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Hello everybody, I am from Sacred Champions©. I think its such a great clan name. It symbolizes what we are, and who we are all meant to be.




Sacred: Is something pure, something that is very rare to ever find. It's a one-in-a life chance.


Champions: Champions, it means winners. Never fail.




If I could change the name it will be one of the following:


God of Destruction


Devastated Heroes


Explosion of Chaos




Every clan has a name. What is your clan name? And what does the name mean to you? If you had the opportunity of changing your clan name, what would it be?

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Tal Shiar Alliance




Umm its a race of Rommulans from star trek...




Militos Deci


Latin for Knights of honour pretty much but well the honour is there. knights we all like melee +)


[spoiler=Clans]Current Events Leader of Tal Shiar Alliance

Current Raid Leader of Wilderness Guardians

Current Old School Power Ranger of Team Power Rangers

Current Member of Clan Europe

Ex Member of Team Dark Legacy (R.I.P)

Ex Paladin of Old Age Militos Deci

Ex Leader of New Age Militos Deci

Ex Early Veteran of Pk Masters (R.I.P)


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Wilderness - Before updates the only place you could kill another player was the Wilderness.



Guardians - Protectors, defenders, people who act in defense of a person, place, object.




I would not change our name since PVP Guardians sounds a little silly.


With love to one, friendship to many, and good will to all.

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1. the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt.


2. moral perversion; depravity.


3. perversion of integrity.


4. corrupt or dishonest proceedings.


5. bribery.


6. debasement or alteration, as of language or a text.


7. a debased form of a word.


8. putrefactive decay; rottenness.


9. any corrupting influence or agency.






Doesn't sound so good when you think of it as the word's literal meanings haha, but it does give off the ideas of our no-nonsense approach to fighting. We're an honourable clan though with very strict rules, which doesn't fit the name so well.




I love corr's name though and wouldn't change it.



Proud Leader of the Corruption Clan. PM me to set up a fight or for any queries relating to my clan.

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The Slayers Guild. Yeah, call MENSA and have them figure it out. :P




Very fitting, since it's more of a guild in the sense that we offer more than we require. And we're... Slayers. Ok, maybe not too original, but it does the trick.

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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The Remnantz


rem·nant (rem'nant) n.


1. Leftover: a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists


2. A surviving trace or vestige: a remnant of past glory.


3. A small surviving group of people. Often used in the plural




...was going to call it The revenants, since the collapse of The Consoritum left but a ghost of the clan..but then the new wild was released and we had to find a name not associate with killer monsters :P




If i was to change the name... it would be to Mary Poppin's Army.




Come on you know you would quake on the battle field..just admit it. :D

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The Remnantz


rem·nant (rem'nant) n.


1. Leftover: a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists


2. A surviving trace or vestige: a remnant of past glory.


3. A small surviving group of people. Often used in the plural




...was going to call it The revenants, since the collapse of The Consoritum left but a ghost of the clan..but then the new wild was released and we had to find a name not associate with killer monsters :P




If i was to change the name... it would be to Mary Poppin's Army.




Come on you know you would quake on the battle field..just admit it. :D




I admit, I would crap my pants if I were ever to fight Mary Poppin's Army.

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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The Mad Skillerz




1.Skillerz/Skillers: People who train skills (duh, right?)


2.Mad: insane, crazy, nuts, off your rocker or angry, annoyed




People who train skills a lot either go a little loony getting 99s or get very angry while doing so lol. So it works both ways, though my intended meaning is "insane skillers".



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'The' Clan









Paragraph seven, sentence three, word eight of the Geneva Convention.


Well, according to paragraph 7, sentence 3, word 8 of the Geneva Convention... "The"


â?? Peter Griffin, Family Guy




Feasibly one of the most difficult words in the english language to define plainly and simply, particularly without using it in the definition.


The word the is really hard to define.








Family, extended family


Comes from the Irish language - Gaeilge


(Gaeilge) Clann, meaning, children, offspring; race, decendants; followers etc


Also in the Scottish Gaelic language (Gàidhlig), same meaning


Hows the clan? (how is your family?!)





a group of people, as a clique, set, society, or party, esp. as united by some common trait, characteristic, or interest: a clan of actors and directors.




We are the clan. I wouldn't change the name ever as we are 'The' Clan.

Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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Self explanatory. I created the name with my brother and sister one night waaay back. We had a whole list of names on the list, and we chose that one. I don't know how the symbols on the sides got to be there.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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1. the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt.


2. moral perversion; depravity.


3. perversion of integrity.


4. corrupt or dishonest proceedings.


5. bribery.


6. debasement or alteration, as of language or a text.


7. a debased form of a word.


8. putrefactive decay; rottenness.


9. any corrupting influence or agency.






Doesn't sound so good when you think of it as the word's literal meanings haha, but it does give off the ideas of our no-nonsense approach to fighting. We're an honourable clan though with very strict rules, which doesn't fit the name so well.




I love corr's name though and wouldn't change it.


My friend, if you keep working up the ranks in Corr, you may understand why it's a very fitting name \'




As to where the name came from, perhaps I can offer some insight. When we started Corr, we were made up of people who were generally considered the "evil" or "bad" side of Runescape (comparable to today's NH clans I suppose in some sense), so we wanted a name that sounded a bit, darker. Couldn't have anything too fluffy if we intended to be the bad guys


Former Leader of The Corruption

Proud Founder of The Corruption

"Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a

small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker

country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in


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Knights of Order




Knight: One revered, usually in Medieval Times, who were the protectors of the kingdom. Also known as the King's private guard. Eg.: The Knights of the Round table




Order: Orderly, without disarray; Organized.






Quite a bit of symbolism in that name once you think about it.


Ex-Knights of Order Councilor: September 4, 2005 - September 4, 2009 (2.5 Years Council)

Vengeance: November 19, 2009 - Present



Proud To Be The Fourth Oldest Knight In Existence - Original OSKO


"No. Try Not. Do Or Do Not. There Is No Try" - Yoda (Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back)

"We don't do what we do because we expect compensation. We do it because we know its the right thing to do" - Anon

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  • 2 weeks later...
The Death Monkeighs










Quoted from our founder -




In Warhammer 40,000, there is a race called "Eldar." They called other "evil" races monkeighs. I just thought that "The Monkeighs" Wasnt enough, and TM was too short and overused as an abbreviation(trademark), so I made it The Death Monkeighs - TDM

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Both of these are Latin.


militis: soldier, warrior, knight.


decus -oris n. [distinction , honor, glory, grace; moral dignity, virtue]; of persons, [pride, glory]; plur., decora, [distinguished acts].




I was assured that the proper way to put these two together would come out as Militos Deci, by a member who had some experience with the language. Of late I have come to suspect we have it wrong...

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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The Moriquendi




They were a race of elves in J.R.R. Tolkien's series, and the word means, "The Elves of Darkness."




It doesn't hold any other meaning other than "home", really. I could spout about our community and our prowess all I wanted, but "home" is what it really boils down to. I don't feel the urges to join another clan or leave Mori any time soon. I'm happy here.


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