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The 75 Albums Every Man Should Own (w/PICS)


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Here is an unranked, incomplete, yet highly tasteful and informative list of the records your music collection requires. How many have you listened to?




http://www.esquire.com/the-side/music/b ... ums-030909


You could have at least gave your opinion or said what albums you have listened to.


Instead of just copy-pasting the intro thing. -.-


I dont have time to look at them all but I have listened to the first album. A Bruce Springsteen one. (My dad loves Bruce Springsteen.)




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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If your bored have the time to sift thought all of these albums. Good luck. 1001 albums to hear before you die


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1001_Album ... re_You_Die




Through I try listening to some. I liked some on that list too. TGTBATU OST. Some others I saw that were decent that I have listened to.

If you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

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Here is an unranked, incomplete, yet highly tasteful and informative list of the records your music collection requires. How many have you listened to?




http://www.esquire.com/the-side/music/b ... ums-030909




All of that stuff from the list are just overrated bands/albums that are cataloged as the best music in the whole world when they certainly are not, still it have some decent material in there.

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I'm sorry, but that statement is just... :|




Seriously, dated? Have I misread your post or are you saying those albums aren't worth owning because they're old?

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I don't agree with that list. I think its more important to know who those artist are then own their works cause they are all very old and dated.




So, rather than focus on the music, pay attention to the artist's age? I don't really get it. However, if you are trying to say that pretty much all of the albums recommended are old, I would agree with you.



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It's a list, and like all other lists not made by yourself it's flawed. There's some interesting picks on it, there are a lot of safe picks on it and there are some bad picks on it.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Yeah it seemed like they picked a lot of artists that were popular and obscure, but yet picked all obscure albums. I was pissed they picked Animals for the token Pink Floyd album. Don't get me wrong, it's a good album, but there are at least 4 others that are better.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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Necromagus, Adrenal, & WookieeMania12@




I wasn't say that they aren't worth owning, just that I wouldn't take the time out to go collect all those 75 albums mentioned and I would much raither know that people knew who those artist are and can identify them if they heard of one their songs. In no way did I mean to dis their music. Also by dated I meant old.

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No you didn't mean old with dated. Otherwise you would've said that it sounded old and old. It doesn't matter. That something sounds dated doesn't automatically mean that it isn't good. :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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In no means was I saying the artist weren't good, I just want to make sure that's clear for everyone. Like Frank Sinatra I would say is dated but I still listen to it, I have a Christmas CD of his and I do enjoy listening to it during the season. Probably not the best explain but it gets my point across I hope.

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I'd call it a fairly solid list, there are albums I would put in there that weren't included and some that were included that I wouldn't call something everyone should own. Most of them were good albums though.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Though i usually hate these kind of lists at least this one doesn't have 5 Beatles albums which is always a good thing.


On the other hand there are no Smithes albums in the list and some of the choices are,well... a bit strange..(Combat Rock by the Clash???!!)




Anyway, here are the albums i know quite well from the list:




The Stone Roses - One of the most overrated albums in history.


David Bowie - Zigi Stardust - Classic


Beastie Boys - Paul's boutique - an amazing album


Nirvana- Unplugged - a bit over chewed but still , not a bad album


The Velvet underground & Nico - another classic


Pulp - This is Hardcore - strange choice, Different Class(their previous one) is so much better.


The Clash - Combat Rock


Television - Marqee Moon - definitely a good album


Pixies - Dolittle - One of the greatest.


Buena Vista Social Club - Heard it a couple of times after i bought it, now its gathering dust somewhere...

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I've listened to a lot of those. I think I have one or two on vinyl, I should check. But it's a good list, for namely popular music.




Yeah, I have the mp3 James Brown and Marvin Gaye. Now to check the other sixty. I have Dire Straits and Nas on mp3. Um ... Grateful Dead, Led Zeppelin ... Maybe I don't have any of these on vinyl. THAT MAKES ME MAD. Well, never mind. Highway to Hell. I have a lot of those on my Zune, though.




I have a whole lot on those 1001 albums.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Jay-Z? Seriously?


That was one of the ones I thought probably didn't belong, but I've honestly never heard the album so...

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Jay-Z? Seriously?




Why not?




Because rap is just talking over music :roll: . Or more likely they have no idea what they are talking about, haven't heard the album or are musical elitists (see the mainstream thread).


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Jay-Z is rap? Nevermind then.




Hip-hop, rap, talking over music...whatever you want to call it then.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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