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Behind the Scenes - November Edition


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i heard about thanksgiving but i can't say i'm familiar with it :? ;)


Well I doubt you knew about the Guy Faulks thing, so that's +1 for Thanksgiving :P


Well I'm Dutch and I've heard of that Guy Faulks dude, he planned an assault on a baddie in the government or something, and I remember... fireworks... vague... :|








Ah you're probably right, Thanksgiving is more well known :P




Guy faulks planned to burn down goverment house i think, and there somthing bout him burning in a fire or fireworks. I dunno.




I already had thanksgiving last month. nice to celebrate it twice i guess.

I don't know which mod did this. I don't know why they did it. If they're looking for money, I can tell them I don't have any as I'm a student. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over 4 years of RuneScape. Skills that I have worked hard for and people like them can't take them away. If they give me my particles back now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for them, I will not pursue them. But if they don't, I will look for them, I will find them, and they won't like what'll happen

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Wow, relax. If Jagex want to do a little thanksgiving event, that's absolutely fine. I've heard of thanksgiving, but have never celebrated it and am that not familiar with it. It's just a little fun event, nothing big.




Looks like a great month, the mini-game doesn't seem to appeal to me though, I hope I get proved wrong.

Retired Tip.It Crew Mapper.

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Well they still refer to British stuff in their quests and such. So I don't think they'll completely lose their British heritage. Though, in online games, it doesn't really matter where the roots lie due to the diversity in cultures that play the game. I mean, adding a typical British event into the game wouldn't be very logical if only a small percentage of the players are in fact British.




The British Empire was the largest ever, covering 1/4 of the worlds land mass. British customs and events are far wider than just England you realise? Almost 2B people are part of the Commonwealth, some 6 times more populous than USA.




Guy Faulks night is tomorrow, and is celebrated in England, NZ, Aussie, parts of Canada and the Carribean. So more countries celebrate Guy Faulks than Thanksgiving, so lets light up some crackers instead of celebrating fat americans.




PS: Can' wait for the Grand quest - me liketh a lot :)




Why do you have to refer to us as Fat americans? I can tell you right now I'm American and I am in better shape then 90% of the people in the world. Why would you stereotype us like that?

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they said first ever grandmaster quest (which sounds very challenging), But the 150th could easily be the second GM quest (if you don't mind I call it that)


my first reaction when I read the comment about the grandmaster quest, i thought jagex said their 150th quest would be GM level


then i read it a second time and realized the grandmaster quest was coming out THIS month so my second reaction was:


Woah, the first grandmaster quest followed so closely with the 150th super quest?!?




then my third reaction was:


Wait... did jagex ever say their super quest would be #150? i know it's a pattern but what if jagex broke it


what if this grandmaster quest IS the super quest jagex promised? Then would we just get some random stupid quest for #150?




I really hope not, considering jagex usually delays their updates, i was expecting the super quest in 2009


I'm just going to cross my fingers that jagex is feeling generous and giving us two GM quests very close to each other

203rd to 99 farming


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Should it be BOW or X-BOW instead of staff of armadyl seeing as all of his/her minions are ranged based? I just hope that one of these days they release a quest that has the actually god in it like maybe in this upcoming quest you do something good and Armadyl himself saying thx for helping him out and killing lucian or w/e here's my staff. W/e, if we get the staff it would be ballin if it could auto cast a new god spell like "Razorwind of Armadyl" and all the wind spells, and have another option that is range where if you have like rune arrows with you it shoots those and does extra damage.




I probably could've made that post more clearer but eh. \' .

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70+ agility will be just one of the requirements for this quest. (remember the armadyl communique?)




I highly doubt smithing will play a huge role, purely because to be able to smith Runite you need 85+... Dragon would have to be like level 105+ :P so yeah, In my opinion, extremely unlikely. Though, you might have to smith certain parts of items? Just an idea that might happen, but thats all I can think of. Ability to smith dragon: Huge No no, not without completely changing smithing...




If the Dragonkin are involved, so will be your cat and Bob (Is it bob? The one that used to be the human that fought them). So Gertrudes Cat will be a req. Possibly all dragon item quests will be another req, what with the dragon forge. All Majharat related quests - The one where majharat go north, will likely be another requirement.


All levels for the quest will be 50+ minimum, more likely 60+. So get training if your behind! lol...




Can't wait for this storyline though....




Ooooh just thought. Zanik might be involved with this quest, especially if it's about gods and god artefacts.






1245780, You won't/shouldn't get the god staff of armadyl. All clue's about its power from the story lines suggest it will be far too powerful. I mean, if it banished Zaros and made a mortal a god, you really think Jagex would put it in as a useable weapon? :P Unless they come up with something like it drained its power during the Zaros/Zamorack incident, and its a slightly more powerful version of a mystic staff or the sort.

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1245780, You won't/shouldn't get the god staff of armadyl. All clue's about its power from the story lines suggest it will be far too powerful. I mean, if it banished Zaros and made a mortal a god, you really think Jagex would put it in as a useable weapon? :P Unless they come up with something like it drained its power during the Zaros/Zamorack incident, and its a slightly more powerful version of a mystic staff or the sort.




Way to shoot down my hopes and dreams man -.-

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1245780, You won't/shouldn't get the god staff of armadyl. All clue's about its power from the story lines suggest it will be far too powerful. I mean, if it banished Zaros and made a mortal a god, you really think Jagex would put it in as a useable weapon? :P Unless they come up with something like it drained its power during the Zaros/Zamorack incident, and its a slightly more powerful version of a mystic staff or the sort.




Way to shoot down my hopes and dreams man -.-




Both sides of this argument are pure speculation.




Although in 1245780's defense, the Godsword is an ancient and powerful relic, "said to be capable of killing a god"... maybe the staff of armadyl will be a mage's best weapon? Just how powerful really depends on the reqs and difficulty of the quest, but the point is it's certainly an open possibility.

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70+ agility will be just one of the requirements for this quest. (remember the armadyl communique?)




I highly doubt smithing will play a huge role, purely because to be able to smith Runite you need 85+... Dragon would have to be like level 105+ :P so yeah, In my opinion, extremely unlikely. Though, you might have to smith certain parts of items? Just an idea that might happen, but thats all I can think of. Ability to smith dragon: Huge No no, not without completely changing smithing...





You're making a big assumption that Smithing will be the only required skill to make dragon equipment (or a similar level 60 armor/weapon). Imagine if you had to have 80+ in 4 skills (Smithing, Firemaking, Crafting, Mining) in order smith higher level equipment? It could explain those anvils around the dragon heads in the last update.




Let's face it, a person with 99 in smithing, firemaking, crafting and mining should have the ability to gather and produce something like an Obsidian platebody.


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I noticed that Jagex announced the minigame as their headliner. True, the quest SOUNDS epic, but if it's not the main event, will it be? Probably, at least I hope. The quest brings me worries. Anyone remember a little game called Barbarian Assault? Has like one or two good rewards, and most of the player do not know what they're doing. I'm predicting, except in clans and groups of friends, that we'll see something similar. Barbarian Assault proved that most Scapers are almost incapable of teamwork, and often do not listen to reason or instructions. If the rewards are good, than hopefully veterans will stick around and help/train newbies. But, if the rewards are poor, say one good item or no good items, we may very well find it abandoned after the first several weeks.




The only other thing is that I'm miffed about the non-removal of randoms. I mean, they hinted at it in the Postbag! I hate it when they do that! If Jagex wants an update that'll have every player dancing in the aisles singing hallelujah, standing in sacred groves chanting awareness raising mantras, or performing dark rituals using forbidden knowledge while shouting the foulest of curses, depending on the god of choice, than they should have removed/tweaked the scourge that is Randoms.




Oh, about Turkey Day, well it is well known. For those who don't know what it's about, just remember the three Fs. Family, food, and football.

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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Another month with nothing that great. :? The sad thing is that I'm usually the one that defends Jagex, but there hasn't been much these past few months.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Actually the reason you celebrate Thanksgiving is to celebrate the land that you discovered with a bountiful feast. The reason you want to get too this land is to escape the "Monarchy" of Great Britain, and then finally gain Independace on July 4th. So this really is a little hazing between these 2 cultures, thank God I don't have to celebrated it though. >.>




The only reason I know about Guy Faulks is because of the Movie "V for Vendetta" Though I thought it was spelt "Guy Fawkes"






Hmm Pkers with skillers. Is it Possible?? :ohnoes:

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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I dont understand why jagex have added thanksgiving, since its a british company why not have bonfire night makes more sense -.- ill go chase turkeys and whatever, even though i wont actually be celebrating whatever it means.




But the quest is here YES! looks like a fun month, bar the turkey.

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interesting....a Turkey "Scavenger Hunt". it says that u get a reward for a disguised turkey....i wonder what the reward will be =P. it better be something good that u can keep....nothing like those degradable, edible, expirable, perishable, stuff. I hear that St. Patrick's day is celebrated in many countries not just Ireland, and U.S. so mayb when they say "expect these updates..blah blah blah..in the future", mayb they will have leprechauns and then they will give u like gp or something. so its basically like the penguin hide and seek except its f2p(shud be f2p) and its only here for a few days..... Hmmmm...i wonder if this will lead to a Thanksgiving event in the future.(prob. not cuz of halloween and december so close together.)




the mini game sounds interesting, and just like what that other guy said, not to start a "what does f2p ppl deserve convo", the mini game should be f2p =P. Stealing Creation....how do they come up with that name? i cant seem to get that idea from the description they gave us so far. With the details they gave us, sounds like it should be something more on the lines of "Creating War" (cuz some ppl r 'creating' weapons, and other ppl r 'warring/using' the weapons). "Stealing Creation" sounds like a mini game to train thieving....




anyway, im mostly looking forward to the turkey's mostly because its a first for jagex and i want to see how they lay that plan out. (I BETTER GET A REWARD FROM A TURKEY AND DISGUISED TURKEY OR ELSE)




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Ok they wont make it that you can smith Dragon armor for multiple reasons.




1. At lvl 99 you can only make rune and im pretty sure you cant go higher than 99.




2. If you were going to make Dragon armor what would you make it with? A Dragon Bar? No, since Adamant bars are called Adamantite bars and Rune bars are called Runite bars Dragon bars would be called Dragonite Bars........Dragonite








3. It would just be gay, all the time we've worked for Dragon drops and now pros can get them easy? Uh i dont think so.




What i do think is we might make a new dragon, like Addy dragon or something hell i dunno, But i do know we will not smith dragon equipment.

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Sorry Jard, but he wrestles, hence no thinking.


Dear god, not another Flame.




ON TOPIC: I have not seen one Turkey yet...




That's because it hasn't been released yet, thanks for playing the "Hey, I don't understand what "coming this month" means" game.




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Tipiters, you fight too much, it's a problem.




Quest sounds good, though I won't be able to do it for a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long time, due to the fact that my states are quite sucky and I haven't done many of the important quests, though I was surprised to find out that, if I took the time to, I could do the entire Mortanyia series.




I'm probably never going to use the minigame, but it sounds good.



Currently will be using my Oni Tsurugi account to attempt to get 99 on all free skills without spending any gp, just for the sake of doing so.

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Quests are probably my favorite part of playing Runescape. I absolutely cannot wait for this amazing quest to come out :D


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Rare Drops: Dragon Sq Half : 1, Dragon Med : 2, Dragon Claws : 2, Dragon Legs : 1, Dragon Boots : 60+, Granite Legs: 8

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