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Some 'blogger' parent thinks RS makes kids fat


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Obviously if you dont exercise, eat junk food, and play RS 8 hours a day your going to end up obese. But the vast vast vast majority of people on RS play in moderation and have lives. Obviously if you play RS as a career go jump off a bridge right now.

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Hmm.... My kid is fat. He also plays Runescape. ZOMFGBBQWTF RUNESCAPE IS OBVIOUSLY TO BLAME!!!@@@!@!!@!@11!@!@!one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!1





But seriously, runescape cannot be blamed for this. No one is holding a gun to the kid's head and forcing them to play 12 hours a day and eating Twinkies for lunch. If you're concerned your kid isn't getting enough exercise, kick them off the computer and send them outside.


Got his first skill cape April 7th 2009, at lv 121+12 cb and 2000 total

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Obviously if you play RS as a career go jump off a bridge right now.






:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Excuses are tools of incompetence that builds monuments of nothingness. Those who specialize in excuses never accomplish anything.
If the world does end on December 21, 2012, I want to be doing hot stuff with Megan Fox and/or playing Runescape :D
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I think she'll find that eating more food, containing fat + protein, than you are burning off will make you fat.


The lack of basic understanding of Biology astounds me!!




You could sit playing RS all day every day but unless you ate, you wouldnt become fat.

-- 2001 Starter --


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  • 3 months later...

The article in question.


The people speaketh.






First off:


I'm a guy. Film director, satirist, hypocrite, psychologist.




I'm absolutely astounded at the immense amount of feedback I've received... at first I thought it was all nice and neat in the 'remarks' box in my blog... but I was grabbing the link to the post to show someone an example of a serious business article and stumbled upon... what seems to be 11 pages of chatter about that simple page I wrote a long time ago.




A commentary on the feedback follows.




(Talk talk etc).


I'm a man... Did you see the author name? It's masculine. Unless you're referring to the other blog that got thrown in alongside mine for fine critique.


ED? I actually have started browsing that recently. It's a fun place to head off to during a coffee break. I just cited it without even going there.






This article infuriates me, mainly because it projects the viewpoints of countless adults blind to what really goes on in an online game.


Very true. That's the viewpoint I wrote it from. An overprotective parent's point of view. I was inspired from some article somebody wrote about the Internets a few year's back. It is indeed a shame that parents think such things about video games. I myself play RS for a few hours per month, I actually play Steam games like FF and TF2 ... frequently lately. Anyway. That's what I was aiming for. To take that essence of the ignorant parent and blow it out of proportion. That's satire.


Sorry if it infuriated you destructively.






Seriously, no one is that stupid.


What about parents?






It sure as hell hasn't made me fat


Me either, I'm still 6'4 and 152 LBS.






I looked at the other comments. What a great joke.








Sometimes I wish freedom of speech came with an IQ test...


I am going to save my presidential remarks for my blog.




Unless, this is actually a comedic blog and the poster is trying to be funny...


If only parental ignorance was actually funny... alas. It isn't.






hmm, I'm going to make a blog & video just to reply to this


Let me know when you've done it.






Obviously if you play RS as a career go jump off a bridge right now.








Personally, I've always wondered why it's okay for bloggers to spend hours and hours on their computers but it's not okay for children to do it.


Actually, you burn more calories as you do more mind challenging exercises. I think... Nonetheless I post like one article every other week or less.






Well I ate my inventory full of swordfish during a fight at school, but I didn't stay alive long.


If you carried all that with you, I'd be surprised that with your strength that you lost... Unless the weight stopped you first.






(About eating a fill inv of swordfish).


That actually made me laugh in real life.


Glad to see I caused some chuckles.






...My dad will yell at me to get off my computer, because i've been on it for an hour, WHILE HE IS WATCHING TV.


Almost the same thing- my father argues on the CalGuns forums at least 12 hours a day.






Frankly, real life sucks. If you don't agree with me, then you aren't old enough yet.



Amen to that. Amen. Good thing we have video games as 'existence morphine'.






Best not to take them serious, or let them get to you.








he stuff you mine goes in this order Copper/Tin->Iron->(coal?)->Silver->Gold->Mithril->Adamant->Rune->Dragon.


Yeah, as I was writing I was like "... Stops at rune... OH WHAT THE HELL WHY NOT".






That woman... there are no words to describe it. I think she left out alcohol though - you can actually own your OWN beer keg with unlimited alcohol. Won't somebody please think of the children?!?


BLAST. I LEFT OUT THE BOOZE. Oh well, too late.






Its probably a troll hiding under the cover of being a parent. If she (i cant imagine that was a guy who typed that... *in b4 no girls online too) then she should probably make a few more blogs...


No, just a guy with too much time on his hands and a satirical mind that aims to offend. And what is girl? NO SUCH THING ON INTERNETS.






This is a joke. A merry jest. The writer is PRETENDING to be a PARENT. A technology fearing parent.








If a player is actually as addicted as this person assumes, then I would think skipping meals is a more likely possibility.


Yeah, it actually happened to me recently. On Graal I got a donut shop job and I was trying to give people guns (OH NO) if they bought donuts. Why? We have a stock limit. We get paid by the donut. So I was sitting there with a surplus of like 400 donuts begging people to buy.


Result? Constipation and extreme hunger (fast metabolism). Waited about 2-3 hours. That has never happened to me, but I will make sure it never happens again.














Watch that idiot that wrote this article come and insult us or something.








Bloody hellfire! I come here, to see how this bleeding thread could remain so blasted popular!


I am actually really really flattered. I've been writing articles and out of all the ones that recieved medium reception this one just was like... *insert wtfBOOM*.






I think this post is hilarious. but if my parents posted this, I'd have to shoot them in the nuts




Both of your parents have nuts?


OH AH HA HA OH MAN.[/hide]


Sorry that I couldn't reply to every single one, because there are 11 freaking pages.








Yes, whoever quoted the disclaimer is right. This blog was actually intended to be a satirical sort of thing with 'keeping offensive' in mind. I was portraying the ignorance of parents. Observe in my more recent post. Part of my goal is to actually get all this hatestorm and such. My blog is supposed to, once again, be offensive. It's supposed to give people a "OH DAMN I HATE THIS AUTHOR SO DAMN MUCH" feeling, because people will come back to see what the next idiotic thing I'm writing will be.




I would like to give a special thank you to "Shivers21" for exposing this completely over-the-top and nonsensical article. It inspires me to keep doing what I'm doing. Feel free to chuck the a link to my blog post on ED, if you wish. Just let me know if you did it [:




Future developments:


http://www.brainiacarrest.blogspot.com .


This is the next step. I will still be contributing to Ambercrummy, but it didn't exactly come out exactly the way I wanted it to be. It's too... PG/PG13. Not suggesting I want pr0nz on there though. I'm talking about making everything look bad through blatant racism(through stereotype, without getting IRL B& for hate crimes or typing the N word), sexism, homophobicism, anti-feminism, you name it, it's on there. Again, the focus is to offend. To make people just go there to watch some idiots rant and look stupid for kicks. We represent what you hate. Why isn't there anything on there, you ask? Quite simple- I'm scoping out a crew of super haet to help me with it, and also trying to make a huge list of things to rant on.






Again, I thank you all for following the disclaimer of butthurt and sending it to your friends, I also want to give a thanks to those who saw it for what it REALLY was, and if anyone wishes to contact me, go ahead via my e-mail "temp.1337[AT]yahoo[D0T]com". I will also be occasionally be checking this thread and replying to your chatter, if any. Oh and sorry to those that really took it offensively and started to write a five paragraph essay about what a "stupid mom" I am. Internets? Srs business *nods seriously*.




I might play RuneScape a few hours for the next couple of weeks, I might see some of you there. I can't recall my account name, I'll take a guess at it though. "M_R._S_I_R" and yes, include underscores, exclude quotes. Last I remember I had all black armor, some food, couple of GP... and I think I'm Lv. 20 or something. So long ago. Add me!


If you want to see me on a game I frequently play, it's Graal Online. Look it up. It's P2P, but one or two of you might already be members. I play on Era as FAQ and unofficial sound admin "Wasser Stymeniefken".









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The kid's decisions, or the parents decision to let them sit there on rs all day makes kids fat. Or the fact that they eat unhealthy diets then sit there on rs all day.




I remember a law suit against McDonalds claiming they made a guy fat. rofl.


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Copy pasta, he even forgot to erase "REPLY:" from the other thread.


Not quite sure what you mean there... I typed REPLY intentionally in the title of this thread. It is actually a reply to the other thread that is WAY deep down in the thread list.




But here's the process if you want it:


  • 1. Amaze self with the backlash of thread.
    2. Type reply.
    3. Pause... Idea.
    4. Copy entire fat set of text.
    5. Open new thread.
    6. Paste.
    7. EDIT.
    8. ???.
    9. You know what comes next.

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You should have known better than to write that article; as clearly demonstrated previously by my fellow Tip.iters, Runescapers are just too stupid to comprehend the obvious. Or maybe we were just trolling.


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You should have known better than to write that article; as clearly demonstrated previously by my fellow Tip.iters, Runescapers are just too stupid to comprehend the obvious. Or maybe we were just trolling.


The people around me on Graal: Era are way worse. They suck at trolling and even thinking. It's a bunch of apes being herded by semi-intelligent staff members.




EDIT: Nice sig gif, Duncdar2.

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You should have known better than to write that article; as clearly demonstrated previously by my fellow Tip.iters, Runescapers are just too stupid to comprehend the obvious. Or maybe we were just trolling.


The people around me on Graal: Era are way worse. They suck at trolling and even thinking. It's a bunch of apes being herded by semi-intelligent staff members.




EDIT: Nice sig gif, Duncdar2.




L0l then don't play it


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I thought you were a chick...




Either way, It was pretty obviously satire, but maybe because i took the time to look at a couple of your other blogs. Either way congrats on the traffic.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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I thought you were a chick...




Either way, It was pretty obviously satire, but maybe because i took the time to look at a couple of your other blogs. Either way congrats on the traffic.


Thanks. I hope to pull another stunt like this sometime in the future.


...And why did everyone think I was a female? My only assumption is that I sounded like a typical concerned mother or something.




You should have known better than to write that article; as clearly demonstrated previously by my fellow Tip.iters, Runescapers are just too stupid to comprehend the obvious. Or maybe we were just trolling.


The people around me on Graal: Era are way worse. They suck at trolling and even thinking. It's a bunch of apes being herded by semi-intelligent staff members.




EDIT: Nice sig gif, Duncdar2.




L0l then don't play it


Why? It's fun to help people on there, create content as a non-official developer, and ... well mostly type in all caps, shoot people down, and then call them FAAGGIIITTTSSSSSSS. Then they go "SPAR" (asking for a duel at the complex) and then I go "LOL YA BISH BRNG IT ON DAWG". They go there while I ditch with the excuse "ILL B RITE THER NEED AMMO BUYING K?".




"Winning arguments on the internets is like winning at the special olympics (yadda yadda)".


My comment: Why is it so damn fun?

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Why? It's fun to help people on there, create content as a non-official developer, and ... well mostly type in all caps, shoot people down, and then call them FAAGGIIITTTSSSSSSS. Then they go "SPAR" (asking for a duel at the complex) and then I go "LOL YA BISH BRNG IT ON DAWG". They go there while I ditch with the excuse "ILL B RITE THER NEED AMMO BUYING K?".




"Winning arguments on the internets is like winning at the special olympics (yadda yadda)".


My comment: Why is it so damn fun?




o so u b trollin


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I thought you were a chick...




Either way, It was pretty obviously satire, but maybe because i took the time to look at a couple of your other blogs. Either way congrats on the traffic.


Thanks. I hope to pull another stunt like this sometime in the future.


...And why did everyone think I was a female? My only assumption is that I sounded like a typical concerned mother or something.









Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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I thought you were a chick...




Either way, It was pretty obviously satire, but maybe because i took the time to look at a couple of your other blogs. Either way congrats on the traffic.


Thanks. I hope to pull another stunt like this sometime in the future.


...And why did everyone think I was a female? My only assumption is that I sounded like a typical concerned mother or something.











How can you NOT know what the Preppie Master Race uniform consists of?




EDIT: Unless you're not in the States, then yeah, you're safe from the bourgeois conceited MASTER RACE OF DOOM. Or safe from what they wear. Note how I'm a hypocrite once again, I wear PAC SUN jeans which are considered somewhat preppie. And I do the sweater tied around the neck thing too.

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i have a simple question for the OP, why the hell do you care what we (this forum in general) thought about your "article"?

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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i have a simple question for the OP, why the hell do you care what we (this forum in general) thought about your "article"?






I honestly don't care what the reaction is, but I appreciate the results if it either is part of my goal, is praise, or makes people laugh.




Let's say you published a video on YouTube and you had people commenting basically along the lines of the emotions you wanted to instill in them. You'd be pleased. There's an objective to just about everything. When it's met, it's good.




And why wouldn't I be amazed at the reaction? 11 pages of posts involving my simple little article that I wrote in my spare time. How many people did I instill feelings in? Quite a few. That to me is inspiring. The joy of writing and getting reception is known by very very few. Sorry if that offends you in any way.




You, on the other hand, not quite sure as to why you're so choleric. Calm down. If I misinterpreted your tone, excuse me.

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i have a simple question for the OP, why the hell do you care what we (this forum in general) thought about your "article"?






I honestly don't care what the reaction is, but I appreciate the results if it either is part of my goal, is praise, or makes people laugh.




Let's say you published a video on YouTube and you had people commenting basically along the lines of the emotions you wanted to instill in them. You'd be pleased. There's an objective to just about everything. When it's met, it's good.




And why wouldn't I be amazed at the reaction? 11 pages of posts involving my simple little article that I wrote in my spare time. How many people did I instill feelings in? Quite a few. That to me is inspiring.




You, on the other hand, not quite sure as to why you're so choleric. Calm down.


i am pretty calm actually.


also, so basically your just a troll? you just admitted that, and the 11 pages of response in the other thread gave you the reactions you wanted, so why bring it up again? want to see people over react again? other than that, theres pretty much no reason to bother with this thread, because seriously, everyone had forgotten about it and noone even really cared that much anyway, and im pretty damn sure very few, if any, people actually care any more now, i sure as hell dont

I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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