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God's gift to the world


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How can you be god's perfect gift to the world if he doesn't exist?




Nice troll post there.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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lol um okay... although I would argue that in some religious beliefs people believe that God exists within ourselves and that we are the true creators of our own life experiences. You know your trolling sucks when it can be made discussion worthy :P



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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lol um okay... although I would argue that in some religious beliefs people believe that God exists within ourselves and that we are the true creators of our own life experiences. You know your trolling sucks when it can be made discussion worthy :P


We can make it discussion worthy if we really tried.




So, how 'bout the knicks?

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gawd gave you less than perfect trolling skillz.


I lol'd. But, I'm not a troll, this is a real post.


As long as you think you as a person are perfect in your own special and unique way thats great, but unfortunately your not above everyone else in the world, and not everyone is below you.

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gawd gave you less than perfect trolling skillz.


I lol'd. But, I'm not a troll, this is a real post.


As long as you think you as a person are perfect in your own special and unique way thats great, but unfortunately your not above everyone else in the world, and not everyone is below you.


Plus he has that whole, god not being real so he couldn't give a gift to the world thing.




Oh and thinking of yourself highly like that is in itself a fault.

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I just had to post this, the title reminded me of something.




If you're ever at a loss when it comes to going to like a dress up party, tie a ribbon around your middle and attach a card saying "To: Women From: God"

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Scum is God's greatest gift? Dang, return it for store credit.








[hide=Random Paramore Lyrics]So let the flames begin..[/hide]

Only fear God,

Know the weapons of the weak,

The weakness of the hard.

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A lot of people would argue, what was gods main gift to the world. Well, I have found it! It is me, I am perfect in every way imaginable. Everyone on this planet is bellow me.


You'll find that the tip.it offtopic section is very liberal, very few people here are interested in "fundie conversations". Most(from what i've seen) people do not believe in God(Yahweh)!!!

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First of all let me come out here and say that none of you tapeworms are important enough to discuss about me. I am an honest man and I am God's greatest gift to the world. All of you hypocrites can say what you want but the truth of the matter is that it all dosen't matter. I don't appreciate you, I don't vilify you and I don't ostracize any of you liars. You "upper-classed" posters can say whatever the hell you want and still be supported by it. Yet when an honest man like me voices his humble opinion, I get shunned and boo'ed by each and every one of these lying parasites. You forced me to do something that none of you have any interest in doing, and that is grow up. I have matured. Unlike any of you scum, I tell nothing but the truth but obviously none of you are smart enough to accept it. I am done with this thread, I don't need to take any of this abuse any further.


And that is how you gain true heat








Break the Walls down!

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