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Tip.It Times Presents: Wasted Bullets


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Dragon plate means little to me. They will be as common as any other melee item soon after all the high leveler's farm them a while. Surely it will still be pricey, but in terms of having an "eye" candy piece of gear, then the Dagon' hai robe set from that same quest beats it hands down. Think about it. Only available through doing the quest and you only get one set. Now unless you can drop, and pick up multiple sets like you can with ghost robes, then I assume this has to be one of the harder items in the game to get at the moment. (Anyone confirm if you can?) 265 qp is a hard requirement to get for a majority of the typical Scapers. (Thanks for the person who was nice enough to put a set up for 320k the morning after the quest in the GE. I appreciate it. 0_o ) If ya got your hands on a set... hang onto it for a bit. GE price is 800k at the moment, and in the streets... well got to watch those shady alleys. My point to all this... The stats are par on both the robes and the Dragon Plate, but it's just the prestige of having something others may not get so easily. Yay me.




You can get the robes from the dagon'hai mages in the Chaos Tunnels.






I do believe only Dagon'hai monks are in the Chaos Tunnels? I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure Dagon' hai robes are never a drop at all. (Since you get the set from a wardrobe in the quest?) And Elite I believe dropped from mobs in the tunnel after the quest, but they stopped that recently? Anyone know for sure... pls let me know. :)




:oops: Got the name wrong. But as you can see in the thread linked above, the robes are a drop.





The light at the end of the tunnel is the demon-infested lava pit.


blue = sad

hoo = who

loo = 100

vo = broken ice cream cone = sad children = sad babies = dead babies


bluehooloovo = sadwho100deadbabies = Who is sad about 100 dead babies?


I've cracked the code!

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I completely agree. The dragon plate was supposed to be God among armour, back in the day, when the dragon chain was the chest armour to have, the idea of the dragon plate was, in a sense, ridiculous. Now, here we are a few years later and its basically a waste... but personally, I don't care, if the opportunity ever rises I'd get my hands on one! I dunno whether to hope the same thing happens with the kite, a cheaper price would be good for a low level player like me, but it takes away from the grandeur of actually owning one.. when I use to play (I took a two year break) I never thought I'd own a dragon medhelm, let alone the plate legs and boots to match, with money to spare. Its a shame that dragon has lost its original glory, but I guess its just a fact you have to live with. Still praying for the day they release the Dragon Pickaxe, however I fear that will shoot up in price, as I assume there won't be a new level (bronze through to dragon) skill item (pickaxe, hatchet, etc..) for quite some time.

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well' you've all touched on something i've been thinking for a while and it was published some time ago :IS RUNESCAPE DYING??,honestly its looking like jagex need to make some astronomical changes




take for example smithing/mining now, i have huge respect for theses people ut when i originally discovered rs ('02 don't let my lvls fool you) these were skills to have now maybe i'm wrong but isn't a rune platebody a terrible thing for a 99 skill i mean a lvl 50 can and have got these as easy drops from many monsters.




But, things such as the hp cap also show this so i think taht jagex should start focusing on broadening the game take the last year we've had :gwd,spectral shields,pvp worlds


now i know there is summoning but isn't that combat orientated and combat is neccesary to level it at any pace




Stealing creation touched on the old rsc values like combat'ers needing skillers but for the most part skilling (something ver close to my heart) has died lets be honest most of fletching products are alched (yew/mage longs)wcing goes into this , fishing and cooking have lost all prestige and are ,i think, only used in quests/for those that actually enjoy them




farming is a skill that bombed i mean less than 1 million on hi scores and only used by the most hardcore of skillers(and slayer for easy cash)




the dragon plate is simply a sign of the times remember the respect of the kbd/kq? now whats the point ?dragon armour is only a stepping stone now for useful higher equipment and a symbol of wealth imo jagex should cap/ limit there number (similiar but not the same as party hats)




but in the overall scheme of things we need to accept that combat is reaching a limit we need more mage/range /general skill updates before i becomes simply another battling pvp mmo like so many others





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Never got into dragon armour until the Full Helm.


However, I got a plate on drops and I'm keeping it along with helm.


The look is too nice and is competitive stat wise with 3rd AGE which is currently priced way above acceptable in the GE and possessed by only RWTers.


Not sure it is a failure at least looking at it.










One of the few quality updates in a year defined by garbage like HD and summoning...

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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if that dragon was torags you would end up with 400 some def




i think dragon is more of a style thing than a combat thing at this time due to the face that barrows owns dragon in stats and is much much cheaper.




i remember before the GE when a lvl 20 in bronze wasnt a noob.




too bad i havent played for 2 years since then :wall:




so dragon is more of a status symbol now (you dont see many people in full dragon)


Hypocrite. You tell others to be nice then attempt to murder people. Nice going, you just failed life.

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Someone else said this earlier I think; the dramatic drop might be partially due to the GE itself. Godswords had a protected value for months until the second week of September when school was in and all hell broke loose (according to RS players). This time, Jagex introduced a high-value item without protecting its market price. For better or for worse, the economy is a lot more impressionable now than it was before the GE.




Something else though, is that nobody had a clue this was going to happen. If someone had made a poll the day before the dragon platebody was released, I bet 99.9% of people would be saying they were looking forward to its release at least semi-enthusiastically, if only for the novelty value. But then you wake up some morning and Jagex is like "oh yeah here it is" and everyone's like "wut?" :thumbdown:




Anyway, I'm looking forward to the dragon pickaxe way more, just because I'll find it rather useful (and it'd be a point of pride, since smithing and mining are my two favorite skills since forever). They should have lead up to the dragon platebody, given it a bang. Maybe full dragon should give a prayer regeneration rate, or something useful. Like it said in the article, I compared the stats against my barrows armor and immediately decided it wasn't worth the effort.




As for raid psychology, Jagex is a billion miles away, but I hope they get there eventually. I've been asking for it off and on for almost a year. All the groundwork is there, they just need to accept the fact that multiplayer quests/"raids" would make RuneScape amazingly awesome if they were handled right. There's a longevity to RS that other games can't really compete with to me, they should be making use of that by expanding.




take for example smithing/mining now, i have huge respect for theses people ut when i originally discovered rs ('02 don't let my lvls fool you) these were skills to have now maybe i'm wrong but isn't a rune platebody a terrible thing for a 99 skill i mean a lvl 50 can and have got these as easy drops from many monsters.
That's something that's always bugged me with every MMO that I've ever played; gathering skills always beat out manufacturing skills. Before the GE, good manufacturing/producing skills were great to have (kinda) because items were generally more annoying to get, so it was nice to have connections. In turn, having those skills were more useful. I got 99 smithing anyway, but that's just because I wanted it. I knew before I even hit 80 that I'd never turn a profit with it until/unless Jagex majorly overhauls the skill (but if they do, I'll be ready).




PS: Full dragon, anyone think white dragons might be next on the agenda? White dragonhide would pwn.

I'm not here anymore! Go find Eregion2.

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I think They could Had been better Improvments To The platebody. as Its Rubbisher then Torags Platebody And Around about the Same with bandos. I Mean What Is the Point with the long Awaited Item. And its Coming 3rd In the Game. Aswell as Being 20M Expensive Then The Best. a Good read. and Puts The Point. "Dragon Platebody Is Rubbish"






Btw. Dragon isn't dead. the Weps Pwn =)




You are going solely on price?




Dragon isn't meant to be the best. It's meant to look good. Note how the Dragon Platebody has a requirement of 60 defense while Torags has requirement of 70.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I think jagex should look at what's happened to the dragon platebody and learn from it, that things that sounded good years ago may not be nowdays. There is one update, which years ago would have been great and everybody wanted much like dragon plate, which was the crystal halbard/spear. However, much as the plate, if it came out now it would be almost pointless, it would be an item for those years gone, not now, if your reading this jagex, DONT BRING OUT CRYSTAL ITEMS.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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I think what they'll have to do from here on out is create item sets that are uniquely useful. What we've got now are general sets that you can use for pretty much anything, they'll need to come up with stuff with unique properties that are great for a couple activities but mediocre for others (like, maybe 2-3 sets of armor especially for slayer; if used when you don't have that monster as a task it's pretty pathetic but otherwise it'd beat out barrows; justify it with magic of w/e).

I'm not here anymore! Go find Eregion2.

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Well, I agree with the point made, that the dragon plate came too late. It used to be very expensive, since it came with the prestige of being the best armor in the game. Now, 3rd age has come and taken its power and prestige, while barrows has become powerful and practical. This puts dragon in a nasty middle ground, where it is not price-efficient, or prestigous. So, its basically the worst of both worlds.




p.s: the weps are still good, since they are resonably priced, and powerful.


Porsche: It's supposed to go in the rear.

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I think jagex should look at what's happened to the dragon platebody and learn from it, that things that sounded good years ago may not be nowdays. There is one update, which years ago would have been great and everybody wanted much like dragon plate, which was the crystal halbard/spear. However, much as the plate, if it came out now it would be almost pointless, it would be an item for those years gone, not now, if your reading this jagex, DONT BRING OUT CRYSTAL ITEMS.




Actually I think that if they introduced new Crystal items in a practical way, like, through a new Elf quest and crystal seeds with the whole 180k-900k recharge like the bow and shield, there is a chance that they would actually be used. Perhaps not extremely sought after/desired like many hyped up new items are at first, but perhaps at least as useful as the crystal shield and bow. I for one, really like crystal items and use the shield and bow a lot, and if new crystal items were introduced in the same way, I would use those too.




P.S. Sorry for the off topic post, I just thought this was a good chance to input my two-cents on Crystal Items. <3:

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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Dragon platebody is a total waste. 13M for a peice of armour that gives ok-ish stats for 60 def. I think it should go down to around like 5m and chain go to like 2m. Then after a while more people (who have actually done the quest) will buy it because its cheaper. The full helm should stay about where it is in price (unless jagex make it dropped by more monsters). The plate set - well put it this way. If i even HAD done the quest, I WOULD NOT BUY IT!!! Might as well buy the chain set at most if your buying dragon. Though, full rune is still good for me. The dragon WEAPONS are still good - good stats and good in price. NB: D Claws aint that good realy. i borrowed and at 67 str, the most i hit was a 15 -_-. The best dragon wepeon for maxing is easily the dragon long after a dragon battleaxe spec. (The spec was told to me by my friend - Im currently finishing heroes)






























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I personally see the d chain as better then the d plate. d plate is much easier to obtain and honestly looks plain ugly (yucky poo stripes). d plate is basically an over hyped item that could not possibly live up to the expectations. the anticipation for it had to have been building for like 3-4 years. the only way it could have lived up to the expectations was if it can give u a +1000 str bonus and +100000000 in every defensive stat (exaggeration, you guys get what i mean).

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Something that is not being taking into consideration with your post as most........always more points of view than your own.






A dramatic price drop can be correlated with noob guides like tip it which allowed the masses of cowards far too afraid to tackel a quest on their own.




This then caused a mass amount of dragon pieces to flood the ge (was 99 smithing to make plate, now only 92...lmfao!!! rune pl8 still 99).




The flooded ge caused a mass flood of made pl8's.




Now the price will have a hard time going back up as everytime someone completes the quest they get a guaranteed 1/3 d pl8.




Every 3 ppl that complete automatically contribute a d pl8 to the economy.




Also, perhaps foolishly, the d pl8 requires the quest to wear, so that discourages more ppl from wanting to get it, for they have very few quests done.




All in all, it is a lil late, but its still a piece of an outfit, and ppl are obsessed with their personal pixlated character in runescape (ppl move over mining stars just so everyone can see their pixels...lmfao!), that being said, again still need all quests to wear, and the quest continues to supply pieces to make more plates.




This causes a much lower demand with a much higher than usual supply of dragon pieces.












Hopefully, after most have done the quest the plate will being to rise in price......just have to wait and see, but really I don't mind stuff not being expensive in the game, this whole article was basically a rant about the item not being worth 100mil now, like the writer (i assume) wanted it to do.




But why? I seriously don't understand why so many ppl want things to be uber expensive, for what purpose?




Seriously the more things cost, them more of your real life you have to waste in a video game saving up money just for that said item......pointless.

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I think jagex should look at what's happened to the dragon platebody and learn from it, that things that sounded good years ago may not be nowdays. There is one update, which years ago would have been great and everybody wanted much like dragon plate, which was the crystal halbard/spear. However, much as the plate, if it came out now it would be almost pointless, it would be an item for those years gone, not now, if your reading this jagex, DONT BRING OUT CRYSTAL ITEMS.




Actually I think that if they introduced new Crystal items in a practical way, like, through a new Elf quest and crystal seeds with the whole 180k-900k recharge like the bow and shield, there is a chance that they would actually be used. Perhaps not extremely sought after/desired like many hyped up new items are at first, but perhaps at least as useful as the crystal shield and bow. I for one, really like crystal items and use the shield and bow a lot, and if new crystal items were introduced in the same way, I would use those too.




P.S. Sorry for the off topic post, I just thought this was a good chance to input my two-cents on Crystal Items. <3:




Imagine !! A crystal staff that casts a spell of (enter whatever here) for so many charges.


That'd be nice.

99 Fletch/Cook/Farm

{Started- 11/06}

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All things considered eventually the D plate will become cheaper than the D chain. It might take years but in the end enough people will have completed the quest or got drops from demons to drive the price below that of the chains, at that point maybe it will stop being as useless and instead be a good piece of armour for lower lvl players.




I agree with you. That would be an odd exception to the "chain is cheaper than plate" rule.




The Dragon Platebody will probably drop as you say into the reach of lower leveled players and bring some life back into dragon armor... People often don't use something that they cannot buy as a set, I don't use dragon armor because I cant afford the chainbody (well, without selling most of my current gear) and can't have a matching set.

OH S***! He/she/it is back!

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