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What is better: New Skills or Upgraded Ones+Level Cap


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Since Combat (Melee) is my number one fun in the game, and i know it hasn't been upgraded much level wise i wanna ask/see what you believe is best:




1: New skills




2: Upgraded skills




Also what do you think of level caps?




Personally i find upgraded skills better than new skills. It's fun with new skills too, but having constant new skills is getting old. It's like this: You make a great artwork (skill), then as soon as you are done with it, you forget about it. Besides: i rather level skills i like more than others that i don't like so much. A skill should go higher levels, despite how hard it can be to balance it out in a way so that it does not have negative effects on the game. The only things my favorite skills get is new items: which is appreciated but higher hitpoints or defence level would be even more appreciated.




I know there is players with EXP RANK that is huge. Example: Over 80m+ attack experience. But, if they decide to make it so you could go beyond level 99 for melee skills as an example: then they could re-set the players with the huge EXP to 13M(Which is how much needed for 99). But despite that every players get their EXP re-set, they should keep the EXP in Highscore. Example: I have 100m EXP in Defence, then Jagex updates skill cap level to 105. I then get my EXP re-set to 13M, but my "EXP COUNT" on Highscore does not get re-set.




This way whole Runescape: will then have to re-work for the levels. But it's just examples to demonstrate ways that can solve some problems that Increasing level caps can bring.




Well guess that's all i had on my mind. I hope that people have thought more about the problems and solutions to increase in level cap than me. I would like to hear them ;)





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So from 99-100 in a skill you need: 187M exp? That's absurd. As for Jagex not raising level caps, i don't know about it: i haven't see statement from them that they won't or will.




New skills is fun, but i believe it can be better to level old ones as well.

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The dangerous thing about increasing level caps is that you're making the game into more of a grind than it already is. Anyway, the game is about variety, not grinding (even though there is already a lot), so I say new skills.

~ W ~



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There has to be a mixture of both imo. If they keep on bringing out new items then as soon as you get one great item a new one will come out, the one you got will crashand you'll lose your money. However, if there's a long period in between they have to fill it with something, and new skills are great fun as long as you actually have a use for them. Hunter was never hugely useful tbh, and it just seemed to be a skill for the sake of a skill, but summoning was unquantifiably (sp?) useful and although more boring to train is still a far better skill.


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2. Upgrade old ones.




Start with the flop, summoning.


Take combat out of it and focus more on skilling. (or actually make things that fight and die instead of being mobile statues)




Some other things could be.


Make smithing more than token in "dropscape", such as customizable armour etc.


Give new and useful to grow in farming.


Give agility some rewards, since its only reward is the best skill cape.


Herblore, how about super ranging and magic potions.




And so on... no more window dressing skills like summoning please.

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The dangerous thing about increasing level caps is that you're making the game into more of a grind than it already is. Anyway, the game is about variety, not grinding (even though there is already a lot), so I say new skills.




Yep, I like having a variety of things to do. My favorite updates are the ones where new skills are released. I'm not much of a fan of upgraded skills because I usually already have the levels to do everything.

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2. Upgrade old ones.




Start with the flop, summoning.


Take combat out of it and focus more on skilling. (or actually make things that fight and die instead of being mobile statues)




And so on... no more window dressing skills like summoning please.




Hmmm....The titans, the beast of burden familiars, etc. They quite useful.




Go to a multicombat place and they'll fight.




I prefer new skill once a skill is okay(like summoning is.) Now would be a great time for the 25th skill.

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I only have two words to say about this: NO WAY!!




honestly, reset every player that has more than 13M xp, think about all of those who have grinded a skill to 200M xp, no feelings for them? should theire work just be deleted




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I only have two words to say about this: NO WAY!!




honestly, reset every player that has more than 13M xp, think about all of those who have grinded a skill to 200M xp, no feelings for them? should theire work just be deleted




I don't think he means their work would be deleted. I think what is meant is that people with over 13m would have the corresponding level to the amount of Xp they have.

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I personally prefer to see new things added to old skills.


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I wouldn't really care about a new level cap. What's the point? Anything that your able to make after 99 would probably overpowered. It would also jack total levels all up. Imagine a 200m xp cook with a higher total than a regular maxed out person.


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Increasing the level cap is just stupid but upgrading the skills is long over due. I would much prefer to have the skills updated there are so many ways without overpowering things.




Its simple the person with the skill can either (or both) only create items for themselves (Cannot assist you need the stat level yourself) with the skill level or they can make items that are ONLY available from the skill instead of drops. It doesnt even have to be stat boosting it can just be visual. They need to do that and make higher level stuff to make higher levels worth it.




New skills are nice too but I rather they finished old ones.

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Would be nice if they put more work into already-existing skills. I don't see why we *need* 2 or 3 new skills every year.


Also I'm hoping I'll live to see the day they raise the skill cap to round it up to level 100 in each skill. Not much hope for a higher skill cap, not after one either.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

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Would be nice if they put more work into already-existing skills. I don't see why we *need* 2 or 3 new skills every year.


Also I'm hoping I'll live to see the day they raise the skill cap to round it up to level 100 in each skill. Not much hope for a higher skill cap, not after one either.




Sure, we don't need them but in my opinion, a new skill is a lot more fun and exciting than just an add-on to and old skill. It's a lot of fun trying to find out how to level the skill and how you will benefit from training it.

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I don't see Jagex changing level caps too much in the near future.. The most I think they'd do would be grant a '100' for maxing (200m XP) out a skill..




New skills would be better anyways. :thumbup:




I hope so.



95/99 Summoning

95/99 Slayer


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i have to agree with upgrading old ones


i believe jagex said that it would be a huge hastle to actually raise the level cap at one point


but im sure it wouldnt hard to program something like:


~when you hit lvl 99, you can trade in the xp you have above lvl 99 for certain items/special abilities/etc~


ex: u have 200 mil in def, u can trade in up 187 mil xp for a a permanent 18.7% damage reduction; or something




I think some skills just dont have much points after their caps


slayer doesnt change after lvl 91


hunter really really needs some more variety


con and summoning i like, because they actually have something for practically every level


farming needs some help, i dont even farm any more herbs at 15.5 mil farming xp than i did at lvl 50 farming.


id like to at least be able to use all 3 spirit tree patches for being lvl 99 or something

203rd to 99 farming


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slayer doesnt change after lvl 91


hunter really really needs some more variety





But when you look at skill pages, hunter practically has one of the most branches ... Slayer I get.



95/99 Summoning

95/99 Slayer


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If they were to change the level caps, they would have to increase the XP exponentially to balance out previous levels or it won't work.




I would rather see new skills, or at least new things we can do with the current skills we have. Prayer I think can be extended a little more for example. And the way the game is set up, I see a lot of potential for more skills.

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I have been saying something like what the OP mentioned for a while now. Only my take on it is a bit different. I think you should be able to pick ONE non combat skill to train to 126 (200m exp). Once you finally reach the goal there would be something cool as a bonus, maybe some cloths to match the cape and the ability to do something cool. The best part of this is it would add some diversification to the runecape population because you can only max one skill.


They could make it so you could swap skills if you wanted to max another, but once you do it drops your total exp in that skill back to 13m (you keep your rank).




And before any boneheads start crying unbalanced try getting 200m in a skill, this would not be easy. They need to do something; getting 200m in a skill should have some reward.




Thats my take on it.

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To be honest, I prefer new skills over updating skills. While I don't mind (infact, welcome) updates to the skills that need it, I like new skills for variety. I enjoy the skill rush upon release and all the new tricks and methods being discovered, etc.

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