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:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:




Oh, that sounds bad. :/




I find it really nice that you have such a concern for your brother, though. You're seem to care a lot. :)




For that, I salute you. =D>




Flame pretty much summed it up. Does your brother miss alot of school? Great that you care about him so much.


Thanks :) :) I do care about him a lot even if we do argue a bit :P




He has missed a lot over the past year. He will stay off for the whimpiest colds and it seems this winter he's just been through all the viruses being passed around. He used to have problems with not going in because he was being bullied by other kids (little kids are stupid for the most part), but will take any excuse not to be in even now.




My dad is just... perpetuating the idea 'Oh lol you don't have to go in just because I don't want you to'. He's starting to like going in more now, I just don't want it to go back a few months where we had like... social workers calling up saying he needed to go in, my mum missing work because he refused to go in too. It was a serious mess. Every morning was just a screaming and crying fest. I think me, my mum and grandma in particular are all just wary that if he misses half a day he won't want to go in the next day and then its just a chain reaction from there. My dad was at work though when all that was happening, he didn't have to deal with his screaming and everything but we did :wall: .





That sucks, your dad needs realise that your brother will be severly disadvantaged if he stays at home, if your dad ever complains about tax, tell him that if people didn't let their children stay at home, but instead made sure they got good grades and a job, then those people wouldn't need unemployment payments and the money could be used for the tax payers benefits, such as repairing roadways and finding cures for sicknesses.


He's one of those complainer types so yeah. He ended up going in all day anyway so I'm happy at least. :)




I like Racheya's dad. School's for fools, kids! Just look at meeeeee!


Lol XD I think his theory goes along the lines of if you have money for alcohol, then it's all fine.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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I found out a friend is buying a 1978 Kawasaki KZ 400 in running, but poor condition. I can't wait to see it!




For those curious as to what a '78 KZ 400 looks like:




OH BOY. What color is it? I don't like the red. That is a pretty body, though. I want to hear the engine.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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I found out a friend is buying a 1978 Kawasaki KZ 400 in running, but poor condition. I can't wait to see it!




For those curious as to what a '78 KZ 400 looks like:




OH BOY. What color is it? I don't like the red. That is a pretty body, though. I want to hear the engine.


Maroon. The paint's probably in bad condition though seeing as the guy he's buying it from was mainly looking to sell it as a parts bike. He has a few mechanic connections though, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

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Today I'm serving my 1st day of suspension. Nine more to go, then I go back to school for three days and it's spring break after that.


10 days? Ouch :?

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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School today, almost finished with Les Miserables. We'll be done Friday.




Turned in a baby picture of me to the school. :wall: :P We get them next to our regular pictures in the year book since we'll be graduating from 8th grade this year. Oh, I got voted Best Hair with some other guy. :thumbup:




It was funny, when you vote on who gets what, you choose two categories for each person. There's this one really quiet girl who never smiles and always has hair over her eyes. I voted her into three categories, "Best eyes" "Best smile" and "Most energetic." She's not emo or anything. Just quiet.


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Isn't 10 days the maximum suspension? :lol:




What'd you do, get in a fight?




Yeah, I don't know how or why I send off a vibe that somehow makes everybody hate me but it's definitely there. lol 8-)

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A massive bee flew in through the window into my room, panicked for about a minute (ran out of the room) and decided to take action by getting a pool table rod (no idea what you call it, you hit the balls with it) and took 10 minutes to prod the bee out of the window.




My mum made me eat spinach to get my iron up and my teeth feel furry when I run my tongue over them, I hate this furriness.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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A massive bee flew in through the window into my room, panicked for about a minute (ran out of the room) and decided to take action by getting a pool table rod (no idea what you call it, you hit the balls with it) and took 10 minutes to prod the bee out of the window.




My mum made me eat spinach to get my iron up and my teeth feel furry when I run my tongue over them, I hate this furriness.


A huge bee flew into my room today as well, I can't remember how I killed it, I think I tried to get my cat to kill it first then used fly spray.

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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Isn't 10 days the maximum suspension? :lol:




What'd you do, get in a fight?




Yeah, I don't know how or why I send off a vibe that somehow makes everybody hate me but it's definitely there. lol 8-)




Did you win? :lol:




Now, in all seriousness, maybe people just hate you for no reason. Because they think they're cool like that. Or something.

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A massive bee flew in through the window into my room, panicked for about a minute (ran out of the room) and decided to take action by getting a pool table rod (no idea what you call it, you hit the balls with it) and took 10 minutes to prod the bee out of the window.




My mum made me eat spinach to get my iron up and my teeth feel furry when I run my tongue over them, I hate this furriness.




A cue?Came back from Vietnam.The algorithm march still makes me giggle.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Did you win? :lol:




Now, in all seriousness, maybe people just hate you for no reason. Because they think they're cool like that. Or something.




I hit him hard enough to knock a huge booger out of his nose (dead serious), but he knocked me onto the ground - being literally more than twice my weight lol. He was trying to hit me on my back and my girlfriend was trying to hit him on his back.




I don't know what you would consider a "win" though. Very few high school fights actually have a winner. Of course all his friends said he beat my [wagon], cause he kept pushing me down but just in between you and me he never even got one good hit on me, and I did. ;)

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I met a nice girl <3:


And woke up the next morning with a missing wallet and raided fridge?




Today is a beautiful day. I might just go out and lay in the sun, except I have enough work to keep me busy until April 10, which is why I'm here.

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I've had an awful day today so far. My girlfriend is really pissed at me, and I don't know what to do. and I'm [bleep]ing miserable right now. and I'm sick. and I have a [cabbage]load of work due next week. I feel really stressed and really sad, and really depressed, and pretty [bleep]ing angry.

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Today I went to school, did some stuff there. I think. Then I played Brawl with some friends, got my [wagon] handed to me. Then I went home and got on tif.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Did you win? :lol:




Now, in all seriousness, maybe people just hate you for no reason. Because they think they're cool like that. Or something.




I hit him hard enough to knock a huge booger out of his nose (dead serious), but he knocked me onto the ground - being literally more than twice my weight lol. He was trying to hit me on my back and my girlfriend was trying to hit him on his back.




I don't know what you would consider a "win" though. Very few high school fights actually have a winner. Of course all his friends said he beat my [wagon], cause he kept pushing me down but just in between you and me he never even got one good hit on me, and I did. ;)




My definition of win... whoever bleeds first loses. :thumbup:




Your girlfriend sounds awesome, by the way. :lol:




I've had an awful day today so far. My girlfriend is really pissed at me, and I don't know what to do. and I'm [bleep] miserable right now. and I'm sick. and I have a [cabbage] of work due next week. I feel really stressed and really sad, and really depressed, and pretty [bleep] angry.




Hm, that sucks. Hope your week gets better, and all the [cabbage] that happened, hope it clears up.








My day was boring.




Band Coach admitted to me that I'l extremely important to the band, and I can make or break us at evaluation. :lol: I feel good. 8-)




Feeling a bit pessimistic about some crap, though.




But for now, I'll probably try to relax and listen to Tool for the rest of the day. ::'

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Woke up


Had one lesson at college then spent the next 2 hours in the cafeteria with a few friends and my brother


Walked along the seafront then went into town


Came home and watched a few episodes of Lost then had some food


Went to work


Came back home and just been chatting and listening to music




Yes, a very eventful day 8-)

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AS Levels English Literature sucks :(.


I've been doing essays, essays, essays.


And I've been prepping for my Art exam on Tuesday.


5 hours of still life. Do not enjoy.




Today I went to school, did some stuff there. I think. Then I played Brawl Street Fighter VI with some friends, got my [wagon] handed to me. Then I went home and got on tif.


This day is like my usual boring days. :P



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