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Little Boy Father At 13 (After DNA Test, Not The Father)


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Alfie has offered to take a DNA test to prove he is the father and protect Chantelle's reputation.




Speaking to The Sun from his home in Essex yesterday, Alfie said: "Other stupid boys are lying, saying bad things, like they have slept with Chantelle too."




"But I am the only boyfriend she has had and we've been together for two years, so I must be the dad.




"When she found out she was having a baby, I asked her 'Am I the dad?' and she went 'Yeah' so I believe her.




"I didn't know about DNA tests before, but Mum explained it's when they do a swab in your mouth and it tells you if you're the dad.




"So, if I have that, they can all shut up. But I don't really care what people say. And I don't like them being bad about Chantelle."




the kid's got a lot to learn, a hell of a lot. good to see him sticking up for her now though, show's he loyal and has some sense of responsibility at least, moreso than most kids his age. wonder what he's gonna do if he ends up not being the father?

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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Alfie has offered to take a DNA test to prove he is the father and protect Chantelle's reputation.




Speaking to The Sun from his home in Essex yesterday, Alfie said: "Other stupid boys are lying, saying bad things, like they have slept with Chantelle too."




"But I am the only boyfriend she has had and we've been together for two years, so I must be the dad.




"When she found out she was having a baby, I asked her 'Am I the dad?' and she went 'Yeah' so I believe her.




"I didn't know about DNA tests before, but Mum explained it's when they do a swab in your mouth and it tells you if you're the dad.




"So, if I have that, they can all shut up. But I don't really care what people say. And I don't like them being bad about Chantelle."





the kid's got a lot to learn, a hell of a lot. good to see him sticking up for her now though, show's he loyal and has some sense of responsibility at least, moreso than most kids his age. wonder what he's gonna do if he ends up not being the father?


If they discovered that he wasn't the father, I would try to warn him to get away from that Chantelle girl.. Honestly, he would probably try to make another baby. -.-




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Alfie (the father) is offering to take a DNA test to prove that he is the father.


[hide=The News Article]

A school boy - dubbed 'Boy dad' by the British tabloids - is reportedly offering to take a DNA test to prove he's the father of his girlfriend's baby.




Speaking to The Sun from his home in Essex yesterday, Alfie said: "Other stupid boys are lying, saying bad things, like they have slept with Chantelle too."




"But I am the only boyfriend she has had and we've been together for two years, so I must be the dad.




"When she found out she was having a baby, I asked her 'Am I the dad?' and she went 'Yeah' so I believe her.




"So, if I have that, they can all shut up. But I don't really care what people say. And I don't like them being bad about Chantelle."




Chantelle and Alfie have pledged to raise the child as best they can. "We know we made a mistake but I wouldn't change it now," Chantelle was quoted by The Sun as saying.




Chantelle was taking birth control pills but missed one, The Sun reported. Friends and relatives left the family home near Eastbourne, south of London, on Saturday without speaking to reporters gathered outside. The teenagers could not be contacted.





Cut that down to what I would like to address




1. Wow he's young, she told me Im the dad so I have to be. I hate to say it but its quite possible she cheated on him.




2. Its good that he is trying to defend his girlfriend, but its going to really suck if someone has to explain how she cheated on him and those boys werent lying(all 3 could believe they could be the father)




3. I think it would be better to put the child up for adoption, but I do give them some credit for keeping it.




4. Im not an expert here, but does anyone think it is a bit odd for her to be on birth control if they only had sex a single time? If this was a more often thing I would entirely believe it, but dont most people go for some other form of birth control if its a one time thing?


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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4. Im not an expert here, but does anyone think it is a bit odd for her to be on birth control if they only had sex a single time? If this was a more often thing I would entirely believe it, but dont most people go for some other form of birth control if its a one time thing?


From MayoClinic:


How do pills that eliminate some or all your periods differ from other birth control pills?




Traditional birth control pills make your reproductive system mimic a regular 28-day monthly cycle. For the first 21 days, you take active pills containing reproductive hormones. For the last seven days, you take a placebo. While you're taking the placebo pills, you bleed vaginally, as if you were having a regular menstrual period.




By contrast, extended-cycle birth control pills contain active hormones for every day of the month. The newest extended-cycle regimen, Lybrel, is a low-dose pill that's designed to be taken continuously for one year, with no breaks for hormone-free intervals. Lybrel is meant to suppress all menstrual bleeding.




Two other specially designed, extended-cycle pill regimens Seasonale and Seasonique are also currently on the market. With both pills, you take active hormone pills every day for three months, then you take one week of placebo pills (Seasonale) or low-dose estrogen pills (Seasonique). You'll experience menstrual bleeding during that week.




Basically, some birth control pills can suppress menstrual bleeding, so I suppose that would be one reason to take them besides preventing pregnancy.

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Does the boy have some developmental disability?


I mean, four feet tall, and he doesn't seem too intelligent for a thirteen year-old.




That would suck.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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Does the boy have some developmental disability?


I mean, four feet tall, and he doesn't seem too intelligent for a thirteen year-old.




That would suck.


Some people have late growth spurts (some people grow in college or after) and are just short to begin with. Combined you get a 4' 13 year old. And how many actually intelligent 13 year olds can there be? :P

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The best bit is in the interview with the boy, when asked about how he was going to finance his baby, he said "whats finance?"




Made me laugh, even though it is a real life problem - not the baby - but the concept of this happening everywhere more regulary.


Thank you to tripsis for an awesome sig!

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Does the boy have some developmental disability?


I mean, four feet tall, and he doesn't seem too intelligent for a thirteen year-old.




That would suck.


Some people have late growth spurts (some people grow in college or after) and are just short to begin with. Combined you get a 4' 13 year old. And how many actually intelligent 13 year olds can there be? :P




I don't know. He just seems very childish.


It's really just a half-assed hunch on my part-- it was the combination of the face, height, and strangely constructed interview answers.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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So the girl had sex with somebody looking like a 8 year old, with parents consent? And if Supernova's telling the truth, then all I see is a couple of parents spoiling her daughter with several boys in the middle of it.




I feel so bad for the baby...

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Im not an expert here, but does anyone think it is a bit odd for her to be on birth control if they only had sex a single time? If this was a more often thing I would entirely believe it, but dont most people go for some other form of birth control if its a one time thing?




There are other reasons to prescribe birth control other than for preventing pregnancy. For example, there are some types that can help prevent against some cancers. [hide=read more about that here]Taking oral contraceptives (OCs) can slash your risk for both endometrial and ovarian cancer by more than 70 percent after 12 years; even just one to five years may lower your risk by 40 percent. They work by reducing the number of times you ovulate in your lifetime: Ovulation may trigger cell changes in the ovaries that can lead to cancer. If you're worried about using the Pill for too long, relax. "You can safely take the Pill for 20 years or more," says Stephanie Teal, M.D., director of family planning at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver. Barring health issues, the only reason to stop is if you want to get pregnant. Janis Graham[/hide] The pill also reduces extreme period cramping, which can be quite severe in some women/girls. Different brands can work better for acne problems, such as Yasmin or Desogen. You can lighten a heavy period, can relieve PMS symptoms, Endometriosis relief, you can skip the sugar pills and miss a period if you have a sporting carnival or something (although not recommended for more than 3 months or it can bring on menopause). It can provide relief for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) which typically requires a mild dose of estrogen to stop/minimize hair growth. It helps to regulate periods for women who have irregular periods which can make it extremely hard to conceive.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Does the boy have some developmental disability?


I mean, four feet tall, and he doesn't seem too intelligent for a thirteen year-old.




That would suck.


Some people have late growth spurts (some people grow in college or after) and are just short to begin with. Combined you get a 4' 13 year old. And how many actually intelligent 13 year olds can there be? :P




Dude, I think Thesis is right. 13 is the age you start becoming smarter and learn more about the world (or at least in my case) and I knew what financially was when I was like... 11 or something (I'm 14 now). This kid is [developmentally delayed]ed, the way he answers his interview questions reveal that, and the fact he doesn't no squat about anything.




"I didn't know about DNA tests before, but Mum explained it's when they do a swab in your mouth and it tells you if you're the dad." That kinda sounds like an explanation I'd give a 9-year-old. Either his parents don't allow him to read, watch tv or browse the internet, either he just doesn't go to school, or it's both. I have no idea how he is every gonna raise that baby.




On a side note: I don't think this kid is the father to be honest. I mean, you can't tell me the kid developed his balls way before his brains?

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On a side note: I don't think this kid is the father to be honest. I mean, you can't tell me the kid developed his balls way before his brains?




Im not sure if this was said already, but there are two other teenagers who had sex with the girl who claimed that they are the father of the kid.

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On a side note: I don't think this kid is the father to be honest. I mean, you can't tell me the kid developed his balls way before his brains?




Im not sure if this was said already, but there are two other teenagers who had sex with the girl who claimed that they are the father of the kid.




In other words, she's screwed three guys, making her a [bleep].

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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I don't think we'll ever get the true story. Until DNA testing is done.




Holy crap, 8 guys, at once?!

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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On a side note: I don't think this kid is the father to be honest. I mean, you can't tell me the kid developed his balls way before his brains?




Im not sure if this was said already, but there are two other teenagers who had sex with the girl who claimed that they are the father of the kid.




In other words, she's screwed three guys, making her a [bleep].



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Allegedly there are 8, unless the story has changed again.




Wait... What? 8 guys? That's... insane... I don't even think normal people get 8 guys in a lifetime without getting paid for it.




You mean people like her?




I think theres a total of 9 guys, including this 13 year old.




Honestly, I think I'm more inclined to believe that one of the others is the father, and that alot of people will hate her when the results come out. Her boyfriend for stringing him along, the other 7 for her sleeping with someone else so soon after them, and the father for her not admitting that she was sleeping with other people.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Allegedly there are 8, unless the story has changed again.




Wait... What? 8 guys? That's... insane... I don't even think normal people get 8 guys in a lifetime without getting paid for it.


Well maybe theyre all drunk virgins at a party and there was just 1 girl avaliable...

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Why exactly is this kind of thing even news-worthy?

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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Why exactly is this kind of thing even news-worthy?




Well, I'm not sure, but maybe the fact he looks 8, and made a child with a 15-year-old in England. I don't know why exactly, but this even came on Arabic news.




Plus, it kinda tells us a bit about the future: if kids experiment at a younger age, it might make the exponential growth of the human species even faster, since the time between two generations is shorter. This would all lead to a lot of babies who can't be fed or raised properly, which would then end in a huge zombie apocalypse. (skip the last part.)

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