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do you agree with current school policy?


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I got up this morning and tuned in to my favorite raido station as a do everyday. There was a debate going on about how the current school policy here in canada




orchard petition




Under the policy, aimed at improving student success, students who fail to hand in assignments or engage in plagiarizing or cheating are no longer awarded a mark of zero and must be offered one or more chances to recover their endangered credit.




I agree partially with the fact that students should be given another chance if they miss an assignment due to medical emergancies and the like, but if they do not finish an assignment due to lazyness or if they delibratly cheat? This would not prepare people for university or a real job. I don't know any job where you wouldn't get you head chewed off if your late with a report or anything really so should schools also be aimed at teaching children real life skills besides reading, writing, and arithmatic?


[spoiler=click you know you wanna]
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine! if you had this childhood and loved it put this in your signature!

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i think it should be up to the teacher, especially in highschool. this type of regulation wont show up in college.




i agree, if you have medical emergencies, or emergencis in general (and have a good record) you should have a chance, but this should not apply to people who chose not to do their work. like, at the school where my mom teaches, if a student is suspened, she is REQUIRED to provide work for that student.




it is sort of that whole "no child left behind" i am sorry, but if you chose not to do your work or cheat, you should know better and not be given the oppurtunity. thats the one thing i noticed ffrom high school to college, if i dont do work on time, i will get penalized and not have a chance to make it up.

99 Fishing

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Part of school is learning how things work in the real world, or it should be, at least. No boss is going to be happy about plagiarism or submitting work late, in fact they very well may fire you for it, so I don't agree with this at all.

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I like NZ policy. I don't know what it is, but i'm getting Excellence (A to you Americas ;))


IN EVERYTHING!? Are you taking NCEA Level 1?!?!






(You should become my tutor...? :3)




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No. Here they sometimes don't bother helping the students if they got problems with some stuff. Teachers will just look stupidly on you, then go help the best students.




Oh, the school is rotting where it stands, but that's the politicians problems, not like they care, kek. :P


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I'd first heard about this about three weeks ago when she started the petition. To be honest, I was shocked that that this kind of thing was allowed to happen. If I had cheated, plagiarized (which is just another form of cheating) or not handed in my assignments I would have gotten a 0. Heck, If I had cheated, depending on the teacher, I would have been dismissed from the course entirely. I'm glad that people are still talking about this. Maybe now Premier McGuinty (who's wife is a teacher, by the way) will remove this ridiculous policy.




The [bleep] is this [cabbage]?
Currently in the province of Ontario, it is practically impossible to fail a student at any level up to the end of high school. The provincial mandate is that, regardless of the offense, students are not to be given failing grades for incomplete assignments and are to be given every opportunity to redo it.




This is what happens when nearly half the population of a province lives in one centralized area (Ontario's population is aprox. 11.4 million, with 5.5 million living in the GTA). The politicians focus more on making that one area happy than doing what is best for the province as a whole.



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i agree, if you have medical emergencies, or emergencis in general (and have a good record) you should have a chance, but this should not apply to people who chose not to do their work. like, at the school where my mom teaches, if a student is suspened, she is REQUIRED to provide work for that student.




Actually, that is a very good policy to give students that are getting in trouble a second chance.




As to the no homework policy, it is a very poor idea. While we should try to enable all students to do well in school, doing it by making school impossible to fail is extremely detrimental.


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Part of school is learning how things work in the real world, or it should be, at least. No boss is going to be happy about plagiarism or submitting work late, in fact they very well may fire you for it, so I don't agree with this at all.


Sometimes I wish schools were more like a work situation... "What's that, bashed a co-worker? You're fired!" "What's that, bashed a fellow student? You're expelled!" No need for suspentions/detentions. Make them more accountable for their actions too.

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My school just deducts points for every day it's late.




1 day late the max you can get is 75%. 2 days 50%. 3 days 0%.




And that's not even in succession. We have block scheduling so if you forgot to do your Geometry homework one day you had 2 days to finish before it gets reducted to a 75

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In elementary and maybe middle school, maybe. But high school? No. Like Warri0r said, part of it is learning how things work in the real world. (Not like I know how it does work out there)


At my school, most teachers give half credit for one day late (or one class late, since not every class meets every day), and no credit after that. Plagiarizing and cheating are generally automatic 0s.


That is, with exceptions. Anything major is usually done case-by-case.


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They should get a chance to turn in late work, but if they get caught plagiarizing/cheating they should get a 0 and a detention. That'll teach them not to cheat if they can't do it right in the future :lol:

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They've actually started using this policy in some American schools. I personally think it's a bunch of cabbage. If you don't do the work, you need to be punished by getting a zero. This "no zeros" thing is absolutely rediculous. If this spreads as a nationwide policy, when I have kids, they're being home-schooled.

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They've actually started using this policy in some American schools. I personally think it's a bunch of cabbage. If you don't do the work, you need to be punished by getting a zero. This "no zeros" thing is absolutely rediculous. If this spreads as a nationwide policy, when I have kids, they're being home-schooled.




Oh well, you know, they don't want them to fail.




Wait, that is [cabbage]. They shouldn't get an easy [bleep]ing ride because they couldn't be bothered doing it so they done it late, or cheated. [bleep]ing kids are getting it easy now.




Admitedly, I haven't been the best, I've handed in a lot of work late this year, hell, I would have been okay with getting 0s on them, because I did not do them. True, I failed most of my English essays, because I left them to the night before I handed them in. Well, except for one I left til the night before and got 17/25 on it.




Teach these [bleep]ing kids that it is unacceptable to hand in work late. Yeah, its stupid coming from me, but I would have accepted any punishment knowing I deserved it. In later education, such as college/uni, you can not miss deadlines. The same goes for the world of work. So why the hell should it be acceptable in schools, without any punishment.


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Wish this was at my school. Got a zero for cheating on my Spanish test. Oh well, I deserved it and my grade is coming back. I'd guess it might be in the C - C+ range.


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Part of school is learning how things work in the real world, or it should be, at least. No boss is going to be happy about plagiarism or submitting work late, in fact they very well may fire you for it, so I don't agree with this at all.


Sometimes I wish schools were more like a work situation... "What's that, bashed a co-worker? You're fired!" "What's that, bashed a fellow student? You're expelled!" No need for suspentions/detentions. Make them more accountable for their actions too.


A lot of workplaces will give suspensions for first offences, although anything after usually ends in a firing.




And second chances should only be handed to those who actually deserve them. If you miss the assignment due to illness or family emergency, for example, second chances should be granted. However, laziness and cheating should not be rewarded.

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I think it should be made more similar to work places.




Constantly handing in late material in a professional or well run workplace will quickly have you jobless, in most schools it's met with nothing more than a "on-time next time please Jimmy". Ah well, if a student isn't willing to do the work in school, they'll have a rather unpleasant surprise when it comes to college and then working life after that.

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No. They should be punished. They should be given a big fat F, the teacher should say out loud that this student failed and needs to do better, maybe then he will get his act together. I had a teacher that did that in 4th grade, worked like a charm, no one wanted to be 'the kid' that got an F.




If you screw up big time in the real world, you typically aren't given that many chances, depending on situation... it also goes down on your record. I have to take multiple public buses and a few trolleys to get into the city to turn in my work every week, don't tell me you can't, with your mommy driving you to school every day.

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I don't think you should get docked marks for having stuff late because [cabbage] happens. so long as [cabbage] did happen.


and giving people who plagiarized a second chance is stupid.


but I live in queerbec so we have to go through the stupid reform. :evil:

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