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Happy Holi !


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Awesome, our family celebrated it too :P It was a flurray of blinding colours, literally. We did it in our back garden because we didn't want crazy looks of the neighbours.



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Haha, Hindu holidays are the best. Looks like so much fun.




They seriously are.




I just watched a Holi celebration in a hindi movie (Bhaghban), and it was awesome.




"Holi khele raghuveera avadh mein, holi khele raghuveera!"





But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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Every holiday in America always turns into an excuse to drink excessively. St. Pat, 4th of July, Halloween, and Christmas have all been turned into drinking days...


halloween isn't a drinking holiday.

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Every holiday in America always turns into an excuse to drink excessively. St. Pat, 4th of July, Halloween, and Christmas have all been turned into drinking days...


halloween isn't a drinking holiday.


It is where I live...




Drinking alcohol in a scary/whorish costume.

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^College party where everyone's popping pills and drinking excessively? There's never a good do around here.



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Frank Ragnar is Indian ?!


Frank Ragnar isn't my real name... they(Frank and Ragnar) are characters in the book Atlas Shrugged.



Happy Holi, everyone. You do it with water or just powdered colours ?


Water is much more fun, in my opinion.




Everything is used... powdered colours... water soluble colours... beer... plain water... anything that flows basically....

99 Woodcutting 99 Constitution | 99 Prayer

Scapin since July 05'

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Frank Ragnar isn't my real name... they(Frank and Ragnar) are characters in the book Atlas Shrugged


Whoa, somebody else who even knows what Atlas Shrugged is. I really need to finish it, now that I think about it ... Definitely taking it on my trip in June.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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He he, those crazy Hindus. Definitely a better religion. You never see Hindus blowing up buildings. They've got the religion = peace thing down. :roll: ::'




And they have holiday (only in Nepal though I think) where free marijuana is given and smoked by everyone all day to honor Shiva :shock: :-k 8-) Maybe that's why they're so peaceful




Hope you had fun \'

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