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Today I have been both excited and disappointed. And I've finally seen one of my friends outside of uni time, and it was fun.

Excited about the F1 season given todays race, disappointed about the Strikeforce event that was on last night.

-Destroy Topham-




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My computer is next to my open window, and a few houses down a lady has two kids. Boy and a girl. They both are little around four years old.


The girl walks up the lawn because she apparently dropped her toy there. The mom says, "GET YOUR [wagon] BACK HERE!" and the girl just says, "Mom, I just need to get my toy."


The mom then freaking grabs her arm and drags her into the garage, and then I hear a bunch of slapping and beating sounds and the little girl is screaming saying "STOP! MOM! STOOOPPP!!!! I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!!!!MOOOMMM!!!"


Some [bleep]ed up [cabbage].


Ummm.... call someone? Seriously, that [cabbage] can't be allowed to go on.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Spent tonight drinking with a crazy bunch of people in morphsuits. Was pretty surreal.

Those things are sick.


How does one drink with that suit on? o.0

Can you really drink through it?

Yep, easy the Morpshuit is thin, totally breathable and will let you pour your drink (water we presume) straight through it! But it is not so great when liquids go the other way, so go easy on the on the Lambrinis!

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Spent tonight drinking with a crazy bunch of people in morphsuits. Was pretty surreal.

Those things are sick.


How does one drink with that suit on? o.0

Can you really drink through it?

Yep, easy the Morpshuit is thin, totally breathable and will let you pour your drink (water we presume) straight through it! But it is not so great when liquids go the other way, so go easy on the on the Lambrinis!


Learn something new every day.


Also, Maze, you should really do something about that, that's just messed up.

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Today I realized I only post on this thread to complain.


Today I got grounded, was informed my Uncle died, my girlfriend(?) wants to "talk to me", and I haven't done any of the homework due tomorow from weeks ago.


needless to say...bad day.




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Today my mom got pissed because she thought I was high. I took one look at a box of Goldfish and started laughing uncontrollably.

Nah, if you were high you would have taken out some goldfish and made them swim through the air while laughing uncontrollably :lol:

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Today my mom got pissed because she thought I was high. I took one look at a box of Goldfish and started laughing uncontrollably.

Nah, if you were high you would have taken out some goldfish and made them swim through the air while laughing uncontrollably :lol:

For some reason, I can in no way deny the truth of that statement.


Today I tried to stay motivated enough to finish my semester projects so I could have a relaxing last couple of weeks. So far, I've failed. I'm making a last ditch effort that will spill into the next couple of days though. And one of the two HAS to be done tomorrow, so it won't be too bad.

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3 days till a major assessment is due, haven't started.


On the plus side, it's due on my birthday. Although I can't stay home on that day. :-(


Spent tonight drinking with a crazy bunch of people in morphsuits. Was pretty surreal.

I could see myself in one of them.

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Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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3 days till a major assessment is due, haven't started.


On the plus side, it's due on my birthday. Although I can't stay home on that day. :-(


Spent tonight drinking with a crazy bunch of people in morphsuits. Was pretty surreal.

I could see myself in one of them.

Funny enough, I could see you in one of them too.


Discovered I have to go to this Alliance Training thing for 2 weeks. I cant afford it, I have 50$ left and I use 10$ on fuel a day. Unless they pay my traveling costs, Tough luck on the training part, they'll have to find me my employers and get in contact with my by phone, I dont have that kinda cash to go driving around freely.


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Today I cried. A lot. It's a Memorial Day in Israel (in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers) and with all the ceremonies to mark the occasion, I got over-excited and couldn't stop. It was liberating though.

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I use 10$ on fuel a day.


O.O do you drive a hummer?


I spend 35$/wk on fuel and I drive quite a bit.

Ford Falcon Futura 1997 - Force brought from my uncle by my dad for being a "good deal" until he later found it had problems, like oil leaking, cracked windshield, roof liner falling apart. This is why I dont let him make any of my choices.


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Today I cried. A lot. It's a Memorial Day in Israel (in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers) and with all the ceremonies to mark the occasion, I got over-excited and couldn't stop. It was liberating though.


What the [bleep] ... ?


On the lighter side, I got ridiculously drunk the other day. It was fun, as I achieved the ideal tipsy : drunk ratio.

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Today I cried. A lot. It's a Memorial Day in Israel (in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers) and with all the ceremonies to mark the occasion, I got over-excited and couldn't stop. It was liberating though.


What the [bleep] ... ?


On the lighter side, I got ridiculously drunk the other day. It was fun, as I achieved the ideal tipsy : drunk ratio.


Brew til you spew? I know you've achieved the perfect ratio when i drink, go town til 5am, come home, go to bed, get up at 11-11.30 and I'm not too hungerover, but just a bit tired, then I get to work by 12.


Unless I don't have work until 5, then it dun' matter.


If I sound like a [bleep] for saying that, please inform me, I'm not trying to sound like a [bleep]. :unsure:

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Today I cried. A lot. It's a Memorial Day in Israel (in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers) and with all the ceremonies to mark the occasion, I got over-excited and couldn't stop. It was liberating though.


What the [bleep] ... ?


On the lighter side, I got ridiculously drunk the other day. It was fun, as I achieved the ideal tipsy : drunk ratio.


Brew til you spew? I know you've achieved the perfect ratio when i drink, go town til 5am, come home, go to bed, get up at 11-11.30 and I'm not too hungerover, but just a bit tired, then I get to work by 12.


Unless I don't have work until 5, then it dun' matter.


If I sound like a [bleep] for saying that, please inform me, I'm not trying to sound like a [bleep]. :unsure:


No, 4 standard drinks in the space of 30 minutes, then 1 standard drink for every hour after that. I guarantee no hangover, and you can just sleep it off.

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Today I cried. A lot. It's a Memorial Day in Israel (in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers) and with all the ceremonies to mark the occasion, I got over-excited and couldn't stop. It was liberating though.


What the [bleep] ... ?


On the lighter side, I got ridiculously drunk the other day. It was fun, as I achieved the ideal tipsy : drunk ratio.


Brew til you spew? I know you've achieved the perfect ratio when i drink, go town til 5am, come home, go to bed, get up at 11-11.30 and I'm not too hungerover, but just a bit tired, then I get to work by 12.


Unless I don't have work until 5, then it dun' matter.


If I sound like a [bleep] for saying that, please inform me, I'm not trying to sound like a [bleep]. :unsure:


No, 4 standard drinks in the space of 30 minutes, then 1 standard drink for every hour after that. I guarantee no hangover, and you can just sleep it off.

What's your build?

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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No hangover, but no effects either


What do you mean "effects" ?


You and I must have a different idea of a good time then. I want to be able to stand, remember things vaguely, and not have any projectile accidents. Being completely hammered is not the same as being drunk.


What's your build?


If there's any way to answer this honestly, accurately and without pretenses, I'll let you know. But for now, I'm going to say average, although I have a bit of a gut.

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I'm not really one for sculling, but I usually get through at least 8 if I'm going to town, which usually means I'm drinking for about 4 hours, like 8 til 12, so that equation kinda works. But usually a bit more than that, more than 12 and I'm probably gonna be hungover. I find the key is to stop drinking in town, if you buy drinks, you lose a [bleep]load of money and you're gonna end up hungover.

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I'm not really one for sculling, but I usually get through at least 8 if I'm going to town, which usually means I'm drinking for about 4 hours, like 8 til 12, so that equation kinda works. But usually a bit more than that, more than 12 and I'm probably gonna be hungover. I find the key is to stop drinking in town, if you buy drinks, you lose a [bleep]load of money and you're gonna end up hungover.


Yeah, well of course, over time the "effect" becomes less heavy, but that equation is good for 3-4 hours, and it does depend things like height, age, weight, gender blah blah blah.

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You and I must have a different idea of a good time then. I want to be able to stand, remember things vaguely, and not have any projectile accidents. Being completely hammered is not the same as being drunk.


I meant for me - I have a high tolerance to alcohol. I barely drink it now anyway except when people buy me drinks. (and I still manage to get drunk once or twice most weekends :wall:)

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You and I must have a different idea of a good time then. I want to be able to stand, remember things vaguely, and not have any projectile accidents. Being completely hammered is not the same as being drunk.


I meant for me - I have a high tolerance to alcohol. I barely drink it now anyway except when people buy me drinks. (and I still manage to get drunk once or twice most weekends :wall:)


Ha, yeah. Well, to each their own. It also depends on the occasion. Don't want to be doing stupid stuff with lots of people around.

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Today I cried. A lot. It's a Memorial Day in Israel (in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers) and with all the ceremonies to mark the occasion, I got over-excited and couldn't stop. It was liberating though.


What the [bleep] ... ?


What's wrong?

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