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My rant


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about school group assignments/projects in general.



Hey guys, this has been bothering me for a while now and I just need to get it off my chest. Hopefully this helps temper my bad mood a bit.




Maybe you've experienced the same...




Whenever there's a task or exercise we have to do for school in group, they never really do anything until I push every single person to do something small (which they then consider a huge assignment, and they will take forever to finish it). In the end the work comes down on me anyway if I want to get something semi-decent out of it.. And my work is rarely appreciated.






It's even worse when we have an assignment in the computer class, they will all play games and not care about the assignment. If I ask when they're going to do something they reply 'we'll get to it'. *sigh*




We have 6 periods to work on a project, 5/6th of those are spent gaming, surfing the web or something else that doesn't have to do anything with the task. I know I probably shouldn't care so much, but it's annoying. And I can't stand it. Maybe it's my personality or whatever. But I when I have to do something I want to get it done, but not rushed.


I don't want to know what the result would be if I weren't encouraging them to at least do something.




Another thing is, when I'm telling them they did nothing, that they actually think they did do a lot/enough. 'I typed half a page, wtf is your problem?' (While I have already done 6 or 7). Half a page is enough for them to call it a day. This annoys the * out of me, because usually, the half page they have written, is utter crap and has to be completely rewritten by me to make something decent out of it, and in the long run I would be better of making it myself. I feel like I'm being used by these parasites. And it's not only assignments.




Another example. We had to read a book in groups of 3-4. Noone in my group read the book except me. I had to make the task, 8 pages long. We got a 9.5/20. They laughed at it and didn't care. I did. I worked hard for that task. When I told them I was angry with such a low mark they laughed again and were like, 'it's not like you had to do anything'. I worked a few nights on that task. They did nothing at all. And they still dare to tell me I didn't do much.


For history we had to make another work, 2 persons/group. I again, did all the work. I added an extra A4 to the work, directed to the teacher about how the other person did nothing. The funny thing is he (the guy in my class) will be angry about it. I hope he will, then I can laugh right at him in the face and tell him he did nothing anyway.






Next week we're making a trip with school, the letter says we have to bring a camera, the teacher also said so.


But still, I'm sure my group will never know untill we get there. What would they do if I didn't bring mine? I'm bringing mine, and I'm pretty sure they won't even be thankful about it. After the trip we'll probably have to make a presentation about it. But who has the pictures? I do. I could send them to my group for them to make a presentation with the pictures, but I know it will be rushed and again, such crappy quality that I'll have to rework it anyway. For me it comes down to this. I always do all the work. They don't work, but when they do it's rushed and just terrible. (Meaning I have to rework anything they did anyway)




What's the solution for me? Do nothing myself and have even worse grades? I hope for them they won't be like this in university, or worse, when they're working. Fastest way to get fired, maybe?




I want to change this, but tbh, everyone in my class is like this. Except a few, but they always work together. I could do nothing, and we would get nothing done then. But what's the use of that? Maybe they'll see they got nothing done, but they just won't care...






This is my rant, sorry for the long read. I had to get this out of me, so I kinda raged on my keyboard here. I hope the structure is okay so you can at least understand what I'm trying to say :x

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Happens to me all the time. Is better than it used to be though.




How to go about fixing it.. not sure. You're probably going along the right lines with saying something to the teacher. And of course you get the satisfaction of knowing that they're going to have major problems when you're not there to do it all for them 8-)

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Talk about it with your teacher or just do those assignments solo and let them suffer.




I did, but I don't think they really care. The second suggestion is great though, I'll keep that one in my mind. Usually we have to be in groups though..

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Boohoo, grow a pair and say no.




Honestly, I use people like you all the time in school, until till you say no it isn't going to stop. Taking a hit now will leave you with more time in the future for these projects. It's just as much your fault as it is theirs for allowing them to use you.




Going to the teacher, you'll be considered nothing more than a rat, it's going to only do you good in possibly making them work, most people these days will shrug off a teacher giving out to them anyway. Socially? It'll just make you look like a [bleep].

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Boohoo, grow a pair and say no.




Honestly, I use people like you all the time in school, until till you say no it isn't going to stop. Taking a hit now will leave you with more time in the future for these projects. It's just as much your fault as it is theirs for allowing them to use you.




Going to the teacher, you'll be considered nothing more than a rat, it's going to only do you good in possibly making them work, most people these days will shrug off a teacher giving out to them anyway. Socially? It'll just make you look like a [bleep].






What's the use?


I say no, they do nothing --> Result : we get nothing done




They're not telling me to do it, they just don't plan anything at all. I don't think they're expecting the assignment be finished on the deadline.. They'll start working on the assignment when the teacher asks them on the deadline.




It has happened before with individual projects. They only start working after the deadline..

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People. There's your problem.


QFE. I only do assignments now with people who are interested. Therefore, we get straight As and everyone else gets terrible marks. It's something you just deal with.


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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Do you have some different level of schooling still in between college/university/other higher education and where you are now? I remember being in this same situation in lower secondary school (school for 13-16 year olds), but everything changed when I got accepted to one of the highest ranked upper secondary schools (school for 16-19 year olds) in Finland. Almost everybody was very motivated to study there. Just keep your own grades up if there is something like this where you live.




Also, once you get to university you get to do almost everything by yourself at the start of your studies at most departments (I'm so alone *cries), so either way you can solve the problem by keeping your grades up. :thumbup:

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Boohoo, grow a pair and say no.




Honestly, I use people like you all the time in school, until till you say no it isn't going to stop. Taking a hit now will leave you with more time in the future for these projects. It's just as much your fault as it is theirs for allowing them to use you.




Going to the teacher, you'll be considered nothing more than a rat, it's going to only do you good in possibly making them work, most people these days will shrug off a teacher giving out to them anyway. Socially? It'll just make you look like a [bleep].




Yeah man, and when girls get raped it's their fault too, if they don't wanna get raped they shouldn't drink or dress provocatively!




Blaming the victim :roll:

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This happened to me in public speaking class (Yeah, that's what it was called). My moron partners refused to do anything, and when we were supposed to ALL go up and present it, I was the only one that went. Thank god my teacher saw this, failed them and gave me an A.




I'm all for group assignments if my partners are motivated, but in my class/school... The kids never are.

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I spent about 10 weeks at Secondary sitting around listening to the three other lads in my Drama group chat Football for an hour and half instead of getting the work done for our performance of our own drama piece we had to give. I think it was about bullying in the workplace... or something. The first time we ran through it completely... was the morning that we did it. :wall: I managed a C though, they all got D's :lol:




Meh, kids that age are lazy and won't work. Either do the work yourself and [bleep] them, or tell them to get their finger out. I tried doing that with my drama group but I just ended up doing all the work and it didn't end out too bad.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Boohoo, grow a pair and say no.




Honestly, I use people like you all the time in school, until till you say no it isn't going to stop. Taking a hit now will leave you with more time in the future for these projects. It's just as much your fault as it is theirs for allowing them to use you.




Going to the teacher, you'll be considered nothing more than a rat, it's going to only do you good in possibly making them work, most people these days will shrug off a teacher giving out to them anyway. Socially? It'll just make you look like a [bleep].



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I used to hate group work, but I met my girlfriend through it so I guess it evens things out.




People. There's your problem.




In one way or another, I'm sure you could always blame people for a problem.

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This is one instance in your life where you have to say no. I used to be a push-over, as I could never say no. People constantly borrowed my phone for entertainment and similar to yourself, always depended on me for projects. After talking it over with my teacher during my senior year, I did a presentation by myself despite being a group presentation. Sure, it was difficult, it isn't as if they didn't know; they were (and still are) my friends. I felt bad for awhile, until I got the grades. I received a 92/100 and they got a 35/100. You have to say no, simply because this one statement will teach you a lesson for the rest of your life.




Schoolwork isn't that important dude
This is hardly about schoolwork. Sure, the situation may present itself at school, but the issue lies deeper down.
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Schoolwork isn't that important dude




Maybe it isn't. I know that. But it's the principle.




You need to understand though, my grades are fine, I don't have to score great points on these group assignments to pass. I could probably not study for my final exams now and still pass the year.. So this is not an issue of me passing the year or not because of this. If it were it would be a much much worse problem..




It just annoys the * out of me that some people do nothing at all and don't even show respect for the other's work. Or that they set such low standards that they're happy with a very poor text.




I don't hate group work, and I know I should be with other people in groups, but the thing is that in my class, for each group assignment people almost always form the same exact groups.. I'm 17 btw

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Boohoo, grow a pair and say no.




Honestly, I use people like you all the time in school, until till you say no it isn't going to stop. Taking a hit now will leave you with more time in the future for these projects. It's just as much your fault as it is theirs for allowing them to use you.




Going to the teacher, you'll be considered nothing more than a rat, it's going to only do you good in possibly making them work, most people these days will shrug off a teacher giving out to them anyway. Socially? It'll just make you look like a [bleep].


Why the hell would he want to keep in the good books of work parasites? They deserve everything that comes back at them when school is over. Socially, it doesn't matter. You're better off if people see you as a '[bleep]' in school then watch in envy as you succeed in later life.

~ W ~



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Just tell them no. I used to have the same problem. Don't say it nice either, just tell them no, they have to do it. Don't take [cabbage] from people like that. The whole "you'll do better in life!" thing is a lie - they're likely to do just as well, perhaps better. They know how to manipulate people and be social.




Seriously, doing good in school isn't going to turn you into a doctor instantly. After high school it gets better, because these guys will either never go to college and crash and burn (not really that likely) or they'll straighten up. Just gotta learn to not let people use you.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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Boohoo, grow a pair and say no.




Honestly, I use people like you all the time in school, until till you say no it isn't going to stop. Taking a hit now will leave you with more time in the future for these projects. It's just as much your fault as it is theirs for allowing them to use you.




Going to the teacher, you'll be considered nothing more than a rat, it's going to only do you good in possibly making them work, most people these days will shrug off a teacher giving out to them anyway. Socially? It'll just make you look like a [bleep].




Yeah man, and when girls get raped it's their fault too, if they don't wanna get raped they shouldn't drink or dress provocatively!




Blaming the victim :roll:




Are you seriously comparing a crime on the scale of rape to a person being used for grades? =D>




He isn't a victim, he just doesn't have the balls to say no and only do his share of the work. There's a huge difference between being raped, and being used for grades. The first, well unfortunately is pretty much unpreventable, the latter, all that takes is the balls to say "no".




Boohoo, grow a pair and say no.




Honestly, I use people like you all the time in school, until till you say no it isn't going to stop. Taking a hit now will leave you with more time in the future for these projects. It's just as much your fault as it is theirs for allowing them to use you.




Going to the teacher, you'll be considered nothing more than a rat, it's going to only do you good in possibly making them work, most people these days will shrug off a teacher giving out to them anyway. Socially? It'll just make you look like a [bleep].


Why the hell would he want to keep in the good books of work parasites? They deserve everything that comes back at them when school is over. Socially, it doesn't matter. You're better off if people see you as a '[bleep]' in school then watch in envy as you succeed in later life.




Actually, the vast majority of the time the people who will succeed are those of standard intelligence or better, but with great social skills. You can have an IQ of 140, but if you don't have the skills to talk yourself into a higher position or if you're not able to manipulate someone in your benefit, it's going to take a lot longer to reach the top.




I've seen more "parasites" succeed in life than I've seen the quiet and easily manipulated guy who sits in the corner reading books all day, stop thinking intelligence is all you need to succeed in life.

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If you're grade is high, you might want to consider just not doing anything...if your grade can take the hit.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Are you seriously comparing a crime on the scale of rape to a person being used for grades?




Actually I think he made a valuable point. It's a common thing to always blame the person complaining for what they're complaining about, and rape just happens to be the most extreme form of it.




Also "no" doesn't work in my school. Teachers flat-out don't care.

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I'd personally explain it to the teacher and ask him for a solo-job. Show him you're good enough instead of damaging the grades. Or simply try to get new group partners for your next assignment.

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