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Which Book is your Favorite?


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Yes, funnily enough, now that you mention it, it strikes me that it was actually the same director who made both books into a film, and both starred Keira Knightley. The Pride and Prejudice film is big big no-no, though... the BBC series from 1995 is infinitely better. The adaptation of Atonement is a lot more enjoyable, but still, as is usual with book-film adaptations, the books are far superior to the films. Though I'd have to admit that in both cases, I read the book long before seeing the movie, so I might be prejudiced.

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Lord of the Rings is actually one book broken up into three volumes. I'd recommend that, Dracula, Dune, Watership Down, and Wizard of Earthsea.


Early to bed and early to rise makes a man sleepy and blind in the eyes.

Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande! Al Ellisande!

If it's the thought that counts, why aren't humans innately telepathic?

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Impossible to choose. I've read a lot of those and it's hard for me to pick a favourite. Having said that, Life of Pi was an excellent read.



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Lord of the Rings is actually one book broken up into three volumes. I'd recommend that, Dracula, Dune, Watership Down, and Wizard of Earthsea.




LOTR is broken into six books, commonly collected into three volumes. It was written as a single book though.




What I've read out of the list:




Huck Finn






The Little Foxes (Why is this in there? Srsly)


Frederick Douglass


Benjamin Franklin


Wizard of Earthsea




List need moar [bleep]ens. I haven't read Oliver Twist though :(




I've read other works that aren't on the list from some of those authors, like [bleep]ens, Achebe, Irving, and Hemingway.


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I've only read a select few on that list.. But, I would recommend All Quiet on the Western Front. It's a good book, and even the movie was quite well done. History teacher recommended it, and found myself enjoying it. ::'

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Lord of the Rings is actually one book broken up into three volumes. I'd recommend that, Dracula, Dune, Watership Down, and Wizard of Earthsea.


It's been published in just one book.




People don't realize this, but the appendix in LOTR is like reading another book about Numenor.

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Sadly, the only one I've really read all of was Dracula.




But it was really good. My favorite classic was War of the Worlds though, Wells is my favorite sci fi writer of olde.

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havn't actually read any of those ones either.




The only thing I've read from that whole list is Anne of Green Gables. It was pretty good, but that was ages ago that I last read it. I've tried to read the LoTR series, but for whatever reason I just can't. :P I never get past this one certain point in it. I LOVE reading though. I have a LOT of books, just none that are on there. :P Wheel of Time, Twilight saga, the Inheritance sage (Eragon, etc.), Silverwing/Sunwing/Firewing/Darkwing... I realise this may be off topic but I really like talking about my books. :XD:




loved the wheel of time its a shame that the author died before he could finish the final 3


[spoiler=click you know you wanna]
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine! if you had this childhood and loved it put this in your signature!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out of them.. Pride and Prejudice and Anne of Green Gables.

We'll sneak out while they sleep

And sail off in the night.

We'll come clean and start over the rest of our lives.

When we're gone, we'll stay gone.

Out of sight, out of mind.

It's not too late,

We have the rest of our lives.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Meh I didn't think to much to the harry potter series. My favourite series is probably Darren Shan - Cirque du freak.




I do have quite a few to read through.


IT - Stephen king


The shining - Stephen king


The dark tower Series - Stephen King


A song of ice and fire series - George RR martin


False memory - Dean koontz


The city series - Darren Shan




so yea, out of all of them I'm half way through IT and thats bout it xD


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