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Starting to Smoke


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Ok hear me out. Im 18, im a senior in high school, and i work at Burger King. I live a very very high stress life. My parents treat me like crap and try to run every part of my life. Im taking all the hardest classes in my school, including 2 actual college classes. I come home with 4 subjects of homework a night, but before that i have to work from 4pm-9pm (5pm-1am saturday) So recently ive felt the need for a ciggarette, bad.




So my question, is one or two ciggerettes really all that bad for you, smokers/nonsmokers weigh in.





Edited in 10.01.08:


So 50% of the posts ive gotten were "get over yourself, you life is easy, tehehehehehehe watch me on my high horse"




This is my reply:




God DAMMIT!! this is NOT what im saying. For gods sake, does eveyone have a stick up thier arse on this forum or what. I can HANDLE my stress or i wouldve done myself in a long time ago. WHAT IM ASKING is if ciggys are REALLY that bad for you, and i used that story to give REASON why im asking that question, NOT BEACUSE IM SUFFERING FROM TEEN ANGEST!




And for those who say exercise, ii honestly dont have time, but i do when i can. IM NOT SAYING I MUST HAVE ONE IM JUST SAYING IVE HAD STRANGE CRAVINGS FOR THEM SINCE THE STRESS LEVEL IN MY LIFE INCREASED!!




Sorry, im just really sick of the saracasic immature kiddies who always post stupid HAHA YOUR STUPID< GET OVER IT HAHA HAHAHAHA. Off-Topic has really really gone downhill in recent months -.-


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OP: You felt the need for a cigarette and you don't normally smoke?




Anyway it's really up to you, you're old enough to make those decisions if you wish. Though personally I can unwind from stress in lots of other ways, which is a lot healthier too.


Only thing I'm going to say is though, I'd stop while it's easy to. In a few years you may wish you never started. But really in the end it's down to yourself and what you want.

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Well i have a neighbour down the street who started smoking because of teh stress in the restaurant business, to put it short, the net owners of teh restaurant locked him out of his restaurant he was head chef at because it was doing so well and he wouldnt lower his salary, went jobless and turned to smoking to fight off stress.Yeah friday he was diagnosed with the early stages of lung cancer.




I would never reccomend ciggarettes to anyone, it quickly builds up and it leaves you a lot poorer, in health and cash.

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I smoke.




I think that if you feel the need to relax, smoking is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. If you want a healthier way to do it, roll your own cigs. A pouch of tobacco gets me 80 cigs out of 5 dollars. After I got sick of spending nearly $5 per pack on Marb Reds, I decided to roll my own. They're not healthy, but they don't have as many chemicals and added junk that filtered cigs do. One or two per day is NOT going to shave that much off your life. It's the people that smoke a pack per day that are killing themselves.




Removed, please don't recommend illegal substances ~pryomancer


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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don't smoke.




If you want to know a way to relieve stress... scientifically proven pm me. I'm not saying in forum too many wbm.




smoking kills.






It only kills when tired people and idiots smoke.




OT: You are old enough to make that decision, however there are other ways to relieve stress, that won't increase the chance of getting cancer as much. Personally, I turned to violent video games. Unlike what psychologists keep preaching, they, actually, can help ease stress, and prevent you from going on a massive killing spree. Which I was close to doing at one point.



If you choose your beliefs/lifestyle simply based on what your parents want, then you are a weak minded individual and are not even worthy of calling yourself a person.

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Not recommended purely for the self-medication factor. My suggestion is to make your life less busy. You might need the money from your job, but if it is making your stress worse, you might want to think about quiting. Allocate some time for you to relax and clear your mind.






I smoke.




I think that if you feel the need to relax, smoking is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. If you want a healthier way to do it, roll your own cigs. A pouch of tobacco gets me 80 cigs out of 5 dollars. After I got sick of spending nearly $5 per pack on Marb Reds, I decided to roll my own. They're not healthy, but they don't have as many chemicals and added junk that filtered cigs do. One or two per day is NOT going to shave that much off your life. It's the people that smoke a pack per day that are killing themselves.




Unfiltered are worse than filtered. Think of all the lovely ash and tar coating your lungs. But, yes, it is a hell of a lot cheaper.

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Punching bags.


Great relief and good exercise.

image.png image.png

Oh yeah, and I've thought of taking babies and throwing them. For funsies. - Lenticular J



"Isn't it pathetic how everything in our society is built around someone screwing someone else out of their money?" - killerbeer0 on American Society

Rebdragon can't wiz a woz.

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imo this topic isn't going to do to much, if you really need a cig, your ganna smoke one. find a new job imo fast food is hard work and bad pay and you say you work 7 days a week lol? that or quit what can your parents really do?

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Unfiltered are worse than filtered. Think of all the lovely ash and tar coating your lungs. But, yes, it is a hell of a lot cheaper.


The fact that you can control how much tobacco goes into your cigarette makes it much better though. I can make very small cigarettes that get me through the day rather than smoking a few larger filtered ones.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Unfiltered are worse than filtered. Think of all the lovely ash and tar coating your lungs. But, yes, it is a hell of a lot cheaper.


The fact that you can control how much tobacco goes into your cigarette makes it much better though. I can make very small cigarettes that get me through the day rather than smoking a few larger filtered ones.




True, and I've seen people who can roll a cigarette faster than some people can take one out of a pack. :shock:

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imo this topic isn't going to do to much, if you really need a cig, your ganna smoke one. find a new job imo fast food is hard work and bad pay and you say you work 7 days a week lol? that or quit what can your parents really do?


I need the money beacuse my family is EXTREMELY poor and im saving up money for college (on food, ect) and a little to spend. I put 5 applications in for new jobs saturday, lets hope i get one


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My life is tougher than that, but I don't smoke. Find other ways, I'm not gonna feed you [cabbage] liek "take a walk, do Yoga" write songs, or poems filled with whatever you need to say, to get rid of stress, then throw away after a day or two. Also, don't smoke, ever. Not only are you inhaling Draino and such, but your teeth will turn yellow, you'll stink, you'll be more likely to get fired because of the smoking breaks required (it doesn't seem likely, but it could happen.) And actually, you WILL get lung cancer\ emphysema and die early if you get into heavy smoking. If you're only doing one a day, then stop.








But good luck, I'm a Senior too and taking college classes + hard classes, and tell your manager I lol everytime I see that Reverse Pickpocketing thing on TV. lollll.






But yea, Fast Food is hard work, I work from either 6-midnight, or 4-midnight, then gotta do more hw when I get home.

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well, if you need to save money and want stress relief, just torrent Land of the Dead and pwn people on multiplayer. GREAT relief.

image.png image.png

Oh yeah, and I've thought of taking babies and throwing them. For funsies. - Lenticular J



"Isn't it pathetic how everything in our society is built around someone screwing someone else out of their money?" - killerbeer0 on American Society

Rebdragon can't wiz a woz.

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The difference between a man and a boy is being able to deal with your problems, not mask them away or run/hide from them. A cig is a lousy excuse to deal with your problems and i really hope you reconsider. Have you even thought long term, or just the short term, again to mask your problems?




Possible chance of cancer? TONS of money wasted buying cigs?




You need money but you want to smoke cigs? Do you realize how much this addiction can cost at its peak?

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Cigarettes aren't healthy, at all.




Some people think, 'oh if I only have one or two a day i'll be fine'. This is not the case, you're breathing smoke into your lungs. How could that possibly have no effect?




Find something else to help you relax. Listen to some music or just watch some T.V.




Smoking isn't the answer, and frankly anyone that tells you otherwise, on this forum on in real life should be ashamed of themselves.

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Smoking cigarettes is like smoking a gallon of gasoline. DON"T DO IT. My grandmother died from smoking 2 packs a day for 32 years. Not to mention spent an [wagon] load of money.




This comes out to: 23k packs of cigs = at least 50 grand total.




for every craving you get, pinch your self till you hurt. Thats what my mum did to stop smoking. The pills/gum stop your addiction to ciggs, but make you addicted to the pill/gum/patch lol.


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Smoking doesn't relieve stress, I should know it first hand. I've been smoking for around 2 years now but it's become more of a habit than a need to release stress. (By the way, I'm 2 months smoke-free now :lol:) Smoking doesn't do anything besides hurt your body, and your mind. As others have said, there are better ways (*cough* free ways *cough*) to relieve the stress. Too much homework? Don't pick up too many shifts then. I understand, as I have a job too and I work 20 hours per week even with school. It's simple, and school should always come first before anything. Jobs can wait, but school cannot. Please heed those words.


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i can sorta understand what you mean. my family might not be poor itself but we have very little to spend at all due to the massive morgage we have, so i went job hunting and like you, got stuck in fastfood. i've been smacking resume' s all over town hopeing to get anything but fast food, but you shouldnt resort to smoking yet. remedial massages are a great way to de-stress your body and usually the average hour is 50$ and you only need one perhaps once a month and it realy realy helps. this is only in my benefit though, im sure there are plenty of other moethods that would work for you. and on the side note: i burn through a bottle of shampoo a fortnight. it gets so bloody greasy at hungry jacks. :wall:


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Ok hear me out. Im 18, im a senior in high school, and i work at Burger King. I live a very very high stress life. My parents treat me like crap and try to run every part of my life. Im taking all the hardest classes in my school, including 2 actual college classes. I come home with 4 subjects of homework a night, but before that i have to work from 4pm-9pm (5pm-1am saturday) So recently ive felt the need for a ciggarette, bad.




So my question, is one or two ciggerettes really all that bad for you, smokers/nonsmokers weigh in.






this makes me facepalm, okay two things




1.if you become addicted don't stop because you will beat your wife




2. the cigarretes company love you

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You flip burgers... you have no idea what real stress is.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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