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Merry Christmas!


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I GAVE....




My Mum Mama Mia DVD and a box of turkish delight.


MY Dad Shine a light - Rolling stones dVD and a box of toffee.


My brother a £30 gift card for Argos (he is moving out soon so he can buy what he needs or put it towards something for the house) and also as it was just a little card and nothing else, i got him some butterscotch green &blacks organic chocolate and wrapped them all up together.




My eldest brother 2 bottles of Sangre de Toro


His fiancé two boxed of Lindt chocolate. one a mixed box of them, and as it didn't have the mint ones in it, i bought her a box of mint ones too.




My nieces


Emily (1 year old) I have gotten her a stuffed dinosaur and clothes.


Megan (2 years old) I have her lots of clothes.


Racheal (6) she is not technically a niece but i didnt want her to be left out, so I got her a cookie baking kit in a HUGE cup.


Ffion (13) and Lowri (16) I didnt know what they wanted or what they would like so i have given them both money.






I myself have gotten....




A new dress.


New underwear


New shoes.




Angus thongs and perfect snogging DVD


CSI:NY season 3 part 2.... I have part one coming when they have it in stock.


Hair cut


money to get my hair dyed.




bubble bath


Twilight series of books.




and i have not seen my eldest brother or nieces to see what they have for me.




Which isn't bad considering I didn't want anything :)



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My mom is the best. I open a little minipackage and it's an old Rick Astley tape and on the front she printed "You just got Rick Rolled".






:o Dude, you have the best mum ever!









Tomorrow is the real piss up day :)




Urgh, Boxing day, do not want, I have to miss the only oppotunity to see a few of my friends for a while, as they are going elsewhere till school starts. Plus starting up at Tafe will limit my social activities until I settle in, so I may not see those friends for a few months :cry:

Steam | PM me for BBM PIN


Nine naked men is a technological achievement. Quote of 2013.


PCGamingWiki - Let's fix PC gaming!

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What am I doing on TIF during Christmas? Oh yeah, testing out my new mouse. 8-)




I didn't really give anyone anything since I don't have a job or anything but I gave my girlfriend some nose rings. I also got an amp and lots of band T's. \'

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Merry Christmas to all of you here at TIF as well. (Sorry if you're another religion.)




As for what I got, I don't know if we're suposto post this, but eh, oh well.




Well my family what we do is on Christmas Eve my moms side of the family come over for Pork Roast and Lobster and presents.


From them I got:


A new Sony Vaio All in 1 desktop computer.


A huge flashlight that you hook up to the car? (Like a spotlight.)






More money - Totaling at about 250-300 dollars.




As for what I've gotten from my dad's side - I can't tell you, it's almost 9:45 here, and we don't go over there until 1, have lunch, then open presents and what not.


I know for a fact I'll be getting the new Hess truck, I've gotten one every year for Christmas since I was born.




Again, happy holidays to all.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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I know for a fact I'll be getting the new Hess truck, I've gotten one every year for Christmas since I was born.



Haha, I knew why I liked you. Same here. Or at least I have every one since '98, when I moved here. :)


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Merry X-mas lul...




My mum got me the fonejacker boxset, so I'll watch them soon, and I got a pre-owned copy of oblivion (from my bro). Its the first christmas where its just been our family by ourselves at christmas... But for boxing day is the big family get together... Minus my rellies in australia, but I phoned them :P

Luck be a Lady

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Merry Christmas




Kinda crappy Christmas this year since my dad lost his job. I got some new trainers, an iPod dock and £100 as the main bulk of the present. My brother got Rockband for Wii so that was pretty awesome (I can play drums pretty well for only a few hours playing :P The guitar is easy, it's just Guitar hero :D). Kinda fail-ish christmas but I can smell chicken being cooked so it's not too bad .




Also my friend got me a mudkip doll \:D/\:D/\:D/


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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I got 20 inch computer screen what I am loving so much. Its bigger than my TV :D




Picture of screen:








I love my pc screen <3:




I also got...




I got 3rd Xbox 360 XD


Animal shirts


Other awesome shirts, I love the red one what says 'Just another day livin' like a rockstar'


New better mouse with forward and back on side


Black with blue lights keyboard.


Trousers. XD


Socks with Monday - Friday on :D DDDDD


Green Day calendar


Guiness Book World Records 2009




Metallica, Slipknot and a poster what says "(Warning) DO NOT ENTER ROOM


Bad language and other funny stuff. Leave food and drinks infront of door." Lol my uncle gets awesome stuff XD




Metallica wallet.


Metallica - Black what I already downloaded but my dad said every Metallica fan must have it :P PPPP


Deodrent and shampoo stuff.


Fancy pencil what looks like a pen.


3 more Xbox 360 controls if friends come around come around we can still take mums for someone because she doesn't mind because she can use the dvd control while that person plays. :D


A fancy pencil what looks like a pen.


2 guitar straps. 1 Homer Simpson and 1 with bones on it


Lego Indiana Jones and Kung Fu Panda what came with the xbox 360 controller.


Waterproof case.


Rechargable battery for Xbox 360 controller.


Dressing gown.




<3 my family :D

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I got...




Tomb Raider underworld


Call of Duty WaW


The magical and mystical Numark TT USB Turntable I wanted <3:


Family guy Season 7


Blackadder complete series


Rowan Atkinson Live


and some books. :D




I also got a watch, but I don't like it much and am going to have to find a way to return it :oops:


Quit Runescape 30th May 2006.

Thanks to Hawkxs for my signature :)

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Lets see what I got:




Canon MX1063 10.3megapixel digital camera


Nintendo DSi


CycloDS flashcart


Ipod charger


A few shirts and a beanie


A 90-pack of AirHeads


A 500GB internal hard drive


A calendar


$100 in cash


Left 4 Dead




What I gave:




Posters and emoticon balls to friends, and a few other things to my parents

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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My mom made me a photo album of like my entire life, then from grandparents/mom I got $275 Visa Gift cards, $100 Hollister gift cards, $100 American Eagle gift cards, and $100 Pac sun gift cards. Also, an Ipod Alarm Clock and this thing to put overtop of my mattress.




Haven't gone to my dads yet, been busy with work so going to go visit him Friday.




As for giving, I gave one of my brothers a $50 Gamestop Giftcard and Madden 2009, and then my other little brother I gave him a $50 Gamestop giftcard and the WiiPlay game with an extra remote. Gave my mom a really nice Snowglobe that plays music and got it engraved. As well as a $100 giftcard to the mall. Got my dad a sweatshirt , an ornament and a WaWa giftcard for $85 since he drives a truck. Then my stepmother gave her a $100 visa giftcard.




And I think thats it.

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They're hanging their stockings! Tomorrow is Christmas, it's practically here! I MUST find a way to stop Christmas from coming! For fifty-three years, I've put up with it now. I MUST stop this Christmas from coming!...But HOW?!


youre 53? O_O


i thought you were like..12. but not 12. more like 16.


I find your lack of Seuss disturbing.




My mom is the best. I open a little minipackage and it's an old Rick Astley tape and on the front she printed "You just got Rick Rolled".


You will soon have a new stepfather.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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