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Would you rather have BTS or the DD or the SoP?


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We all know how the sorely now missed 'Behind the Scenes' have now been replaced with Development Diaries, which will appear on the front-page every once in a while to explain updates just before they come rather than all at teh start of the month.


And as mentioned on page 3, the State of Play, which came in the form of a normal update post on the RS frontpage and consisted of bars showing the progress up updates.




But which would you rather have?


The BTS that we all loved and knew?


Or the Development Diaries which we have barely seen before?


OR the State of Play, in where there have been only two but have been interesting to know how far they are getting on certain game updates?




Or would you rather have me predict the future updates? 8-)


I fail at these type of jokes :roll:




Personally, I would like to see all 3 in one! Like have the interesting stuff from the DD, then the bars showing the progress then having the BTS but dulled down, telling us some things which are coming, btu having wee secret amazing updates that we wont know about! Looking at the Ghostly robes and sword! :lol:


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I loved to read the BTS, but I think we should wait till we have 1 or 2 DD's before we can 'judge' the new system.

- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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I like pretty comics.




Seriously though? Development Diaries will be way better. One of the things that everyone griped about last year was the quality of the updates. People were complaining about all the bugs and whatnot. The return of the DD pretty much lets Jagex work out all the kinks without the added pressure of a deadline. People quit when Jagex doesn't meet deadlines. :ohnoes:

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If they completed the whole update before it was even hinted at in the game, let alone in the BTS, they wouldn't have those deadlines looming over them. Don't say a thing until it's ready to roll. How hard is that?

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If Jagex would actually release more than one Development Diary per year, I would prefer those.They say that DD's will be released like a blog, whenever the team has something to say, except they NEVER HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY.




Jagex is going to lose support in the community if they keep making promises and then retracting them. It wasn't too long ago that they promised Behind the Scenes would be revamped, didn't follow through with it past the first month, and then scrapped them altogether.




Until then, I would rather have Behind the Scene's back.




If they completed the whole update before it was even hinted at in the game, let alone in the BTS, they wouldn't have those deadlines looming over them. Don't say a thing until it's ready to roll. How hard is that?




I've always said that if Jagex wants to stop delaying things, they should have everything finished and tested BEFORE it is announced in the behind the scenes. Like Mobilising Armies. The way they've handled the release is like a chef making up a meal of steak, veggies, potatoes and a nice salad. It's not until he rings the bell and puts the food up for the waiter to take that he realizes that everything's been sauteed in medical waste. So obviously he has to take it back and do some major cooking changes. And the whole time, the customers are wondering how the hell he didn't notice he was cooking in FREAKING MEDICAL WASTE.




Seeing some of the oversights made by the QA team, I was getting the feeling that the entire Quality Assurance team had put in their two weeks and was basically doing a "yea, don't give a [bleep]" attitude. Like when you buy a car and realize that there's no engine inside of it.




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Maybe they shouldn't have given it the same name as the old DD were.




Maybe a simple update blog on their mian page would've sufficed?

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I do enjoy DDS a lot but I just miss knowing he updates of the month and looking forward to it every week. With DDs I'm just dragging through RS every week, not even sure if anything I like will even come.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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They want to starve you so badly for an update that you won't even care when you get it that it's some crap about depositing stuff into your bank.

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I like the idea of DD's better than BTS, but if the frequency is anything like what it is now, they're unacceptable.




Jagex, please at least tell us what's going on, you don't have to actually throw in a game update with the Diary!

~ W ~



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I like the idea of DD's better than BTS, but if the frequency is anything like what it is now, they're unacceptable.




Jagex, please at least tell us what's going on, you don't have to actually throw in a game update with the Diary!




I'd much rather read about issues with the 150th quest on the forums then have to hear about it elsewhere from his clan chat.

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I like pretty comics.




Seriously though? Development Diaries will be way better. One of the things that everyone griped about last year was the quality of the updates. People were complaining about all the bugs and whatnot. The return of the DD pretty much lets Jagex work out all the kinks without the added pressure of a deadline. People quit when Jagex doesn't meet deadlines. :ohnoes:




I never really cared about the kinks in anything :D Even Olaf's quest with the stones, that part of the quest was easy if you took off all your armour and turned run off. I just don't mind kinks as much, and besides the constaint people on their periods who else did? Or am I just the most mellow guy on tipit? -.-


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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I'm almost positive this will be another failed attempt for Jagex. They will most likely bring back the BTS, unless the DD's strongly resemble their older counterparts. People like to be on a timed schedule, where they know what is happening and when it is happening. Since the removal of the BTS, there has been nothing to say what is happening, therefor the schedule is lost and updates are random.

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I always thought that the BTS spoiled way too much for us. Over time, its purpose shifted (unintentionally) from a sneak-peek as to what we going to happen this month to a bonafide guarantee to the players. That's what irritated me so much -- it all but promised that these updates were coming in such and such an order, and God forbid a technical issue arises; then you'd hear it all the way to the Space Station. :roll:




I like Development Diaries much better, since it feels like what BTS should have been from the start. Enough spoilers to get us in the mood for the game, but not too many for the community to get too attached to it.




@ Everyone that resents DD: Why? Must you know what's going to happen before it happens in order to get a thrill out of the game? Let's be honest - players that anticipate updates (remnant of the new "slayer" jewelery update) usually wind up making a huge assumption, and then yell at Jagex for not telling them exactly. Why not do away with that system entirely?

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Prototype BTS:




We got a quest for you this month.




A team based minigame you'll play for a week




Another quest, but bigger and with a city that'll be abandoned in 2 weeks.




And some slayer monster that'll suck.




Happy April of '09

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Prototype BTS:




We got a quest for you this month.




A team based minigame you'll play for a week




Another quest, but bigger and with a city that'll be abandoned in 2 weeks.




And some slayer monster that'll suck.




Happy April of '09




Just quit already, you're annoying.


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