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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


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Terminal. Stupidest map ever. Even though I do good most times, I hate it so much. Idk why. just very aggravating.


Just prestiged today. 2nd prestige level 4.

Anyone else think its impossible to get kills when you have to use the classes they give you? I couldn't get a kill in SnD for like 3 rounds. Maybe it's just me.



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What is the best attachment for regular domination/demolition for the FAL?

I haven't unlocked them yet, but silencer/RDS seems quite good.

if you use silencer you'll NEED stopping power. RDS is terrible on that gun....just ACOG and a different tier 1 perk does fine (bling not needed), as FAL doesnt benefit from stopping power.


I haven't made one of these in a while...and people have been [bleep]ing about the 'difficulty' of the campaign....


[hide=Veteran Campaign]



Easy, simple. Doesn't even have a difficulty. My best pit time is like 24sec or something...10 sec short of the record, but I'm not a no-life that times and measures all the double kills.


Difficulty (out of 10): N/A


Team Player


It's fairly easy, flashbangs and nades work just fine. Not too difficult by any measure. Only thing that pissed me off was the random dudes in the classrooms.


Difficulty: 2/10




Again, easy since it's all stealth. Also, after you blow plan B, the firefights are not tough at all. The snowmobile part was easy too, though I did hit some trees going down the big jump :wall:


Difficulty: 2/10


No Russian


Interesting mission, and actually a pain in the [wagon] once the Russian SWAT arrived. I spent a decent amount of time at that part. Other than that, easy.


Difficulty: 3.5/10




By far one of the toughest missions, if not THE toughest. Militia popping out of windows and alleys and on the rooftops shooting RPGs don't help either. Gave me a really hard time, even with all the cover.


Difficulty: 8/10




I loved this mission. I marvel at the concept of a full scale invasion by an enemy country on US soil and love the fact that we will kick their [wagon] because it's our home turf. Also, the paratroopers dropping in, and the whole atmosphere of the setting/plot there was just very gripping. Not a hard mission, though running between the diner and Nate's and Burger Town and shooting down the choppers and etc. did get a little tedious, but nothing too difficult.


Difficulty: 4/10


The Hornet's Nest


I thought this mission was fun as well. Fighting through Militia with TF 141 at your side is always fun. Also, it wasn't just me. The only difficult parts were the beginning with the Militia shooting from practically all sides and the market. Other than that, easy. Side note: I LOVE Nikolai. He is da [cabbage].


Difficulty: 5.25/10




This mission was alright, just a little boring in my mind. Sure running next to Honey Badger was fun and lasing targets never got old, but I felt as if the enemy resistance wasn't that great. The only hard part was the checkpoint where if you didn't push up, they had infinite spawns.


Difficulty: 4/10


The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday


Not a fan, to be brutally honest. I thought this mission would be a lot more fun and challenging. The only hard part was the smoke screen part. That's about it.


Difficulty: 4/10


The Gulag


Tough at some points, but not overwhelming. Hardest parts are definitely when you're in the armory and when you run through the showers.


Difficulty: 5/10


Of Their Own Accord


By far the BEST mission in the game. Fighting in a burning capitol is just awe inspiring. And this mission was moderately difficult, though I felt that Whiskey Hotel was tougher. Hardest part was probably the entire capitol building fighting part. You turn a corner and enemies are right there waiting.


Difficulty: 6.5/10




People have said the time limit on this one killed them. I never noticed it. Also, I never ran out of time (though I was killed a few times but I never had to restart at a checkpoint because time ran out). I felt this mission was easy as well. Only hard part was in the snow-covered village where your Predator gets shot down by SAM sites. After that, I felt that the base was pretty easy to get through.


Difficulty: 4/10


Second Sun


Great mission, love the EMP effect. Not too hard, though enemies in the cubicles did annoy me a bit, though bullet penetration easily takes care of that.


Difficulty: 3.5/10


Whiskey Hotel


I felt this was hard, but not as hard as Takedown. Fighting through a CQB White House is pretty tough when the enemies greatly outnumber you.


Difficulty: 5.75/10


Lose Ends


The beginning part: easy. Breaching the estate: easy. Protecting the DSM: pain in the [wagon]. It's hard enough that the enemies spawn continously and the DSM takes a [cabbage] load of time to download the files, but to cover like 5 entrances?! That gave me a headache. Took me a good 30-45min to beat this mission. Running down the hill was a little irritating too, but nothing unreasonable. Maybe 6 tries and I got down safely.


Difficulty: 6.75/10


The Enemy of My Enemy


This mission felt out of place because I don't think all those planes would be lying around in Afghanistan....anyways, was a little tough since it's you against 2 warring factions. Running and covering was my best method, but usually some [wagon] hole comes around and finds you. Was a little frustating, though once I got to the car, it was a piece if cake.


Difficulty: 6/10


Just Like Old Times


Great mission. Loved it. Was pretty easy too, except for maybe the part where Shadow Co. breaches the wall in the red room and your NV (night vision) sucks [wagon] so you can't really see. Other than that, it wasn't too difficult, though the riot shield part was annoying.


Difficulty: 6.5/10




Love it as well, though the part with the littlebird and you have to weave between rocks pissed me off a bit because I went left when Price said right because I didn't see any cover to the right. After I correctly my mistake, it was a sinch. Killing Shepard was so much fun too. Wasn't really that hard. The chase scene was great though.


Difficulty: 4.5/10


Overall Difficulty: 7/10


I felt as if this game's veteran campaign was easier than CoD4's by a longshot. CoD4's missions that were easily tougher than Takedown were One Shot One Kill, Heat, Ultimatum, All In, and No Fighting in the War Room. If I did this for CoD4, the overall difficulty of the veteran campaign would most likely be between 8.5/10 and 9.25/10



I'm going to repeat myself again. THE FIREFIGHTS ARE NOT HARD. It's the levels where you can't hang back and pick them off that cause a problem.


Also, I have to disagree with most of your ratings. I ran right through The Gulag, but got stuck at the end of The Only Easy Day. Enemy of my enemy was only annoying because checkpoints are few and far between, but for the most part the enemies kill each other off. Takedown was a slow grind, but not too difficult, I'd rate it as more of a 3/10 than an 8. The hardest one, by far, was Loose Ends, not defending the DSM, but running down the hill, surrounded, and with little to no cover.


And btw, I'll say it again, CoD4 would not have been nearly as difficult if it didn't have the infinitely respawning enemies. Otherwise I would have easily completed it on Veteran, with the possible exception of Mile High Club. (No Fighting in the War Room had a timelimit too, but not so many enemies, and you get a lot of backup.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I love Terminal. Perhaps it's because I'm cheap, but oh well. :-)


First Prestiged today. :-D


And The Tides Have Turned


Do you live? Do you die? Do you bleed? For the Fantasy?

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Lol I just discovered how awesome chopper gunner is at Rundown. So I get the usual predator missle, that gets me a nice triple kill because the entire enemy team was rushing one spot. Then my harriers come in, and kill two more guys with the strike. Then in a few seconds the harrier guns down one more enemy, and I get a chopper gunner. And OMG... it [bleep]ing owned. For some reason the apache spawns almost right above the battlefield on this particular map, so in the first two seconds I had already killed two guys. And of course in Rundown the spawns are in the open, so I'm gunning down the enemy team so goddam fast I eventually nick all 6 of them in under 10 seconds (it was a challenge). Then it was party time: All six started spawning next to eachother in the open. As you can imagine, it was a bloodbath. I ended up getting a ridiculous 20 kills with my apache, breaking my previous killstreak by 3 and placing it now at 31. :thumbsup: I would have gotten even more if it were not for the stupid score limit.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Terminal. Stupidest map ever. Even though I do good most times, I hate it so much. Idk why. just very aggravating.


Just prestiged today. 2nd prestige level 4.

Anyone else think its impossible to get kills when you have to use the classes they give you? I couldn't get a kill in SnD for like 3 rounds. Maybe it's just me.


Terminal is amazing!


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All the maps are good, you just need to learn them.

Except Wasteland.



Everything I say can be fixed, due to me being me.



So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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Had my first experinces with on line. Im horrible at it, but slowly getting better. Should be to really dig into it this weekend.




Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



[hide=Runescape Achievements]99 firemaking(2007), 99 woodcutting(2008), 99 fletching(2009), 99 magic(2010), 99 cooking(2010), 99 farming(2011), 99 construction(2011), 99 runecrafting(2012), 99 Hunter (2014),  99 ranged (2015), 99 HP (2015), 99 Slayer (2015), 99 attack (2015) 99 Defense (2015) 99 Prayer (2015) 99 Summoning (2015) 99 Strength(2015) 99 Herblore (2015) 99 Dungeoneering (2017)  99 Mining (2017) 99 Crafting (2017) 99 Smithing (2017) 99 Thieving (2017)  99 invention (2017) 99 Fishing (2018), 99 Divination (2018), 99 Agility (2018), MAXED (05/17/2018)[/hide]

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Not fair. Just not fair, had 19 kills with a knife and almost had 20 then a random sniper picked me off.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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I actually love Wasteland ground war. Just snipe and an easy chopper gunner every life.



[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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Not fair. Just not fair, had 19 kills with a knife and almost had 20 then a random sniper picked me off.


On a killstreak or not?


I was going for the "Kill Em' All" Challenge. So no killstreaks. This was on freakin' Highrise.

I was going to eat hot dogs for dinner tonight. I think I will settle for cereal.



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Anyone wants to add me on Xbox, the GT is... iamdamanbaby 1


Hey, when I first got my Xbox I was in a hurry to play Dead Rising and I thought it was a MINIMUM of 15 characters.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I've used the M4 as my only assault rifle on this prestige. I still don't have all of the kills challenges done. The Barrett .50 cal has been my only sniper rifle this time as well.

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I like the FAL, but I've seen the ACR noob gun much more than any others.



I personally use FAL and I wreck with it. But if you dont have a quick trigger finger with it, you'll almost always lose medium and close range battles. I got a sick trigger finger; I can semi-auto the FAL as fast as the SCAR shoots full auto. and I can get kills that way. I've beaten out so many full auto guns with my FAL in close range battles.


the top 2 maps: terminal and favela


worst 2: WASTEland and skidrow if the rangers camp off the bat or the spetznaz don't rush the tunnel side to cut off any chance of camping.

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