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Frustrations of a regular miner...


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As anyone who's mined in the granite mine knows, some spots are more hotly contested for, but most miners follow the unwritten code of not stealing spots and switching worlds if the one you want is taken. With a mining level of 90 (and an additional +7 thanks to summoning familiar) I can usually trump most miners if i would choose to, but out of respect for my fellow Runescape players I never do. Now every once in a while you get a real piece of work who insists of spot stealing and my question is why? Call me foolish and naive, but I'm sorry if a little common courtesy is too much for you online, I'd hate to know what you are like in real life. Now before you flame me for this being a rant (which I suppose it can qualify as) my question to you is: do you, or would you spot steal? and if so what motivates you to do so, when it only takes 45 seconds to switch worlds.

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I DON'T spot steal. I find it dishonourable and extremely annoying. People think they can do anything in a game, just because they are able to. It is not against the rules tho, so you can't do anything about it. Hopping is the best solution. Trying to take back the spot usually ends in a flame war :(




(Mining is good against some other skills: Slayer(kalphites) or hunter...)


"Happines only real when shared."





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I understand your frustration, as I recently quarried a bit of granite myself (although I only had to mine from level 75 to 80). With so few adequate mining spots and only so many worlds to "hop" to, it can be irritating to have a spot stolen, especially since many of the crashers seem to lack basic ettiquette and respect. There isn't much one can do in these sort of situations, but I tried to mine only at obscure hours when fewer people were on and I found that that helped somewhat. Of course, you could, if you're exceedingly patient, simply stay at the spot since you have a fairly high Mining level. The majority of crashers are impatient--hence their being crashers in the first place--and so it's possible to outlast them. Altogether, there isn't too much I can say other than to stick with it and avoid the mid-day rushes, but I'm sure you already realized that. So just know that you're not the only one out there frustrated with crashers, even if there isn't much that can be done about it.







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i dont steal spots, but if i have one, ill fight to the death to keep it

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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reminds me of the other day when i was in the brimhaven slayer dungeon, and i walked into the dragon area. an iron started attacking me, so i stayed to kill it. dude was like, stop stealing my spot. but i wasn't going to stop mid kill, so he was like ffs noob spot stealer. IMO i was perfectly fine here, there are 3 iron dragons spawns right there, plenty for 2 people, i wasn't trying to steal his spot, it attacked me first, and he was just being an [wagon] about it.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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reminds me of the other day when i was in the brimhaven slayer dungeon, and i walked into the dragon area. an iron started attacking me, so i stayed to kill it. dude was like, stop stealing my spot. but i wasn't going to stop mid kill, so he was like ffs noob spot stealer. IMO i was perfectly fine here, there are 3 iron dragons spawns right there, plenty for 2 people, i wasn't trying to steal his spot, it attacked me first, and he was just being an [wagon] about it.




ah that story also reminded me of when i went to do my tears of guthix and i decided to kill a giant frog for fun some lvl 80 comes and likes "go away its my spot" then you get a whole argument noob/no life

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I am not a big miner, but I firemake alot and people, who burn on my lines get really annoying.


I am always gonna get my spot back, I am not gonna hop when some jerk comes to piss me off.



So I've noticed this thread's regulars all follow similar trends.


RPG is constantly dealing with psycho exes.

Muggi reminds us of the joys of polygamy.

Saq is totally oblivious to how much chicks dig him.

I strike out every other week.

Kalphite wages a war against the friend zone.

Randox pretty much stays rational.

Etc, etc


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As anyone who's mined in the granite mine knows, some spots are more hotly contested for, but most miners follow the unwritten code of not stealing spots and switching worlds if the one you want is taken. With a mining level of 90 (and an additional +7 thanks to summoning familiar) I can usually trump most miners if i would choose to, but out of respect for my fellow Runescape players I never do. Now every once in a while you get a real piece of work who insists of spot stealing and my question is why? Call me foolish and naive, but I'm sorry if a little common courtesy is too much for you online, I'd hate to know what you are like in real life. Now before you flame me for this being a rant (which I suppose it can qualify as) my question to you is: do you, or would you spot steal? and if so what motivates you to do so, when it only takes 45 seconds to switch worlds.




I am not a miner, but what you just said just sounds great for a miner ;)




I follow a unwritten code at monster spots which is "If your in the world or you disconnect from it, it's yours to claim". Also i annoy stealers I F they try to steal and also help victims of steals. :twisted:

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No I would never spot steal but I do fiercely 'defend' a spot if someone tries mining where I was. Simple policy.. I never move. I have in the past spent hours just mining a spot ontop of someone. Tbh I have in the past quite often 'owned' many people for hours because they dont move. :ohnoes: (*Shrugs* I dont know why they dont move... I can get anywhere from 70-90 percent of the rocks.)




Although some people may get annoyed at me in the days I used to bank the granite. I forget how long it took me to bank.. But it was fast and I used to teleback within like 30 seconds or whatever. YES I used to redefend the spot if someone decided to mine there. Yes 'most' people understood that I was still mining there but some insisted that I had left and never moved. All power to them but I aint moving lol. (Problem caused if they only just joined and didnt know especially. Others simply moved in on it.)




No I never mine a spot if someone else is there! (Besides if I came back from banking...Which was fast and swift.) Thats just sad tbh but people do what they must and many people are rude. I must say that the majority people are polite and the rust just give up after a while of being 'owned' at the rocks.




Nowadays 99 mining (cape) plus the best familiar helps alot deterring people... Mostly. :roll: And no banking is needed so no confusion is caused.




Sometimes having someone to outmine is fun to hear their moaning but I feel sorry for them too. :( :( :cry:




edit: I also remember helping others out when I see someone is trying to steal their spot. I stick around for bit taking it from both till the newcomer leaves. Then I let the other dude have it back.. Fun times.. I havnt mined in a while now. If im nasty I follow their spots til they hop or leave.

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As anyone who's mined in the granite mine knows, some spots are more hotly contested for, but most miners follow the unwritten code of not stealing spots and switching worlds if the one you want is taken. With a mining level of 90 (and an additional +7 thanks to summoning familiar) I can usually trump most miners if i would choose to, but out of respect for my fellow Runescape players I never do. Now every once in a while you get a real piece of work who insists of spot stealing and my question is why? Call me foolish and naive, but I'm sorry if a little common courtesy is too much for you online, I'd hate to know what you are like in real life. Now before you flame me for this being a rant (which I suppose it can qualify as) my question to you is: do you, or would you spot steal? and if so what motivates you to do so, when it only takes 45 seconds to switch worlds.


Because competition makes it fun?




Really I think you're way to naive, but what's the fun of hopping a world? - When I play rs I can be online for 10-15 mins AT MOST! - If I have to hop worlds I waste like half my online time, and I'm not looking for some boring clicking: I want to be better, use my mind to recognize the correct pattern of clicking, THINK about what I"m doing!

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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Because competition makes it fun?




sadism (noun) - perversion in which gratification is obtained by the infliction of physical or mental pain on others




If you get mental or physical pain out of that, then you have a problem.

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Because competition makes it fun?




sadism (noun) - perversion in which gratification is obtained by the infliction of physical or mental pain on others




If you get mental pain because someone stole your spot on Runescape, that wasn't actually your spot, that wasn't actually stolen, I suggest a psychiatrist. Meet Doctor Hammer.




As for physical pain, I suggest you take a look at the angry german kid. If that's you, I'll give you Doctor Hammer's card.




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To be honest, spot stealing is just the complete fail. i used to mini a bit, specially when i was F2P, and i can honestly say i never spot-stealed, contrary to fellow miners. I mean, with so many worlds can't they just choose another if i'm already in that one?

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Since we can all stand on each other. Any spot is everybodies spot.


I just see it as tough luck if someone with a higher mining level out-mines me. After all, he worked harder for the higher level and should have some sort of advantage.


But of course I can relate to the feeling of getting owned by another miner. Its frustrating.

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As anyone who's mined in the granite mine knows, some spots are more hotly contested for, but most miners follow the unwritten code of not stealing spots and switching worlds if the one you want is taken. With a mining level of 90 (and an additional +7 thanks to summoning familiar) I can usually trump most miners if i would choose to, but out of respect for my fellow Runescape players I never do. Now every once in a while you get a real piece of work who insists of spot stealing and my question is why? Call me foolish and naive, but I'm sorry if a little common courtesy is too much for you online, I'd hate to know what you are like in real life. Now before you flame me for this being a rant (which I suppose it can qualify as) my question to you is: do you, or would you spot steal? and if so what motivates you to do so, when it only takes 45 seconds to switch worlds.


Because competition makes it fun?




Really I think you're way to naive, but what's the fun of hopping a world? - When I play rs I can be online for 10-15 mins AT MOST! - If I have to hop worlds I waste like half my online time, and I'm not looking for some boring clicking: I want to be better, use my mind to recognize the correct pattern of clicking, THINK about what I"m doing!




Theres usually another great spot adjacent the spot your already mining yet someone who hops in just mines the spot your doing anyway.




Not that it excuses peoples rudeness who mine ontop someone when there isnt any other spot. Be it playing 10 minutes or not. Like I already said though - People do what they must and I cant say I honestly care if they want to be outmined or not when choosing to mine where I am.

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in the spirit of the post above me. there will always be a winner and a loser . its up to the loser to deal with it really..


IMO anybody with a high mining level is cheating themselves, if they switch servers merely to be so-called polite. so for closing words i quote myself and SCREW COURTESY - ME WANT MORE ORE!!!

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