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I've been working out since January 08. Back then I started doing it because of the girl I was dating who liked it. But this summer we broke up and now I understand she isn't something I want because she couldn't take me as I am. I'm 6'1" and 160lbs. I work out for myself now, to stay in shape and basically not to become buff, but to become stronger if you can say that. Hell, I would never want to be buff, that's just gross. Just some arm, tri, chest and abs definition is perfect.




My weekly workout consist of:




Monday: Biceps, Chest




Tuesday: Triceps, Abs, Shoulders and Traps




Wednesday: Back, Abs, Legs




Thursday: Biceps, Chest and abs




Friday: All areas with one exercise per muscle group




Anyone know of another tricep exercise besides the tricep pull and skullcrushers?

~Retired 10/17/07~



"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush

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A lot of lifters say the foam pad is for sissies. I think it's best to get used to a naked bar because it's better to have that weight real close to your body so you can feel it, and know you're ready for it.




Possibly true, but I have acne on my back so it's a little brutal without it for me :P I'd say generally though it's still better to have the pad if you can lift that bit more with it, it's not really assisting you, just makes it more comfortable.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Anyone know of another tricep exercise besides the tricep pull and skullcrushers?




i have a good free-weight tricep workout i can show you. it will be hard to explain but ill try.




its similar to skullcrushers in motion, but it used a dumbell. raise your arm and point it directly above you, with the elbow slightly bent and pointing in front of you. bend your arm back from the elbow to bring your fist close to your shoulder blade. that is the motion involved, now just add weight. you can also use both arms in the same motion with a single dumbell.




i used to do 45 lbs, but have stopped doing this particular exercise.

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Thanks Pez. I just found out that I shouldn't be doing leg exercises due to soccer injury in the past. :thumbdown:




you could probably still do some machine workouts to strengthen the muscle. what kind of injury was it specifically?

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Bloated bones just below knee caps. It had to do with not enough fluid on there. I was giving too much pressure on my knees with the result I could hardly walk after practice.

~Retired 10/17/07~



"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush

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i had some experience with knee problems also. playing lacrosse a few years ago, i fractured my tibia just below the knee. when i went to the doctor though, he missed the fracture on the x-ray and told me i was fine.




a year or two later, my knee starts to swell up like a grapefruit and i can barely sleep from the pain. after going to many doctors, most of whom thought it was bone cancer, one single doctor realized there was a fracture that had been infected for a few months now.




after a biopsy and months on antibiotics, my small fracture was fixed. after 2-3 years.




anyway, i dont know the extent of your injury, but you can probably still do some light-weight low-impact conditioning to strengthen the muscle around you bone. try some quad. and hamstring lifts on a machine.

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Yeah I guess as long as I don't put a lot of pressure on my knees i'll be fine. You ever try the knee pull down, as the abs exercise?

~Retired 10/17/07~



"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush

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could anyone name me some good ways to build good muscles in my arms yet still keep a good amount of fat on my body?


I know it may sound weird, but I would prefer it, for practical reasons




Simple. Train your legs.




I'm not even joking.

Rs1 - X dsp x (84 pure plate) - Retired a long time ago

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Yeah I guess as long as I don't put a lot of pressure on my knees i'll be fine. You ever try the knee pull down, as the abs exercise?




not sure what you mean. teach me!




but i have done hanging left lifts, if thats similar at all.

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Haha, don't know if that's the correct name i used for it, thats what I call it. Anyway, you put a weight on the pull down machine. Get on your knees, reach out for the handles and try to "kiss" your knees while having the handles right at the back of your head. powerset that exercise with hanging leg lifts and your abs will burn.

~Retired 10/17/07~



"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush

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I've been working out since January 08. Back then I started doing it because of the girl I was dating who liked it. But this summer we broke up and now I understand she isn't something I want because she couldn't take me as I am. I'm 6'1" and 160lbs. I work out for myself now, to stay in shape and basically not to become buff, but to become stronger if you can say that. Hell, I would never want to be buff, that's just gross. Just some arm, tri, chest and abs definition is perfect.



Pretty similar to me. Except for some parts :P. I forgot what I said in my initial post but if I did say "getting buffed up", i meant getting defined/toned/sculpted arms! Not the skinny type, but the true type.




Haven't been online for the past 4 days =o (comparing it to the days I used to spend 12hrs a day playing RS). I have been working out steadily, not like I would had like to but I have kept the same shape as I "achieved" 2 weeks ago. Same amounts of time as before but not as hard. I'm finding it harder to find motivation. Been working on push-ups and other stuff - I killed everyone in gym class (push ups...). Getting into knuckle push ups - they are quite harder and seem to work out the triceps better.




I guess I'm working on my abs - doing this type of machine where it's like a crunch except it's a machine in sitting position. You pushing with your chest downward. I'm NOTICING some change but I can't feel my abs yet (so lame >_>).




Lately, I been feeling some joint pain whenever I push my triceps to the limit while doing a standing tricep extention >_>!!! it's so lame cuz afterwards my arms feel so light! I feel like I can fly. The pain is also killing. It isn't the type of sore/pain after working out but its kinda different :wall: .




Today is Friday, atm it's 7pm. Lets see if this weekend isn't like the last one. I hope I can workout today, tomorrow, and on Sunday. Each for at least 1hr straight - I wanna keep my sculptinish..




I tried Hanging leg lifts but found them too hard lol. I dunno why but I just couldn't get my legs to do it -.^ so I started doing other stuff




hmm.. :(.. Limewire rocks! :)... what now? should I keep reading posts at tipit and most likely waste an hour >_>?




-----[should this be a sticky]-------


I would say to remain this as a normal topic until it reaches some more weeks of age. It has been successful, and active, so far :). Most people scroll THROUGH the stickies down the normal topics.. I think :P... I dunno. :)

-Retired from Runescape on August 12, 2008-

Working out topic

Everything related to working out! Ask questions, get honest answers. Share your experiences, work out routines, stories, opinions, and discuss about working out! Everything :). Check it out :)

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Haha, don't know if that's the correct name i used for it, thats what I call it. Anyway, you put a weight on the pull down machine. Get on your knees, reach out for the handles and try to "kiss" your knees while having the handles right at the back of your head. powerset that exercise with hanging leg lifts and your abs will burn.




ahh. yeah ive seen people doing those before, but i have never tried them. thanks for reminding me, im going to add a few sets of it to my ab workout.




I guess I'm working on my abs - doing this type of machine where it's like a crunch except it's a machine in sitting position. You pushing with your chest downward. I'm NOTICING some change but I can't feel my abs yet (so lame >_>).




that is a horrible ab workout. we have one of those machines at my gym, and it really wont do anything for you. if you want good abs, there are many workouts. ill just tell you a few of the ones that helped me tone my abs.




workout 1 (this is one set):


-50 crunches holding a 15lb weight behind your head (make sure you look directly at the ceiling-do NOT tuck your chin. lift your knees and legs off the floor while doing crunches to isolate your abs)


-50 roman twists (obliques) holding a 15lb weight


-45 to 60 second stabilizer/plank


-20 pushups + hold pushup position for 45-60 seconds (optional)




workout 2 (this is one set):


-30 hanging leg lifts (frontal)


-30 hanging leg lifts (right oblique)


-30 hanging leg lifts (left oblique)


for the oblique version of the leg lift, you have to twist your legs near the top of the lift toward the oblique you want to use. its hard to explain, but ill try to find a picture or post a video later. it is also optional, but recommended, to hold a weight between your ankles while doing leg-lifts.




workout 3 (this is one set):


this workout requires a benchpress


-place appropriate weights


-lift the bar and hold it with your elbows slightly bent


-while keeping your knees straight and together with toes pointed out, lift your legs vertically until your kneecaps almost touch the bar. (repeat 15-25)


-benchpress 10 reps (optional)


the extra weight of the benchpress stimulates your abs and puts more pressure on them while toning your pecs.




I tried Hanging leg lifts but found them too hard lol. I dunno why but I just couldn't get my legs to do it -.^ so I started doing other stuff




hanging leg-lifts are tough. i wouldnt expect you to be able to do them correctly unless you have been seriously training abs for a month or more.

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I'm gonna Google those workouts you mentioned and try to download the proper form into my mind then on Monday try it until I just can't do it anymore or there is some girl running on the treadmill :ohnoes: <3:<3:<3: .




Thanks for your advice :P




I guess I will spend the next 30 minutes browsing tipit =o




Browsing my HS' website and can't seem to find that picture of my hot, blonde & 28, biology teacher!!!!! arrgggghh.. It was up last year -.-








Sometimes thinking of things.. then so many things pop up in my head.. things that make me angry and ye.. I'm finding myself punching walls lately ^_^, my knucles seem to like being red or purple or even black sometimes. I wanna get into boxing.. weightlifting (working out) isn't releasing my anger anymore :'(

-Retired from Runescape on August 12, 2008-

Working out topic

Everything related to working out! Ask questions, get honest answers. Share your experiences, work out routines, stories, opinions, and discuss about working out! Everything :). Check it out :)

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i wouldnt recommend doing those workouts until you cant do anymore. start off with 3 sets of one daily. the next day if you want you can do 3 sets of another, or however your workout schedule allows. it will be easier to track progress with sets and much more effective.




plus i think your abs will kill you if you just do them all day.




if you want to get into something like boxing, id suggest kickboxing.

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I found a teacher of the head poms coach of dec 2006.. damn.. shizzle.. i wish i was a year older so I would be around in dec 06 in HS :)




rehosted with imageshack so you cant tract down where I live :(




Pretty fine to me. I'm gonna keep searching yo












[hide=her]She was the Head Poms Coach for the 2006-2007 school year.. this picture was around dec 2006.. as far as I could track down








This picture has just given me motivation.

-Retired from Runescape on August 12, 2008-

Working out topic

Everything related to working out! Ask questions, get honest answers. Share your experiences, work out routines, stories, opinions, and discuss about working out! Everything :). Check it out :)

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Ill be out of the gym for atleast a week, my knee is the size of a melon after todays Rugby game. But we won! 30-0 8-) Yeah, i just felt like sharing that.






rugby is so much rougher than American Football :(




im signing that song that goes like "barbie".. ye... :(

-Retired from Runescape on August 12, 2008-

Working out topic

Everything related to working out! Ask questions, get honest answers. Share your experiences, work out routines, stories, opinions, and discuss about working out! Everything :). Check it out :)

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are you talking about "barbie girl"? i hope not, for all our sake.




how does scoring in rugby work? is it by 10s or 1? if its by 1, then you really did own the other team.


lol yea, im cracking up irl. a beer in my left hand :(. ye.




I think I wanna try a miller light on the left hand while a dumbbell in the right and me signing. dude that would be so scrwed up and hilarious

-Retired from Runescape on August 12, 2008-

Working out topic

Everything related to working out! Ask questions, get honest answers. Share your experiences, work out routines, stories, opinions, and discuss about working out! Everything :). Check it out :)

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I hate it when I see a pretty girl with some lame dude with pimples all over his face and he isn't that good looking -_-





You're so right man, I mean, c'mon. An unattractive guy who doesn't work out? Wow, I bet he's a complete loser. That chick should totally be yours dude. Maybe you should go beat him up and call him gay, that would teach him.




P.S. I don't like you.












You do realize you have a thread about physical exercise on a RUNESCAPE Fan Site?






I work out sometimes... It gets boring though.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
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I hate it when I see a pretty girl with some lame dude with pimples all over his face and he isn't that good looking -_-





You're so right man, I mean, c'mon. An unattractive guy who doesn't work out? Wow, I bet he's a complete loser. That chick should totally be yours dude. Maybe you should go beat him up and call him gay, that would teach him.




P.S. I don't like you.












You do realize you have a thread about physical exercise on a RUNESCAPE Fan Site?






I work out sometimes... It gets boring though.


Yes, I got a brain too <3:




You have to realize that this is in the Off Topic forums and *most* who post here are semi-retired, inactive, or retired from RunEscape. Most people who reply to this topic in particular work out, are interested into, want some advice, want to discuss anything working out related, or want to flame my opinions and beliefs.




We, or I, can help you out with that boring part if you share what you want to achieve out of working out. Or are you just testing it out with no definitive goal? Tell us :)

-Retired from Runescape on August 12, 2008-

Working out topic

Everything related to working out! Ask questions, get honest answers. Share your experiences, work out routines, stories, opinions, and discuss about working out! Everything :). Check it out :)

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