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Urban Legends

Princess Viola

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So, anyone know any good urban legends? They could be local, not well known ones or ones that are semi-well known. If you don't know what an urban legend is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_legend




I have one from where my mom lives in New York.




It apparently happened on a cold, winter's night in 1970, around 7:00 pm, a little boy was playing with his dog in the front yard of his house. About an hour later, his mom called him in for dinner, he didn't come. His mother didn't worry, as he usually ignored her calls for dinner for about 30 minutes. After an hour, he still didn't come in. Tired, his mother called out and said, "Son! You're going to have to re-heat dinner! We're going to bed! You have to be in your room by 9:00. But, since it's Friday, you can stay up until midnight!" Then, they went to bed. The next morning, his dinner was still there. So, his dad went looking for him. He found his body about three miles up the road. His son had his face torn off, his chest was cut into and his innards were all gone, except for his intestines, which were rearranged to say, "i have come 4 my revenge your great grandfather killed me now your son has experienced the same fate as me as will the other children" Upon doing some research, the man discovers that 89 years ago, a boy, who was a little older than his, was found murdered the same way his son was and the murderer was his great-grandfather, whom had died three years before he was born. In the next three months, at least thirty other children were found the same way. Now, the ghosts of the children are apparantly saving the lives of children. (They pull kids out of the street when a car is coming, they make things, disappear, etc.)

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We had a thread like this a long time ago.




Our town has like none. We don't have scary stuff here, aside from STDs.




Yours sounds like those stupid chain texts or myspace bullitens. :P

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Town about 15 minutes from me.








They even have UFO Days in July as the town's celebration.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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So, anyone know any good urban legends? They could be local, not well known ones or ones that are semi-well known. If you don't know what an urban legend is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_legend




I have one from where my mom lives in New York.




It apparently happened on a cold, winter's night in 1970, around 7:00 pm, a little boy was playing with his dog in the front yard of his house. About an hour later, his mom called him in for dinner, he didn't come. His mother didn't worry, as he usually ignored her calls for dinner for about 30 minutes. After an hour, he still didn't come in. Tired, his mother called out and said, "Son! You're going to have to re-heat dinner! We're going to bed! You have to be in your room by 9:00. But, since it's Friday, you can stay up until midnight!" Then, they went to bed. The next morning, his dinner was still there. So, his dad went looking for him. He found his body about three miles up the road. His son had his face torn off, his chest was cut into and his innards were all gone, except for his intestines, which were rearranged to say, "i have come 4 my revenge your great grandfather killed me now your son has experienced the same fate as me as will the other children" Upon doing some research, the man discovers that 89 years ago, a boy, who was a little older than his, was found murdered the same way his son was and the murderer was his great-grandfather, whom had died three years before he was born. In the next three months, at least thirty other children were found the same way. Now, the ghosts of the children are apparantly saving the lives of children. (They pull kids out of the street when a car is coming, they make things, disappear, etc.)


Is that even possible? to spell all that out?

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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So, anyone know any good urban legends? They could be local, not well known ones or ones that are semi-well known. If you don't know what an urban legend is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_legend




I have one from where my mom lives in New York.




It apparently happened on a cold, winter's night in 1970, around 7:00 pm, a little boy was playing with his dog in the front yard of his house. About an hour later, his mom called him in for dinner, he didn't come. His mother didn't worry, as he usually ignored her calls for dinner for about 30 minutes. After an hour, he still didn't come in. Tired, his mother called out and said, "Son! You're going to have to re-heat dinner! We're going to bed! You have to be in your room by 9:00. But, since it's Friday, you can stay up until midnight!" Then, they went to bed. The next morning, his dinner was still there. So, his dad went looking for him. He found his body about three miles up the road. His son had his face torn off, his chest was cut into and his innards were all gone, except for his intestines, which were rearranged to say, "i have come 4 my revenge your great grandfather killed me now your son has experienced the same fate as me as will the other children" Upon doing some research, the man discovers that 89 years ago, a boy, who was a little older than his, was found murdered the same way his son was and the murderer was his great-grandfather, whom had died three years before he was born. In the next three months, at least thirty other children were found the same way. Now, the ghosts of the children are apparantly saving the lives of children. (They pull kids out of the street when a car is coming, they make things, disappear, etc.)


Is that even possible? to spell all that out?


Yes, your small intestine is actually like 7 miles long.

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So, anyone know any good urban legends? They could be local, not well known ones or ones that are semi-well known. If you don't know what an urban legend is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_legend




I have one from where my mom lives in New York.




It apparently happened on a cold, winter's night in 1970, around 7:00 pm, a little boy was playing with his dog in the front yard of his house. About an hour later, his mom called him in for dinner, he didn't come. His mother didn't worry, as he usually ignored her calls for dinner for about 30 minutes. After an hour, he still didn't come in. Tired, his mother called out and said, "Son! You're going to have to re-heat dinner! We're going to bed! You have to be in your room by 9:00. But, since it's Friday, you can stay up until midnight!" Then, they went to bed. The next morning, his dinner was still there. So, his dad went looking for him. He found his body about three miles up the road. His son had his face torn off, his chest was cut into and his innards were all gone, except for his intestines, which were rearranged to say, "i have come 4 my revenge your great grandfather killed me now your son has experienced the same fate as me as will the other children" Upon doing some research, the man discovers that 89 years ago, a boy, who was a little older than his, was found murdered the same way his son was and the murderer was his great-grandfather, whom had died three years before he was born. In the next three months, at least thirty other children were found the same way. Now, the ghosts of the children are apparantly saving the lives of children. (They pull kids out of the street when a car is coming, they make things, disappear, etc.)


Is that even possible? to spell all that out?


Yes, your small intestine is actually like 7 miles long.


They're more like 1 mile, at most, and the chances are they would be eaten by scavenging birds or over animals by the time the remains were found.




I haven't heard any good Urban Legends in a while, although I went on a site a while ago with some really creepy ones. I'll try to remember them.

My Last.Fm


Random Furry Dance!!!

Proud to hate life, since not too long ago!!!

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My town doesn't have any Urban Legends, unfortunately, but I am sure that if I did some snooping, I would find some.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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So, anyone know any good urban legends? They could be local, not well known ones or ones that are semi-well known. If you don't know what an urban legend is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_legend




I have one from where my mom lives in New York.




It apparently happened on a cold, winter's night in 1970, around 7:00 pm, a little boy was playing with his dog in the front yard of his house. About an hour later, his mom called him in for dinner, he didn't come. His mother didn't worry, as he usually ignored her calls for dinner for about 30 minutes. After an hour, he still didn't come in. Tired, his mother called out and said, "Son! You're going to have to re-heat dinner! We're going to bed! You have to be in your room by 9:00. But, since it's Friday, you can stay up until midnight!" Then, they went to bed. The next morning, his dinner was still there. So, his dad went looking for him. He found his body about three miles up the road. His son had his face torn off, his chest was cut into and his innards were all gone, except for his intestines, which were rearranged to say, "i have come 4 my revenge your great grandfather killed me now your son has experienced the same fate as me as will the other children" Upon doing some research, the man discovers that 89 years ago, a boy, who was a little older than his, was found murdered the same way his son was and the murderer was his great-grandfather, whom had died three years before he was born. In the next three months, at least thirty other children were found the same way. Now, the ghosts of the children are apparantly saving the lives of children. (They pull kids out of the street when a car is coming, they make things, disappear, etc.)


Is that even possible? to spell all that out?


Yes, your small intestine is actually like 7 miles long.


They're more like 1 mile, at most, and the chances are they would be eaten by scavenging birds or over animals by the time the remains were found.





Your small intestines are only a bit over 20ft. long. At 2-3cm in diameter, there's no way a mile of them could fit inside you.




Urban Legends Revealed on the Discovery channel brings up a lot of interesting ones. Not surprisingly, almost all of them are false, but anybody who hasn't seen that show should take a look.

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Anyone with the time, patience, and skill to spell out such a long sentence with a boy's intestines without being noticed must be some every murderer's role model.




As for urban legends, I have one from my old private school. We have a long, spiralling staircase (the school was founded in the late 1800s) and it was rumored that a boy had committed suicide on by jumping off the top stairs down to the bottom and that he haunted the staircase and killed another boy in the 1980s. Never found any evidence of any stair deaths in my school, but a lot of kids who heard it would avoid the stairs :lol:


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Anyone with the time, patience, and skill to spell out such a long sentence with a boy's intestines without being noticed must be some every murderer's role model.




As for urban legends, I have one from my old private school. We have a long, spiralling staircase (the school was founded in the late 1800s) and it was rumored that a boy had committed suicide on by jumping off the top stairs down to the bottom and that he haunted the staircase and killed another boy in the 1980s. Never found any evidence of any stair deaths in my school, but a lot of kids who heard it would avoid the stairs :lol:



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You forgot the "post this on 10 videos and your crush's name will appear on the screen and if you don't your mom will get cancer." :lol:




Well, I have one friend who makes up urban legends everyday. So pretty much he makes up stories that are loosely based on something. It's pretty funny, but kinda sad because I think that he thinks we believe him.


"We will certainly not be gaining money or members with this update. Instead, we are doing this for the good of the game, which is as dear to our hearts as it is to you."

- JAGEX, December 13, 2007

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Urban Legends Revealed on the Discovery channel brings up a lot of interesting ones. Not surprisingly, almost all of them are false, but anybody who hasn't seen that show should take a look.




Too bad I don't have enough money to pay for digital cable, all I can afford is basic.

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Your small intestines are only a bit over 20ft. long. At 2-3cm in diameter, there's no way a mile of them could fit inside you.


Your small intestine is about 20 feet long, but is folded up into thousands of fingerlike projections called villi, which are coated with smaller folds of the muscle into microvilli. Completely expanded, the small intestine is very, very large. About 700sq. meters I think.




And I don't know of any urban legends in my town. We're so not cool like that -.-

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Apparently someone ung themself in a wood like 10 miles from my house. Big whoop, my friend was like "i'm gonna go see zombies there on halloween, legit ones!" I'm like "You're 18, grow up."

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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I've heard of the one somewhere in the States where a bus filled with children got crushed as they were going across a train track and everyone died. Now whenever cars go past and a train is coming, the ghost of the kids would help push the cars to the other side.




As for Singapore, not really an urban legend but during stage performances known as "Wayang" during the 7th month, the first rows are always left empty for the spirits.








Break the Walls down!

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There is a urban legend in our town, that some bullies accidentally Drowned a boy in the toilet.'But i think this is just a Scary-story to make children scared to go the the 7th grade first day.

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I've gotta say, that's the lamest urban legend I've ever heard. I think my town has one about some guy hanging himself on a bridge on Halloween and his ghost or something haunts the road. Every Halloween, people talk about it, but I pretty much tune it out cause it's such a load of [cabbage]. :lol:

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At least no one is really afraid of Fan Death








:shock: I leave my fan on all night sometimes...

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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There are a couple i can remember from years back:








There's a large forest at the edge of my town which had a railway line running through it. Supposedly the line got shut down after the 8am train went over a bridge in the forest, which then collapsed under the trains weight, killing all on board.








Personally i don't think this is all true, as i haven't ever heard anyone mention anything about it, but if you check in the forest, there is an old collapsed bridge with rusted railway buffers and train style seats littered around. Probably just an accident which got blown out of context.








There was another story from primary school about a teacher that supposedly died and was haunting the corridors of the school and playing creepy songs on the piano in the music room. Naturally, everyone was too scared to go in some of the corridors alone and kept well away from the music room unless you were with your friends. Turns out the teacher had just retired. :oops:

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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