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Where is Jagex going with the new poll?


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Did you check out the new poll from runescape? if u havent then go to runescape.com and click in polls and just sign in and answer the questions.




i would like to discuss about this poll with u and see wat ur thoughts r.




here r the questions:




what genre do u enjoy?


wat portable game device do u play on?


wat console do u play on?


What other mmorps do u play?


what languages would u like rs to be in?




i would just like to know where u think jagex is going with this poll.




do u think they r just curious about their customers? do u think they want to expand and make it on different console? or do u think that they want to know wat we r playing now adays and how to improve their games?

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I think there are two possibilities. One, Jagex is just curious and just couldn't think of anything better to ask.




Or, they are aiming to moving it to a console, which would have to have internet connection. Which I doubt, because then people would have to pay for the console internet and the membership. It's most likely they're just curious. ::'




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I think they are just curious. Runescape on anyconsule is kinda...bad. You may be able to get something out of a 360 or PS3, but thats about as good as the internet+grafics+gameplay would get.


Ok... Im not that good. But I have an anchor!!!

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Jagex is trying to see what type of game their players like, so that they can model any future products to their customers' desires.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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There was an interview in which Andrew Gower said he would be interested in converting RS to console, but it would be very difficult to do. I don't think he meant they were actually going to do it though.




That would be terrible.

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The only thing on that page that jumped out at me was the fact that more runescape users play PS2 than xbox 360. I mean, the PS2 is still good and all, but they've completely stopped making games for it now. Consoles such as the PS3 and xbox 360 would be much more acceptable now. Seriously, you can get a 360 elite pack for no more than $350 on some sites. I bought mine with GTA4 for $325.




Hey, maybe people just like their ps2s and gamecubes too much. Perhaps the latest graphics and such don't appeal to them. But I was pretty sure the runescape majority was made up of young kids and teens.




No offence to anyone who answered soley PS2 or gamecube, this is just my view.




Sony PlayStation 2 44% (40447 votes)


Microsoft Xbox 360 32% (29702 votes)


Nintendo Wii 32% (29674 votes)


Nintendo GameCube 21% (19744 votes)


Sony PlayStation 3 17% (15930 votes)


I do not use any games consoles 17% (15843 votes)


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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The only thing on that page that jumped out at me was the fact that more runescape users play PS2 than xbox 360. I mean, the PS2 is still good and all, but they've completely stopped making games for it now. Consoles such as the PS3 and xbox 360 would be much more acceptable now. Seriously, you can get a 360 elite pack for no more than $350 on some sites. I bought mine with GTA4 for $325.




Hey, maybe people just like their ps2s and gamecubes too much. Perhaps the latest graphics and such don't appeal to them. But I was pretty sure the runescape majority was made up of young kids and teens.




No offence to anyone who answered soley PS2 or gamecube, this is just my view.




Sony PlayStation 2 44% (40447 votes)


Microsoft Xbox 360 32% (29702 votes)


Nintendo Wii 32% (29674 votes)


Nintendo GameCube 21% (19744 votes)


Sony PlayStation 3 17% (15930 votes)


I do not use any games consoles 17% (15843 votes)

Maybe it is because they can't afford it. That may be part of the reason why they play Runescape in the first place.
If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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The PS2 is one of the best selling consoles of all time. The xbox360 is a baby on the market compared to it, and it's a lot more expensive. Thus a massive percentage more people will have a ps2 than an xbox360.

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The PS2 is one of the best selling consoles of all time. The xbox360 is a baby on the market compared to it, and it's a lot more expensive. Thus a massive percentage more people will have a ps2 than an xbox360.




Not to mention that the PS2 has been out for about 5+ more years than the 360.




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exactly. [/thread]




Way to contribute to the post. I think that Jagex could really go multiple ways with this. As a game developing company this is very good information to have! :D

RIP Michaelangelopolous
Thanks to cowboy14 for the pimp sig!

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The PS2 is one of the best selling consoles of all time. The xbox360 is a baby on the market compared to it, and it's a lot more expensive. Thus a massive percentage more people will have a ps2 than an xbox360.




yeah its not like anyone actually buys ps2's now really




ps2s were released on


October 26, 2000




almost 8 years....




xbox360 were released on November 22, 2005




almost 3 years

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The PS2 is one of the best selling consoles of all time. The xbox360 is a baby on the market compared to it, and it's a lot more expensive. Thus a massive percentage more people will have a ps2 than an xbox360.




yeah its not like anyone actually buys ps2's now really




ps2s were released on


October 26, 2000




almost 8 years....




xbox360 were released on November 22, 2005




almost 3 years


People still have them in their homes, it's not like you throw out something that cost you £300 as soon as something new comes out.

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I think we've been polled on something like this a while ago as well.




I think the polls are mainly for the development into other areas, to see if it would be worthit, also there are some psychological profiles which can suit some consoles.




I would mainly see this poll as self interest anyhows.

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I think there are two possibilities. One, Jagex is just curious and just couldn't think of anything better to ask.




I think that's it. A lot of their polls weren't exactly helpful but the results were interesting to see.

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Many polls are just for fun, like the "Living in RuneScape" one. I doubt they're planning to build a city based on Falador. :P


You never know, this poll might be to benefit FunOrb. They might use it to get idea for new games.


If Jagex plans to release a console version of RS it's going to have to be a single player game where there is 3/4 less grind. To make it playable as an MMORPG on say PS3, like FFXI, would be very tricky.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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i dont really understand why ppl think that jagex cant expand and put runescape onto a console. yes, this would be a great change but so was the wilderness removal and such updates.




for example games with wifi and internet ppl can play on it. like psp. use the right keys to zoom etc and joystick is mouse.




another example is ds. use the pointer to move.




i mean, i can totally see it be done. maybe on a big console but on a hand held definetly.




i heard wow can be played on cell phones...




i think runescape can expand. now is too early but in the future it could be a possibility.

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I thought the last question was the most interesting, the others were basically pure curiosity. 19% want Spanish RS, 12% want French.




Funnily enough, they didn't put down Mandarin Chinese as an option.

~ W ~



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i dont really understand why ppl think that jagex cant expand and put runescape onto a console. yes, this would be a great change but so was the wilderness removal and such updates.




for example games with wifi and internet ppl can play on it. like psp. use the right keys to zoom etc and joystick is mouse.




another example is ds. use the pointer to move.



And use quick chat to communicate, as there are no keyboards.

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