contrary, professional writers should understand parts of speech if they wish their writing to be grammatically correct.

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More than half of my English class was convinced that pronouns were proper nouns. :wall: :wall: :wall: And the teacher had to call on like 5 people before someone knew what an adverb was.


I learnt all that stuff for the 3 years I had to take tests about it. When you stop having a teacher constantly reminding you about the different kinds of words, you will know what an useless knowledge it is and you will forget about it in no time. I mean, as long as you know how to create a proper sentence, there's no need in knowing what kind of word is each one of those.

Exactly. I never got the damn importance of these things. When you're building a lego house, you don't examine and test the quality of the brick, you just get the two by two yellow block and move the [bleep] on.

But if you're building a real house, you better pay attention to the type of block. There's a reason only kids and really cool people play with Legos.


Again, building a real house would be writing a dictionary. Which then you would HAVE to know what part of speech it is.


Though for general writing, books, articles, I've never come across the importance of the part of speech. Poems and songs, if they're structured like that might have a use, but the majority do not.

On the contrary, professional writers should understand parts of speech if they wish their writing to be grammatically correct.

Conversely, grammatically correct writing is not required of a professional writer for their works to be successful if still well understood.

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"Today's Pearl Harbor Day."


"What's Pearl Harbor?"

-Girl in my Algebra class


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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"Today's Pearl Harbor Day."


"What's Pearl Harbor?"

-Girl in my Algebra class


At least she didn't say "who's Pearl Harbor?"



Give her some credit.



As for me, I would have responded "a clam's version of heaven."

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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More than half of my English class was convinced that pronouns were proper nouns. :wall: :wall: :wall: And the teacher had to call on like 5 people before someone knew what an adverb was.


I learnt all that stuff for the 3 years I had to take tests about it. When you stop having a teacher constantly reminding you about the different kinds of words, you will know what an useless knowledge it is and you will forget about it in no time. I mean, as long as you know how to create a proper sentence, there's no need in knowing what kind of word is each one of those.

Exactly. I never got the damn importance of these things. When you're building a lego house, you don't examine and test the quality of the brick, you just get the two by two yellow block and move the [bleep] on.

But if you're building a real house, you better pay attention to the type of block. There's a reason only kids and really cool people play with Legos.


Again, building a real house would be writing a dictionary. Which then you would HAVE to know what part of speech it is.


Though for general writing, books, articles, I've never come across the importance of the part of speech. Poems and songs, if they're structured like that might have a use, but the majority do not.

On the contrary, professional writers should understand parts of speech if they wish their writing to be grammatically correct.

Conversely, grammatically correct writing is not required of a professional writer for their works to be successful if still well understood.

A good writer does not need to be understood, but should understand grammar before attempting anything sketchy.

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A good writer does not need to be understood, but should understand grammar before attempting anything sketchy.

A good writer does not need to be understood, only to an extent. That being, if he/she makes up for it by being profound or raising new questions. While I would agree most great writers understand grammar, many great writers became famous for breaking the rules. What is accepted in literature is always changing thanks to great writers who push the envelope.

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A good writer does not need to be understood, but should understand grammar before attempting anything sketchy.

A good writer does not need to be understood, only to an extent. That being, if he/she makes up for it by being profound or raising new questions. While I would agree most great writers understand grammar, many great writers became famous for breaking the rules. What is accepted in literature is always changing thanks to great writers who push the envelope.

You have to know the rules to break them.

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A good writer does not need to be understood, but should understand grammar before attempting anything sketchy.

A good writer does not need to be understood, only to an extent. That being, if he/she makes up for it by being profound or raising new questions. While I would agree most great writers understand grammar, many great writers became famous for breaking the rules. What is accepted in literature is always changing thanks to great writers who push the envelope.

You have to know the rules to break them.

Generally, yes. But always? I'm not sure, it's a great topic for debate.

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Second snow day in a row. :thumbup:

Bu-But...That's only a legend!

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Should snow at the ski pass today. Should be awesome.

Lots of powder pleeeease!




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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